LEO Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)

Steady and easy wins the race.
Ration your energy.
Discern between high priority and low.
Acknowledge your own effort.
Remember, if you’re looking for love and praise,
you have to be your number one fan, first.
Ample support is on the way,
but you need to believe you’re worth it.


Hello, Leo. Thanks for listening to Embodied Astrology. You're tuned into the Capricorn Season horoscopes. This horoscope is for the span of time between December 21st, 2021 and January 19th, 2022. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and a consulting astrologer. And this offering is an intuitive embodied download. My take on the overarching themes, opportunities, and challenges for your sign in the season ahead. Please listen through the lens of your own intuition. My language may not always perfectly match your experience. So as you listen, notice what you're associating with, make the meaning that is meaningful for you. And absolutely feel free to take what works and leave the rest. I always suggest that folks tune in with horoscopes for their Sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you'd prefer to read rather than listen. 


Before I get into your horoscope, I do want to let you know about two upcoming events, which may also be past events depending on when you listen. On December 22nd, I'm offering a solstice and Capricorn Season workshop. This is a deep dive into Capricorn Season’s astrology through an embodied, creative lens. I'll offer you practices and suggestions for working with your chart throughout the season. If you missed the live event, the recording will be available through January 19th. On January 8th, I'm so excited to welcome Janice Lee to Embodied Astrology for a 2022 opening ceremony. Her workshop, The Dandelions are Prophesizing, includes guided meditation, free writing practice and communal ceremony that supports transitioning, transformation and letting go. These are big themes in Capricorn Season and all of 2022 as I'll be talking about in just a few moments. Janice is an incredible facilitator, a published author, a healer and a shamanic guide. I would highly recommend working with her. I think her work is just so incredible. If you'd like to learn more about either of these workshops, or to find registration, go to embodiedastrology.com and check out the workshop section. Please stay tuned after this horoscope for more updates and information on how to connect with embodied astrology throughout the season and beyond. 


All right, Leo. Well, I'm tuning in with your horoscope and I am just feeling how busy you are. Feels like you have so much going on. And whether these are jobs or responsibilities or things coming up with your health and your body, or a lot that you're processing mentally, psychologically, and emotionally, it feels like your plate is really, really full. And the first thing that I want to say as I'm tuned in with your horoscope, is please take care of yourself. This is an important time to take care of yourself. And it also feels like you just have a million details to take care of. And it doesn't particularly feel like there's a lot of space for you to let go of a lot of these details. So please do what you can to do less where you can. You know it, if you're being obsessive. You know it, if you're being a perfectionist, and it also looks like to a certain extent you can't really help that right now. Like you're going back and forth over a bunch of stuff and it's like nobody's letting you off the hook, especially not yourself. So where you can, please do and where you can find pleasure in the effort, please do. And if there isn't much pleasure to be had, please find some. This definitely feels like a time when, you know it's like, if you want to eat the ice cream, eat the ice cream. Like, if you need a little bit of a break, take a break where you can. 


Some of you are dealing with situations that are going on in your health and in your body. If details are coming up that need to be attended to, now is the time to attend to them. You know it if this is you, if there's something pressing and you know that, you know, it's like, oh, if I keep putting this off, it's gonna hurt way worse down the line, like now is the time to take care of it. Same thing with the jobs that you have to do, same thing with the processing that you're involved in. It does not necessarily feel like there's a ton of wiggle room for you right now. I want to extend compassion to those of you who are feeling pretty taxed. And I also want to say that it looks like there's a reason for all of this, that you are going somewhere, that you are trying to go somewhere, that your life is moving in some interesting directions. And it needs you to attend to all these details. So you can make the shifts that you want to make. And throughout all of this, please take care of yourself to the best extent that you possibly can. 


As we move into Capricorn Season and cross the threshold of the solstice, it feels like you are really trying to organize and orient yourself around relationships, and the role of relationships in your life. For all of the details that you are attending to, and all the processing that you are doing, and all the things that you are feeling, at least some of this is involved with relationships. And probably for some of you, you're recognizing the importance of relationships and the importance of working skillfully with others. When it comes to the direction that you want to be going in your life, and how it feels like you're trying to change things, my sense is that you're trying to have new kinds of relationships. And the effort to shift the ways that you relate with people could be the thing that's taking up all of your attention. You could be processing a bunch of emotion, you could be trying to go back over all of your communications and clear the things up that need to get cleared up, for sure. But it really feels like in whatever it is that you're trying to do right now and in the direction that you're trying to take in your life, relationships are very important. And you want to be working skillfully in your relationships. 


And that means that you have to be accountable. You have to be upstanding. You have to have integrity. And you have to have good boundaries. You have to be able to honor and respect other people's boundaries, you know, it's like you're doing a lot of growing up and maturing in your relationships now, and you certainly have been for the last year, and you will continue to for the next year and on. You're growing a ton. And this season, Capricorn Season feels like you're recognizing where a lot of the growth of this past 12 months has gotten you. And there are probably certain elements of specific relationships that really need to change. And you may also be recognizing how certain relationships have allowed you to change over the past year. As you move forward into the new year and into the next several months, I want to encourage you to give time for the process. There are conversations that need to be had that are going to take time. There are details that need to be worked out that are not easy details to work out. There may need to be adjustments. There may need to be reckonings. There may need to be some uncomfortable conversations.


You want to give all of this time. By the end of Capricorn Season, and I'll get there in a little bit, but by the end of Capricorn Season, it feels like you have more clarity around maybe specific directions that your life is moving. And this could have to do with your life in general. It could have to do with work or career or like life path goals or projects. It could also have to do with the certain of specific relationships and partnerships. But the majority of Capricorn Season has you in some kind of process around it. And I don't think you're really clear on the direction forward, even until, I would say the end of February, beginning of March, but definitely through the end of the year and the first two thirds of January. There's a lot that feels like — it's not that it's not moving forward it is — but in order to move forward, you have to maybe move back. You have to look  at the old things, you have to look at the structures or the infrastructures, you have to look at the past. And you also have to weed out and fine tune and refine, like a fuckin' million details. 


And this is the thing where it's like, you're really busy, you have a lot on your plate, you've got a lot to figure out, you've got a lot to process. I don't know what it is that you all are processing. Again, it could be emotions, it could be actual, practical, tangible details. It could be responsibilities, it could be like, you know, this thing that happened 10 years ago with your intimate partner and like it never got resolved. And now you've had a decade of stuff piling up on it, and you have to go back through all of it, to get to that, like, original thing so that you can move forward with this person. Like, it's this kind of feeling of just like, oh my God, the work is endless, it feels sick, it feels challenging. And ultimately, it feels very productive. So stay the course. 


The first 10 days of Capricorn Season, which are the last 10 days of the year, have you in the intensity of all of this process. Like, it's just everywhere, like you're living it, breathing it, drinking it, eating it, it's like in the air, it's everywhere. I think that you are being asked for high levels of trust and vulnerability in your relationships right now. In order to meet those demands, you have to be able to be present with yourself. And you also have to be honest, you have to be honest about what you want and what you don't want. You have to be willing to take a risk, you have to be willing to let things change or let things end. Especially in these first 10 days of Capricorn Season, I think that it feels like there's a demand for a kind of emotional reckoning. And in this is a lot of possibility for freedom. And I think you're going to feel that. But I really want to encourage you to not leave any stone unturned. This is kind of the feeling, like if things need to get talked about, if things need to get looked at, if details need to get sorted out — it could have to do with money, it could have to do with feelings, it could have to do with power, it could have to do with trust, it could have to do with the complexities of any kind of shared dynamic, shared space, shared project, shared resource. Don't leave it to chance, don't be avoidant about it. If you feel uncomfortable talking about it, it probably means you need to talk about it. I really want to encourage you to not fear change, right now. Like, don't fear the loss of something that is familiar.


