AQUARIUS Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)

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Repeat to yourself every day for the next 30 days:
“I am whole. I am enough. I am worthy of love as I am.”
Notice narratives that contradict.
Notice sensations produced.
Notice how many times you must repeat
until you know it to be true.


Hello Aquarius, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Leo season, July 22 through August 22, 2021. This is a horoscope for Aquarius sun and Aquarius rising. You may know that Leo is your opposite sign and whenever we're dealing with the opposite, we are symbolically dealing with the other. The other is an archetype, it has to do with the one-on-one relationship where we are reflected by a partner or by any other that we come into connection with for any amount of time. And we have to figure out how to deal with them, how to get along, how to measure and weigh our needs, our gifts, our skills, our conflicts, etc. So as Leo season commences and I'm tuning into your chart, I am feeling a really new energy that you have for the other, for the space of relationship. And in general, this is about you in the world as a social being, you and connection and relationship with any others, and how you meet those others, how you carry yourself, how you conceive of your value, and what it is that you have to give and want to give, and also how you conceive of what you are entitled to in return.


As we move into Leo season, we are entering the season on a full moon. The full moon perfects the day after Leo season begins on July 23. But the couple of days leading up to this full moon have a really significant feeling for me as I look into your chart of—how do I want to say it—a very deep, very powerful, and very necessary reframe for you about the nature of exchange when it comes to you and how your energy meets or matches with others. I think that you are in a process right now of redefining your value and what you value. You may be learning some new thing about yourself, about who you are as a person in your identity in this lifetime, what you need, who you have to be, and therefore what any partner or relationship needs to bring to meet you, and also what they will need to see in you, to uplift in you. And I'm feeling like you are full of new awareness about your value and what you value. And so this may be for some folks a real kind of shift in your self confidence, your self esteem. It may be an understanding of the ways that you have not advocated for yourself, you know, not led with a true or healthy sense of self love in your relationships. And over the last several months, something has shifted and you have been learning something about how to love yourself and how to value yourself for who you are and as you are. Some of you may be experiencing a shift in your values, a recognition that what you used to prioritize or value in general and in the world, and perhaps specifically within relationships is changing. And you are understanding that you have an expanded sense and a clarified sense of what it is that you want to be receiving and how it is that you want to be engaging with others.


The full moon on July 23 occurs in the first degree of your sign, Aquarius. And this is the first of two full moons that we'll have during Leo season in your sign. The last full moon perfects on the last day of Leo season, the day that the sun also moves into Virgo, at the last degree of Aquarius. So this entire 30 day span of Leo season is such an emphasis really on you, on the Aquarian side of the Leo-Aquarius axis which, again, is an opposition or polarity. And I probably have said this before in my horoscopes to you, Aquarius is a very central focus for the astrology of 2021 and also 2022. Your sign is going through a lot right now. Your sign is the site of some major and significant planetary transits and currently is the home to the planet saturn. When saturn transits your sign, you are weighted with an extra sense of time and the material realities that you face: time, aging, the conditions of your life and your body as they are, as they could be, as they have been. When saturn works with us, when it works with our signs, we are asked to really clarify what we are prioritizing and what we are building when it comes to our sense of self and sense of identity and who we feel ourselves to be. Saturn is a very important energy when it comes to themes of maturity, how we grow into ourselves, how we come to know ourselves, how we become competent in the embodiment of ourselves. This year, there is so much emphasis on saturn's transit through Aquarius and Leo season brings a lot of energy with the personal planets into the sign Leo, which again is Aquarius's opposite. And this emphasis really highlights what's happening for you this year, for you in your autonomy and your individuated self, and also for you in your relationships and in your partnerships. And when I say partnerships, I'm referring to anyone that you might be partnering with in any way. And that can include any business or legal partnerships, it can include collaborators, it can definitely include spouses and romantic partners as well as domestic partners, etc. So with this first full moon, the feeling that I get with the full moon is a lot of information being brought to the surface. And this is a full moon that is dealing with energy that is massive and old and quite profound, I think, in its implications. And tuning in with your chart, I am feeling a seismic shift in your body and in your identity. I'm feeling an illumination and a revelation about some core fundamental pieces about who you are, that you are recognizing something about yourself that you have probably already known but to some extent may have not accepted, may have not valued, or may have not appreciated what the significance is. As I said, this is the first of two full moons in your sign over the course of the season. And this first full moon brings a lot up. It doesn't resolve it, it pushes it to the surface.


