AQUARIUS Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)

Tune out the noise of the external world,
listen inwards towards the depths of your true self.
You are energy, light, vibration.
Thoughts can change emotions almost instantly.
Body can change mind and mind can shift body.
Be an alchemist and magician.
It’s time to die and rebirth yourself again.


Hello, Aquarius. Welcome. Thank you so much for listening to Embodied Astrology. You are listening to your horoscope for Capricorn Season. This is a season that begins on the solstice, December 21st, and wraps up at the beginning of your season, January 19th. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and a consulting astrologer and my offering here is an intuitive reading, an embodied reading into the overarching themes, opportunities and challenges for your sign in the season ahead, and this is a horoscope for Aquarius identified folks. Generally, people listen for their Sun and their rising signs. So you can listen for other placements in your chart as well, but definitely listen for your Sun and rising. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section. If you prefer to read rather than listen, you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes in the same section on my website. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. I'm offering general language. I also have a limited vocabulary that is confined by my own experience and access to language at any given moment. So make your associations. Follow your own intuition as you listen, take what works and leave the rest.


Before I begin, I do want to let you know about two upcoming class offerings. On December 22nd, I'll be offering a Capricorn Season workshop. This is a two and a half hour workshop that includes an embodied practice, creative visualization and meditation practices that are supportive for working with your own chart in relation to the season's upcoming transits, which you will learn more about and get some tips and suggestions for how to read astrology in relationship to your own life in your own chart. The live event is on December 22nd. If you can't make it to that, the recording will be available through January 19th.


On January 8th, Janice Lee is guest presenting a welcoming ceremony for 2022 with Embodied Astrology. Janice is a published author, a teacher and a shamanic healer and her workshop is called The Dandelions are Prophesizing. This is an incredible workshop that is a communal ceremony, assisting transition, transformation and letting go. As I'm going to be talking about in a few minutes, letting go is a big theme of 2021 and 2022. And her workshop will also include guided meditation as well as writing with the ceremonial work. Information is available on my website for both workshops. Please make sure to stick around at the end of this horoscope for some important updates and more information on how to connect with me and the Embodied Astrology community for support throughout the month and throughout the upcoming year.


Alright, