GEMINI Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)

Chaos and creativity go hand in hand.
As structures fall and fail,
notice what opens and invigorates.
New possibilities emerge from remnants of the old.
Transform your deep attachments. Orient anew.
This is a time to share the wealth of knowledge
you have access to and reach for the
teachers and teachings that keep you whole.


Hello, Gemini. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. You're listening to your Scorpio season horoscope. Scorpio season begins on October 22 and ends on November 21, 2021. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer and this horoscope is an intuitive offering of some upcoming themes for Scorpio season for the Gemini solar charts, Gemini sun and Gemini rising. As you listen, please listen through your own intuition. Make the meaning that is meaningful for you. Not everything that I say will land, so take what works and leave the rest. I always recommend that people tune in with horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section. You can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes there if you prefer to read rather than listen.


So Gemini, Scorpio season begins as Libra season ends. And Libra season brought some important turning points into your life. It feels to me that you have been in some kind of space of feeling things out for a while. There may be things that you're feeling out specifically that have to do with creative projects, romantic connections, life path, and for some of you, children, kids. And since earlier in the year, March or April, maybe as early as February, you've been I think in some kind of review space. It feels like you're thinking about or you have been thinking about what you want to open up to and what you want to grow towards and what you're trying to cultivate or invite into your life. And over the last couple of weeks, something has landed. You have made some kind of realization or you've made some kind of decision, and now things are moving forward in a different way that are taking you in a new life direction, they're opening up new possibilities. And you might be thinking about your life and thinking about the big picture of your life in new ways. Now over the course of the last couple of weeks, self expression, I think has been a big theme. And there's something that has been going on in terms of thinking about how you want to move forward with some kind of passion project, with a romantic partner, with something that it feels stimulating to your life energy, it feels exciting, it feels like, playful in some way. And there may also be something that has to do with children that is about this, your own children, children that are around you, or maybe your inner child. And then as we get into Scorpio season, it feels like you want to embody these decisions in a new way. And so my sense when I'm tuning in with your chart, is that you are claiming some aspect of your life in a way that feels very significant. And my hope is that you are claiming some aspect of your love, of your pleasure, of your joy, like there's something it feels like is landing for you and you're like, I like this, you know, like this feels good. I want to continue in this direction. Alternately, I suppose there could be the kind of negative version of those understandings where you're like, I really don't like that. And I don't want to do that anymore. And I am making some kind of other choice for pleasure, for enjoyment, for life giving, life sustaining kind of energy.


As we get into Scorpio season, these decisions deepen, and it feels like you want to bring them into an everyday space of practice somehow. For some of you, this is very bodily and it's like we, especially as adults, especially in 2021, like we have to be diligent, right, and dedicated to cultivating our life energy. There's so much, there's so much suffering, there's so much fear, there are so many reasons to shut down. And if you don't want to shut down, then you have to decide not to and then that has to be a decision that you repeat every day in some way, shape or form. And so it feels like some of you are considering what this means for yourself as like a day to day practice, or maybe something that's happening in your body, like you might realize, like, oh, when I eat sugar or drink alcohol, like my mood is worse, you know, like, it contributes to more negativity, and I'm going to cut it out. And there's some kind of decision that you're making around something that's very fundamental and practical in some way in your life. Some of you might also be going through some kind of shift with your jobs, or the way that you're laboring, the way that you're working. And it feels like you're making decisions to do things differently, or the things that you have to do are shifting, and so you're going through some kind of period of adjustment there.


The first week of Scorpio season from the 22 through the 28 or so, there's quite a lot of residual energy from Libra season. And I think that these turning points that I've described, like everybody is going through some version of them. And so it feels like Libra season, and especially the Aries full moon on the 20, maybe cleared some room for new conversations to happen, for new energy to come in. And the first week of Scorpio season, there's emphasis on this newness feeling. And for you, it really comes in, in relationships, I feel like and in the ways that you're thinking about big picture and the future with relationships or with partners. There may be new opportunities for life path and for life direction, you might be collaborating, you might have a new, like creative partner or business partner, you have some idea with a person like, we're going to build this, and you're having like exciting conversations about that, hopefully.


