LEO Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)

Anchor into the power that is your core.
Stay steady in the eye of the storm.
Bring space and breath to tension and fear
so you can transmute poisonous patterns
and relational dis-ease.
Seek to possess only yourself and take
your time in choosing when, where,
and how you will share you.


Hello, Leo. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. You're listening to your horoscope for Scorpio season in 2021. This is the span of time between October 22 and November 21. My name is Renee, I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. And this is an intuitive reading with a somatic lens for the Leo solar charts in Scorpio season, so for Leo sun and Leo rising. I always suggest that people check in with horoscopes for their sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section. There you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes, if you prefer to read rather than listen. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Make the meaning that is meaningful for you. This is a symbolic and archetypal language. So please feel free to take what works and leave the rest.


Alright, Leo. Scorpio season begins after Libra season. And Libra season, I think was very clarifying for a lot of people and I get that it was pretty clarifying for you. It feels like you have been really working hard for the last several months, at least since the beginning of the year, to restructure certain elements in your relationships. I feel you really trying to grow and to be — I'm using these words carefully — a better person. Really to rise to the occasion of your relationships. I feel you trying to do the work that you need to do in order to have the kinds of relationships that you want to have. And this is internal work before it is external work. And it is definitely external work. So you're doing a lot of work inside of yourself, and you're doing a lot of work with the people who you're relating with. And I think that you've been in some kind of reflective period since March or April, for some of you as early as February, around the, potentially the structures of your relationships, certain decisions that you're trying to make, or there may be particular events that have happened or that are coming up or something that you've been either trying to integrate and absorb and figure out how to move forward with or what the next step is going to be.


And then over the last couple of weeks, if you think back to around the equinox, September 20th or so, you have been trying something that, I'm not getting that it's new necessarily, but I feel you really concentrating on your communications. And it's not that you're communicating necessarily in an entirely new way. But you're really thinking about it. You're thinking about how you're talking to people, and what kind of effect you're conveying with your energy. And I think I said this in the horoscopes last month, communication happens at least 90% non verbally. We're communicating to each other with our energy, with our bodily tone, with our posture. I feel like you're very aware of this and you have been really trying to adopt new practices in how you communicate and how you share information. Which also means that you're adopting new practices in how you receive information, how you listen and what you're picking up on and things like that.


Now, there may be particular conversations, also that have been happening in this time, that are new kinds of conversations, or they're conversations about this period of review that you've been in or maybe about upcoming decisions or the ways that you want things to be. But it feels like you are having some important conversations. You may have new friends, or again, there may be like new elements in older relationships. And there is this feeling for me that you're shifting in your sociality. And this is what brings us into Scorpio season.


And so as we get into Scorpio season, it feels very enlivening in your chart and it feels like the way that you are communicating and what it is that you are communicating about is opening up some new space for potential. I feel you feeling your freedom in some different ways. I feel you feeling your pleasure in some different ways and you might be trying to work things out. I mean, you're definitely trying to work things out, when it comes to agreements that you're making with yourself and with others about intimacy, about boundaries, about realities of relationships, about structures, about forms. I feel you trying to work a lot of things out. And as we move into Scorpio season, I feel you having, I think some energy for this or that it is very energized.


The first week of Scorpio season from the 22nd through the 28th is a great time for you to have conversations that are expansive, that are ideation oriented, that are dreamy, and that are not about formalizing something. Bring in elements that you want but don't worry about getting anything figured out. You're going to take some time with that, I think Scorpio season is a big season for you when it comes to those elements. But right at the beginning, don't be in a rush. And I also want to say that, if you feel — if you're really feeling yourself, if you're really feeling your freedom, if you're like excited about something, I want to caution you to not move with insensitivity to the needs of others that may not be spoken or may take longer to come forward. Because it does feel like there are certain elements within your relationships that are underneath the surface, and that need time to emerge. And so this is a really good time to talk about that, to like, talk about what needs to be talked about. But I want to caution you against being a fire sign, and like feeling impulsive, and running ahead and being like, yeah, this is what I want. Let's do it like this. And like sometimes fire energy can be a little bit like a, you know, golden retriever puppy or something. And it's just like so excited and like a little clumsy and all over the place and impulsive. And that is the energy that you don't want to embody right now. And so if you have been doing work over these last several weeks to really tune in with your communication, keep doing that work, like commit to it, be a good listener, really try and take into account all the information that needs to be there for yourself and for others and give time for a process.


