Embodied Astrology

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LEO Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

Clarify your energy and intention.
What are you doing? Why? With whom?
Know who you are and
who you want to be.
Be accountable to yourself and
your impact.
Make choices your future self
will celebrate.


Hello Leo, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope from Embodied Astrology. This is your horoscope for Cancer Season, June 20 through July 22, 2021. My name is Renee, I am the host and astrologer of Embodied Astrology. I'm a somatic movement educator and intuitive. As I read the chart, the Leo solar chart for Cancer Season, I'm going to do my best to just speak to the Leo archetype and what I feel coming through the charts for this span of time. Please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Make the meaning that's meaningful for you. Just associate what I'm saying in whatever way makes sense to you and trust - trust that. Trust your own guidance. I always recommend that people listen or read horoscopes for their sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section.


Well, you might know that Cancer is the sign that comes before Leo. And everybody has all signs in their chart. And so as we move into Cancer Season, we are moving energetically into a quality of light that precedes you and that sets the space for you and that holds the space around you. And this is a really interesting symbolic space of what comes before you. You, in your embodied positional identity and existence, of course, come from everything that has ever existed and we know this, right, that everything is connected. And whatever you have come from in terms of your consumption, your genetics, the choices that you've made in your life, that your ancestors made, were completely entwined with the conditions of everything around you. And so as we move into this season, this is an amazing time for you to be connecting with everythingness, for you to be connecting with interconnection and also the inter-permeations of all connections. This is a time that can increase and amplify your sensitivity to the unknown, unseen, inarticulable realms, the everythingness, the spiritual realms, the liminal realms. And certainly the first couple of days of Cancer Season really have a quality for me, as I tune in with your chart that feel mystical, it feels like time out of time, it feels like you might be very thick in your own energy, your subjective experience. For some people, this could feel like they're really tired. They don't know what's going on, there could be a sense of confusion or like overwhelm. For some people, this could feel highly spiritual, really expansive, again, very mystical. Either way, I want to say that the first couple of days of Cancer Season feel like a lot of energy. And even though it's just a couple of days, I am desiring to tell you to be gentle with yourself, and to seek out quietness and to seek space where you can really just tune in and connect in with this feeling of everythingness, with this feeling of interpermeation. I feel like there's a lot of emotion and a kind of quality of like emotional saturation that just needs you to hold it and like needs you to help it process and filter. And how would you do that? You would do that by taking some time for yourself, by getting quiet, by not filling your brain with information. As we move into Cancer Season, and really this is a theme throughout Cancer Season, it feels like you are in a pretty deep space of reflection. And this reflection has to do I think with depth, so deep space, and it's about your depth, it's about how deep do you want to go with yourself, with others? I think that there are some interesting opportunities right now for you to practice trust, and to lean into, you know, intimacy and vulnerability, which are two really big words. If we want to include trust, that's three really big words that get thrown around a lot and that have big meanings to them. And the sense that I get is that whether or not you are actively in intimate relationship with others right now that you are navigating intimacy and vulnerability and trust within yourself, that you are navigating how intimacy and vulnerability and trust happen in relationship with others, and whether or not there are specific others that you're dealing with—well, you are. You know, whether or not they're here in a very obvious relationship manifestation, you're dealing with other people. You're dealing with, you know, the primary foundational relationships, parents, caregivers, family, early love, you know, like any kind of conditioning that you've gone through that has set the stage for intimacy, trust and vulnerability, you're dealing with those relationships right now. Any current situations where you are trying to figure it out with somebody else, you know, this is a big theme right now. And in the last couple of months, couple of weeks, recently, I think that you have some kind of new idea or new awareness of this space for yourself. And it feels like you might be ready to open in some new ways, or there might be risks that you're thinking about taking or opportunities that you're thinking about taking, again, in the realms of trust, intimacy, vulnerability. There could be really significant situations in your life and in your relationships right now that are asking you to open, that are showing you where there are opportunities and potentially where there are risks. This could come through shifts in important relationships in your partnerings. It could come through endings, people dying, people shifting in their relationships, it could come through sharing of something, sharing of information, sharing of possessions, sharing of energy, wherever it is that you get kind of emotionally affected, you know, in your relationships, this is a space where I feel like you have a sense of how you could open and you have a sense of how you could grow. And you now want to get ready for that. And it's not like diving in with your head first. Right now it's like you're standing on the edge of the dive and you're looking at it and you're going, Okay, cool. Let me measure how deep the water is. Let me make sure that I have like my goggles on. And let me go like put a snack at the shore so when I come out I can eat it. Silly examples, right? But maybe you get the idea. There's a feeling of a need to prepare for something, of a need to figure out the structure of something. How are you going to open, take the risk, move towards the opportunity, trust someone a little bit more, move towards more vulnerability? What do you need to do in order to do that and get the benefit of it? And the benefit has to do with something that feels more long term in terms of your life, like you want to grow in certain ways. How do we set ourselves up for success to do the growing that we want to do? Sometimes it's about a really sudden impulsive decision where we're like, fuck it, I'm just gonna jump off the cliff headfirst, right? Right now it feels to me like there's the need for care. There's the need for calculation. There's the need to move skillfully. And I've been talking about this in your horoscopes all year at this point, you know that you are trying to move into a new way of living, you're trying to take risks in your life, you're trying to grow. And there's something that is really important about how you're in relationship with others that allows this growth to happen. And you want to work skillfully in your relationships, you don't want to be a jerk. You don't want to be brash, you don't want to be erratic. You want to show up, you know, you want to be accountable, you want to be responsible. Accountability and responsibility sometimes mean setting boundaries, creating endings, creating distance. But we only get to those places if we're being responsible and we're being accountable because we've navigated other options, because we've tried to figure out what it is, because we've had the communications. So this is the kind of feeling that I have for you right now is that you're moving into a space where it feels like you want to put a blindfold on and walk you know, like jump off a cliff or something. It's like you want to take some kind of risk, you want to move towards some opportunity, there's a space of really powerful personal potential and growth, and you want to be ready for it. So that when you move towards it, you are moving towards it with the support that you need, with the clarity that you need.