In the days that follow the full moon, there are a lot of thoughts that are happening. There are pieces that are coming together, that are clicking, that might be either coming to a head and creating some kind of circumstance where things must be dealt with, they must be talked about or thought about, or you are ready and you are bringing them forwards to talk about or to think about. You are changing something in your life around this full moon or you are recognizing the need to change something in your life. What you're changing has to do with your day to day existence, with your functionality, with the way that you come into service in the world and what you feel yourself in service to. For some people this will include their jobs. For some people this will include their basic energy, their wellness, or their kind of state of attention and capacity for the different various elements of their lives. In whatever it is that you're considering changing or shifting or how you're recognizing the need for more consciousness or evolution in these parts of your life, I want to encourage you to really tune in with your intuition. And Aquarius is an air sign, it's a very logical and cerebral sign sometimes. Not all Aquariuses, okay, #NotAllAquariuses are super cerebral but many of you are. And so if you happen to fall into that category of Aquarians who are brilliant geniuses who often might have a hard time actually coming into your body and into the earth realm, I cannot encourage you enough to give yourself practices and encouragement and focus to come into your body this month, this season. Coming into your body could mean that you spend five minutes breathing and actually touching your body, anywhere that feels comfortable and good to touch, and bringing your attention into the contact between your hands and your skin. You can try and go deeper than that, go into your inner body, try and feel your body from the inside out. If there are questions or points of stress in your life right now, you might consider meditating on those questions or points of stress for a couple of moments. And then noticing where in your body responds to that focus. For example, if you meditate on a point of stress and you notice that your tummy starts to get tight or you stop breathing a little bit, then you can bring your hands on to your belly or touch your hands over your ribs and focus on bringing attention into your tummy or into your breath. Just your attention and consciousness can bring information forward. Just your attention and consciousness can help you tune in with your intuition. And if you ask your body specifically what it would like you to know, you might be surprised at how quickly and how easily you receive answers. Answers coming through embodied intuition can come through memory, they can come through a felt sense, they can come through desire, they can come through fear, they can come through longing, they can come through some piece of fantasy or imagination or an image that pops into your head. Anything that arises as you move into this inquiry is worth paying attention to. Your intuition right now is important for you to be working with because you have been learning how to work with it over the past several years, even the last decade or so. You've had experiences in this time that have taught you what happens when you listen to your intuition as opposed to when you don't. I think that you have had experiences that have taught you, at least to some extent, how to discern between your intuition and your fear. And this is important for you right now because you want that discernment. You want to be able to travel inwards to tune in with your intuitive sense and to trust yourself.


As we move into the middle of Leo season, basically the last couple of days of July into the first week of August and the new moon which occurs on August 8, there is a ton of emphasis on the polarity between Aquarius and Leo. This emphasis suggests to me that you are being invited into a new paradigm within your relational experience. You might be coming into contact now or in the past couple of weeks or recent month or so with some new people that are inviting you to feel new kinds of ways. You might feel yourself inspired to relate with new people or in new kinds of ways. And in this span of time, again from July 29 until August 8, there is so much emphasis on relationships in your chart and this emphasis asks you to keep coming back to your intuition and keep coming back to your body. This is a time where you are needing to rework and repattern old behaviors and thought forms and belief systems when it comes specifically to you in your relationships and in your partnerships. My suggestion for tuning in with your intuition and with your body is also a suggestion to really notice what your mind does with sensation. For example, if you have a new acquaintance and the acquaintance is provoking excitement for you, we know that excitement and fear physiologically activate the body in very similar ways. When we're excited and when we're fearful, our heart rates go up. We might have very similar symptoms occur in our body for very different reasons. If you, like all of us, certainly me, have had trauma in your relationships or have had experiences that have led you to feel guarded, it might be easy to conflate excitement and fear with one another and they can go both ways. Sometimes the feeling of fear can register as excitement and attraction. Sometimes the feeling of excitement and attraction can register as fear. I'm inviting you to notice what happens in your sensations around your relationships and then what your mind does with those sensations and intuitions. So as you tune in with your body, as you tune in with your felt sense, as you notice what arises, then notice, what is the mental pattern that comes in? Is there a story? Is there a narrative, are there warnings, etc.? I think you probably have a good sense by this point in your life which stories of yours are old stories that you are trying to let go of. I think that's a really big theme for you this year. So when you notice that sensations are producing narratives or information that feel familiar to you, really start to pay attention. And this is the place where discernment is required. And you have to work with yourself to notice whether these narratives are arising because you are indeed in a similar situation or whether they are arising because that's the habit. A lot of times we can create similar situations for ourselves, because we are patterned or habituated to expect them. And then we behave as if they're already happening, compelling our partners to fulfill the role that we expect them to play. I'm not saying you're going to do that or that you are doing that, I'm saying it's a possibility. And I'm inviting you to consider this as you consider all realms of your relationships and social experience at this moment. I also want to say that the more that you work with self love and with practices that help you get grounded and centered in the reality of the present moment, in the reality that you can give yourself what you need, whether it's attention, or touch, or validation, or reflection, the less susceptible you then are to spinning out on those old stories or to confusing the differentiation between fear and honest intuition.


