AQUARIUS Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)

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Sense the qualities of who you are becoming.
You are energy before identity.
You were spirit before body.
An essential truth of your nature is emerging.
Tend to its arrival with care.
Patience, curiosity, and open-mindedness
are your friends and allies now.


Hello, Aquarius! Welcome to your Libra season month ahead horoscope. Libra season begins on September 22nd, and as I'm tuning in with this season and its influences, I actually want to turn back the clock to September 20th, two days before the season begins, which is the day of the Pisces full moon. If you are an Aquarius or Aquarian identified person who pays attention to astrology, especially if you keep a journal or a calendar, or if you keep a journal or a calendar, what were you doing on the 20th? Try and evoke that day for yourself and whether or not anything comes to mind, just consider anything that might come to mind as you listen to this horoscope. 


So there are some overarching themes of Libra season that are really pronounced and these themes really start to kick in gear with the day of the full moon on September 20th. Throughout the 30 days of Libra season, these themes are strong. They continue into Scorpio season, all the way until the beginning of November. For you, this feels like a very important and powerful time in your life that is really illuminating. Some big themes, I think, some themes that have to do with a sense of purpose, with a calling that you might be experiencing—a call to your life, a call to live. And within this call to life or call to live, there are more subtle questions like, why are you here? And what are you doing? And this is the area of focus for Libra season. Now, it doesn't feel to me like you are thrashing around, blindfolded, uncertain of where you are trying to figure out who you are and what you're doing with your life. You might have that feeling here or there, but it actually feels to me like you have a pretty good idea, and that over the last nine months or so since the beginning of the year, this idea has been becoming more and more clear for you when it comes to who you are and why are you here. And these are questions that are going to be answered in energy, they're not going to be answered in words or a title, or lists that you're going to make. Although, certainly, you can form words around them and that might be a really helpful thing for you to do right now—to write—and to see what language can do for you when it comes to articulating your answer to these questions. But ultimately, who you are and why you're here is an energy. 


And as an Aquarian identified being, something about who you are and why you're here has to do with the web of connection that you are a part of—this web of sociality and interrelatedness that you cannot escape from in your human body spacesuit. You can't not be a human as long as you're here, and to be a human means to be in relationship. And to be in relationship can be fraught, it can be confusing, it can be a total, you know, cluster. And it can also be wonderful and wildly pleasurable, and all of the good stuff, too. It feels to me like something is clarifying for you right now around how you want to be in relationship and what it is that you want to be sharing with others through the ways that you relate. And, of course, you're going to relate in many different ways. And it depends on the people and it depends on the context. But however it is that you are relating and whoever you're relating with, the common theme is that you're there. You're part of whatever that relationship is, and whatever it is that you're bringing into that space originates in you. 


So back to the full moon, September 20th. It feels like this full moon brings in a deep felt sense—an embodied sense, an intuitive sense—that reminds you about important values that you have. And when I'm talking about values, first I'm talking about your value as a human being. You have value. You have immense value. Your Spirit is so valuable. It is invaluable. It doesn't relate with a cost, with a number. What you bring is enormous and exquisite and magical and purely you. And this is a world that doesn't give a lot of value to people for their intrinsic, innate beings. It is a world that really prioritizes the facade, the productivity, the monuments that people build who, for whatever rhyme or reason, are able to build them or have access to the resources that allow them to build monuments. But that's not the real deal. The real deal is your spirit, your value and it feels like this full moon helps you remember and reorient or deepen your orientation to this sense of something that's soulful, something that is quality, not quantity. But it has a lot to do with what you're here for. And it might have a lot to do with the either literal or metaphoric monuments that you're building in your life, what you're doing in your career, in your work, in your energy, your effect, the impacts that you're going to have. 


You want to bring something that feels like it resonates with the essence that you know is at your center. There's something about what you're doing here that really wants to be—probably already is, in many ways—more deeply infused with, it feels to me, like an intuition. Like an inner-knowing. Like an energy that you can feel that is too subtle and too exquisite to ever be commodified, or put into words, but is something that will guide you. And then over the course of Libra season, it feels to me like you are trying to identify what that substance is. And circle around it enough times so that you can create anchor points for yourself, you know how to get back to it. And it also feels like you're trying to figure out how to put something into practice, put something into action. 


