Embodied Astrology

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Horoscope Affirmations for the June 4th New Moon in Gemini

Read more about the astrology of this new moon here.Sign up for the newsletterand receive astrology and horoscopes straight to your inbox

You can listen to the guided meditation for this new moon here. This guided meditation includes an introduction to the astrology of the June 4th new moon in Gemini that is part of the mutable grand cross, a defining occurrence in the astrology of 2016. The embodied meditation focuses on feeling and maintaining 'centeredness' in the midst of possibility, distraction, and distress.

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These horoscopes are written as affirmations. Affirmative thinking and speaking are a form of magic that works through magnetism. If your horoscope affirmation resonates with you, print it out and place it somewhere visible for the next two weeks. Repeat it to yourself often and notice how the magic works. I suggest reading horoscopes for both your sun and rising signs. If you’re interested in a more personalized approach to your astrology you can request a reading here.

Gemini is the messenger god! Be curious. Image found on Pinterest

ARIESI am the creator and cultivator of meaning for me. I recognize the language(s) I use with myself and their power to shape my beliefs and ideas. I have agency to form new utterances of expression as well as to use different words for the same things. I can redefine and re-language my daily experience, especially in regards to tasks, chores, and the services I do. My mission is to speak of my life with curiosity, and when I describe how I live day-to-day to do so with the awareness that daily rhythm becomes lifelong dance. I speak myself into being by how I describe everything – especially those things that are not glamorous or fun, but are completely necessary.

TAURUSThere is great value in the ephemeral – in passing conversations and casual interactions – in friendship that doesn’t require much more than general curiosity and willingness to chat about whatever – in the passing remarks made to each other. It’s these impressions that build upon themselves to create layers of solidity called relationships. Sometimes a layer or few has some bumps or weirdness. Sometimes we’re self-critical to a fault and even casual exchange seems daunting. Sometimes we’re not sure how anything is received or why it matters. The point right now is not to worry about all of that, but just to be with the exchange. Connect on whatever small level is possible. Even a wink, a nod, a ‘hello’. At the end of the day it’s these connections that bring the greatest gifts.

GEMINIMay I be friendly with myself first. May I let my criticism of others rest and may I see that challenges in our relationship are necessary for knowing what we stand for. May I sort through the details that I’ve come from. May I surrender to the unknown of where I’m going, stop trying to figure it out, and just let myself dream it into being. May I be friendly with myself first because I trust that friends guide me in the right direction and want what is best for me.

CANCERI give myself space for quietness and emergence on my own time. I choose when, where, how I want to be seen. I attend to taking care of myself because my mental health is worth it. So I give myself space for privacy, for wordlessness, for abstraction. I don’t have to know. I give myself space to relearn everything and anything that feels like drudgery. I can shape my days into joyful and vibrant experiences, but letting go of old habits in how I approach them has to happen first. The space of the unknown is a good space to be. The new habits will arise soon and I will be a conscious creator of them.

LEOI nurture my big dreams and vast visions. My meditation is to imagine how what I want to create will spread and ripple out into the world – how it will impact and affect – how it will be received and reciprocated. I am well aware of my ego. I am well aware of the need for humility and care. I check my own intention by allowing myself to imagine others’ experience and I am determined to act with conscience. But now is not the time to get lost in critique or details. Now is the time to enjoy my imagination and to feel how my mind imagining is making links to future possibilities and giving me motivation to work for them.

VIRGOI’m emerging now. I’ve been working hard but quietly inside, with myself and with others. Working to clean up, clear out, and get real about what is important for me to come home to. I can let myself be seen a bit. I can be a bit more spacious in my presentation. I can let myself be curious in the world and enjoy when the world is curious back. Soon I will move into a new phase of generosity and wealth in my relationships but for now it’s enough to be present with me and to let myself be seen.

LIBRAThis could be a defining moment on my path. Basically, this could be the moment that I see that I’m on a path. Perhaps it wasn’t what I thought it would be, but here I am, and it’s turning out to be the things I said it would be. I’m letting my conceptions of what should be soften as I devote more to trusting the unseen. It’s curious how the space around me listens. And it’s inspiring me now formulate my intentions clearly because I know that they will take root and form into the structures that carry my future forward.

SCORPIOThere’s a question now of how self definition arises from relationship. Notice the awakening that emerges from intimacy and friendliness. Notice the sweetness of genuine curiosity, and how another’s gesture of interest can solidify self-worth. There’s a lot of possibility in your larger expanded networks right now, and that possibility depends entirely on you not getting lost in your self expression. The point is to stay with your own experience enough to notice how relations with others impact you. The point is to not lose yourself in the sensation of being seen.

SAGITTARIUSI am open for new experiences in relationships. I’m going to shift my thinking to allow for the more immediate question of, “What do I want to express right now with this person?” Rather than, “What does this person mean (to me)?” The reason to do this is to remember that now is what I have, and that meaning will change again and again. This is important for me to remember because it ultimately frees me within myself and allows me to dissolve the structures that bind me and expand my offering into the world.

CAPRICORNI surrender to the here and now. I devote myself to this moment. What is calling me forward into the future is my hunger for spiritual development, for higher knowing, for travel, expansion, and ultimate freedom. What is calling me back into the past is the remembering that where we came from is the same place. But what is holding me right now in this moment is the commitment that I have made to myself to arrive, and that is work that I must do because I know that this moment right now brings what I remember forward. And so even though I can’t see it, taste it, or hold it, presence is something that is tangible and real. I will love the moment that I have when I have it.

AQUARIUSI ask a question of my creativity. How do I love being? If I have the opportunity to be around children I’m going to study them and notice how quickly they respond in their impulse towards authenticity. Of course it’s natural to do what’s natural! Whether or not I share it with others is something to consider. How my expression is influenced by money and my financial situation is something else to consider. And what impact I have and how it ripples out, yes that too. But when I am engaged fully with my curiosity and creativity, when I recognize that my expression of both is a service to others, and when I remember that my worth in the world is nothing if I’m not interested in what I’m doing, then I realize that the impact I have on the larger world and on my own future rests entirely in this question. How do I love being? Be it.

PISCES I am friends with my parents. Regardless of what side of life they are on, this is a good moment to remember them as children, to love them for all that they’ve been through, and to be curious about how that shaped them and in turn how that shaped me. This is a good moment to be friends with myself, as who I define myself to be is quite slippery around the edges and is perhaps beginning to blur a bit into something I don’t yet know. This is a good moment to be friends with my partners and to see the many ways that they contribute to all I was, am, and will be.