SCORPIO Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)

Many have said that the mind can be a prison.
Mental walls, compartmentalized cells,
impressions that guard against and keep contained.
If you’re really ready for freedom,
the first thing to do is look at how you’re locked
to judgment and unconscious repetition.
Consider what it takes to think different thoughts.
Risk an escape of personal information
and vulnerability in exchange.
Openness is an idea you can at least entertain.


Hello, Scorpio. Welcome. Thank you so much for listening to Embodied Astrology. You're tuned into the Capricorn Season horoscopes. This horoscope for Scorpio Sun and Scorpio rising is for the span of time between December 21st, 2021 and January 19th, 2022. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer, and this offering is my intuitive, embodied take on the overarching themes, opportunities and challenges for your sign in the season ahead. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Please take what works and leave the rest. My language may not always fully resonate in your experience. So just notice what you're associating to and follow those threads. I always suggest that folks tune in with horoscopes for their Sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you'd prefer to read rather than listen.


Before I jump into your horoscope, I want to let you know about two classes that are offered through Embodied Astrology this season. On December 22nd will be a live event of a Capricorn Season and solstice workshop with me. This is a two and a half hour embodied practice that includes creative visualization and support for working with your own chart in relation to this season's upcoming astrology. If you can't make the live event, the recording will be available through January 19th.


On January 8th, I'm so excited to welcome Janice Lee for a 2022 opening ceremony called The Dandelions are Prophesizing. Janice is a published author, teacher, shamanic healer and an incredible facilitator who I've had the pleasure of working with a few times now. Her work has always been deeply healing and deeply transformative. This workshop consists of a guided meditation, a free writing session and a communal ceremony that will assist us all in transitions, transformation and letting go. These are big themes in 2022, and in Capricorn Season especially. If you'd like more information on either of these workshops, check out in the workshop section. Please make sure to stick around at the end of this horoscope for some other updates and more information on how to connect with me and the Embodied Astrology community throughout the season and into the upcoming months.


Alright, Scorpio. Welcome to Capricorn Season. As I'm tuning in with your chart, it feels like you have a lot on your mind. Your mental space is really busy, it feels really full. And for some of you it feels pretty intense. So the first thing that I want to say as we move into Capricorn season is something that I've been saying in your horoscopes for the last several years, which is just a reminder that the power of your mind is great. Our minds are slippery fish, they are wily beasts, and they move around in a million different directions all the time, all day, all night. And if we don't attend to them, they can get pretty funky. And what I mean with attend to them is be discerning about what we consume when it comes to information. I'm kind of getting the sense that for you right now, Scorpio, you need to make day-to-day discerning decisions about how much news to take in, about who you want to talk to. If you are on a telephone a lot, if you're scrolling, if you're looking at information, I would highly encourage you to not do that so much. I think that you will really benefit from less time when your senses are just, I want to say assaulted by the ongoing onslaught of information that there is to take in.


I also want to acknowledge that at any given time, and particularly at this time, there is a lot of really upsetting news, and many people are in the middle of it and your life, your connections, your community might be undergoing a lot of stress, and you may be holding a lot for a lot of people. And this isn't going to apply to all Scorpios. But certainly some of you are really holding it down for your community and your friends right now. And it feels like you're taking a ton on yourself. And this could be the overwhelming amount of information that I'm feeling. You could be getting calls, texts, have a lot of need being placed on you. And if that happens to be your circumstance and experience, I have two pieces of advice. The first piece of advice is to find some way to practice connecting with a greater source of support. And if you are being asked for a lot of support, then you also need to be getting support. And if you don't have other human beings who can give you the kind of support that you are being asked to give to others, then the support that you have to rely on is the support of a greater source. This could be the support of a beautiful tree that you find to rest your back against. This could be the support of the sky that you take 10 minutes and go outside and let your eyes take in. This could be the support of a faith practice or a spiritual practice of some kind or creative practice of some kind. Any place where you can draw upon support for yourself to remember your own connection to life source and substance. This feels super important at this time. Regardless of whether you're a Scorpio who is in a position right now where you're having to give a lot of support, feels to me like all Scorpios at this time benefit from connecting with a larger source of support. I guess I would say that probably all of us all the time would benefit from that, and it feels especially poignant in your chart right now.


The other thing that I want to say for you is that right now, it really helps you to cleanse. And so if you're taking in a lot of information or if you're in some kind of role where a lot of people are communicating with you, where you're having to take in what's going on for them a lot, or if you have a ton on your mind because some of you are super busy, you need to cleanse. And it feels to me like you need to cleanse your brain. And so what does this look like? Well, one thing it could look like is nonsense, nonsense-making. It feels to me like your brain is so full right now and you, it's like you just need an outlet for some things, it's not good for you to be holding on to all of this right now. And you're working with so much content, you're processing so much. Can you find somewhere where either you are alone or you are in the company of spirits that will support and appreciate this kind of thing? Just speak gibberish, you know, open up your mouth and make really weird sounds and move your face around and shake your body and act like a monster and stick out your tongue and like, be nonsensical. Maybe it sounds corny, maybe it sounds cheesy. But I think it could be deeply, deeply therapeutic for you.


