SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)

Where does your power come from?
How do you create and generate?
What keeps you choosing to live?
Tune in with primordial substance, let it saturate you
and overflow into abundance.
Remember that life is an ever-changing mutation of possibility
and so are you.


Hello, Sagittarius. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thanks for listening. You're tuning in to the horoscopes for Sagittarius Season in 2021, November 21st through December 21st. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and a consulting astrologer. And in this offering for Sagittarius Sun and Sagittarius rising, I'm going to give you a zoom in or view in to the season ahead and talk about what I feel coming up as the major themes and influences here. Please listen through the lens of your own intuition. If I'm using language or presenting ideas that don't totally resonate for you, notice what you are associating to and make the meaning that is meaningful for you. So take what works, leave the rest. I always suggest that people tune in with horoscopes for their Sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section. In that section, you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you would prefer to read rather than listen.


Alright, Sagittarius, this is your season! Happy birthday to those of you who are Sagittarius Suns, and happy solar new year to you Sagittarius risings. Welcome to a new phase in your existence. This is a powerful season for you because it begins in the thick of eclipse, eclipse energy. A couple of days before your season begins, we have a Full Moon and lunar eclipse on November 19th, and then we'll have a New Moon and solar eclipse in your sign on December 3rd. So I'll get to that in a minute.


First of all, what I want to say is, these eclipses paint a picture to me of a very significant shift in the energy that you are expending and how you are orienting to yourself and in the world. Think back to June of 2020. This is when eclipses in your sign and your partner sign, Gemini, began. June of 2020. In the last year and a half plus, since the beginning of that cycle, there has been something happening for you around relationships that you really want to pay attention to. And it feels like you are seeing relationships in a new light, you're seeing them in a new way. And the way that you historically have functioned and held yourself in relationship — in relationships is changing. Your mind is changing, your awareness is changing, your communication is changing. That means how you listen, how you interpret and how you respond. This is all changing. You're moving into a period in your life when your focus is going to need to be on well-being in a very holistic sense. That means body, mind, spirit, psyche, and soul. It means all levels of relationship, you with yourself, you with other people, you with the planet, you with your dreams, into the multiverses and the multidimensional realms. What we're looking for now is a coming home to yourself and coming home to your embodied existence.


And over the last couple of years, it feels to me like you're recognizing which relationships and which elements in relationship lead you more to a space of holistic wellness and which are obstructions for you to be in that space. You are also recognizing the manner in which you relate to others and how you can relate with people in one way that, I'm going to say is more from your ego and more from ideas about who you are or who you should be, and you can relate with people in another way that is more embodied, that is more intuitive, that might be slower and on some level could be could be more, I want to say, spiritual, in that — it feels to me like part of what you're navigating right now is this space between what we want other people to be and who we want ourselves to be, and the reality that people, all of us, you, the people you're relating with are human beings. And human beings are complex, messy, temporary animals. And the ideals that we have for ourselves and the ideals that we have for others don't always align with the bodily conditions, with the needs, and with the psychology and with the programming. And so I feel like what's happening for you is that you are coming into your body and the reality of your existence in a new way, and in a different way.


Now, for the last three years or so, I think there's been a kind of restlessness, and, dare I say, an awakening in your body, and in the realm of your embodied existence. You can think about this in a lot of different ways. So some of you might want to think about social location and positionality. What does it mean to be in the body that you have when it comes to your sex organs, your skin color, your class conditions, your shape, your size, your ability or experiences with ability in relation to what's considered the norm? Some of you might be really landing in the truth of your bodily existence as it comes down to needs and the kind of like, basic functionality of you as a person on Earth. You're a fire sign or you're fire sign identified, and fire signs live in the realm of intuition and possibility, especially Sagittarius. And so to confront the needs of a body, like you live in an aging, you know, space that is going — you know, none of our bodies are made to be here forever, like, our bodies are made to experience aging and break down and disintegration and loss, like, this is part of what makes a human existence and part of how we grow in this realm is to grapple with what it means to be temporary and mortal. And so this might be a big place of learning for you right now.


I also really want to elevate failure as an experience that some of you might have been learning through over the last couple of years, three years. And I think that you're also heading into a period of your life where failure could be a teacher. And so I'd love to invite you to think about all the times you failed, and it was a good thing. Like you didn't do that thing that you thought that you wanted to do, but it opened up a new doorway or a new path for you. Or you tried something new, you know, and maybe you fell flat on your face, but you learned something about whatever it was that you were trying to do. You learned valuable lessons about it, and that made you more resilient and competent in the long term.


So in this next phase of your life, I think what is going to be required of you is a really good sense of humor, pacing, taking your time, not being overambitious, not being overenthusiastic, recognizing the needs of your body, learning to move at the speed of the Earth, your body is made of Earth. And then really thinking about resource. Thinking about what you have, what you have access to, and how you can metabolize what you have in order to create and to generate and to be a creative being in this world. What is it that you are trying to build?


