AQUARIUS Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)

No matter where you go, there you are.
You are your ever-present number one
and your body is your home.
No matter how lonely you may feel at times,
you are not alone.
Open to receive support from a spiritual source.
And let those subtle sensations of spirit spread
into the people and relationships around you.


Hello, Aquarius. Welcome. Thanks so much for tuning in. You're listening to Embodied Astrology, and these are the horoscopes for Sagittarius Season. That's November 21st through December 21st in 2021. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. This reading is an intuitive offering. I'm going to check in with your chart for Sagittarius Season and give you my interpretation of what I'm feeling here. Please listen through the lens of your own intuition and make the meaning that is meaningful for you. All astrologers are human beings too. That means that our language is limited, and we don't always have access to everybody's experience. So as you listen, make your own associations and trust whatever it is that you're thinking about. And whatever guidance it is that works for you, keep it. Feel free to let the rest go. I always suggest that folks tune in with horoscopes for their Sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section. You can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes there if you would prefer to read rather than listen.


Alright, Aquarius friends. So, Sagittarius Season gets going a couple of days after a very powerful eclipse, and this eclipse is bringing new movement into the axis of your life that has to do with work in the world, you in the world — you as a human being that is creating the shape of your life — and you at home — you as a human being who needs time away from the world, who needs time in your own private, personal space, whatever that means to you. How I think about this axis is often as the vertical axis of growth. And if you were a seed, the ground that you were planted on has a direction, right, that it's going to grow towards light, and the light that is above you is what is pulling you up. And over the next two years or so, through the fall of 2023, you're going to be developing more root system for yourself, you need to make yourself at home. And I don't know what that means for you, it's going to mean different things for different people.


On a fundamental level, I think that this means that you have to be at home with yourself, that a sense of self belonging is a sense of empowerment and agency. It's a stable attachment that you have with yourself, as well as with the Earth. And beyond that, you can have home and family with other human beings, with other living beings. But you first need to have a stable attachment with yourself, you first need to know that you belong in your own body. And when you feel steady in yourself, then you can grow in the world. And over the course of the next couple of years, you are working to heal any patterning that you have around leaving yourself for other people. Our root system is very connected to our roots, to the people and the places that we come from. And everybody's a human being on this planet, and so this is a traumatized planet. I think a lot of people, most people are coming from some kind of lineages of trauma, and no blame here at all. There is a recognition that in lineages of trauma, people are surviving, they're doing the best that they can. You may — you probably do come from patterns and people that were not able to give you the support that you needed all the time when you needed it. You have to give yourself that support in whatever way you can.


And as you give that support to yourself, you can give that support to the people around you. You can identify what your needs and your boundaries are, you can ask for them. And there's some kind of trajectory that's happening here that has to do with how you're moving in the world and what it is that you need to support you for that movement. And right now, I have to say that anything that you want to do in the world, organize yourself around, how do you make space for yourself to belong as you do that work in the world? Don't put your emphasis on the external. It's tempting to put the emphasis on the external, I think, for a lot of people to think like, oh, I'm going to do this, then I'm going to do that, da da da. You will be most successful in whatever it is that you're choosing to do or be over the course of the next few years the more that you put your focus on caring for yourself in the here and now, making space for yourself to exist, creating safe space or safer space for yourself, whatever that means for you.


Now, eclipses can be energetic and emotionally turbulent. So some folks are going to be entering into Sagittarius Season feeling a little off kilter. People might be feeling really excited, people might be feeling really upset. The first couple of days of Sagittarius Season, there is a lot of movement in the air. We're between eclipses. The second eclipse is well within Sagittarius Season on December 3rd, I'll get there in a couple of minutes. I want to give you a heads up that this whole span of time, November 19th till December 3rd, is a span of time to expect the unexpected and try and go with the flow. Don't force things if they're not budging. Look for the opportunities that feel like they're bringing ease into your body and peace into your spirit. If they're not, put them on pause. You don't need to make big decisions, but don't move in directions that feel bad. If they don't feel good, put them on pause.