I think that you're wrapping up some of these conversations towards the end of October and beginning of November, or it feels like you get to a turning point, you turn the page on something, and the nature of these conversations will shift. And during this time, end of October, beginning of November, there is a sense that we are entering into the depths of Scorpio season and that things will start to feel kind of more intense. That could be exciting and good in some ways. For some of you this is like more solidity to the ideas that you've been talking about. And so there may be increasing levels of commitment, there may be more clarity as to what the path forward is going to entail. You know something about where you stand and what you need. And then for some folks, this is intense in like an emotional way as well. And it may be that you are, you know, you've spent some amount of time thinking about or talking about things that are on the surface, and now you have to go deeper.


And let's see, starting on October 30 and lasting until December 13, you are in a phase where I think you're ready to take action in some different ways. You're more sure of yourself and you have a particular kind of drive. And this is also a time when it feels like you really need to be aware of yourself. And you really need to be aware of how you got to be the way you are. And so I'm getting a sense that you've been doing a lot of work in your relationships. I feel like you're also really trying to grow in your life, in your life direction. Some of you may also be experiencing a fair amount of change in your careers or you're like wanting to do something different in your work in the world. And this work in the world and the work you're doing in relationships is very much supported by the work that you do in your inner self, and the work that you do on your trauma. And also the work that you do to understand your positionality. So I'm talking about like, social, locational identity. What kind of body are you in? What are the conditions that should be considered in this body? I'm talking racial, gender, sex identity, ability, disability, citizenship, education, class, like access and experience, because I feel you wanting to engage, potentially with people who come from all walks of life. And so you need to know where you come from. Not to apologize for it or try and compensate for it or blow it into something bigger than it needs to be. But so that you can be thoughtful within the conversations about your own stance, and also where others are coming from, because you will encounter differences of perspectives and opinion. And that's a good thing, you want this, I think, I think this is what you want. And so you want to be able to be in your own authentic power.


And then the same goes with trauma that you might be working with. It feels like this is a time when you are supported to really look at kind of the deeper workings in your psyche as they've been built around your life experience patterning. And to a certain extent, that also means your ancestry and the life experience patterning of the people who have formed you. So very important relationships in your life, which will definitely include parents and caregivers, and you know, other people in other roles that have really shaped you, including important past relationships, or including present relationships that you've been in for a while, because we entrain with each other, we can traumatize each other and we can also help each other heal. And I feel you wanting to grow in your relationships and grow in your work in the world and grow in your experience in yourself. And so you're ready for a layer of excavation. And this is an incredible time for you to have penetrating insight. And to also cut cords, like if you're carrying around baggage and fears and assumptions and places where you've been entangled or messed up with ways of being or energy or memory or — that have been keeping you from relating in the ways that you want or that have been keeping you from feeling yourself in the world that you — in ways that you want. This is an incredible time for you to work on those issues. So again, from the end of October through middle of December of this year.


And as we get into November, we're moving into a new moon on November 4. And as you approach this new moon, and for the several days around it on either side, you get really deep in this place. And I think that you are aware of this, I think that you're aware of this need to like know where you're coming from. And so again, that includes the conditions that you're coming from, your bodily identity, where you're coming from emotionally and psychologically, where you're coming from in terms of your intention for sure. Like what is underneath you? The idea here that like — sorry for this ableist metaphor, I don't have another one at my earliest disposal right now, but it's like, where you stand on something, like how you stand on something. And so in your body, like if you take a stance for something, what are you rooting into, right? Like what is empowering you in your posture right now that allows you to show up for the kind of work that you're doing? I feel you really holding this with a lot of gravity and sincerity and seriousness around the new moon.


