TAURUS Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

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Exhale, relax your brain.
Inhale, fill yourself with spaciousness.
Exhale out and release attachments
to those and that which clog and confuse.
Inhale and invite:
beautiful futures, community, opportunities, support.
Believe in the power of your intention.
Use the power of your attention.


Hello Taurus, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Cancer Season, June 20 through July 22, 2021. My name is Renee, this is Embodied Astrology. I am a somatic educator and intuitive as well as an astrologer. And when I read for the 12 zodiac signs, I'm doing my best to just describe what's coming up for me as I tune in with these archetypal energies in this season. Your chart is a lot more than just Taurus, however you identify with Taurus, whether sun or rising or other placements. So please listen for what works and feel free to leave the rest. Make the meaning that's most meaningful for you. And definitely listen through your own intuition. Feel free to associate what I'm saying in whatever ways make sense to you as they make sense. I always recommend that people listen or read horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section.


Right. So as I am feeling this chart for Cancer Season, I am feeling communication, I'm feeling your mind, I'm feeling distraction as lots of information, or that's what it feels like, is coming towards you. And the first offering that I have is: What is it? What is it even? It's a question. How can you be with information? Information comes in so many ways, it comes in ways that are very clear and direct, it comes in ways that can be really confusing. It's coming all the time at you from every dimension and your sense organs are all the time picking up information and then your mind is trying to figure out what to do with all that information. And my feeling as I tune in with your chart is like, woah, how are you going to be with this information? The sense that I have is you want to be like a rock in a river, like let it roll over you, let it roll around you. Sometimes it might move you, very, you know, obviously, and sometimes it's just there. And I feel like you want to create space inside of yourself to just kind of maintain like a presence and open field of awareness as information keeps on coming, which it will, which it does. If you've ever come across in a yoga practice, there are what are called the yamas and niyamas. These are kind of like precepts or suggestions for living your life in ways that would support union, which is kind of the translation of that word yoga. I'm not talking about performing postures with your body, I'm talking about coming into union with your spiritual self in this physical dimension. Creating unity between your heart, mind, and body. Feeling a sense of connection with life and with the force of life here in this terrestrial phenomenal world as it moves through you but also as it moves around you and through everything around you. The feeling here is that some information is easy to know what to do with and some isn't and you got to just be able to hold it and not need to do anything with it right now. As we move into Cancer Season though, it feels like you're kind of in a space of reflection. What do you want to do with what is stimulating you? What do you want to do with your ideas? It feels like you might have some ideas and some plans about your future, about the world, about how you want to be engaging with people, about new friends you might be making, about projects you might be coming into. There may have been recent opportunities for you to expand your life in some significant ways or for you to feel into the potential for your life to expand in some significant ways. But you got to feel it out. You don't quite know what the next steps are. And as we move into Cancer Season, there is this kind of reflective quality that is pulling you into it. And this is a reflective quality that is going to ask you to just sit with some information for a while. What do you do with these ideas? What do you do with the information that's been given to you or that you have articulated for yourself? You hold it. That's what you do with it. You hold it. And you hold everything else around it. And you want to embody that rock in a river, where you can kind of just let your weight be your anchor and feel that life is continuing to move around you and trust that you're going to move when you're damn good and ready. The reflective quality that I'm sensing right now is manifesting in a couple of different ways. And so one we have already talked about, and this has to do with this feeling of how do you want to be in the world? There is this feeling of offering, there's a feeling of future, there's a feeling of friends and networks and community or connection. How do you want to be with the world? How do you want to be with what the world is asking from you? You have to reflect on it. How do you want to take up the space? What is it that you want to offer? Who do you want to be in community with and how? Your ideas about how you want to be in the space of your life, who you want to be connecting with, and what you want to be working towards for your future, I think have been changing and that's a good thing. But you want to give yourself time to just kind of feel into these changes, feel into your desires, and again, you don't need to make sense out of the information right away. The other point of reflection is literally like how are you going to do it? There might be a question about money, there might be a question about resources, there might be a question about whether or not you have the capacity or you have the "right" or you have the courage. And I'm saying right in air quotes, like do you have the "right" to do whatever it is that you want? According to you, right? Like, as I'm saying that the feeling is, that I have in my body, is a self confidence question. It's a self permission question: Do I have the right to take up the space in my life? Do I have the right to speak my truth? Do I have the right to desire what it is that I desire? You can answer that question for yourself. I don't know. You know, our quote unquote "rights" are something that a lot of people debate, so are the choices that you're making harmful for others or yourself? You probably don't want to be making them. Are the choices that you're making uncomfortable but not harmful and they require you to be courageous, and to actually move towards what you want? Well, you might want to make those choices as uncomfortable as that might feel or as scary as that might feel. So this is the reflection space, like how are you going to do something, maybe you need more money, maybe you need more resources, maybe you need more support, maybe you need more confidence. This is a time when you're going inside of yourself, you're feeling these questions, and you're looking. You're looking for the resources, you're looking for the answers, you're looking for the path, the clarity around what it is and how it is. You'll get there. This is a reflective time. In reflection, we often find really important answers, so I'm not saying this isn't a time when you will figure something out. I figure most things out when I'm being self reflective, when I'm being internal, when I take a pause. That's the sense that I have for you. You don't need to know, you don't need to have the absolute answers of how something's going to work or what it's going to look like or how you're going to do it. But you have the sense of what it is that you want. What's calling you what's pulling you. Now is the time to reflect on: What's that really gonna look like? How do you want it to unroll? What's going to carry you there? And potentially who's going to be with you? These are some big questions coming up in Cancer Season.


