SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)

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Zoom out and remember the big picture.
Who are you? Why are you here?
What kind of life do you want to live?
Zoom in and refine the details, 
adjust them with integrity,
honor your vision and inner wisdom.


Hello Sagittarius, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Leo season, July 22 through August 22, 2021. This is your month ahead horoscope for Sagittarius sun and rising. Leo season is another fiery season, Sagittarius is a fire sign, so this season is definitely a time that can give you a boost. As a fellow fire sign, it can help remind you, remember you. As to some of the fundamental qualities I think that are really important to you about life in general, about your personal philosophies, and help you orient with your purpose and with your larger vision for your life.


As we move into Leo season on July 22, we are moving into a full moon which perfects the next day on July 23. And there are a couple of planetary aspects occurring around this full moon that really kind of set the tone for the entire season. And this full moon is the first of two full moons in Aquarius. We have one full moon right at the beginning and one full moon right at the end. The first one at the very beginning of Aquarius, the last one at the very end. And it feels like this is bookmarking for us some major themes and areas of focus, not only for Leo season, but really for the entirety of 2021. Because during this season, some pieces are landing. And I've talked in a lot of horoscopes and other audio offerings or podcasts that I've put out this year about how 2021 is a year when it's really hard for us to know what we're doing because things are getting restructured. And the restructuring process is chaotic. A lot of stuff is up in the air, things are getting renegotiated, redefined, etc. And that means that we might stop doing some things that we've been doing for a long time, we might start doing other things, the circumstances around us in the world in general are changing rapidly. And I think a lot of people's personal lives are changing rapidly. And it feels like Leo season is a time when some of these pieces that have been up in the air start to land. And we start to get a little more clarity, at least for ourselves, about how we might want to be moving or maneuvering. And so this first full moon, in these first couple of days of Leo season, I feel like they are bringing some important conversations forward in the Sagittarius charts. And I've been talking about communication for you throughout the year and I've been talking about some kind of process I feel you in when it comes to restructuring that has to do specifically with your mind, with your attitude, with your perception, with your communication, and with the contexts that evolve and revolve around your communication and those contexts are your environments. So what you're talking about is going to have a lot to do with who you're with, right, what kind of company you're with. And there's something that I feel like you're trying to figure out that has to do fundamentally with your energy and attention and capacity, and where you want to be focusing, what you want to be giving your time and attention to. And this includes what you're doing on your own, your jobs, your responsibilities, pastimes, dadada. It also for sure includes who you're hanging out with and who you're spending time with and what kind of time you're spending together. You might have a friend who you love but you only see them on Saturdays when, you know, they want to go out to a bar and then you get drunk and play pinball. And meanwhile, like you're actually feeling like you need to have some heart to heart conversations like out in the park or something like that. That's an example. So if—that feels like you're trying to clarify for yourself how you want to be engaging, as well as what you want to be engaging with, in what ways for how long, etc. This first full moon, I think, pushes this question forward. And there may be some conversations that are happening around this full moon that feel loaded, that have a lot of content in them and are either about issues that are complex and deep and important, or about many things that feel kind of hard to untangle or make sense of or unwind. If these kinds of conversations are surfacing around this full moon, I want to encourage you that you can give them time in space, you don't need to get answers right away, it's important that whatever is surfacing at this time does surface. And so if it feels like there are things that need to get voiced or need to get talked about, this is definitely a time when you'll probably want to voice them or talk about them. This is also a time when I feel like for you, for Sagittarius folks, you might not totally be able to give language to whatever it is that's happening for you, I feel like you're going through a lot internally and trying to sort things out for yourself and it might not be a time when you're totally sure what you want to say or how you want to be saying it or to whom and etc. And so if those are the feelings too, then I would encourage you to not need to talk, not need to communicate, but to be present with yourself in what is arising and give yourself opportunities to communicate with yourself. Because I think throughout this month, this process of mental clarity is a really important process and a need for you. And basically, throughout the entirety of Leo season, I think you're trying to make space for yourself, and you're trying to...Yeah, like, clarify, you know, reorient with your attention, figure out how you want to be using it. And so when a lot of stuff is coming up, pay attention, like pay attention to the feelings that are coming up, pay attention to their complexities, and try and be present with them in yourself, even if you're not ready to talk about them. Meditate with them, journal with them, talk to trusted friends and therapists about them, dream on them, whatever helps you process, but start to give language to them for yourself. And if that language is messy and confusing for a while, that's totally fine, you just need to be there in the mess of it, in the process with it.