Because I feel like you want to move forward in your life and one thing that could be keeping you from moving forward in your life is nostalgia. And it's like there's an attachment. And it could be an attachment to security, to safety, to a person, place, or thing. But be conscious of that, like as uncomfortable as it can feel to move towards change — you want to move towards change right now. Take the risk because the possible benefit is huge. It's huge. And this doesn't mean be arrogant. It doesn't mean blast through and just demand all the things that you want. I mean, you have to be sensitive. There's a lot of need for you, again, to work relationally right now and that means that you have to listen. You have to give time and space for our process. You have to imagine into how other people are feeling, what their experiences are. It's like, you're not the only one in the room. But absolutely, you have to ask for what you want and need. 


And you've been learning something all year about boundaries and capacity. And you have to follow what you've been learning this year. Don't over promise, don't give more than you have to give. If you know that you're done with something, be done with something. If you know that you want something that you're not getting, be clear about what it is that you want. Ask for it. If you don't know how to ask for it, describe it as best as you can, and then meditate on it every day and really try and clarify for yourself, what the feeling is of the thing that you want until there's language for it. 


The end of December begins a phase for you that will continue through all of 2022, but from now, through the beginning of May and 2022, there's a really big period of growth for you when it comes to intimacy and vulnerability, and trust. This is also a time when there may be a lot of change in important and significant relationships, and/or a lot of change for you internally in the ways that you orient towards relationships in general, but especially relationships that would ask you to be open, vulnerable, intimate, trusting, etc. This is an amazing time for you to tune in with your deeper desires. This is an amazing time for you to explore erotic and sexual energy. This is an amazing time for you to think about the spiritual and energetic dimension of life on earth in general. Of your experience with yourself and also the spiritual and energetic dimension of relationships, as well as the spiritual and energetic dimension of reciprocity and generosity. Anything that is given or exchanged between you and other people — that can include a ton, right? It's like it can for sure include money and material objects, but it also includes breath, it also includes dreams, it also includes (potentially) bodily fluids. It's like, when you are in exchange with other people, there is an exchange of substance that is beyond the material, it is the energetic, and you want to be present in that exchange, because you're really affected by it. 


And in 2022, and again, especially the first five months and the last two months of 2022, you are really affected by the energetic exchange. And it needs to feel clear to you. It needs to feel like it serves the benefit of all involved. If you are over-giving, then you are pissed off and depleted. If you are under-giving, then you are stressed out and like stagnant. If, you know, if the people that you are in relationship with are not being transparent, or trustworthy, you're going to feel it, it's going to drive you nuts. If the people you're in relationship with aren't clear about their own boundaries, it's going to dysregulate you. You really want to attune to the subtle frequencies of relationship and you want to care for people and be cared for on that level. And so to this end, I will highly encourage you to engage with any kind of spiritual or meditative or creative practices that can help you clarify energetically what's happening for you. Therapy also, this is a great time for you to be in therapy. There's there's a lot that wants to come up and wants to come out for you. Over the last 10 years since 2011, almost 12 years now, you've been trying to work something out about intimacy, vulnerability, trust, and exchange. In exchange, there definitely maybe issues for some of you that have to go with resources and money or making your way in the world trying to get whatever it is that you want and need on all levels of relationship. And this year, you're really reaching a profound point of growth and development in this part of your life. And I think that you can make huge strides. But in order to do that, you have to be working on a very subtle level. You can't be rushing ahead, you don't want to be in states of urgency, you don't only want to be in your mind, or concepts around like, what something is like, you really have to be in your felt sense, you have to be checking in, you have to be tuning in, and you have to be very, very honest about what it is that you are feeling and what it is that's coming up for you. 


On January 1st and January 2nd, there's a lot of new energy that comes into the astrological signatures and so for everybody, there definitely is a very palpable feeling. I think this year of a new year, not every year is like that, at least not for me. But looking at the astrology of 2022, it really starts out with a very strong feeling of now it's time for something different. For you, it feels like you're working really differently. Some of you are literally like you're trying to get different jobs, or you have a different job, or you're really changing the way that you are laboring. You're reaching new spaces in your career, your vocation. You are working differently. Whether you are trying to make this happen right now, or whether it is already happening. I mean, you're still trying to make it happen. Because this is a phase that you're in for another five years or so is really changing your presence in the world, changing your direction in the world, doing things differently, and doing different kinds of things then other people are doing, probably. You might be feeling like kind of a weirdo right now. You might be trying to set yourself apart in some ways. You might be making choices or doing things that your family and friends are like, "What are you doing?" But what you're doing is you're looking for liberation, you're looking for authenticity, you're really looking to follow a call. It may or may not be feeling successful to you. But in 2022, you're super motivated for it. And you have a lot of energy to make these changes and to move towards something that is different. I want to encourage you to do this.


