AQUARIUS Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)

You’re emerging from a space
that’s more sensation than words and
your body and being are no longer the same.
Your desires are different now too, and satisfaction requires
you to continue to let words rest and focus instead
on subtle attunement and energetic alignments.


Hello and welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thank you so much for listening. You're tuned in to your horoscopes for Pisces Season, February 19th through March 20th, 2022. My name is Renee Sills. I'm a consulting astrologer, somatic educator, and artist. I'm interested in exploring astrology as a tool for self-awareness, relational growth, and personal and collective healing.


Before I get into your horoscope, I want to share some information with you about the future of Embodied Astrology horoscopes. You may have noticed that I did not release horoscopes for Aquarius Season, and I want to extend a thank you to everyone who reached out to me with concern this past month. Thank you so much for your care and for your warm wishes. Folks, I really needed a break. 2022 marks the seventh year of creating Embodied Astrology horoscopes, and I really adore this practice, I have to say, it also takes a lot out of me. If you've been a listener for a while, you probably know that I am definitely not brief in my interpretations, and creating individual 20 or 30 minute podcasts for all 12 signs — sometimes I choose to redo them if I feel like I forgot something — every single month. This is a lot of work.


Additionally, on January 10th this year, I released your year ahead readings, which are between 90 minutes and two hours for each sign. They go in depth into the major themes I feel coming through for every sign throughout 2022. So by the time I got to Aquarius Season, I was just tapped out on my capacity and I needed to take a pause. During this time, I was able to reflect a bit on my intentions and desires for this work and on the evolving landscapes of technology and social media that have allowed me to share this work with you. I still have a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions, but a few things have become clear, and I will be making some changes in how I distribute my content. And I want you to be aware of these changes so that you can continue to access this work if you want it.


First and foremost, your horoscopes are not going anywhere. As I said, I really love making them and I'm definitely planning to continue. They will continue to come out monthly with the start of each new Zodiac season and they will continue to be offered for free. Your donations and other forms of support gladly accepted. However, beginning next month with Aries Season, I will no longer be distributing my horoscopes through Spotify or iTunes, and they will only be available from So if you love your horoscopes, please head over to my website, click the horoscopes tab, and sign up for the free monthly horoscopes membership tier.


Secondly, I wanted to mention that there have been several recent occurrences of fake accounts on Instagram who have been impersonating me as well as other astrologers, tarot readers, and psychics. And I should say that my Instagram content is distributed across Facebook as well. So these fake accounts copy our pages and they have a lot of the same photos, they use our taglines. But if you look carefully, there are some variations on our names. So for example, the most recent fake account for Embodied Astrology had two Y's at the end of the name. You'll also notice that the posts are usually all from the same date and often don't include all of the content that I will post on my own page. So these accounts then follow my followers. They send private messages offering readings and asking for payment upfront. Please don't fall for these scams. Okay, friends? If you get a message such as this, immediately report and block the account and definitely don't send them any money. This has been a super frustrating and ongoing problem for a while now. And the admin at Instagram has been very unhelpful. They continue to let these accounts proliferate and they refuse to verify my account for reasons that they won't explain.


So for this reason, and others that I won't get into right now, I also want to let you know that I will be transitioning in the next few months from using Instagram as a primary space for releasing astrology updates and live videos, and I'll be starting to post the content that I create directly to my website. And I'll be hosting live and free events in my virtual community space instead of on Instagram Live. So if you want access to this content, if you want to join me in these live events, that's another reason to head over to and make sure that you are signed up.


I have varying levels of membership, beginning with a free or by donation tier that will get you access to horoscopes and my regular astrology content and writing. I also host monthly workshops where I offer embodied, creative explorations of current astrology and support for working with your own chart. And finally, there is a beautiful and growing community space and monthly astro teatime meetups where you can learn with others, with us about chart reading, working with transits, and how astrology manifests for all of us differently. All of my levels of membership are offered by sliding scale.


Last but not least, I just want to thank you again. Whether you're new to this space, or if you've been tuning in with me for a while now, thank you so much. It feels really risky and vulnerable to be pulling back from social media since it's been such an important space of connection for me, and also a space where this practice has grown a lot. But it's clear to me that I'm not aligned with the priorities of these platforms and their owners, and the space that I want to hold with you is ultimately a lot more relational and interactive than these platforms can support. So thank you so much for listening. Thank you for signing up. Thank you for sharing with your friends and networks. And thank you so much for your support. I hope to see you in the near future at one of the Embodied Astrology virtual events.