Now as we get into the end of August, the last couple days of August, there are some energies that are shifting, that I think help you, they really help you to clarify. And whatever it is that you're trying to figure out for yourself, I think from August forward until the end of the year, you experience more and more clarification. And this may include an expansion of perception. And so in the beginning part of this basically, from August through October, you may be considering new ideas, there may be new frameworks that you're trying to play with. It feels like you're trying to expand your mind and think about things differently. In previous horoscopes, I know that I've talked about something that I'm seeing in your charts right now that has to do with you being more in control and in choice with your day to day, with your life. And some of the ways that I might describe this is some of you might be considering work and labor right now and maybe changing jobs or trying to find jobs or occupations that play to your strengths and the things that you want to be doing but give you more control over your time. Or you might be wanting to update what it is that you're doing and you're trying to do something that's like more aligned with your vision for yourself or what you want to be doing in the world or something like that. Some of you might be trying to work for yourself right now. Other folks out there might be really dealing with their bodies, with processes that are happening with their bodies. These could be major changes that you're going through in your body, developmental thresholds, like, I don't know, having a child, going through menopause, having, you know, people maybe dealing with recovery processes or illness processes. And from now through the end of the year, it feels to me like whatever it is that you are trying to resolve, to get into a place where it's more efficient, more functional, healthier, more integrated, more accurate for your energy, you're seeing how you could do that in new and different ways. And so you may have already had some glimmerings and some ideas about like oh, I could try this. And from August through October, pay attention to the feeling, like the information that you're getting to the feelings or sensations or thoughts that come in that go: Did you think about it like this? Could you try it like that? Any inclination that, oh, if I just turn it a little bit, if I look at it like this, if I talk about it like that, then this whole new opportunity reveals itself, or wow, I'm like seeing this from a really different perspective and from this perspective it looks like this and I could do that. These are the kinds of feelings that I'm getting as I'm tuning into your chart, is that you're trying to rework something that has to do with a really critical, like crucial parts of your life, that are very much about how you're using your time, your energy, your attention, your general state of well being, and your functionality in your life. And that includes all realms of your life: relationship, job, health, dadada., your functioning. You are wanting to upgrade there, you're wanting to get, you know, into some kind of function that's maybe a little different than what you have been doing. And you might be having a ton of ideas in Leo season. And this feels exciting. So write them down. And from August through October, really notice like, what's the potential, what, you know, what—where does it seem like you can make some new choices? And my guess is that from October through the end of the year, it feels like oh, okay, that's how this piece is going to fit in and this is how I'm going to do that. And some new ideas that you're having are going to start to take form in new and different ways. In Leo season, though, you—I don't know, it feels to me like you've got a lot of ideas. And you might have your mind blown a couple of times, you might be blowing your own mind, or people are blowing your mind or you're reading shit and it's blowing your mind, it's like I feel like you're getting expanded in how you're thinking about things and how you're willing to think about things and what it is that you are...Yeah, like, orienting around when it comes to perception, planning, cognition, your mental state.


From August 1 through the 8, this is a week leading up to a new moon that is packed with a lot of energy. And this is one of the prime points in Leo season where I feel like a lot of idea energy coming through in your chart. I want to encourage you again to take note of what you're thinking about. This would be a great season to walk around with a little notebook in your pocket or your voice recorder, send yourself texts or something, because you might be having a lot of ideas and they might be coming in fairly rapidly and you could easily forget about them. So take note of them when they happen. They're not all going to be ideas that you want to follow through with but some of them will be worth your time and you do want to follow through with them. So just write them down. You don't need to do anything with them at the moment. It does feel again, like you are trying to make some changes and I don't know what the changes are that you're making. Functionality, efficiency, livelihood and lifestyle are up there with my top keywords for the thing that I'm feeling. And this could include so many things, but major themes in these areas have to do with jobs, with labor, and with responsibilities. Basically, like what are you showing up to do everyday or most days or many days. And the other realm has to do with your health and your health being holistic, mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and psychic, as well as relational. You're upgrading, you are shifting things around. You want to function in different ways. You want to work in different ways. You want to innovate, you want to experiment, you want to feel alive and awake and in choice. And if things are rubbing at you and you're like ugh, that's not what I want to be doing and I don't feel alive and I don't feel in choice, then that's an opportunity for you to make a change. And like I said, this season is a time when some pieces are landing for folks and changes are starting to happen and this is an entire year of restructuring. So not everything is happening at once. But some pieces are starting to land.


On August 8, there is a new moon in Leo. And this is a new moon that I would recommend you tuning in with because it's very resonant with the energy of Sagittarius in your chart. And this is a new moon that is calling you to remember, Sagittarius is wisdom, which is the wisdom of the big vision. What is your big vision for your life? What is your big picture? Tune in with that as a feeling, you know, the big picture, the big vision, the big idea, you don't need all the details. But it is a time to really tune in with what is this picture. And the more that you can tune in with that feeling, the more that you can attend to the details, to the functioning of it, to the way that it's going to be implemented, and how you want to move forward with it. So at the new moon, great time to let go of the details and remember the big picture. And throughout the month, great time to kind of feel the balance between the details and the big picture. And to be curious for yourself as to where the details are that need to get finessed, fine tuned, modified, etc. so that the big picture can be the thing that you want it to be.