And I also want to encourage you to take your time. If things aren't 100% exactly as you want them to be, remember that you have another couple of years, like another several years to be working this out. That doesn't mean ignore it. You have to show up. You have to be disciplined, you have to be diligent, you have to apply yourself to what it is that you want to be doing steadily. But steady is the key word. Right? Steady and easy wins the race. I heard a quote by someone that I think their name was Kazu Haga? I think I might be getting that wrong, but they said, "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. The difference between a sprint and a marathon is how you learn to breathe." I love that quote. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Okay, so take your time with the process right now. Details really matter. Don't get hasty. Don't rush ahead. If something is pulling at you and you're not feeling really resolved about it — this is in any realm of your life, okay, but especially with relationships, and work and money, or any kind of resource matters right now. If something is pulling at you, if it feels unresolved, if it feels a little funky, if it feels a little weird, do not sweep it under the rug. You have to pay attention to it. Now is the time to work those details. If you don't pay attention to the details now, they're going to cause problems for you down the line. Okay, so really pay attention to them.


Alright, so back to this new year, new me kind of feeling. We enter into January, it feels like you are really thinking about how to be in relationship and how to be in the world in new ways. This is exciting. You have a lot of ideas. You might be having new connections, new conversations with people. It feels like you're enlivened. The first 10 days of January has you in this new place, you are making new connections. It also continues to have you in a place where you need to focus on the details, you need to do the work that needs to be done, you cannot rush it. And you have to be attuned, energetically. This is a high period of creativity for you and it is a time when you run the risk of being a little delusional, if you're moving too fast. And so take your time, like if you're having big ideas about things, again, it feels like relationships and work related or life path related things are pretty high on the list right here. But it could be a lot of, I don't know what it is, if you're having big ideas about things and you're like, "Oh my God, it's gotta be this way!" If you're feeling like that, you know, kind of stimulated an idea and your head is up in the clouds and you're not really on earth — that's a red flag, be careful. You can enjoy these fantasies, let them serve you, let them feed you. But really take your time. 


You have to take your time and you have to work to keep yourself on the planet every single day. Show up for your body, show up for the details that need to be done. Take care of your health on every single level that you possibly can, that includes your mental health, for sure. It definitely, obviously, includes your physical health, your relational health, your environmental health. Like, really try and practice wellness as much as you can in a world that is quite unwell in many ways. But this means sanity, right? Like, and especially it means relational sanity. People cause so much harm to one another by moving too far too fast. By making big assumptions. People also cause harm to one another by not changing and not moving. So you don't want to do either of those things. You want to move forward steadily. But slow and steady. Right, don't rush and insist, like continue to move forward. If you need to stop, pay attention to a detail, then that's what you need to do. But you're not, you're not stopping to pause forever. Okay, you're going to figure out what the detail is and then you're going to turn around and keep moving forward. 


On January 14th, Mercury Stations Retrograde it will Retrograde until February 4th but it's in its shadow until the end of February and so is Venus. So the end of January, and all of February, you are still working out details, I'll get back to you in Aquarius season with more about those details that you're working out. But in short, I want to say that you want to move into new levels of relationship, you are maturing, you are growing, you will want more responsibility for, you know, for some of you — or you want less responsibility and more help or, you know, you want new structures in your life. You want to go places. You want to do different things. But you need people to help you make it happen. And the end of the last two weeks of January and all of February is about taking the time to figure out the details, to have the conversations, to make sure that you know who needs what and where everybody is, so that you can move forward in a way that elevates the dignity of all involved. And that takes care of the things that need to be taken care of. 