There's a full moon on June 24 in Capricorn. Now Capricorn is a fellow earth sign, Taurus. And it rules a very important part of your chart that has to do with a higher purpose and a sense of meaning. So there's a full moon that is probably bringing these ideas to the forefront. What is the point? What's the fucking point? You know, like? What's your life about? What is your purpose here? What are you trying to do with it? What's your vision for yourself? What are your guiding philosophies? You've been working to figure this out, I think for a while and some of you might have been working very specifically or explicitly on projects or through some kind of medium that has you grappling with this question. For example, some of you might be finishing school, or, you know, some kind of training or apprenticeship or even if it's not with a particular person, a phase in your life where you feel like you are in apprenticeship or you are on some kind of quest, you're seeking it out. And this is a full moon that's going to ask you to remember your values, to remember your priorities, and to remember your vision. Why are you here doing whatever it is that you are doing? I think that there's a quality to our visions for our lives that is less about specifics, and again, more about a quality that probably doesn't change. And as much as the specifics change around our visions for our lives, there's some kind of feeling, tone, that is probably pretty consistent in terms of why are you here? What is the energy that you are here for? You might need to ask yourself for clarification, or for the nuance of the answer. But it feels like this is a full moon that wants to help you remember why you are here and what you're here for and it might bring you some challenges. It might bring you some reflections that help you to discern why you are not here and what you are not here for. And if that's the feeling around the full moon, then remember that as you get clear about what you don't want, what's not feeling good, and the direction you don't want to go, that is also helping you clarify, discern, and decide what you're here for, why you're here, and what you're going to do about it.


Between the full moon on June 24 and the new moon on July 9, there are a couple of weeks of pretty intense astrology. This astrology hits you in very important places in your chart, in really critical, foundational places in your chart. How do I want to describe this? Well, the first thing that I want to say is it feels like you have a fire under your ass, like you've got a fire under your feet and there is some kind of energy that is, you know, asking you to take on your personal power and to feel in charge and in control of your own life and who you are. This definitely could have a lot to do with relationships, this definitely could have a lot to do with authority and with issues of authority, like who gets to make the decisions about certain things, who sets the tempo, who sets the tone. It feels to me like you want to set the tempo, you want to set the tone. You might do this in collaboration, you might be very graceful about sharing authority with others. But you don't want to take the backseat right now. You want to be clear about what it is that you are investing in and rooting in. This is your personal power, this is your personal energy. So over the course of these two weeks, June 24 through July 9, there is a lot of provocation, there's a lot of energy moving in you and for you that's asking you to live your life and to live your life with agency, to live your life with clarity, to live your life with choice. You can work in connection and collaboration with others, you can compromise, you can follow someone else's lead sometimes, but you do not want to be in the backseat of your own life. And that becomes very clear in these two weeks or so. And so any kind of provocation, any kind of energy that's coming into your life at this time where you feel like you've got to put yourself on the back burner or you know, you try and assert yourself and then you're thwarted by someone else's authority or you feel stuck or you feel confined, this is an opportunity for you to clarify within those contexts. And given the context themselves and who you are and who you're there with, clarification could look a lot of different ways. But some of you might need to make some important changes in relationships, some of you might need to cut some cords, some of you might need to step it up and to show up for your relationships or to strengthen some connections and to you know, to be in the places or with the people or with the work that it is that you actually want to be with and to not be ambivalent. There is a question during this time about who are you in the world and what is it that you are here to do and who is it, you know, that you are in this space? And this is the big question, right? And so during this time, if you get squeezed, if you get agitated, if you get, I don't know, like reactive about certain things, notice that. Like, notice what your reactions are. Are you feeling squeezed? Are you feeling confined? There's information there. It doesn't need to be an ultimatum, like, Oh, my God, this thing is squeezing me now I have to explode it never needs to be here before—or anymore. It doesn't need to be an ultimatum but it does need to be some kind of decision, right? Like, this is no longer appropriate, this is no longer acceptable, I will not be squeezed in this way. You know, or God dammit, I'm going to be squeezed in this way for a long time and what do I need to do inside of myself, so that I can make some space around this? There might be certain boundaries that you need to make, there might be schedule items that you need to readjust, I don't know what it is. Something wants you to take control around your own energy, around your own life, around your own decisions, who you are, what you're doing, and pick up your own authority in it. I don't know what that means for you. Hopefully, you do.


