GEMINI Horoscope for CANCER Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

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The vision you have
for who you are becoming
is growing, evolving, and elevating.
Expand your awareness of everything.
Include the subtle, spiritual, psychic.
Let your inner dimensions emanate
into the external.


Hello Gemini, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Cancer Season, June 20 through July 22, 2021. My name is Renee, I'm the astrologer here at Embodied Astrology. I'm also a somatic intuitive. As I read your chart, I get information through my body that works with the astrological symbols. I do my best to give kind of a channeled reading and describe what it is that I'm feeling. As you tune in with my words, please make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Listen through the lens of your own intuition. Take what works, leave the rest. Freely associate what I'm saying to the parts of your life that feel like they land in and then make your own meaning out of it, right, so I hope this is helpful for you. I always recommend that folks tune in with horoscopes for sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section.


Well, Gemini friends, we are coming out of Gemini Season, which has been a lot of Gemini. The personal planets have been moving through Gemini, we've had eclipses in Gemini, we've had a Mercury retrograde in Gemini. How the hell are you? Are you still standing? Are you still here? I bet a lot of you are feeling pretty jazzed and I think probably a lot of you are like what's going on? Because eclipses in your sign, Mercury retrograde in your sign, the aspects these eclipses and Mercury have been making definitely give me the picture, the feeling that—I think, did I say this last month? Like you're a chrysalis, you know, you're the gooey, unformed caterpillar in transition to becoming a butterfly or something like that. It feels like you have so many changes occurring for you in really powerful ways. And life is an evolution, you are an emergent being, and we don't know yet what's going to happen. Cancer Season though feels to me like a moment when you are really in some deep reflection around how you want to organize yourself when it comes to your aspirations, to your goals, to what it is that you are building in the world, through your efforts, potentially through your career or through your work in the world, through your intentions. And I've been talking about this for a while in your horoscopes, talking about the need that I feel, that I sense in your chart, for you to tune into what seems to me to be a more mystical, spiritual, magical, fantastical, sensitive, compassionate dimension within the work that you're doing. And this could feel a whole lot of ways for a whole lot of different Geminis. Geminis aren't always the most emotional of signs, but it does feel that a large degree of emotionality is being asked from you, or pulled from you maybe, when it comes to you as a being in the world, you building your life in this world. And it feels like you've been getting a lot of lessons over the past many years about your feelings, how to be with your feelings, how to be honest about your feelings, how to feel when other people are feeling, you know, how to be there with them and their emotions and hold space. And there's something that's happening for you that feels to me like an understanding, an awareness, a learning, and a sense of potential and growth. When you tune in with your intuition, with your emotional capacity, with your sensitivity, with your compassion, and with your spirituality. So again, I'm offering all these words because it makes sense to me. Those are words that are kind of big words, like compassion or spirituality. So as you hear them, let them land in you and then think about like, what are your words? You and I might not have the same words. And so the feeling that I'm getting is that you are trying to align in your life from a deep and subtle, energetic space that is also bigger than you and it feels to me like you are trying to incorporate this subtle, energetic bigger than you feeling in ways that are personal. You're trying to open yourself, you're trying to trust and listen to your intuition more, you are trying to include others more in some kind of emotional space or more process. In the month of Cancer Season, in the span of 30 days, there's some kind of reflection around this. And you might be moving in some interesting new directions in your life. And there are plans that still need to be set, there are principles that still need to be defined, there are philosophies that still need to be worked out a little bit. And so the reflective space that you're in feels very forward moving. But in the forward motion, there's also an inward motion. There might be a backward motion. In order to move forwards first, we have to move backwards. This is kind of the feeling of first we have to like, look around at what has happened and understand something about it so that we can move forward in this way that is more sensitive, inclusive, compassionate, spiritual or something, you know, whatever words  you're using there.