Now, as we get into Libra season, we are coming into Mercury Retrograde. We've been in the shadow period since September 7th, and on the 26th, Mercury stations retrograde, now it will travel backwards over the period of sky, the terrain of sky, that it has traveled over in direct motion since September 7th. So you might also call to mind  the last couple of weeks. I don't know when you're listening, but travel back in time to September 7th and consider, what have you been focusing on? Where has your attention been? And if I'm going to ask you, who you are—who are you? Why are you here? And what is your purpose? What are you here to realize in yourself? What would you tell me? If you were talking to me from September 7th? What would you tell me from September 15? What would you tell me from the 20th? Have things been changing? Have they been in flux? I think that something is coming more and more clear to you. But it might be becoming clear in the rearview mirror or something—it's like something might be kind of sneaking up on you. It could have that feeling too. 


So now I want to get specific for a couple of minutes and give you some tangible ideas of what I could be talking about. And before I do that, I want to say that all Aquarians are different, and everybody is working with different themes and different things. So listen broadly to what I'm about to say and follow your intuition. And if anything clicks anything else for you, just consider that that's what I'm talking about. Because there are too many people in the world to divide us all into 12 camps. And your chart is a lot more complex than the Aquarius solar chart, which is what I'm reading.


Alright, so if you're thinking about research projects, if you're thinking about any kind of publishing or dissemination of thought or putting something out into the world in some way; if you're thinking about teachers, someone that you're learning from or teaching something that you are learning; or being a teacher, something that you are teaching or facilitating or guiding or something like that; if you're thinking about travel plans; if you're thinking about relationships with people who are very different from you and how to get along or how to understand them better, or how to be better understood, these might all be themes. And so again, kind of play with those associations in your own mind. 


These might all be themes that are arising with Mercury Retrograde. And what I'm feeling for you, which is kind of a key with any Mercury Retrograde, is that it is a great time to slow down, and to consider the process that you're in and to take your time. And if it feels clear and easy, and doors are opening for you, you don't need to worry or pull back or be like, "no, it's Mercury Retrograde, I can't." But do take note of the details. Double check and triple check what you're doing. This is definitely a time to be very cautious about judgments. For anybody who's involved in court cases at this time, this is a time to be very thorough, obviously, if that's the situation you're in, I'd hope you're being thorough. But also any judgments, like you making a judgment, other people making judgments—pause. Be really, really cautious. This is not a time when all of the information is crystal clear. This is a time that is great for editing. It's great for revising. It is great for reviewing the facts of something, it's also great for reimagining where you're going. The re- prefix is super helpful during any retrograde cycle, and especially with a Mercury Retrograde. 


Mercury relates with our thoughts and cognition and perception. And during retrogrades, we are invited to see what we have not seen before. These are not periods of time to get freaked out about and blame for things that are going wrong in your life, they're time to get excited about the opportunity to deepen some learning and to be reflective. And we need to be reflective. Human beings need to reflect and it feels like there is this larger question about who you are. And what's your purpose here? What are you holding? That is asking for some reflection. And you might be heading towards some kind of action, some kind of proclamation or initiation, it could be a project, it could be a completion of something that you're involved in, it could be, again, putting something out into the world that could be on your horizon. And this is a time to just finesse your details. Make sure that you're pointed in the right direction. And so again, if things are feeling easy and clear, and the doors are opening, go through those doors. Don't worry about it, just make sure that you're really paying attention to details. And if it's possible, make agreements to check in, in November. Just make agreements that things could get changed, if at all possible—try it for 30 days and let us know how it goes kind of thing.


Now, if things don't feel clear, if you feel confused, if it feels rushed, if it feels like there's any kind of anxiety or agitation, if it is confusing, if you feel hasty—and this is a really important point of discernment—is that sometimes we can feel like we're clear and we can have a sensation of like, yeah, that's the way I'm going to do that, we can get really fired up. But there's hastiness and we're not paying attention. And so if you're feeling hasty, that is also a reason to slow down. So any places that want clarity, uncertainty, feeling like things are blocked, they're not moving as fast as you want them to and any feelings of hastiness or urgency—if you do not have to respond in the moment, then don't. If you don't have to do the thing, then wait. Even if you really want to do the thing, if there's any kind of unclarity or hastiness, don't do the thing. If you can just put it on the back burner for a couple of weeks, I think you'll be glad that you did. Now, why? Because I think that there is something that you're not seeing. And I don't know if it's something that is coming through from your intuition or from some deeper space in your own being—that's totally possible with what I'm seeing in your chart. It may be that you really need to meditate for a while and listen to your deeper self and make sure that whatever it is that you're thinking about doing or moving forward with, or relationships that you're trying to work out or something like that, you just need to sit with it. You need to really feel into yourself and you need to wait until there's a strong inner clarity. It may be that there is information that is obscured from your view. At this point, it could be that your collaborators don't know about it, it could be that it's being hidden from you, it could be that it simply is not available yet. And over the course of the next couple of weeks, something will happen that will illuminate a point of awareness that you need to have. So if at all possible, wait on anything that is non-essential. And especially, you know, when I gave you the list of all those things like travel or publishing or things like that, especially with those themes, just chill. If it doesn't need to happen right now, you don't need to do it. And again, if you've already made the plans, if things are going along okay, you can go forward, but just be prepared. Check your details. If things are slowing down, just be flexible. Be flexible, Aquarius. This is a time to be flexible, to roll with what comes to let yourself change your course midstream if you need to. 