Now I do want to say that there's also a potential that you're arguing, and that you're — there's disagreement that's happening about life path and life direction. And so the warning that I want to give here is that you don't want to engage in fruitless argument right now. And fruitless argument, at this time especially, feels like when people really dig their heels in and get very convinced that their way is the right way, and then they're just knocking their heads together. And there's no potential for listening. There's no potential for creativity. Everybody's just getting more and more solidified on their stance. If that's what's coming up, if you're feeling that in yourself, or if you're feeling that from other people, I would highly recommend that you cease and desist, that you give it a pause, take a break, go for a walk, come back next week, see if things have changed. And you don't want to be a fundamentalist right now, you don't want to assert your opinions or beliefs on other people. And you don't want other people to assert their opinions or beliefs on you. What you want is open minded, expansive, visionary, potential and possibility. And if that is not what's happening, give it to yourself and let the conversations just be normal or like rest or don't engage.


As we get into the end of October and beginning of November, the energy really starts to shift, we start to feel much more of that Scorpio vibe coming in. It's intense, it might be moody, it's bringing us into the emotional realm. The last couple days of October, the first day or two of November, there's some kind of wrapping up of some process that you were in, at least through Libra season. If you think back to September 20, around the equinox, it feels like you were trying something new, there was some kind of new conversation, thought process, experiment that you were doing. And then the 31 of October through the 2 of November, you're turning the page on these conversations. I don't get that they're necessarily ending, but you're moving into a different chapter with them. And some folks are ending something. So there may be projects that are wrapping up and you're going, I don't want to do this anymore, or this is finished, or I'm going to do it in a new way. Some of you might be going through breakups. I'm seeing that there — I'm feeling like it's more maybe a potential friend breakups or breakups with people who maybe haven't been long established partners, although that could be wrong, I take that back. There could be some breakups, there could be like some transitions of energy. And the feeling that I'm getting is like, if that's what you're experiencing, it's time and it's necessary in order for you to move on and experience the kinds of relationships that you're ready to experience. Scorpio season is a season of death. And so if these are endings of relationships that are endings of lives, and please don't get freaked out when you hear me say that, like, that's gonna be the exception, not the rule. But it does happen all the time, that the people that we love pass on. And if that is something that is happening for you, then I would kind of say, like, you need to, you need a lot of time to grieve. And if relationships are ending, you need a lot of time to grieve. You know, however, it is like give yourself time and process to integrate and be with the feelings that are there.


Now for some of you, your relationships are getting deeper. And it's not at all about ending, it's about moving into a new layer of depth, a new layer of commitment. And this may also require some grief. You know, like, I know people who get engaged and then they go through like a couple of months or years of like, existential crises, because it's like, well, what am I gonna be now? You know, this kind of thing. So let yourself feel the feelings, process them, you're in some kind of space of transformation. And try and stay current, try and stay present with where you're at and give yourself the things that you need. And moving on from that new moon on November 4, did I get there yet? No.


There is a new moon on November 4. This is a new moon that is asking you to steady yourself. So whatever the space is of transformation in your life right now, in whatever ways you are working to grow, to move on, to move through. I'm getting that a lot of you are, of course, feeling so impacted, either directly or emotionally, with the world, with everything that is happening in the world. And it feels like a lot of you are wanting to take action and do something, involve yourself. In general, I'm getting a sense of wanting to deepen and steady your commitment to living a life that is meaningful, and to doing and being in ways that get to the root of your intentions for what it is that you imagine life could be about, that you envision for your work in the world, your relationships, your sense of wellbeing. This is a new moon to call in the big picture and to place yourself in the big picture. So your life in its totality is the big picture. And this moment is a detail. You in your totality are a detail of the big picture of the world around you. This is not a time on Earth where we need more saviors. It's like, we need collaborators and friends and people who are working in community. And my sense is, is that this is something that you are aligned with. And that there's some kind of new direction, this could be part of what I was talking about at first, like something you've been thinking about maybe since the beginning of the year, earlier in the year. But it feels like there's some kind of collaboration or work with groups or idea of how you can participate in some kind of larger way that could be coming in around that new moon.