We're finishing up Mercury retrograde on June 22, and so Mercury has been retrograde in your sign. It'll station direct on June 22 at 16 degrees of Gemini. If you have planets or points around 16 degrees, or really between 16 and kind of the end of Gemini, that last half or so of Gemini, then this has been a retrograde that's a powerful one for you. Because Mercury was a big component of the last new moon and solar eclipse that we had, this station direct feels really important for Gemini identified folks. This is the feeling that I'm talking about where you're a chrysalis, you're a butterfly, you're goo, you're turning into something and I think you're starting to understand a little bit more about what that is or who that is. And as we get into Mercury's movement direct, you start to put these pieces in place. And this isn't separate from what I was talking about before, what you're trying to build in your life and open space and manifest with. And who you are in the world and who you are in your identity are not always the same. We have our public persona, our public presentation, you know, I'm here in the role of an astrologer, I'm talking in your ears, I'm talking to your sign. But guess what, I'm a human being, you know, I eat meals every day, and I get in bad moods, and I don't always have great advice for myself, and I don't always listen to my own advice, right. And so sometimes, I have to confront a dissonance between someone's perception of me who might not know me as a person, they only know my public appearance, and who I am as an actual human. And there's some kind of feeling that I'm getting here for you that there is the sense of wanting to move forward in the world in some kind of new way that—it feels open, it feels expansive, it also feels, like I was saying, very emotional, very energetic, very subtle. And you might be understanding yourself in a new way. You might be understanding your need for emotionality, for sensitivity, for subtlety, for spirituality. You might be reckoning with, with a lack of those feelings in your life, with a longing for them, with the recognition that you can make a different kind of space in yourself. There may be some new awareness for you around how you're putting yourself out into the world and what you're putting yourself out with in the world that wasn't fully aligned with who you thought you were or wanted to be. And so in this Mercury retrograde, I think you've gotten some information about the space between who you are as the person, who you know yourself to be, and who you are as the person who goes out into the world and has some kind of public image. Public image might be you in your neighborhood grocery store, might be you in front of millions of people, I don't know. But there is an ask for more integrity, there is an ask for some kind of synthesis, I think, between you and your identity, and you in the public persona. And there's something important that's shifting in terms of who it is that you want to be and how it is that you want to be putting yourself out into the world in whatever capacity that is. And this is an excellent time over the course of Cancer Season to be meditating with this and really tuning into it, and working with yourself through subtle awareness. And so if you notice that it feels disconnected or it feels like someone is misperceiving you or you're putting yourself out in a way that invites misperception, this is an amazing time to make subtle refinements. To kind of tune in with like, Oh yeah, that feels a little off. Like, what if I just try and you know, change my tone of voice or reveal something about myself or invite someone else in in a different way. These kinds of refinements are great for you right now. In any place where you feel like there could be more flow, more smoothness, more integrity, again, between your personal identity and what you're putting out into the world, what you're projecting to others, this is an amazing time for you to start—not start probably, you're already doing it—but to continue to clarify, to refine, to smooth out those spaces.


On June 24, there is a full moon in Capricorn. This is a full moon that brings a lot of potential for you to see and feel and come into contact with these potential spaces of dissonance. I've been talking to you in your horoscopes for so long now about your relationship with secrecy or privacy, what you hold for yourself and what you present to the outer world. The feeling that I keep getting in your chart is the need for discernment around what is for you in your private space and what is an offering. And the sense that I get is that there can be more that is shared. And that there's some kind of feeling that I'm getting in the, in the container, that holds the inner private secret space away from the outer external space. And I feel like you're working that container a lot, like you're working your subtle responses, you're working your trust issues, you're working your intimacy and your vulnerability issues, you are learning to present yourself in new ways to yourself to others. And this is a full moon that has a lot of revelatory offering to you in terms of your inner energy and how you want to be using your inner energy. Now this is also a full moon that could pull you deeply into the emotional realm, that could really have you looking at shared spaces of relationships, you know, where all the enmeshments and the entanglements are. This could be a full moon that, that pulls up a lot of like deep, potentially complex feelings that have to do with losses, with endings, with the kind of impermanent and unpredictable nature of life. And this is potentially a full moon that could have some kind of revelation for you about particular relationships or themes within your relationships or specific circumstances. At this full moon, there is also the feeling that something gets delivered, something gets opened, something gets pushed or provoked, that helps you make the changes that you're trying to make in terms of your life work and directionality. So for some folks, this could be an offer or an offering, a gift that you get given of some kind. For some folks, this could be like a hard recognition of something that you can't do anymore, you don't want to do. This could be a lot of things, but the full moon is a ripe one to help you kind of understand where potentials and power are, especially in the interstitial spaces of relationship, in the exchanges, in the intimacies, the vulnerabilities, the trust, the places where you share, the places where you reveal.