Your focus right now, as we move into Sagittarius Season, I think it can really be on letting certain elements of who you are dissolve. Letting the elements of who you are that no longer serve your future growth dissolve. Letting ideas about who you are or who you should be, letting them go. Feel them dissipating, feel them disappearing, kind of moving their way out.


There is a lot of possibility for recognition in the first week and a half of Sagittarius Season, from the 21st of November through about the 4th of December. There's a lot of possibility for recognition around some essential part of your being. Like, who are you in your essence, that then allows you to see who you are not, but who you have thought you — that you were, or who you thought you needed to be. And the more that you can let go of who you don't need to be and really embrace like, the truth of your essence, the truth of your — not just your body, right, but your spirit, your soul, like, the life that animates you. The more you can embrace that truth and let go of the ideas about who you are, the more success is coming for you, the more abundance is coming for you, the more community and support and relationship and like, all the good things in life, like, they're coming for you when you are there for you, when you are arriving for you in, you know, whatever this kind of very subtle, yet incredibly powerful magnetic source of your spirit is.


There is a New Moon and solar eclipse in your sign on December 3rd. This is a very powerful New Moon for you to work with to kind of put to rest certain ideas about who you are and who you need to be. This would be an amazing time to do a death ritual for yourself. I don't know if you've ever done this before. I found it to be a really powerful experience where I make an altar, some kind of offering, it could be a journal entry around who I've been for some particular area of my life. It could be a relationship, it could be a job, it could be an era of my life that I'm recognizing I don't want to be there anymore. I don't want to identify with that because I'm moving into something else and I want to make room for it. But the death ritual is to — you know, you could write a eulogy to this part of yourself, you could set an altar, you could wrap yourself in sheets and lie down in shavasana on the ground for 20 minutes and really imagine your body composting, right, disintegrating. And then new life coming up through your flesh, coming up from the Earth into your body, flowers sprouting out your eye sockets and big trees growing out of the root of your belly button or something like that. I find these kinds of visualizations incredibly thrilling. Not everybody will, but maybe you will, maybe — you know, take what works, leave the rest. So this is a New Moon to really celebrate the way that you are changing, to honor who you have been and what created those versions of you and to lovingly give them respect and help them out the door. And then over the next couple of weeks as we move into kind of the heart or the thick of December, to really spend some time with, what are you cultivating?


So the middle of December from the — from the 6th on, this is such a powerful time for you to aim your focus and to really be focused, to be disciplined with your mind. What are you cultivating? What do you want to grow? What is the energy that you are bringing into your life? What are you saying yes to? December 11th, be very clear for yourself, this is a very specific day, December 11th and 12th, be very, very clear for yourself what you want to say yes to and what you want to say no to. Even if it's something really silly like you go get a hot chocolate and the barista is like, do you want whipped cream? You know, sit with that question. Do you want the whipped cream? Does your mind want the whipped cream? Does your body want the whipped cream? Are they in agreement with one another? You know, like? What are you saying yes to? Let it be a meditation for yourself.


It's a powerful day in terms of astrological significance, and it leads into a period of time that is a huge review process for you. And this review process is going to take you through the end of January, potentially into March of next year. And this is a time for you to get very nuanced and detailed and practical with yourself about what do you want to say yes to, and what do you want to say no to. Your no is valuable, it makes space for your yes. Some of you are really looking at resources right now. Some of you are looking very practically at tangible, material concerns: money, time, energy, food, how are you feeding yourself? Literally. What food are you putting in your body and how are you getting that food on your table? You are invited into a new orientation with generative energy, with generation and sustenance right now. And this is an invitation for you to, I think, work in some really new ways.


Now, again, some of you have already been exploring new ways of working for the last couple of years. This has to do with really considering your wellness, your holistic wellness, and who you are in this world and who you want to be and how you want to be. In your horoscopes now, for at least the last year, I've been talking about, you know, do you have some new kind of job on the horizon? Are you trying to shift into a new way of working? Maybe you're working for yourself, maybe you want to innovate in some way. And then I've also been talking about your health, right? What is unstable in your health and in your sense of your body that is pointing you towards, you know, these particular practices or ways of being need to change.


There's an ask for refinement right now, and especially as we head into the end of the year, and this refinement is a refinement of vision. So while some of you have already been making significant changes, or you've been thinking about them, and they're happening around you, I think, to some extent, they may — it may have felt a little chaotic, and it's like, things are getting really restructured for you in 2021. But as we reach the end of the year, you have more power to craft what it is that you're trying to build. And especially the middle of December, like kind of middle and end of December moving towards the solstice, this is prime time for you to use your mind to vision your future, and to really think about what are the systems of support that you need to thrive? And what systems of support can you cultivate that are generative and regenerative for the world around you? I can't make this clear enough for you, Sagittarius. Your abundance comes through relationship right now. It always has, and always does, and always will. We live in a world of reciprocity and relationality. And those self-made billionaires out there started because they were — they had trust funds, or they had people helping them out. And anyone who's accumulating capital, that is sweat, labor, bodies, right? Like, resources of the Earth. Wealth does not arise out of a vacuum.


