Embodiments + Guided Meditations

Find a Soundcloud playlist of all of my free embodiment practices and guided meditation offerings here.

Somatic Meditations by Topic

Emotional Release

In this episode, I give a short update and check in and then an embodiment practice for the new moon and solar eclipse in Cancer. This practice includes moving, breathing, vocalizing and self-touch and is intended to assist with emotional release. The embodiment practice begins at about 12 minutes.


Positioning: working with trauma and privilege

This meditation is the second in the Healing & Resilience Series for 2019. In this episode I explore the embodiment of ancestral trauma and privilege. The meditation is meant to open inquiry into the invisible inheritances we carry as recipients of our lineages.


Healing With Family

This meditation is offered at the solstice, just days before Christmas, in the midst of a season that is challenging for many of us, for many reasons. In this meditation I explore gentle connection with ancestors, family, siblings and community. From a place of spacious empathy, we can breathe in and out, give and receive, share and benefit together.


Consciousness Shift - Opening and Expanding Perspective

This meditation zooms out and zooms in to give you a macro and micro perspective on the wonder of the multiverse and the mystery of your own body and cellular intelligence. This meditation is for the moments when you get caught up in details that make your head hurt, when you get swamped with worry, another times when shifting your perspective towards a broader, bigger vision is necessary.


Clearing Confusion & Connecting To Wisdom

This guided meditation is offered as a tool for times of mental and emotional overwhelm, or when connection to your own inner wisdom doesn't feel readily available.


Fear, Shame & Insecurity - working with the emotions that bind you

In this guided meditation I lead you through awareness of three "gates" or energy centers in the body where fear, shame, and insecurity are often lodged and registered. Through learning about our bodies instincts and reactions, we become aware of our habits and develop choice in managing our responses. The meditation offers suggestions for how to bring awareness to embodied habits, and work with emotions that lodge in these centers.


The Opposite Of Fear Is Courage - A guided meditation for resistance and resilience

In this guided meditation, recorded on the day of the US midterm elections 2018, I invite a creative exploration of the shadow self and its integration. Courage isn't bravado, control or domination. Rather, true courage is the ability to self-reflect, to admit to one's failings, to forgive others, and to choose compassion over competition. This meditation is a practice of externalizing, then (re)internalizing our shadow selves so that we can work with them skillfully and make choices rooted in courage.


From Outer to Inner - A Self-Care Meditation for Activists

This guided meditation helps you balance your urgency and call-to-activism by giving simple tools for breath and body awareness, and the reminder to receive and take in goodness as you also fight for change.


Loving Your Inner Child

This meditation focuses first on awareness of the inner Sun and essential radiance. The solar energy is the creative principle and the essence of our childlike, innocent nature. Using this awareness, we'll travel towards our infant and child selves, to acknowledge and integrate them, to help them heal and come into balance. This meditation was made for the new moon and solar eclipse in Leo, August 11, 2018.


Serving Sacredness

This meditation guides inner awareness towards sacredness - the spirit and inspiration that moves through all life on Earth, and provides tools for reflecting on ego instincts that distract and distort sacredness, and helps you align your sense of sacredness with intention, attention, and life choice. This meditation was made for the full moon in Pisces on August 26, 2018. 


Meeting Your Shadow

In order to heal and evolve, we must courageously face our shadows. Recognizing when shadow is present and active is the first step. In this meditation I offer simple, body-based tools of awareness for meeting your shadow, understanding its mechanisms, and cultivating skillful choice in your actions. This meditation was made for the Scorpio full moon on April 29, 2018. 


Prosperity And Abundance

As agents of our own revolution, we should determine our own currencies! This meditation focuses on cultivating prosperity and abundance within, and recognizing the abundant support that is available already. Practice with this meditation to increase your receptivity, magnetism, stability, and ease. This meditation was made for the Taurus new moon on May 15, 2018.