So again, that new moon is on November 4, and this is a new moon that is so powerful for you to do cord cutting work, to do ancestral healing work. This is a new moon for you that is really powerful to do inner child work, to tend to the parts of you that maybe didn't get their needs met at some point. And because they've been, you know, if they weren't acknowledged at that point, maybe they're like ghost mechanisms in your psyche, and they're like, continuing to rattle around and be like, feed me, right. And like, what is needed is for you to turn towards them and be like, oh, babe, like you didn't get your needs met, fuck! You know, and to feel the feelings, and then to try and give yourself what you needed then. Because you are trying to take a lot of responsibility right now. And you're taking responsibility for yourself in new ways. And you're being asked to take responsibility for yourself in new ways. And so this means that those kind of like, hungry ghosts inside of you, those places of trauma that are unresolved, the inner child or inner children that didn't get what they needed, the ancestral patterning that comes from, that comes from, you know, other people not getting their needs met, you can do something with that when you turn towards it, when you acknowledge it, when you hold it, when you comfort it. And then when you invite those parts of yourself to integrate in your adult self, and it's like, okay, I can meet the needs of me then by acknowledging what I needed. And committing to myself to try and give myself those things or committing to myself to not allowing situations to happen that continue to deprive me of the things that I need or something like that. As I'm saying that, I'm thinking about Langston Kahn's book, Deep Liberation, and just wanted to recommend it, throw it in there.


So this is a vibe that definitely carries you for the rest of November. I said that you have a lot of power to do this work until mid December, but all of November, you're in a place where you're doing a lot of depth work. You might be having deep conversations. And you might be having very important conversations specifically that have to do with relationships and with some kind of path in the world, or work in the world that you're doing. You need to give time to these conversations, they may be excruciating and uncomfortable at some points. But ultimately, they are transformative and powerful if you give them your space, time and presence. And I feel you needing to give them most of November. And then as we move out of November, I think your conversational tone will shift remarkably, and will really start to expand and feel a lot more fun and freeing. But November looks like this is time for deep conversations. This is time for really working things out, for getting to the heart of things. And I see that for you too in your own being, like these processes of examination for yourself are super important.


Starting in early November, there's also another longer term cycle that's going to take you through the beginning of March that is beginning. And this is a cycle that will have some reversal energy in it. And it has to do with some pretty important, I would say structures of your day to day life. And so for some of you this may be health related, for some of you this may be responsibility related, like what's yours to attend to, what's your work, what's somebody else's work? For some of you this could be about your immediate environment, your home or your workplace — and/or your workplace. And then there's definitely a hint that this might have to do with a job that you have or a job that you're doing or something that you want to be doing. So from early November until early March, you're in some kind of process of shifting something in some or all of these places that I just mentioned. You want to bring more ease and pleasure and relationality into these spaces. You also want abundance. I feel you really wanting to resource something and sustain something in a way that is like nourishing and solid and good for you and good for other people. And the clue for you is to really focus on simplicity first. And from now through March, you can have big ideas and stuff, but it isn't the time to try and manifest or realize all the different visions that you have. This is the time to work out the skeletal foundations of something, to get — to really get a foundation built, to get a structure in place, to figure out what a container is. There are definite considerations about sustainability here. What can you afford? I mean that when it comes to your time, your energy and your money. And you want to work within your budget, right, so if you're going above and beyond, which Leos like to do, you're going to burn yourself out so be realistic, and take the time to look at all the different places where you could fail. Not to freak yourself out, but so that you are either prepared for them or so that you don't. Like look at the weak spots, it's really important right now to look at the weak spots, and to take the time that's needed to fortify those places and attend to the, again, the structural issues before you move forward. So don't be in a rush, you have until early March. Definitely December and January are going to be times when you really have to move slowly and take your time. So you're starting something in November, and you got, you got some time.


As we move deeper into November, there is an incredible kind of atmospheric tension in the air. This is a really fucking hard time on the planet. And it's not getting easier. You know, maybe there's some interesting potentials for transformation and rebuilding, but there — I mean, there needs to be so much progress and there is so much stalling and people are suffering and it is a really hard time. And you might be feeling this, you might be really feeling this in your body and in your life. You might be feeling it in your relationships. It feels to me like this period of time kind of drives it home for you that you want to be doing something with your life and in the world that is about solutions, not about hand wringing and pearl clutching and trying to figure out how to maintain the status quo, I feel you like, we have to move forward. Some of you are working towards environmental solutions or solutions that might come through, you know, embodiment practice or somatic practice, or you might be working with money. You might be thinking about the practicalities of something like how do you move into something that is more sustainable in general like in the world. I feel you feeling this in yourself and trying to figure out what that means for your life and in the conditions of your life.