As we get into Sagittarius Season, there is also a lot of old patterning coming up that is making way for this new cycle to begin that has you getting more grounded and more centered, more oriented on what does it mean to have home, to be family, to be safe, secure in yourself. And again, I want to emphasize that first, it's you with you. And secondly, it's you with other people. So there may want to be a lot of development for some Aquarians out there, literally around home and family right now. And you've had a lot going on in your life for a while that is bringing some change into this area. More change is coming in the next couple of years, you want to develop this part of your life. And you are letting go of some old patterns. And these patterns have to do with, I'm going to say like, guiding philosophies that you've internalized about how you should be in the world and like, what matters, you know, what the priorities are.


And there's a kind of a feeling that I have here that is a little bit of like, the shadow side of Aquarius. And if you don't resonate with this, this is okay. But one of the ways that Aquarius can feel itself is as outside of the group, you know, when you read about Aquarius, this is often some of the information that you'll get, that Aquarius resonates with group energy, with collective energy, but it also sees the group objectively and oftentimes critically. And the Aquarius people that I love in my life are all people that are snarky as hell, and they can like, look at the world and be like, yeah, that's fucked up, or this is how I see that the system works. It's like, y'all have a capacity to see the big picture. But within that capacity, what happens sometimes is that you — I think you forget that you're also a person. And that there's a natural tendency for any people to also want to be included within a group. It's part of our biological response mechanism, it's part of our survival needs is to have like, some kind of group safety. And so as you work towards more stability and belonging in yourself, I feel like you're letting things go that have to do with outdated ideas about what it means to be accepted.


And over the course of the last year and a half or so, you've been in some kind of process that is leading you into your self-expression, it's leading you into your authentic spirit and away from the group mind. And this is a feeling that you're just not — you know, even if you thought you weren't concerned about what people thought before, it's like you're less concerned now. And you're recognizing where you did have concern. You're recognizing where you did place value on whether it was an institution or a social group or that particular friend or something like that. That you — it's like, you don't need that anymore. Some of you may have had ideals about the world and you're like, people should be like this. And over the course of the last year and a half you're going, you know what, people are all kinds of different ways and I don't even know how people should be, you know. Like, that's a headache. It's a headache to try and figure out how people should be. I need to figure out who I want to be. And your orientation is moving more towards yourself and more towards your own, I want to say your happiness.


So if you think back to June of 2020, about, yeah, about a little, little less than a year and a half ago. Something was happening for you around then that started this trajectory, that started this momentum of you expanding your awareness that like, you're here for you, this is your life, and you need to let go of these old ideals. Now, this reaches kind of a peak the last week of November, from the 23rd through the 28th. I feel like this is really present in your consciousness. And so you might be thinking these kinds of thoughts, but you also might be having experiences that illuminate them for you. And you're like, oh no, you know, this is that old pattern, I gotta go, this is not working for me anymore. And then you are moving on.


We have a New Moon and total solar eclipse on December 3rd. This is a New Moon that is bringing the kind of like, final touches into this space for you, that is really pushing you, I think, to let go of these old patterns. And around this New Moon, visualize for yourself what community feels like. Maybe visualize is the wrong word. Imagine, sense into, invite into your consciousness, what does community feel like? What does it feel like to belong? To have a sense of, yes, I can be here as my full self. Meditate on it, fill your body with that awareness, let it saturate into your spirit and soul. And remember what that feels like, and keep moving in that direction. And let go of what doesn't resonate for you, what doesn't feel like that. If you're part of some kind of social scene, and it's like, you walk into the party and like, you feel like, oh my God, my people aren't here. And you have to act and you have to pretend and there's not space for you. It's not your place. You might need to confront isolation or loneliness for a while. That's a very real possibility over these next couple years, that you might need to kind of come in and feel more solitude and really come into yourself. And I want to say that it will be for the best, like you taking this time for yourself to really give yourself a sense of belonging with yourself and with whatever can be included in your world as like, yes, this is — these people see me, or like, God, this tree, you know, this tree is my family or something like that, or you feel the Earth below you. It's like, that's going to help you. Now during this time in Sagittarius Season, you are working a lot out. I think that feels kind of isolating, you might — I, you know, I feel you like, having social energy. And Sagittarius Season, it is the part of your chart that brings you out and into the world. But it's like you have a bunch of other stuff going on too that feels to me like you're very internal right now. And so even if you're feeling a little bit more social, those social interactions are — there's a distance within them. And I think that you're assessing for yourself, do I belong here and is this actually where I want to be?