Other things that you could do to cleanse your brain would include any kind of meditation or mindbody practice. Anything that allows you to release your mind. And so that could be floating in a large body of water. It could be lying on the floor and yielding your body's weight and rolling your head side to side as if your head was a beanbag or a water balloon, really just trying to kind of release the weight of your brain. It could be listening to your favorite music and singing out loud. Some of you might be served by working with plant medicines of some kind or some kind of herbal support that can help regulate and calm your mind and your nervous system. Okay, so this is the first thing that I'm feeling as I'm tuning in with your chart.


Now, as we move into Capricorn Season we are crossing the threshold of the solstice and the solstice is a powerful time of year. This is when the Earth is making one of four pivot points in its yearly rotation around the Sun. The days are the longest in the southern hemisphere, the nights are the longest in the northern hemisphere, and after we get past the season of the solstice, then this starts to change. And so this is a period of remarkable intensity for a lot of people where things can feel really condensed and they can feel incredibly focused. And I'm definitely getting this sensation when I tune in with your chart. This particular year, in 2021, has been a year that has been a lot of chaos and necessary restructuring around change. Even if we weren't going through a global pandemic, there would have been other factors this year with this astrology that would have been forcing people to change really significantly, and on structural levels. These include collective, societal and environmental factors as well as personal. In your chart, the feeling that I'm getting is that things at home — and when I say home, what do I mean? I mean, your actual place, like, place of residence, or, I mean, where you sleep most nights. I also mean any groups of people or individuals that resonate for you as family, whether or not you see them frequently. But when you are around them, there's something about like, oh, this, this is home, this person feels like home. With respect to the fact that a lot of people experience home and family as familiar, but not lovely. So we can, you know, there can definitely be the feeling of like, oh, yeah, this is home. But like, here I am again, or something like that for some people, not for everybody. Along with home and family as kind of the more status quo concepts that we have, I also want to include the home of your body, the home of the Earth, and kinship and community that you cultivate, chosen family. So it feels to me like this year, in 2021, you have been experiencing and creating for yourself a lot of changes in your home and your family life. And on some level, regardless of what home and family looks like for you, you have been working to change your orientation to these themes. And in that, you have been working to change your orientation to personal power and the kind of space that you take up in your life. Why are you doing this? You're doing this so that your relationships can shift and so that you can feel yourself in the world in a different way. I think you want to be more free in your relationships. I think you want to be more current. It feels to me like you're not interested in doing things the same way. Some of you are not interested in being in relationships in the same way that for example, your parents were in a relationship or that you experienced in your previous relationship with your last partner or something like that. You know, change the words as they meet your own situation. This could include friendships, this could potentially include colleagues, but it feels like you are really wanting to shift the way that you are relating with people.


Now as the way that — as you're trying to shift the way that you are relating, you're trying to shift your own self concept, right, you're trying to shift the way that you feel yourself moving out and into the world. And in order to do this, you have to change your mind, your actual mind, your mental processes. And it's important here that you take the time right now to really notice where your mind is habitual. And so a moment ago I was talking about it feels like you have a lot on your mind. And now I'm going to continue that thread in a slightly different way. And I'm going to say that, especially for the first kind of two thirds of Capricorn Season, there's a little bit of a different feeling in the last 10 days of the year. First 10 days of Capricorn Season, the 21st through the 31st. And then we've got another chunk from like the 1st through the 10th of January. But basically this whole span of time, it feels to me like you're working with really deep thought patterns. And these thought patterns are potentially for some of you obsessive, not that Scorpio would ever be obsessive, oh, no. For some of you, these thought patterns are kind of obsessive. It's where your mind gets really fixate on something. And not that Scorpio would ever do this, but for some of you, it's like, you're really obsessing about relationships, you're really obsessing about other people, you might be also obsessing about attachments. And this does not feel super helpful for you right now, it doesn't feel fruitful for you to be obsessive. And how do we change the nature of something if the nature of something has been practiced for a long time and if it's super deep? Well, one way to do it is to notice the connection between your mind and body. And Capricorn Season in 2021 and 2022, from December through January, and then into Aquarius season, all the way through March, really, you've got a really interesting window of time where it feels like you can make some major shifts to long standing mental patterns and relational patterns.