Okay, on to your horoscope. Please remember as you listen that my intention as an astrologer is always to see and support your greatest well-being and potential. Sun sign horoscopes are general readings. If as you listen, something doesn't land for you, it's not for you. Please feel free to always take what works, leave the rest. Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. I also want to remind you that you can find written transcripts of these horoscopes at in the horoscopes section.


Alright, Aquarius. Pisces Season, the season after yours is here. I know I was not with you last month and I am sorry, Aquarius. I wish you a very happy belated birthday for those of you who are Aquarius Suns and a blessed new solar year for those of you who are Aquarius risings! I want to give a little bit of a cushion to this horoscope and bring in some of the Aquarius season themes as I weave them into the Pisces Season horoscope. Alright, so, as you may or may not be aware, but I think you may have felt, the beginning of the year, January and February, had a considerable amount of astrological tension. There were a lot of retrograde planets, there were some pretty heavy aspects coming up. And this contributed to a fair amount of psychological tension in your chart. And throughout Aquarius Season, I think that you were in some kind of space of trying to make sense of the huge rock that was on your head, that's the feeling that I get, that there was just an incredible amount of pressure on you. And this pressure was both externally imposed and internal. A lot of you worked with this pressure through strengthening yourself, through continuing to motivate yourself, doing the thing that Aquarius does really well I think, which is compartmentalize things and see the big picture and maybe not give a ton of attention to the, the millions of little details that may have felt kind of edgy. And a fair amount of you, I think really felt like you had a huge rock on your head in Aquarius Season.


And when we get to the kind of middle of Aquarius Season and, and definitely by the middle of February, Aquarius energy starts to shift. And this shift to me feels like you are working something out that has been affecting you, but you don't totally know what it is and you don't know why it is. And you may have felt the symptoms of it, you may feel the affect of it, there could be anxiety, there could be a lot of energy, particular kinds of motivation, particular kinds of fears or fear patterning coming up for you, again, especially earlier in the year as we get into the new year. But then as we get into the middle of February, I feel like a lot of you are taking this energy and turning it around some way. And as, as we move towards Pisces Season, there's a feeling of growing self awareness and momentum and conviction and remembering what your values are and why you want to be working towards these values. And I, my sense is that you're moving from a space that had you somewhat dispersed and pulled by a lot of different influences and energies, again, I don't know if you were even clear where a lot of them were coming from, it feels like you were affected. And I feel like you're getting stronger and more self aware as we move into Aquarius Season. And my sense is that on a psychic level, on a subtle level, something is coming together for you. And it feels like motivation to keep on going and maybe it feels like a, some kind of calling or larger sense of motivation that is asking you to open to some new kinds of energy in your life and asking you to see what you may have not seen before.


Alright, so now as we get into Pisces Season, we are moving into a season that amplifies your awareness around basically your power and the capacity that you have to manifest and build in your life. What your capacity is includes a lot of things, of course, and plenty of that is contained within you. And also plenty of that has to do with the resources you have access to in the conditions of your life. And so we're looking at all of this right now. We're looking at how you feel your inherent capacity to do and be as you want to do and be in the world. And we are looking at your resources, your comfort, and sense of stability, and sense of possibility when it comes to being able to access resource, including the resource that you have within yourself, your own conviction, your own fortitude, your focus, etc., as well as the resources that are outside of you, such as material resources, or relational resources. You, in 2022 Pisces season, I think you are feeling this question of personal power and strength in some really different ways. Any Aquarius out there right now will be well served by recognizing and practicing awareness that you are not here alone. I talked about this a lot in your 2022 reading, you are not here alone. What you are trying to do with your life cannot be realized by you alone. You know this, you need other people. But also, even when you are isolated, lonely, not in contact with other people, you are always in relationship environmentally, and the space around you is not empty. It is full, and it is full of energy, it's full of life, it is full of feeling. And I think that you want to be tuning into these more subtle realms of sentience that are around you. When you have some kind of practices that help you connect with the spiritual realms, or the subtle realms, you are so much more resourced. And I can't stress that enough. I think that Aquarius is going through some pretty challenging astrology in 2022. This, this feels quite pivotal for a lot of you and it feels maybe like a cause for concern for some of you. I think that a lot of you are facing some intense challenges. And when you are resourcing yourself from the spiritual and the subtle realms, you can meet these challenges with so much more ease than if you're not.