Now also feels like some of you are working with existential stuff. And so it's like, holy shit, everything is really overwhelming. What can I do? I can't do anything, I'm one person, we're all going to die. Like this kind of feeling. If that's a feeling that you're going through, practice simplicity. Find one thing to appreciate in the physical location that you're in, one point of beauty, and then really bring yourself into presence with it. Practice breath, reach out to teachers, reach out to support, try and talk to people about what you're experiencing, you are not alone. And if you can get information and guidance that can help you navigate, I think it would be really helpful, much more helpful than keeping it inside.


The last thing that's coming in that I want to say is that for those of you Geminis who have animal companions, and again, this isn't gonna be everybody, but some of you might be experiencing a departure with pets. Also, if any of you have been in caretaking roles with people who are ill or elderly, there may be some kind of shift in energy around this new moon, that all of those circumstances I would say require you to steady your nervous system, reach into the big picture, connect with sources of information and guidance that feel stabilizing and that help you move out of the emotionality of a situation and remember the really big picture.


Moving on from the new moon, we really dive into Scorpio season. So the intensity and the immensity that Scorpio can represent becomes very palpable, I would say in the atmosphere and in the energy as we head into November. And I feel like you're having deep conversations, and that you may be working with really like serious issues. Sex, death, money, power, sharing of resources. How are you going to engage in a long term collaboration or partnership? What will that require? What do you need from other people? What are things that are in the way, what are blockages? Where are like deeper standing psychological issues needing to be addressed? It feels like this is work for you right now, and it's work for you internally, for sure, and then potentially also with others.


From the 5 of November until the 25 of November, you're doing some kind of research, you're figuring something out, you are trying to get into the roots and untangle things. And I want to say that this is a really good time for clearing habits and behaviors that are not life giving for you. It might be a time that you want to, again, like quit something. If you consume something or if you have some kind of behavior that you know isn't good for you and it never makes you feel good and you don't want to do it anymore, November is the time to stop it. And I would say, cold turkey maybe is the way to go. I wouldn't recommend giving yourself a longer period than about three weeks, again, from about November 5 to the 25. Like, that's your window, clear it out. It's a great time for some of you to do cleansing, it's a great time to like do release of whatever might be clogging your environment. And I mean that literally and psychically and spiritually and mentally and as a metaphor.


Also beginning in the early part of November, there is this need to bring relationships into some more depth. And so it feels like either you in yourself are really getting into the depth of certain habits, patterns, tendencies, or with others or with an other you're examining commitments, you're looking at, like what is in the underneath space, it feels like you need to talk about what needs to get talked about. There significantly may be issues around money and resources. There may be value systems that need to get examined and worked through. Some of you Geminis might have multiple relationships if you're practicing non monogamy or if you're in an affair, and this is a time when like those issues actually become really present and you need to do some kind of sorting out of multiple relationships or things that are happening that are like getting triangulated or they're kind of funky and you have to sort something out. You definitely want to use this time to clarify resource issues, sharing money, sharing time, sharing space, that kind of thing. This is a process is going to take you a while. So from the beginning of November all the way to the beginning of March next year in 2022, you're in this process, and therefore you can relax about it. You don't need to figure everything out tomorrow. Again, try not to be fundamentalist or righteous or entitled. Notice if you have fears or attachments that are coming up. If you're dealing with other people that are feeling really attached or feeling fearful, give people time. You can use this time most effectively by thinking about simplicity. You want clear structure, you want clear boundaries, the container needs to be fortified somehow. And the agreements need to be formalized and they also want to be simple. You're looking for sustainability, you're not looking for the moon, like you don't need everything right now, you need the foundation of something, you need the baseline support, you need to get into the essentials. That's what you want to use this time for, now through next March.


This is also a time that some of you are dealing with loss. There are some Geminis out there are who are experiencing death, who are experiencing profound transformation, and this period of time for you might have something to do with that kind of underworld journey that we're taken on when we are close with death and so this might be a time also that you are really thinking about life because death is illuminating to life. And you might be going through some kind of psychological process with yourself. I'm definitely getting the sense that while some Gemini folks out there are experiencing this time is like quite a fertile, creative and exciting time, there's a lot of you out there also that are experiencing a lot of anxiety and depression. I'm feeling like your mental and psychological states, more than the physical states, are kind of what's coming up. And so November to March could be a period of time in which you will be very assisted by simplifying for yourself, not trying to take too much on, and giving a lot of care to your inner child, your inner children. This is a really good time for you to do clearing work and clearing practices with cords, you know, cord cutting from previous relationships or working with ancestors, integration of trauma. This is definitely a time when a lot of you I think are needing spiritual support and energetic support and so in any way you resonate with those words, you might reach out. You might use astrology, tarot, the esoteric metaphysical arts. This is a good time for that as well.