Now between the full moon and the new moon, we have a new moon on July 9, we've got two weeks of incredibly intense astrology, where there are several kind of like, wham, wham, wham, like every single freaking day for two weeks, several aspects that are pretty powerful ones. My sense is that this could be a very, you know, exhilarating time in the world. I don't know if anybody needs more exhilaration right now. Energy could be high. And for you, the feeling that I get is that your communication is on fire. And you've got a lot that you want to say. And you've got a lot that you're thinking about and you might be having like wham, wham, wham, wham, wham—revelations, ideas, like conversations that are happening. You might feel bombarded by information during this time as well. So it could originate within you, it could be coming from all directions at you, I don't know could be a mix of the two. During this time, I got a couple pieces of advice. It feels like again, your communication is on fire during this time. Now that could be awesome if you're like a communications person, and you're like, I know exactly how I want to put out this newsletter, I'm going to write this book, I'm going to da da da, you know, and you're like, I've got all these creative ideas, let's put them out there. It could be a problem if you're getting into heated conversation with people and you definitely want to check yourself over the course of these couple of weeks, and just like stay present with what you are saying. And if you feel in your body sensations of intense urgency while you are communicating, that's a red flag. That intense urgency, like, you know, I gotta say something to you, or Oh my God, I've got to write this Instagram post right now, you know, that's the time when you you might like, just want to give yourself 20 minutes, an hour, a day, a week, to sit with a thing that you're—that you feel so compelled to say. Is it accurate? Because during this time, it feels like you might have like a lot of—you know, it's like, you've got all of these like—the image I have of you right now is a carbonated beverage. It's like, you've got all of these bubbles rising up inside you and they're fizzing and they like want to get out there. And you want to be discerning about what you're putting out there because your words are your power. Your voice is your power. When you say something, you put it into the world. When you speak something, you set it into action. You create a material form around what was before only a thought. So this is where I just want to like give you like a heads up. Between June 24 and July 9, be careful with your words. You have a lot of power in your words at this time, you have a lot of power with your communication. Some of you have incredible opportunities right now to communicate, to write, to publish, to put things out. This is a, this is a time that requires you to be discerning. Is this what you want to say? If you feel conflicted, muddled, messy, or some variation of like manic, you know, like really urgent, that feeling? Give it a pause, even if it's 10 freakin minutes. Go outside, breathe, like really tune in with your body. Is this what you want to put out into the world? Also, during this time, some of you might be making really cool new connections. This is an interesting time for Geminis in friendships. This is an interesting time for Geminis in community. This is a really interesting time for Geminis building the relationships, friendships, community that help them grow, expand their awareness, learn, become the people who they want to be. So tune in. Who is out there, right? And if you see a new friend, how do you want to talk to them? How do you want to introduce yourself? Here we go all the way back to what I was starting with, there's some kind of essence for you right now that is asking you to get more subtle, more attuned, potentially more aligned with your spiritual self, your higher self, so that when you communicate, you're communicating with presence, right, with pure presence. Not coming from some place that is off in your head somewhere, off in a story, freaking out. There are some new people, new connections may be coming into your realm right now. How do you want to engage with them? This is a, this is a really interesting time for you to set new patterns for yourself in communications, in relationships of all kinds, but especially the community oriented relationships, especially new friends, you know, people who you're meeting and colleagues, you know, peers, people who will help you elevate and grow your consciousness, awareness, understanding and live the life you want to live.


I'm gonna leave it there for now. I hope any or all of that is interesting and helpful for you. If you want more astrology from me, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's a 90 minute reading, special for your sign for this whole year with the opportunities, challenges, suggestions for working with them. We're halfway through the year now, so those readings are discounted by 50%. You can also learn more about working with your own chart and how to read astrology, it's such a helpful tool for life, by signing up for my extended content subscription. Subscriptions are by donation, you get access to my month ahead calendars, to worksheets and tools to help you work with your own chart as well as my twice a month subscriber meetups. One is a workshop that I lead helping you understand the month ahead astrology and again working with it in your own chart. The second meetup is a community space, we've got an amazing peer learning community and a lot of intelligence growing around astrology and chart reading. We'd love to have you there. More information on both of those offerings at You can also follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology where I post regular Astro updates and if you enjoy this work, please support it. The number one way to support is by sharing with your friends and networks, subscribing, rating, and reviewing, giving great reviews on iTunes podcasts. And of course, your financial donations are super appreciated and help support the production of this work. Wishing you all the best in Cancer Season and beyond. Much love and bye for now.


TAURUS Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)


GEMINI Horoscope for Gemini Season (May 20-June 20, 2021)