Now, we want to move away from that kind of ideology and methodology for sure, so let's move towards relationality as abundance. How can you open channels of support in your life for inflow and outflow? You want to work in measured, pleasurable ways. You need to receive. You also need to give. Where do you want to give? And what do you need in order to continue to generate whatever it is that you are sharing? What are you saying yes to, what are you saying no to? Where do you want help? Where can you collaborate? Where can you work with others to dream a new dream together? There's so much potential for you in relationship right now. And this review period that you're in through the end of January, potentially into March of next year also has you looking at relationships. So how do relationships function for you in your life? Are the people who you're connecting with helping you to fail successfully? You know, like, are you — are you working in ways that are effective together? Are you learning together? Is there a process that feels like it is generative? Can you do rupture and repair? Is there accountability? Right, like, are you there with them? Or are you kind of pulling in opposite directions? Is there conflict? Is there misalignment? There may be relational procedures or habits and ways of being and expectations that you really want to examine right now. When it comes to how you think you should be or what you owe someone or what they owe you, the process of exchange, what are your ideas about this for yourself and how do you engage with them? Are they helpful for you? Do you want to rewrite those scripts for yourself?


There's a Full Moon on the 18th of December that highlights partners, collaborators, co-conspirators, other individuals who can meet and support you in your life path. Also individuals that provide a reflective mirror to you, this is your one on one relationship space. Now, this is a pretty generative feeling Full Moon and it feels like there is a lot growing in your relationships and that relationships with individuals are also doorways to relationships with greater community and greater collectives. And so again, I just want to invite you to feel into, what are you building in your relationships? Can you build relationships with the foundations of trust, transparency, generosity, reciprocity? Whatever you put into relationships, that's the thing that's going to grow. So if you're putting in performativity and mistrust, you're going to get more of that. If you're putting in, you know, your transparency and you're offering honesty, then ideally, that's also what you're getting in return. And when it comes to tuning in with your body, right, listening to your body, and kind of cultivating this holistic wellness that I'm talking about, this definitely includes the relational realm.


And it feels like especially around this Full Moon and then into the new year, part of what you're navigating is your bodily knowing of relationship. So much of what we communicate happens underneath the language, it happens through our bodily transmission. And it feels to me like you really are looking for new ways to relate that, again, build foundations that are sustainable. Sagittarius can move fast as an energy. I really want to encourage you to move slow. Move at the pace of the Earth, move at the speed of trust. Move in ways and methods that allow for natural process of relationship to happen, right, like, give things time. Be curious about what happens in the spaces between events, things like that.


As we get out of Sagittarius Season and into Capricorn Season, we're crossing the solstice. This is when the Earth reaches a point in its rotation around the Sun that brings a very significant shift in season and in seasonal light. This is an intensification of change, and change energy. And something that's coming up for me here as I'm tuning in with this element of your chart is really the need to know what is necessary for you as you move into the changes that are coming up. What do you want to keep? What are you letting go? And so it does feel like there's a need for a certain kind of potential sacrifice around this time. And it could be the sacrifice of certain ideas, it could be the sacrifice of ways of being that aren't really supportive or sustainable for you. But I get a lot of feeling of, let go to make space for what wants to flow in. And again, I think there's a lot of abundance that wants to come into your life, but it will only flow into how much space there is for it. And so notice what ideas you have about abundance because I think that the idea of abundance in and of itself is shifting and transforming for you. And you want to be available to what wants to come to you. Right? So listen to your intuition. But listen to other people's ideas, listen to the world around you, notice what sparks things for you, notice what opens up new gateways of curiosity. There's a lot of change coming up in your chart, it feels fruitful. It also feels like you have to make space for it and you really have to tune in with the kind of life process and the speed of life process and how much time it needs to take, etc.


So I hope any or all of that is helpful for you, Sagittarius. If you want more support throughout the season, please consider becoming an extended content subscriber. You'll get access to my monthly workshops, these are offerings of embodiment practice, creative visualization and meditation to help you tune in with this season's energies and opportunities. You'll also get access to my month ahead calendars with more detailed astrological information and suggestions for working with them and with your chart. You can find information on my subscription at where you can also find my 2022 Year Ahead Report pre-orders. Those pre-orders are discounted by $25 now, and you'll get a reading in January for your year ahead. It's an hour and a half long detailing the major themes, opportunities and challenges for your sign in the upcoming year. 2021 reports are discounted now to 50%. Also on my website, you'll find information about upcoming events, classes, workshops, and my tip jar. If this work is supportive for you, please consider making a one time donation or becoming a subscriber. Your financial donations and subscriptions sustain the production of this work and the team that makes it happen. Thank you so much. The number one way to support this work is to share it. If you find these horoscopes useful, please share them with your friends and networks. Subscribe, rate and leave positive reviews on your favorite listening platforms. I'm wishing you all the best in Sagittarius Season, Sagittarius. Bye for now.


SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)


CAPRICORN Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)