The new moon on August 8 is the new moon in Leo and this is a powerful new moon. This is a powerful week leading up to this new moon. If you work with ritual, and ritual can be anything from thinking about something regularly to creating an elaborate altar and a lot of ceremony, I would suggest taking this entire week to meditate on what you want to be cultivating and calling in when it comes to your relationships and partnerships. In some way, create ritual, create ceremony as you lead up to this new moon, that has to do with releasing and letting go of old patterns, old narratives, old ways of being that you know don't serve you anymore when it comes to your relationships and partnerships.


As we then move out of the new moon into the last week and a half or so of Leo season, this is a time for you to start calling in the new. Calling in the new that you want to invite. How do you want to be connecting? What do you want to be sharing? What does intimacy, safety, trust feel like to you? What does passion feel like to you? What does partnership feel like to you? Imagine these states in the ways that you want to experience them and notice how they feel in your body. Notice what your mind does with sensation. Notice the essence of the feeling that you are trying to cultivate for yourself in your partnerships and relationships. Notice where it lands and how it expresses in your body. And then for the rest of Leo season, and maybe for the rest of your life, continue to orient yourself on those sensations. Remind yourself what you know to be true about who you are and what you want and how you want to be in general, in the world, in this world of relationality where we're constantly interacting with each other, and in specific, with the people who you choose to partner with and collaborate with.


As we get into the last few days of Leo season, the 18 through the 22 of August, there is a lot of emphasis for you in a very tender, very important place of your chart that has to do with vulnerability, with intimacy, with sharing. And as I'm kind of contemplating this feeling, as I'm tuning in, the messages that are coming to me have to do with releasing criticism and valuing discernment. Noticing when your intuition tells you something is off, taking action to address whatever you feel like is off, but not obsessing on it. Not allowing yourself to spiral into a myopic criticism around whatever it is. Not allowing yourself to get anxious and self hating about whatever it is. Noticing what is arising and addressing it with simplicity. If you notice that insecurities or fears or weird attachments are arising in your inner body, how can you address them with simplicity? One way is to tune in with your body and to remind yourself that you can provide yourself with what you need. You are complete. You do not need any other person to complete you, you are whole. You do not need any experience, any amount of money, any job title, any outfit, you don't need anything else to complete you. You are complete. If you experience anxiety, insecurity, fear, worry arising, it might be useful just to remind yourself that you are whole. If you experience situations in your relationship that bring up insecurity, anxiety, mistrust, unknown, address them. Address them as simply as you possibly can. Take some time to feel what you're feeling. Get clear about what you are feeling. Use I statements, claim your own experience, don't judge anybody else, don't put value judgments or demands upon them. Try and just be honest with your experience. Let that be what it is. If anyone is judging you or putting demands on you, that's a warning, that is a red flag. You want relationships that can honor you, that can witness you, that can listen to you, and that can support you to work through or work with whatever feelings are happening in an empowered way, in a mutual way, in a sensitive way.


The last day of Leo season, August 22, is the day that the sun will also be moving into Virgo. And this is also—excuse me, that was a, that was whatever that word is called, a double affirmative. So the last day of Leo season, which is the day that Virgo season begins, is also a day where we have the second full moon in Aquarius. Just to note for those of you that are very early or very late Aquarius rising or sun people, take note of these full moons and how they affect you. For everyone else, just work with both of them. This final full moon brings a lot of stability. So the first full moon of the season brought a lot to the surface. The final full moon of the season, I think, clarifies something, it sets something into place, and it asks you to stabilize. It asks you to stabilize around your emotions, it asks you to stabilize in your sense of centeredness and personal power, and it asks you to stabilize in your intuition. If you work all month to keep focusing on your sense of groundedness and personal power, to keep focusing with your intuition, and to orient yourself around what your mind does with the sensation of emotion so that you can skillfully navigate those fluctuations, by the time you get to that second full moon at the very end of the season, I think something really powerful is going to come through for you then. And then we're off to Virgo season, which brings yet another chapter in this story of intimacy and relationship and I will get back to you at that point with that horoscope.


I hope any and all of this is helpful for you, my friends. If you want more astrology, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading where I focus on the major themes, opportunities, and challenges of 2021 for your sign. Those readings are now discounted by 50%, we're halfway through the year, and you can find them on my website in the horoscope section. You can also get more astrology from me by becoming an extended subscriber. You can subscribe by donation and your subscription gets you access to my extended monthly calendar and other tools to help you work with astrology throughout the month. You'll also get access to two monthly workshops on Zoom, one of which is a month ahead offering with an embodiment practice and tools and tips for working with your chart. The second of which is a conversation and community space with the subscriber group, which I have to say is an amazing and wonderful group and we would love for you to be there. You can also follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology where I post regular astro updates. If you enjoy this work, please consider supporting it by sharing it with your friends and network, subscribe, rate, and review on your listening platforms. Your financial donations and tips make such a difference. Thank you so much for your support. I'm wishing you all the best in this season and beyond. Bye for now.


CAPRICORN Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)


PISCES Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)