Around November 10, and especially on that day, breathe. Take a lot of time to breathe and bring a lot of space around your conversations. You might be edgy around this time and the people around you might be really edgy. There is an increased likelihood for volatility and argumentativeness and conflict. I mean really from like the 10th through the 17th, and you want to not get pulled into bullshit. You want to keep your head cool. This is really a time to be attuned to your trauma patterns. And to the ways that you get triggered, especially when it comes to security issues and stability issues and like attachment issues. Care for yourself as much as you can. Please care for yourself as much as you can that week, the 10th through the 17th. I have this image of like, you might think this is so gross, I have this image of just like spreading butter all over you, in this way that like, fat is protective, you know, and insulating and deeply nourishing. And it's like, I want you to wrap yourself in a layer of warming, protective nourishment, and not get pulled into reactive stuff. So please take your time and do what you need to do for you. This is definitely a time when it's like you put on your own life jacket first, you get your own oxygen first, then you turn around and help the people next to you. But if you're flailing, and you can't breathe, and you are freaking out, you cannot, you're not going to bring what you want to bring into your relationships. Ask for help if you need to, but don't be a jerk about it, like really try and be honest about what it is that you need.


There is a lot of atmospheric tension in that week and we are leading up to a full moon on November 19 that is an eclipse, I'm going to talk about that in a second. So even through the rest of November. It's like there is a charged atmosphere. Do the work for yourself. Keep doing this work around communications. Now I do want to say that if you hold yourself, if you care for yourself, this is a time when you are working powerful inner alchemy. This is you being a sorcerer or sorceress. You are transforming old patterns. You are moving through stuck places. You are dissolving barriers and entanglements that have held you shut in and feeling unsafe or fearful in the past. The only way out is through. So stay present with yourself. Do the work. Call upon your guides, your guardians, your helping spirits, your ancestors. Show up for the task every single day. This is a very powerful time for you to work with magic, to work with tarot, astrology, prayer, etc. Call in the support that you need. It is there for you. And you've got this. And on the other side is wow, yes, you want that.


So this brings us into the new moon, or excuse me, the full moon. Full moon, partial lunar eclipse on November 19. This is the first of several eclipses that will occur in the seasons of Scorpio and Taurus. So there's a full moon in Taurus. And this eclipse is bringing in significant changes for you and your life path, your life direction and potentially your career. If you have been wanting new, something new, if you've been wanting something different, if you've been wanting to set yourself apart from the way that other people do things, I feel you innovating. I feel you taking risks. I feel you liberating yourself and liberating the people around you. I feel you thinking new ideas and really trying to implement and embody in new ways. This is a time to move in the direction of evolutionary liberation, not to hold onto what is known and comfortable and safe. It is definitely a time that you can move slowly and methodically and with care but you need to be moving consistently forward. This is not a time to move backward at all. It will not help you. Not in your work, not in your relationships, not in how you hold yourself in the world. That full moon and eclipse opens up space for more of the conversation that I've already been talking about that has you really looking at the depth, the inner workings of something, and what is needed, what needs to be contended with in order for you to move forward into these spaces of more liberation and authenticity in whatever it is that you're doing, feeling, experiencing.


Okay, so I hope any or all of that is helpful and interesting for you. If it is and you find this work beneficial, please help support it. The number one way to do that is by sharing it with your friends and networks. You can subscribe, rate and leave affirming reviews on your favorite listening platforms. Your financial donations are of course so deeply appreciated and always so helpful. You can leave a one time donation or sign up to become a recurring donor, which will get you access to my extended monthly content including month ahead calendars and twice a month zoom meetups where I offer creative somatic exploratory approaches to learning astrology and working with your own chart. You can find all that information on my website embodiedastrology.com where you can also find information about my Year Ahead Reports. These are hour and a half long readings special for your sign when I go over the major themes and opportunities for 2021 and those readings are now discounted by 50%. And I also have the pre orders available for 2022 if you want that glimpse into the future. Follow me on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology for regular astro updates and musings. I am wishing you all the best in Scorpio season and beyond. Bye for now.


CANCER Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)


VIRGO Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)