Alright. Also, throughout Cancer Season, we are integrating Mercury's retrograde. So Mercury turns direct on June 22 and for most of Cancer Season, or a good chunk of it, Mercury will be finishing up its shadow phase. And so we have some kind of distillation and clarification now of your plans. It feels like you have ideas about how you might be moving forward in your life. This is not at all separate from what I was just talking about in terms of your opportunities and your risks. And it feels like you're planning something. You have potentially new relationships that you want to invest in, new friendships, a different idea of community and how you want to involve yourself in community. Some of you might be looking at expanding your sense of social space, this could mean that you want to connect in new and different ways with new and different people, it could mean that you have new ideas about how you want to be connecting with people that you've already been connecting with for some time. There is a large relational focus for the Leo solar charts in 2021, and the relational focus is not separate from your life path focus. And right now you are just really working it. How do you move towards what you want to be and do and feel and achieve in your life? Well, through relationships, that's how you do it. You know, it's about how—who you know, and how you know, and how you move and who your connections are and who your support teams are. Nobody is an island. There is, you know, the myth of meritocracy is a myth. People get to where they go in their lives, because of the people around them and because of who they have access to. And there's a feeling that I have in your chart right now that you're really working these social spaces. How do you want to be in relationship at all, with yourself, with other people, with lovers, with friends, with partners, with your family with, you know, your employers, with your employees, with people who you work with, collaborators, da da da, all realms of relationship. When it comes to intimacy, vulnerability, trust, these themes that I started off talking about, you're navigating something right now I think about how you share those spaces with others and this definitely has to do with partners, okay, but it also has to do with a general kind of sociality. And the image that I just saw in my head is coming into contact with a stranger. And how do we come into contact? From a space of embodied openness? You know, how do we come into contact with others with a readiness to come into contact or with clarity around what kind of contact we want or with clarity around our own energy, so that when we come into contact, we're not attracting yucky, right? It's like, if I have clarity in my own energy and I encounter a stranger and their energy is not resonant with mine, how do I have clarity in myself so that I can be kind, so that I can be respectful and responsible within that communication or that interaction, but I can also be clear in my own boundary, I don't need to take on their yuck. This is the kind of question that I feel in your chart right now. How are you navigating these tender, inner, you know, spaces of relationship, so that there's more and more clarity, and there's also, you know, space for you to move towards what you want to move towards. And I feel like you want to change the way that you're relating with people. And you understand that as you change the way that you're relating with people, you're also changing who you are in the world and what you're setting yourself up for and what you're moving towards. And Cancer Season is definitely a season where there is a lot for you to work with here.