Okay, so if you experience obsessive tendencies, if you experience depressive or anxious tendencies — which themselves are generally also obsessive — and also if you're experiencing really strong judgment or narratives about other people, in relationship to you, but also just other people. And these narratives could be flattering. Oh, my God, they're so amazing. Wow, wow, wow. Or these narratives could be not flattering. Oh, my God, they're so awful. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Either way, they don't serve you. Wherever you're finding yourself getting into loops of storytelling, especially when it has to do with relationship themes or with your own survival themes, and that could have to do with money, for sure, it could have to do with safety, security issues, that kind of thing. Wherever you find yourself getting into mental loops, and it's like, you notice that your mind is just spiraling and circling around the same thing, it's not helping you. It's just not helping you. Even if you think that you need to be thinking about that thing, it's like, well, I really need to figure out what I'm going to talk to this person about, or really need to figure out how I'm going to make that money or something like that, the more you obsess and the more you spiral, the less traction you have, like, the less effective you are. It does not help you to be obsessive right now. And it's interesting, because this is a period of time when there is a ton of focus in your mental realm and in your communications and in your relationships. But this focus is asking you to change the way that you're doing business. And the first two thirds of Capricorn Season are, to me, they feel like they might push a lot of things to the surface. And it could feel like old patterns really presenting themselves, and also the resolution of those old patterns. And so you might find yourself feeling frustrated with the same narratives or the same communications or the ways that you always think this about, you know, new people or something like that, or you're still stewing on that argument that you got into, like, last summer. Time to let it go.


When we move into the new year, I think you're really feeling this need to shift, like to shift the way that you're thinking about things. One suggestion is to shift your environment. This could mean taking a short trip, if it's possible. It could mean changing the way you decorated your bedroom. It could mean taking a new commute to work. It feels like this is a very fruitful time for you to shift your day to day environment and shift your perspective. And I would say that this is an effort that you want to continue for the first couple months of the year until March at least. Try giving yourself new things to pay attention to, to get your mind off the habitual things that you pay attention to.


On January 14th, Mercury is going to station retrograde and it will be retrograde through February 4th. Now, during this period of time, you are reworking something. You are trying to figure out how to make some kind of important shift in your life. This could mean all kinds of things for different Scorpios. It feels pretty foundational. It feels locational. It feels positional for some of you, and by positional, I mean, like, where do you stand on something and how do you stand in something. I feel you are trying to hold yourself to be in a new posture in some way, to feel yourself in a new space in your life. How you're feeling yourself in a new space requires you to feel yourself differently in connection with others and in community with others and in relationship with others. It also requires you to communicate differently, to think differently, to perceive differently, to tell different kinds of stories, to ask different kinds of questions. This is your project from now through March. Capricorn Season is a concentrated period of time when you are really trying to have different kinds of conversations, when you're trying to shift your mind. When you're — I feel you really trying to make changes, but as you're trying to make changes, you're also, you're processing a lot. I mean, you're working things out. You're trying to figure out like, what you need and what you don't need and what you need to think about and what you don't need to think about.


So just to say this one more time in a slightly different way, pay attention to your body as you go through all the mental process that you go through when you are trying to make any kind of decision. When you are engaging in any kind of relationship or communication, pay attention to your body. Do you feel relaxed? Or do you feel tense? If you feel tense, where does the tension gather? Does it pull you forward into space? Does it push you backward? Does it close your heart and your throat and your chest? Does it accumulate in your head? Does it cut you off from your lower body? Asking these kinds of subtle somatic questions can be a little confusing for some folks if you haven't paid attention to these kinds of cues before. And this is your body, right? This is your day to day, your moment to moment experience. So as you start to tune in, I think you start to get pretty good information. And all you need to do is pay attention. If you notice that your body is in a state of stress, as you're going through whatever it is that you're thinking about, talking about, trying to decide on, trying to figure out, the first thing that you can do is take a pause and work to regulate your bodily experience. And so this could mean that you take several deep breaths that you feel into wherever the tension is located and wherever it's gathering, and you really try and relax and soften it. It could mean that you close your eyes, it could mean that you ask to take a break, that you go for a walk and check in with yourself, right, and ask yourself like, hey, what am I so tense about? You know, what is going on? And if you can locate the source of your tension, then this is where your discernment comes in. You know, is it necessary? Do you need to be worried like that? Are you taking more responsibility on yourself than you need to? Are you getting anxious and stressed out about what somebody else thinks? Or what they said or didn't say or who they are or who they aren't, or something like that? Like, it does feel to me like you are really trying to work with some obsessive tendencies in relationships, some of you. And these kinds of tendencies often have you supposing and presupposing into other people when it's a total waste of your time and energy. Like, who knows what's going on with other people? You know, and it's not really worth your time to take it on yourself to feel like it's your responsibility to shift them. It's definitely not worth your time to judge them for it. You know? It's like, if you don't want to be involved with it, try not to be involved with it. But don't wrap yourself up in it. If you're holding grudges against people, like, do you need to? You know, it feels like some of you want to be having some clarifying conversations, you might need to speak something so that you can let it go. A lot of you are trying to resolve something right now. You need to talk about something that is important so you can get it off your chest, but stop obsessing about it. Like, do what you need to so that you can move through and you can move on. And in this process, if you're feeling confused, what can help you is connecting to a greater source, letting that connection to a greater source remind you of the larger priorities in your life. And also cleansing your brain, right, like find some place to get it all out, like get in your journal and write down like, all the things that feel like you can't possibly say them, but just get them the fuck out. So that you can have the conversation and move on with it.