On July 9 there is a new moon in Cancer. This is a new moon that aspects all of the outer planets, all the transpersonal planets. So there are some big feelings that come around this new moon. Cancer being a sign that has a lot to do with our inner bodies, with our more subjective, very personal emotive spaces. This is a new moon that could be bringing a lot of feelings to the surface for a lot of people. For you, it feels like there are some important and tender communications that are happening around this time. These communications are first happening for yourself. And so I was just talking about these two weeks between the full moon and the new moon, where there's a lot of information, right? And you're going, "What am I going to do with this information? How do I want to hold it? What kind of choices do I need to make?" As we get to the new moon, there might be some conversations ready to happen, there might be energy that's ready to give way, things that are ripe and ready for whatever it is that you have been holding, however it is that you've been sorting it out for yourself. This is a time to really pay attention to your communications and to how you are communicating. You are very transparent right now. And you might not know that to yourself, you know, you might not feel that for yourself, you might feel—I don't know how you feel. But I want to say that you're transparent to other people, you're transparent in the world. That doesn't mean that everybody can read your mind. They certainly can't. But they can read your energy. And your energy is very strong right now. And at this new moon, as much as you can, try to be honest about your energy. Remember that you're transparent. People can feel you even if they don't know what they're feeling, even if they don't have the information, that you have a strong vibe around this new moon. And something powerful is happening for you. And so in whatever way you can, give us some information, write us a poem, do an interpretive dance. You know, I don't know, cry your eyes out and be barely legible as you like just spill all your feelings. But if people are asking you for information, or if you feel like you need to give information around this new moon, follow that. Really do your best to try and clearly communicate, openly communicate, courageously communicate. The more that you can let people in, the easier it's going to be for you actually in the outcome. And the more I think it's going to help you to claim the power that you need right now, to make the choices that you want to make right now, and to do this work of reflecting that I was talking about. What is your priority? What are the resources that you need? What is the direction that you want to travel in? If you are full of a lot of unexpressed emotions or information that you're not revealing, it's going to fog your mind. Communicate it somehow. Even if it's not directly to another person. Like I said, write a poem, do a dance, find some way to express and articulate for yourself what it is that you're feeling and that will help you articulate and express to others.


So Cancer Season is a powerful season. There are a lot of symbols here that are asking you to take responsibility for your own energy, for your time, for your schedule, for your obligations, to take responsibility for your own mind, and to work with your energy with as much clarity and accountability as you can. To choose what you pay attention to, how you fill up your mental space, how you fill up your social space, because you have something that you are here to be experiencing right now, some growth, some kind of I think pretty important transformation that you're going through. And this is a time that is asking you to shift some pieces that can help clear the way for you to move into this growth and into this transformation.


I hope any or all of that makes some sense to you, my Taurus friends, and that you receive some pieces that are helpful or interesting in that horoscope. If you want more astrology from me, please check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading where I focus on the major themes for 2021, opportunities, challenges, how to work with them. We are halfway through the year now and so I'm offering a 50% discount on those readings and you can find them at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section. If you want to learn more about astrology and working with your own chart, such a helpful tool, then consider joining my extended content subscription. That subscription is by donation, you get access to my month ahead calendars, my worksheets and tools as well as twice a month subscriber only meetups, one of which is a workshop and one of which is a community space. We would really love to have you there. You can also follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology where I post regular Astro updates. If you enjoy this work and you'd like to see it continue, please support it. You can share it with your friends and networks. You can subscribe, rate, and leave great reviews on iTunes. And of course your financial tips and donations are super appreciated and definitely help sustain the production of this work. I'm wishing you all the best in Cancer Season and beyond. Much love and bye for now.


ARIES Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)


GEMINI Horoscope for CANCER Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)