There's a full moon on June 24 in the sign Capricorn. For you, this is a full moon that brings a lot of focus on how you work, your labor, potentially your jobs, your responsibilities, also your wellness and self care. Over the last decade plus, you have been working to refine your work, you've been working to labor in ways that, I don't know, you know, somehow match up with your idea of how you want to be laboring and how you want to be working. Some of you have been working really hard literally like around the clock 24/7 trying to figure it out. Some of you might have really been struggling with your work or struggling with your health in some important ways. At this full moon, there's energy for you to attend to the inner work. There's energy for you to ask the question of, again, what is the effort that you want to be making? What is the work that you want to be doing? Are there pieces of responsibility that you don't need to carry around anymore? Can you delegate in certain ways? Can you put certain things down? Are there things that you need to take responsibility for that you have been avoiding? Hmm? It feels like issues of shared resources. You know, like, all this stuff around intimacy, trust, vulnerability, there might be some issues there that need to be attended to. These have to do with accountability, with reliability and with clarity, within relationship. For example, if you are somebody's employee, right, or, or you're contracting with them or something, and there's confusion around your pay, you're going to be confused about your work. Resentment might build if you feel like you're doing work, but you don't know if you're going to get paid for it. Or if you're being overpaid. Wouldn't that be nice? You know, but then there's some kind of like lingering sense of not being complete with something. That's an example. The feeling that I have is like this is a full moon that might bring issues forward that are uncomfortable to talk about, that aren't necessarily easy to look about—but, look at, but need to be dealt with in order for you to be more responsible, more efficient, more clear with your own energy and to do what you need to do when it comes to the upkeep and the general maintenance and functionality of your life.