So the first thing that I want to say is that throughout Pisces Season, but also throughout this year, and especially from now until the beginning of May, there is a real need for you to do what you can and, and need to do in order to open yourself to connection with something greater. Now, everybody has their own perspective and approach, so you have to follow yours. But I would definitely say that it feels like when you can connect yourself with a larger resource, it's really helpful for you. And this could be a larger resource of a family or friend group. It could also be the ocean or a flock of birds, it could be a network of roots and trees. When you draw inspiration from the natural world and from the ways that life unfolds organically and with a lot of intelligence, I think it helps you let yourself off the hook a little bit. It helps you feel into a larger support system and, and feel yourself kind of carried in that support system. My worry for a lot of you right now is that you feel like you are working alone. And I think probably many of you that, that's fairly accurate. We're three years into a pandemic, people are really isolated. We also are trying to survive in late stage capitalism. This is a system that's been set up to isolate people. I definitely know that a lot of you, Aquarius is a 12th of the population, are experiencing some level of isolation and feeling of aloneness. And in all of that, I want to ask you to connect and to connect with some larger sense of support.


On February 21st, I'll be offering a workshop. This is the Embodied Astrology Pisces Season workshop. It will be a live workshop that's also recorded, so you can access the recording if you can't make the live event. This is a workshop where I'll be focusing on the endocrine system, the hormonal and the chemical messengers in our bodies that have everything to do with the regulation of our mood, our perceptive and cognitive functions, our metabolic functions, the different cycles in our organs, etc. And I'm going to use this time to explore the ways that endocrine and perception really go hand in hand. And when we are in certain states of emotional activation, we're going to see the world very differently than when we are in other states of emotional activation. I'll be offering some pretty simple practices to help tune into glandular balance and support, and also help us to open and stimulate some of the glandular awareness that can help facilitate more integration between the heart, mind, and body and more, more sense of peace or happiness and wellness within the body. So if that sounds interesting to you, I think it might be beneficial for what I'm feeling going on in your chart, and just in general in the collective astrology. But for you in particular, it's important for you to remember that you have subtle support. And again, you can get the support by connecting in with forces that are greater than you, but also by working with your inner body. When you are feeling supported and nourished in this way, Aquarius, you have a lot of power, actually, and you are able to manifest a lot for yourself. And during Pisces Season, there is an emphasis on, again, on your power and your capacity to manifest, to build what you want to build in your life and for yourself. But this emphasis is really looking at the emotional and the psychic and the subtle layers of your manifesting capacity and of your power potential. So if you want more information on that workshop, I think it might be a great support for you, you can find it on my website


The last week of February, the last couple of days in particular, highlight the psychological process that you have been in now for quite some time. And when I was talking about what I was feeling you come into Pisces Season with and the influences that have been strong, definitely since the beginning of the year, what I'm looking at in your chart is a process of psychological restructuring. A lot of you are needing to look at unprocessed content right now. And by unprocessed content, I mean memories, experiences that were not properly sequenced or integrated after they happened. We might also be looking at patterning in your family. This includes family of origin as well as chosen family or family with people who raised you. It also includes societal conditioning. I feel like a lot of you are doing a lot of work right now to look at deeper patterning. And in looking at this deeper patterning my sense is that you know that something is there but you don't know what it is. And maybe you're starting to find out by this point in the game, but the, the content that is coming up, this deep content that is ready to be integrated, cleared, sequenced, etc., it was buried so deep. You forgot about it. You ignored it. You were like, whatever, it doesn't matter. It's like, or, or your caregivers were like that, you know, you learned to ignore it or something like that. And I feel like a lot of you are, maybe for the first time, recognizing how much impact certain events had on you, certain levels of entrainment or, you know, cultural conditioning or something like this. And now you are wanting to shift really deep patterns that you may have only recently been becoming aware of.


In the last couple days of February, I really feel you're doing this quite strongly and the sense that I get is that you are taking a stand, and I feel you're getting stronger in your physical body. And I don't mean to be ableist in this, in this description. So I feel you anchoring into the earth in a different way, whether you are standing, lying down, or sitting. I feel you moving your consciousness downwards and taking up more space. I feel your voice getting stronger. And on some level, I think there's some ferocity coming out that wants to emerge from you. And this feels like the statement that you belong, that you have a right to take up the space in your life. And what has been plaguing you, distracting you, filling your consciousness with ideas that you don't want to be holding anymore, I feel you're getting more and more clear about that. And you are ready to shift this deeper patterning and you are seeing it more and more clearly for what it is.