There is a Full Moon on January 17th, and this Full Moon highlights the need and the desire for you to expand, to get out, to broaden your horizons. It is not particularly a time when that many people are finding ease with travel. You might need to try to figure out a way anyway, it feels like you want to go somewhere. If you don't actually want to go somewhere in your body and physical location, then you want to go somewhere in your mind and you want to go somewhere in your perspective. You want to open up your view, you want to see things differently, you want to stretch your metaphorical wingspan. It feels like you need something new. You need new stimulation. You need a bigger idea. If it is at all possible for you to get out, and this could be like, get to the highest vantage point in your location so you can see for as far as you can, right, climb up to the top of a tall building, to the top of a mountain. Like, look far, get a big view. If you can possibly get out of town wherever you live, you know, even to the next town over or get out, if you live in a city, get out somewhere more rural. If you live in the country, go to a city. Like, get out, like get out of your normal, get out of your day to day. I feel like you need to stretch your brain. If you can't go anywhere, watch a movie from another place and in another language. Like, read books written by visionaries and philosophers who ask you to expand your mind and think in new and different ways. You know, take this in a way that is safe for you. But I'm a proponent of using plant medicine. You know, sometimes, like if it's safe, if it's consensual. That depends on where you are. But at least in the United States where I am, there are several states where you can get cannabis, where you can get psilocybin. You might need to take a trip in your consciousness. Now if that's not safe for you, if you don't have access, if that will create danger for you or your loved ones don't do it. But if that resonates for you, that Full Moon, like you like you need, you need some space, Scorpio.


It would be a good time for you to do something that can help you open your mind. Because whatever that Full Moon is bringing you, it wants to help you shift your perspective on how you move through the world, and who you feel yourself to be in the world, and how you bring yourself into contact and into relationship with others. And over the next two years from now, through the end of 2023, you are really doing some massive change work in your relationships. And I think that by the end of 2023, how you are relating with people, especially in your one-on-one relationships, will be quite different from how you're relating now. And between now and then, you are working to speak what needs to be spoken when it needs to be spoken, to claim your experience from a present moment vantage and to really work through what keeps you kind of locked in your mind and not that present with your body. You're also really working to listen on different levels and to not get caught up in assumption or, again, with narrative or obsession. I think that you're looking for new levels of transparency in your relationships. I think you're looking for new kinds of relationships in general. And for relationships that feel exciting and liberating and like they support you in your embodied autonomy in some way, even in committed partnership, you know, that it feels like, wow, you really get to be yourself here. And something about this Full Moon and certainly something about Capricorn Season is asking you to look at the ways that you are shifting right now in order to be yourself more, in order to speak your mind more readily, in order to get it off your chest if it's weighing you down, to process what needs to be processed but not to hold on to it forever, to feel what needs to be felt but not to feel it forever. It's like you want to take up your space, be in your power and feel things a little bit differently, or a lot differently.


Alright, well, I hope any or all of that is helpful and interesting for you as you move into Capricorn Season. Again, take what works and leave the rest. If you want more astrology from me, check out your 2022 Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign where I go over the major themes, opportunities and challenges in the year ahead and give embodied, spiritual and practical suggestions for working with them. For support throughout Capricorn Season and into the coming seasons, check out my membership and subscription offerings. I offer monthly workshops to help you work through embodiment, creativity, and astrology. I also host a virtual community space where you can connect with astro enthusiasts from all over the world in learning more about your chart, astrology, and the possibilities for synthesis between astrology and other healing and creative modalities. I've got a number of online classes, including an introduction to embodied chart reading where you'll learn to identify, interpret and synthesize the main components of an astrology chart and more. You can find all of my offerings at These horoscopes and the transcriptions are offered for free. If you find benefit in this work, please help support and sustain it. The number one way to do that is by sharing it with your friends and networks. You can subscribe, rate and leave affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms. And your one time and recurring financial donations are super appreciated, and definitely sustain the production of this work. To find links for everything, check the show notes or my website. I'm wishing you all the best in Capricorn Season and beyond. Thank you so much for listening. Bye for now.


LIBRA Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)


SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)