Between the full moon on June 24 and the new moon on July 9, both Venus and Mars will be making several intense aspects from the sign of Leo. So Mars is already in Leo, it moved into Leo just a little bit before Cancer Season began. Mars is in Leo all of Leo season. Venus moves into Leo on June 26. This is nice for Leos, it brings a boost to your beauty, to your appearance, it might really help your sense of self confidence, both Venus and Mars in your sign is a nice boost. But between June 24 and July 9, Venus and Mars are making hard aspects to Saturn in Aquarius, that's your opposite sign, and to Uranus in Taurus, that's the heaven of your chart. And these are major placements for 2021—Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus—and so with the personal planets moving through Leo, the Fixed Cross is just getting jolted. And as a Leo, you're a part of the Fixed Cross. So big questions during these two weeks around partnership, relationship and work, community, what you're doing in your life and how you're getting there and who you're getting there with. These are major questions. The emphasis is on you. Your happiness, your vitality, your sense of agency, your personal power, the emphasis is on you. Are you acting and interacting in ways that you want to be? You might get challenged in your relationships during this time to step it up, you might get challenged in relationships at this time to take a step back. You have to monitor your own energy, especially during these two weeks. You have a lot of energy, you can use your energy for massive, awesome, important, powerful things that you're going to be really proud of and happy that you did. You can also use your energy to blow shit up and you're not going to be happy that you did. So my number one piece of advice for you for Cancer Season and especially these two weeks between June 24 and July 9 is to check your energy. Your energy is super strong and it's very palpable right now. It is very impactful in your relationships and with the work that you are here to do. Don't be a jerk. If you feel really riled up, if you feel antagonized, if you feel energized, if you feel reactionary, if you feel urgent, if you feel really, really excited about whatever it is that you're doing and you're so ready to get there and you're so urgent that you're not paying attention, that's the time to chill out. So if your heart rate goes up, if you feel a ton of energy moving through your body, whether you would identify that energy as positive or negative, as preferable or not, it's a red flag. It is a time for you to check in. What is the potential impact of your energy? Do you want to commit to that impact? So if you're feeling really excited and urgent about something, and this is, I think, trickier than if you're feeling reactionary, and conflicted, because at least those experiences, you know, ring the alarm bells of negativity, maybe and they might be a cause for you to slow down. But when we're, you know, in moments where it's like, oh, my God, I'm so excited, I can't believe I get to do this. Like, that's pleasure. Right? Those are also moments for you to just check in. And I'm not saying don't do the thing, or don't enjoy it, I'm saying check in. What is the potential impact of your energy? Do you want to commit to that impact? There might be some very subtle adjustments that you can make with your own energy that you would rather commit to that impact than the first impulse that you have. This is really a time to check your energy, your energy is strong, your energy is forceful, your energy is incredibly powerful. You can do awesome stuff with your energy right now, you can be amazing in your relationships, you can do amazing shit in your career, or with the world, or whatever it is that you're doing. You can, you can identify opportunities, you can take risks, you can put yourself out there, you have a ton of support to do that, but check your energy. And don't move towards whatever it is that you're moving towards without a sense of personal clarity. Why are you going in this direction? Are you going in this direction because you're just reacting? And you're going to blow something up? Or are you going in this direction because you've taken five minutes to breathe, to check in with your body, and you're going, Hell yeah, this is the opportunity. This is the time, this is my truth, I'm going to take this risk and I'm willing to commit to the outcome.


Okay, the new moon on July 9 occurs in Cancer. This is the sign that comes before yours. It is a symbol of everything that comes before you and everything that is around you. This is a new moon that is in conversation with all of the outer planets, it is a powerful, powerful new moon. And for you, this is an incredible time to be very intentional about your own energy. And it kind of brings me back full circle to what I started talking about. This is a time for you to tune in with everything that is around you and everything that you are connected with and interpermeating with. This is a new moon that has so much nourishment, so much support, so much goodness for you if you let it in. And how do you let it in? You let it in by remembering that you're part of everything. That you are not here isolated, that your efforts are not only for you. You arise from everything that has arisen before. Your life is going to change the lives of so many others that you will never meet in the future. Check your energy. How are you using your energy? Are you a good ancestor right now? Are you putting energy into the world that is what you want to put into the world for the future generations? Are you embodying the energy of your ancestors in ways that are full of gratitude for everything that they went through? And also clarifying the mess that they left and you know, how are you a relationship with what is around you? That's a question to ask at the new moon.


Alright, I'm going to leave it there for now. I hope any or all of that is helpful and interesting for you. I'll be back next month with your Leo season horoscope, got lots more for you then. Until then, if you want more astrology from me, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading, special for your sign where I go through all the major themes, opportunities and challenges of 2021 with suggestions on how to work with them. Those reports are 50% discounted at this point, we're halfway through the year and you can find them on my website embodiedastrology.com. You can also find information on my extended content subscription on my website. That's a subscription that's special for people who want to learn more about astrology and learn to read their own charts. You can subscribe by donation and you'll get access to my month ahead calendars, to worksheets and tools to help you learn to read astrology. You'll also get invitations to my twice a month subscribers only Zoom meetups, one of which is a workshop focused on Embodied Astrology for the month ahead, and one of which is a community conversation and q&a space and we would really love to have you there. You can also learn more about astrology by following me on Instagram @embodiedastrology where I post regular Astro updates. If you love this work and want to support it to continue, please share it with your friends and networks. Subscribe, rate, and leave awesome reviews on iTunes podcasts, and of course your tips and donations are so appreciated. I'm wishing you all the best in Cancer Season and beyond. Bye for now.