Now, especially between September 29th and October 3rd, it could feel like there's a lot of stimulation in the atmosphere. It could feel like, "I gotta make a decision," or there's some friction around whatever it is. Again, hastiness, uncertainty, unclarity. Wait. There's a new moon in Libra on October 6th and then over the course of the next four days, through the 10th, there are a number of things that happen that bring in new clarity. A couple of planets, stationing direct: Venus is moving into a new sign. We have the superior conjunction of Mercury and the sun. Mars will be there. Okay, there's like a lot of stuff that's happening that clarifies action during those couple of days. Still, wait, we're still in Mercury Retrograde. There are still two planets that are stationing direct, there are still multiple aspects that are occurring over the next couple of weeks that help these points of clarity get more refined and integrated, and you want to wait for them. I think you want to wait. When it comes to future plans. When it comes to ideas that you're brewing, when it comes to anything that you're putting out into the world. This is very, very valuable time for you.


Talking about values brings me right back to what I was talking about with the full moon. You want to make sure that whatever it is that you're putting out into the world, the direction that you are taking, etc, is aligned with this sense of soulful spirit value. The energy that you know that you want to be cultivating in your life, from here on out. The energy that you know you have been working to cultivate for a long time now. You have something—I don't know what it is—but you have something and it is recent. It is a recent point of awareness that has brought you closer to yourself. It has brought you closer to a piece of profound truth that has to do with you—how you want to live, your identity, how you want to occupy your body, how you want to be creative in the world, what it is that you're offering, the kinds of relationships that you're in, what you're bringing into those relationships. You have something right now and you don't want to lose that thread, you really want to honor whatever this is. You want to polish that treasure. And by the end of October, you're ready. 


The last week or so, of October and the first couple of days of November, are bringing readiness. There's a full moon on October 20th. Mercury stations Direct just a few days before that. These are influences that are going to bring in more illumination for you, more clarity, especially for those of you who are working with communications: writing, research, any kind of sharing of information, that is communication, right? Wait—that full moon is bringing something for you. And a couple of days after the full moon helps you orient towards action you want to take. Mercury's Retrograde shadow completes on November 3rd. If you can give whatever it is until then, I think you're going to be happy that you did it. And then just to say one more time, Mercury Retrograde doesn't need to be a prescription for doubt. If you've made plans already, and you're not starting new things, and those plans are in the works, trust them. It is totally a time that you can start things, but just be aware of your environment. Be aware of your intentions. Don't move too fast. Don't jump out the gates running. Be slow. Be thorough. Be careful. Be caring. Care, feels like, I don't know, somewhere in this, in this piece that I said—you have something, you've come to something, there's something that's really important that you've come to recently. It feels to me like care has something to do with that. And you really want to infuse the next couple of weeks with deep, deep care. There's a lot to tend to here and it feels so important for you that you give it that time. I hope any or all of that is helpful. 


I'm gonna leave it there for now. If you want more astrology from me, check your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading, special for your sign, where I go over the major themes, opportunities and challenges in 2021 for Aquarius or for your other signs. The year is coming to a close and those readings are half off now and you can find them on my website. Also on my website, you can find more information about my extended content subscription. If you subscribe, you get access to my month ahead calendars, to worksheets and tools to learn about astrology and work with your chart. You'll also get invitations to my twice a month subscriber only meetups, one of which is a workshop where I give you embodied creative exploratory experiences to understand astrology through your body. The other is a community space. Both will be happy to have you in them. You can follow me on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology for regular Astro updates and musings. If you enjoy this work, please share it with your friends and networks. Subscribe, rate, and review on your favorite listening platforms. And of course, your financial contributions are so appreciated and so helpful. I'm wishing you all the best in Libra season and beyond. Bye for now.


CAPRICORN Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)


PISCES Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)