Getting into the last chunk of Scorpio season, November 10 through the 21, Scorpio energy is intensifying. So from that new moon on November 4 until the end of Scorpio season, we're working with Scorpio and Scorpio is, you know, sex, death and transformation, power issues, the shadow, phoenix energy. What dies will be reborn, but in order to be reborn and reformed and transformed, we really got to let go. And for the most part, I think most people haven't received a lot of support when it comes to transitions. And we live in a world that has a lot of material attachment, a lot of fixation on power and greed and materialism. And there's so much suffering and people are activated, people are triggered. There is a lot that is surfacing and intensifying, and this is a time where I feel like you especially need to focus on your mental wellness, on your mental health. This is also a time when I think you might need some catharsis, some release. And that could look a number of ways, but getting your body and your breath and your voice moving would be really helpful. I'm also getting for you that erotic energy is super helpful for you. And working with erotic sensation and power that's deeper than sex, that is about tapping into something that is like very primal and life creating, life sustaining. Sex can be included but it's not just that. And so it feels like Kundalini work, second and first chakra work. If you can do that, it might really help states of anxiety, depression and mental closure. It can be super helpful for you to work with your energy in those ways right now.


This is also a period of time when you might need to make some important decisions about certain — for some of you it's going to have to do with your, with jobs and finances. For some of you it might have something to do, again, more with your health and like deciding that you need to do something different or something like that. And so in general, I want to say that, especially like around the 9th and the 10th, go easy on yourself and try and like be easy on others. And there is quite a lot of potential for erratic and volatile energy from the 10th through the 17th. And you want to be careful, you want to be steady, you want to be mindful. And Gemini and Gemini rising especially, there is a caution for you about being susceptible to triggers from the environment. And so I'd love to encourage you to engage with pacifying practices, to meditate, to take it easy on how much bad news you're about to consume. If your life feels really overwhelming and your life feels triggering, then reach out for support. Podcasts, books, communities, talking with friends. Yeah, take care of yourself these days.


This is a time that also has a lot of profound potential for breakthrough. And for you, Gemini, it feels like breakthroughs are coming around the big picture of your life and what you want to be cultivating and where you want to be headed. There are also intuitive breakthroughs and psychic breakthroughs that can happen at this time. You might recognize that there are certain ways that you've been blocking yourself or limiting yourself or stuck in some kind of fear pattern and now you're ready to let go of it. This is an amazing time to pay attention to the system. How is the system working? And then how do you break free?


There is a full moon on the 19 of November that is also a partial lunar eclipse, and this is the first eclipse in a series of several eclipses that will take us through October of 2023 occurring in Scorpio and Taurus seasons. This eclipse for you has the potential to open up some wild dreams, it would be a good time for you to do dream work. It's also an amazing time for you to meditate, to do any kinds of practices that open you up to psychic, spiritual dimensions of your life. This is also a period of time when you are more susceptible to mental and emotional imbalances. And something is becoming more sensitized in your body and you may be feeling more reactive around it. And so if you're noticing like a little bit more instability in your being, this is a really good time to learn about how to steady your nervous system, and again, to adopt and integrate practices that help you maintain clear boundaries, a healthy sense of self, and connection. Connection to others, connection to the world, connection to faith and spirit.


I'm wishing you well, Gemini. In this season it looks like there is a lot of potential for a lot of things in your chart right now and it feels a little bit like highs and lows when I tune in with your chart and I tune in with your bodies and like some of you are riding real high right now, and a lot is happening, a lot of breakthrough and some of you are going pretty deep and working through a lot of stuff. So please take care of yourself, please take care of the people around you.


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TAURUS Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)


CANCER Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)