As we get into the middle of December, around December 11th, give or take a couple of days, this is a period of time when solitude will be really healing and it may not be really comfortable. It feels to me like you're working some things out in a very, very deep way during this time. I feel like you're served with rest, with darkness, with dreaming, with quiet. And I think that there is old relationship patterns that might be surfacing at that time that need your attention. And it feels to me like there's like, sensations of loss, potentially that are coming in. In your biography, I'm sure you've lost people, I'm sure you've experienced loss. This is part of our human experience, is to lose people and eventually to die ourselves. And the fear of loss, I think is great for probably most people. And this may be a period of time when sensations of loss are close for you. And so I want to encourage you to move towards those sensations with love and affection. If you're feeling like, psychically drained, you might need to cry. If you're feeling like you're more reactive than normal, like, take some time for yourself. I'm getting the sense that like, things are moving in a very deep place for you in middle of December, and you want to attend to that energy and not put more on your plate, you definitely don't want to avoid it.


This is also a time when some of you could feel like, very affected by the world because the world is heartbreaking. Really breaking my heart every single day in a lot of ways. And so I also want to just encourage you to grieve. I've encountered several spiritual teachers that continue to kind of give this same message or similar message, which is that we need to feel the loss that's happening. Like, we need to allow ourselves space for grief, we need to allow ourselves space to feel the magnitude of sadness and fear that has not been addressed for centuries if we want change, like we can't just keep running away from these feelings, we have to let ourselves feel them. And sometimes it can feel like a bottomless pit to even move towards those emotions. My sense for you right now is that there is spiritual support when you validate and affirm your own feelings. And it feels to me like the best support that you get at this time is actually from spirit. It is from your dream life, it is from your ancestors, it is from your higher self. I'm not really getting the sense that it's about other people giving you support in this moment, although potentially they could. But it really feels like you need to be with you. And if you can be with you in ways that are addressing these kind of like, deeper psychic wounds or like, spiritual wounds, heartbreak, you know, these big feelings, it will clear something for you that will allow you to continue this process of transformation that you're in, that we're all in, right. That's what life is about, is transforming. Especially, let's see, yeah, mid-December till the end of the month, you got a lot going on in your psychic space, you've got a lot going on there. So please give yourself quiet.


We are moving towards the solstice and these weeks of Sagittarius Season, there's a growing intensity in the atmosphere as we move towards this period of time when the Earth in its rotation around the Sun is really at a change point. This is a sacred time of year in so many different traditions. The solstices and the equinoxes are times to check in, to go within. And especially at the solstice, especially the December solstice, this is a very powerful and very deep time to connect with the Earth, to connect with ancestors, to connect with spirit, to feel the past, to feel the weight of history, to grieve what is lost, and also to plant new seeds. We're changing a calendar year shortly. And as we move into that new beginning, we have to also move through a phase of ending.