Moving into March, we have a New Moon on March 2nd, and this is a powerful New Moon. And you can work with this New Moon, I think it would be a great one for you to work with, to form some kind of ritual. A ritual can look however you want it to look, okay? Doesn't need to be what I would do, has to be intuitive, make the meaning that is meaningful for you. But form some kind of ritual around honoring what is really of value to you. And start with your innermost experience. Start with yourself. What is really of value to you that you offer that you bring into this life, that you embody? What is really valuable to you when it comes to life experience and to your particular life experience? What is really valuable to you in the world in general, what do you cherish? And I invite you to use this New Moon to invest yourself, to commit yourself to honoring these values. And to clarify for yourself what is valuable to you, and then to contrast that. To notice, what are the behaviors, the attitudes, the decisions, the past times that you engage with that are not actually aligned with your values? Can you see them for what they are? This is a time that you want to nourish yourself with life supporting, life sustaining sentiment. And when you can clarify what is valuable to you, what you truly desire for yourself and for the world around you and for your life, I think it helps you know how you want to run your energy. It helps you understand what kind of decisions you want to be making, etc.


So on that day, on March 2nd, which is a Wednesday, Embodied Astrology will also host another event. My friend and colleague, Dr. g (Claudelle Glasgow) is a somatic therapist, a death doula, a spiritual guide, and facilitator of many skills and talents. And they will be holding a Yoga Nidra practice with an art and writing component. I think that you would really love this practice, I think that it could also really help and support you a lot. Yoga Nidra is a practice of deep restfulness or stimulation of certain — of the deeper brain waves, deep resting brainwaves that allow you to move into parts of your brain and consciousness that you are not able to access in your kind of normal day to day life and that you're most likely unconscious of when you are fully asleep. And this practice makes a lot of space for certain kinds of inquiry into subtle forms of support. And so once again, you are so supported, especially in Pisces Season but throughout the year and definitely through the beginning of May in 2022, you are so supported when you are working in collaboration with the more subtle, spiritual, and numinous realms. And for those of you, because I know there are plenty of Aquarius identified people who might be a little bit skeptical, first of all, you're listening to a horoscope so maybe you're not that skeptical. But I definitely want to say that I think that this particular kind of work that Dr. g is offering would be a really big support for you and might give you some tools that you can continue to use throughout the year to resource yourself in these ways.


Now this New Moon opens up a lot of energy in the charts. And after it, throughout the month of March, we have a lot of opportunity, especially for you, Aquarius, because I feel like after the New Moon, you move through a major layer of reckoning and recognition with the attitudes, energies, constructs, narratives, etc. that have been more toxic for you, that are self negating. I feel you making a lot of headway, really doing a bunch of transformation, recognizing what that patterning is, what these narratives are, how you continue to sabotage yourself, you know, by acting or reacting in certain ways. I feel like you see them really clearly, and then you shift. And it's not a big back and forth, you're like, "Okay, that's it. Done."


And then as we move into the second week of March, more and more opportunity is opening up for you. And there is a lot of opportunity for you to feel yourself in new ways. March brings support for you to feel your strength, for you to feel your desirability, for you to feel your sense of value, for you to feel that you are a person of value, that you can love yourself, that you can believe in yourself, that you can fortify your sense of self worth. This is a really helpful phase for you, I think. And you can support it by doing and being in ways that are life affirming, that are, again, affirming to your values. What do you really value? Invest your time, energy, money, awareness, attention in those things, people, places, ways of being. They will energize you. Okay? They will energize you, and this is you moving against systems that tell you, "Oh, you can do that on your free time. Now you need to work, now you need to be serious," or against systems that are so overwhelming that it feels like you just want to check out. You know, like, ugh, I don't have the energy to attend to myself. You really want to attend to yourself right now. I think that it's very supportive for you when you do.


And then as we get into the second week of March, you might start to have some interesting new ideas about how you can grow what it is that you are valuing. So if it's something about yourself and you're going, this part of me, I really value it, I want more of it, I want to feel this more, as we get into the second week of March, you might have some new ideas about, "Oh, I could, I could build this into my schedule or I could be like this at work, oh, somebody is responding to me really well when I am like this, this is affirmation, I'm going to do this more, I'm going to be this more," etc.