As we move into the end of Leo season, there is more and more support for you to be moving out and into the world with whatever it is that you have been processing. So if you're making changes in your job, then as we get into the end of August, you might be, you know, having conversations, writing new contracts, this kind of thing. If you are trying to get some new situation to happen in your life, then as we get into the end of Leo season, you have energy to put out into the world to manifest this new situation. You have—definitely as we move closer and closer to Virgo season, you have more and more emphasis on what is this big picture? And how are you realizing the big picture of your life in concrete, tangible ways? What are you building out of your life? What is your sense of purpose here? What is your calling? What did you come here to experience and to do? In the last few days of Leo season, from the 18 through the 22, there's a major emphasis here. It feels to me like you are getting a boost, you're getting some psychic cheerleading happening for you that's going yeah, you can do it, you know, to make the change, do the things, stand up for yourself. Whatever it is, you know, however it is that you're trying to come into this space of greater integrity, more functional efficiency, more alignment between your core values and how you're spending your time and your energy, you're getting a lot of support for it. And you just want to keep orienting to your big picture. You just want to keep orienting to your personal truth. What is it that you are here to build? What is it that you are here to hold? And you can include so many details in that. You can include the details of your body, of your relationships, of your money, of your jobs, of your environment, of your community. All, you know, all the details can be there in this big picture. So you just want to keep orienting to that big picture. Feeling into it, somatizing it, imagining it, imagining that it is already here, feeling how it is to be already in this big picture that you're trying to paint for yourself. And then with a sense of humor and a sense of patience, just attending to the details, going oh okay, like there's that detail over there, that's not quite aligned with my big picture so I'm going to go and, you know, fix it. That's the feeling that I get for you in these couple of days. Like really keep that big picture and then notice where you want to make a change and go for it. And be simple about it, you don't need to make a big fuss. Like if you feel like your time is getting sucked into some element of your job that you don't want to be doing anymore, get really clear with yourself about your own energy, orient again to your big picture, don't get freaked out, don't get into a state of conflict, but then go talk to the people you work with or your boss or whatever and just say like, I don't want to do this anymore. See what happens. It could be that you get fired right then and there and then a new job opens for you the next day that's totally in alignment with what it is that you want to do. It could be that your boss is like, cool, I'll give it to somebody else. What do you want to do? It could be that you get a block, right? No, sorry, we can't make a change, you have to. And then that's information for you, you need to make the change. But this is the time for you, these last couple days of Leo season and then as we move into Virgo season, where I think more and more, you're going to be feeling like you know what it is that needs to be refined so you can do it. And when the pieces are refined and they are working together, you're feeling that and you're feeling their efficiency and you're feeling good about it because things are working and so you're getting an affirmation that whatever it was that you have been doing and trying to do is working and then that gives you more energy to keep doing it. And that's what this last full moon of Leo season feels like to me. It feels like the first full moon is a question about where's your energy going? What's going on with your time and attention? What do you want to be managing and handling and what don't you want to? And then the entirety of Leo, July 22 through August 22, you're going big picture details, big picture details, big picture details, and you're zooming in and zooming out. And every time you zoom out and you get the big picture, you're able to zoom in and attend to a detail with more clarity, but you don't want to get stuck in the details and you also don't want to avoid them. You have to zoom out and zoom in, zoom out and zoom in. And then by the end of the month, by the end of Leo season, this last full moon, if you've been doing that throughout the season is going to go, good job! You know, here's the reward for that effort. You can feel that your systematic devotion to getting your shit in order is working for you. It's not all going to be figured out. But I think that by the end of Leo season, you will have some pieces figured out that are going to be energizing for you. I certainly hope that they are.


I'm gonna leave it there for now. I hope any or all of that is helpful. If you want more astrology, check out your Year Ahead Report. My year ahead reports are hour and a half long readings specific for your sign. I go over the major themes and influences of 2021 for your sign with suggestions for how to work with the opportunities and the challenges. My Year Ahead Reports are discounted to 50% now that we're halfway through the year and you can find them in the horoscope section on my website. If you want more astrology day to day, follow me @embodiedastrology on Instagram where I post regular astro updates. You can also become an extended content subscriber, you can subscribe by donation. You'll get my month ahead calendars and previews. You'll also get access to twice a month Zoom workshops or the recordings. One of which is a month ahead overview with tips for how to work with the astrology in relationship to your own chart, along with an embodiment practice to work with throughout the month to help you ground with the monthly energy, its opportunities and challenges. The second meeting is a community conversational q&a space where we get to hang out and talk about astrology and it's real fun. Becoming a subscriber is a great way to support Embodied Astrology and these free offerings. Other great ways to support this work include sharing with your friends and family, subscribing, rating and reviewing on your listening platforms, and of course, leaving a tip, your donations are so appreciated. So thank you. I'm wishing you all the best in Leo season and beyond. Bye for now.


SCORPIO Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)


CAPRICORN Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)