Alright, so there's a Full Moon on December 18th. And this is a Full Moon that highlights some of the themes that I was talking about for the last year and a half, this growing awareness of your self-expression. And who you are as a human being and how you want to be expressing yourself and kind of, your authentic truth as it were. Your creative energy, if you are — if you identify as a maker, as an artist in literally any way, regardless of whether the world sees you that way or you think the world sees you that way, I think the last year and a half has been powerful for you in identifying like, what this energy is about for you. This is also the part of your chart that has a lot to do with erotic energy and life creating energy, so that includes children. This is a Full Moon that is bringing, it feels like, support to you. So because mid-December feels like it's so freakin' deep in your chart, I do want to say that this Full Moon is a fabulous time for you to make art. And give yourself some time and space to play. Express yourself creatively, whatever that means to you. Writing, drawing, painting, dancing, working in a garden, I don't know, climbing a mountain. Like, find a way to feel like, connected with lifeforce around the Full Moon. There's a ton of support for you to vision into who you are becoming in the world. That's what this Full Moon is offering for you.


The day after the Full Moon, we move into a phase that's gonna take us all the way until the end of January that is about rethinking values and relationships. And for you, this accentuates and continues this very deep work that you're doing in your psyche and subconscious. This is an absolutely incredible time for you to do ancestral work. It is a field that is like, growing so much right now, people who are doing ancestral practices. I'd love to recommend Dr. Jennifer Mullan, you can find her work on Instagram @decolonizingtherapy or [now]. She's had offerings on engaging with ancestors. And there's also a book by a person named Langston Kahn called Deep Liberation that you might want to check out. That has a lot of practices and meditations and tools for working with your inner child, working with your kind of psychic space and doing ancestral work. It feels like this period from mid-December until end of January for you, there's a ton of potential for you to kind of like, rewrite some major relationship stories when you really work on deep, subtle body patterning, and that is ancestral patterning, it's karmic patterning, etc. This is also a period of time when you can do a very similar kind of process around resources, money, scarcity, survival. And so if any of these kinds of themes have been coming up for you, relationships and resources, use this time, December through the end of January. It is an opportunity moment for you to do this work. And I think that you could really reap a lot of abundance from that if you decided to give it that time.


As we move out of Sagittarius Season, we are moving into the solstice as I mentioned, and there's also some really significant aspects that I'll talk about in your horoscope next month, I do just kind of want to give you like a heads up that the end of Sagittarius Season moving into Capricorn Season, the 20th through the 25th of December, there's quite a lot of intense energy in the air. Processes of change that have been ongoing throughout the year get like, another big push. And for you, this feels like an exaggerated emphasis on you need to be stable in your own ground so that you can like, be who you are in the world. And to be stable and centered in your own ground in a world that is so chaotic, in a life that is impermanent, you have to have a spiritual connection. And I don't mean like, you have to believe in God, like you can believe in the universe, you can believe in planet Earth, you can believe in your higher self. But believe in something that's bigger than you and connect with it and feel that you're supported by forces that are greater than you. And it will help you move through the turbulence of the end of the year, and I think it'll be really strengthening for you. And if any situations are coming up for you that are feeling chaotic or disorganizing or like, there are changes happening in your literal support system, in your home and family, then you doubly, like, AAA want this emphasis of — or this awareness that you have a spiritual home. You belong with yourself. And people come and go, and that's the truth. You know, people come and go. It's part of our human assignment to come and go. And when people come and go, we have to remain steady and centered in ourselves.


I hope any or all of that is helpful and interesting for you. If you would like support throughout this month, check out my extended content subscription. I offer a workshop that is a somatic meditative visualization practice with some writing prompts, with more information about the actual astrology, I'll tell you what's going on, give you dates, tell you what to look out for, etc. You'll also get access to my month ahead calendar if you sign up to become a subscriber. You can find that information at where you can also find pre-orders for my 2022 Year Ahead Readings. Those are hour and a half long readings, special for your sign, where I go over the major themes and opportunities of next year for you. And they're available for pre-order on discount right now. Also on discount are last year's — still this year's — 2021 readings. Those are 50% off, The number one way to support this work is to share it with your friends and networks, to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite listening platforms. And of course, your financial donations are super appreciated. They sustain the production of this work. If you are able, please consider making a one time donation or signing up to become a subscriber. Thanks so much for listening. I'm wishing you all the best in Sagittarius Season and beyond.


CAPRICORN Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)


PISCES Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)