Moving forward into the, into the second and the third weeks of March, more and more emphasis for you on resources, value, self esteem. Again, you are not here alone. And if you feel overstretched, if you feel under resourced, this is a time to resource yourself with something that is bigger than you. I can't stress this enough. It's about your nervous system. It's about your magnetism. I'm not saying you're going to work magic with this. I'm saying it's going to be good for your health. It's going to help with your well-being. And it's going to help with your kind of general attention and energy levels to help you attract more of what you want. When you know what you are working for, when you know why it's meaningful for you. When you commit again and again to the bigger picture, you are supported to move forward. If you spin out and think that it's all you here alone, then you're going to feel overwhelmed because if you're here alone, you definitely don't have enough resources, but you are not here alone. And you, you want to look for what and who is supporting you right now, and you might need to look way out into the, into the atmosphere, into the microbial realms. But if you are here in a body and breathing, you are not here alone. How can you remind yourself of that? Practice reciprocity, practice honoring, practice letting yourself receive what is being given to you, and give back to what you love.


March 18th, there is a Full Moon, it's a Full Moon in Virgo. This is highlighting an interesting axis in your chart that definitely picks up on a lot of the themes that I've been talking about. And I feel like around this Full Moon, you might get interesting reflections within relationships around these kind of more subtle layers of patterning that have you feeling alone, that have you feeling isolated, or these kind of deeper workings of your psychology that I've been mentioning that I think you're working through. And this is a, this is a Full Moon that I think wants to ask you to be in authenticity in your relationships, to be as transparent as you can, to ask for what you want and need, to be curious about the inter-workings and under-workings of relationship, and especially to be curious about how what isn't being said really affects the space. And so if there's something that you are avoiding, a conversation that you are avoiding with another person, or that you feel someone is avoiding with you, that avoidance is taking up its own space in the relationship. And I feel like you're really aware of more subtle energies around this time. And this is a great time for you, again, to resource yourself by connecting with energy that is larger, that is greater. It's also a great time for you to meditate on how you want to be of service, and kind of your, I would say your soul desires right now, what you want to bring and what you want to give into the world. And to really feel that, and to spend some time with the sentiment of your offering here, your, in some ways your sacrifice, you know, and I think that that word can, can, can pull up a lot of things. But what it does mean is to, is to make something sacred. And within, you know, the ways that we've all been taught to not listen to our own bodies, to not listen to our own needs, and to overwork, and the way that labor is enforced on our bodies, I don't want to get confused around how I'm feeling this word right now, but there is a sense that I have right now of, you want to feel that you are in authentic offering in the world. Because I think that there is a lot that you want to give. And there is a kind of selfless feeling in it, you know, a deep feeling of sentiment that you want to give to others, you want to give to the world, you want to give to this greater force. And this is a Full Moon that's asking you to be present with that and asking you to be present with the, the feelings and the sentiment around it.


Over the course of the next two days as we move out of Aries Season — excuse me, out of Pisces Season and into Aries Season, we are approaching the vernal equinox. This is a powerful time of year that asks for inner balance and relational balance. I think for you, this is definitely a time to check in with your social relationships, again, to reach out for the support that you need. This is also an interesting time to notice who is offering to you. I think that there are some resources and supports that you may be starting to recognize as we get deeper into Pisces Season, and certainly as we get into Aries Season these will become more pronounced, and I will be back then to tell you more about it. Alright. Yeah, I think I'm going to kind of leave that there and summarize it there. And in general, Aquarius, this is such a powerful time for you to work through the layers of deeper conditioning and psychic patterning that have kept you not seeing certain things or not feeling certain things and to allow yourself to open up to a more multi-dimensional experience, to soften in new ways to believe in yourself in new ways and to feel your capacity to manifest and build in new ways.


​​Alright, I am going to leave it there. I always recommend tuning in with horoscopes for your Sun and your rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscope section, where you can also find your 2022 year ahead reading, which goes over the major themes of this year with suggestions for creative, embodied and practical support to make the most of your opportunities and work skillfully with your challengers. For support throughout Pisces Season, tune in with the Embodied Astrology workshops and member spaces. And definitely make sure you've signed up for at least my free level of membership to make sure that you get next month's horoscopes delivered directly to your inbox. For those of you who want to learn how to read your own chart and work with astrology, you might be interested in my class series Your Chart is a Body, an introduction to chart reading, where you'll learn to identify, interpret and synthesize the main components of an astrology chart — signs, planets aspects and houses — all through an embodied, somatic lens. These horoscopes and transcripts are offered for free. If this work benefits you, please consider making a one time or recurring donation. Other great ways to support this work include sharing it with your friends and networks, and of course, signing up for one of my membership levels. Until next time, I am wishing you all the best in Pisces Season and beyond.


CAPRICORN Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)


CAPRICORN Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)