One last point to this, I want to say, if you're working with other people, if there's any kind of collaboration that's happening, if you're working with a team, if you have people who work for you, or if you work for or with other people. And this is also in any kind of relationships, it could be in terms of a family dynamic — anywhere where you are working relationally. This is a super important period of time to make sure that people are getting what they need. And that agreements are clear. And that there is going to be sustainability for the projects and the relationships that are moving forward. And if people are not getting what they need, then the conversations need to be had. Like these needs need to be attended to so that you can move forward because nothing is happening if everybody isn't on board. And if people aren't on board, then you got to figure out what needs to happen. Some of you might need to end certain relationships or you might need to transition into new ways of being in order to move forward. But again, you are gonna have to give it the time to make sure that these are decisions that feel sustainable for you, that feel like they're coming from a place that, you know, makes the most sense on all levels of your being. 


On January 17th, there is a Full Moon in Cancer. This is a Full Moon that really needs you to rest. You are super busy in Capricorn Season. You are processing so much. You have so much going on. As this Full Moon comes into its fullness, and so maybe the couple of days leading up to the Full Moon — 15th, 16th, 17th — you really need to rest, my friend. You also really — I really want to say drink a lot of water and give yourself a lot of immune support. Take baths, rest, cleanse, support your nervous system, support your immune system, support your dreaming body and your psychic body. This is a great time to support your pineal gland. And how do you do that? You rest, you sleep, you dream, you cover your eyes and get into spaces of darkness. You yield your body to a greater form of support. This is a Full Moon that really needs you to let go for a couple of days. You're super busy, it's not going to end at the end of Capricorn Season, you have another month and a half or so to go with everything you're trying to figure out and work out. But around that Full Moon, please, please, please rest. And you may be having a lot of emotion coming up around that time that really needs an outlet like it needs to be processed. If you're feeling confused, overwhelmed, fatigued, distracted, if you've got, like, weird cranky energy coming up and you don't know what the hell is going on, you probably really need to cry. If you're a person who doesn't cry easily, watch a really sad movie, like stimulate it for yourself. You need an outlet and you need to let go. Please give yourself that time and space.


This Full Moon is kind of like a portal. So leading up to it, you may feel edgy, like there might be a lot that's building. I think the Full Moon is going to release something for you. And then as you get past the Full Moon and into the couple of days and weeks and months beyond that, like something starts to click for you about how you're going to be moving forward with particular projects, people, places, things, and energy starts to really move forward in a pretty remarkable way in your life. But I do want to say leading up to that Full Moon, you could feel kind of like, stuck, you know, you could have a feeling of just like you're breaking down. And sometimes breakdown comes before breakthrough. So just know that, get through it, like, get yourself support and let it out if you need to let it out. Rest. Drink a lot of water. I'll be back with you on the 19th with your Aquarius Season horoscope.


Leo, I hope any or all of this is helpful, take what works and leave the rest. If you want more astrology from me, check out your 2022 Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign where I go over the major themes, opportunities and challenges of this coming year and give embodied, spiritual, practical suggestions for working with them. If you want support through Capricorn Season and in the seasons beyond, I have a couple of different subscription and membership options. You can find them at embodiedastrology.com. You can subscribe to my monthly workshops where every month you get two and a half hours of embodied creative visualization support and some suggestions for working with the current astrology in relationship to your own chart. I also hold a virtual community gathering space where you can connect with other astro enthusiasts, make new friends, hang out with cool people, talk about astrology and play in the intersections of astrology and other healing and creative modalities. I have workshops and classes as well as a multi-part workshop series on embodied chart reading, which teaches you the fundamentals of chartwork from an embodied experiential somatic perspective. So again, you can find all that at embodiedastrology.com. These horoscopes and transcripts are offered for free. If you enjoy them and they find benefit in your life, please help support and sustain them. The number one way to do that is by sharing them with your friends and networks. You can subscribe, rate and review on your favorite listening platforms, and of course your financial donations are so appreciated and definitely help sustain the production of this work. Finally, follow me on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology for regular astro updates and musings. Alright, Leo. Wishing you all the best. Thanks for listening. Bye for now.


CANCER Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)


VIRGO Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)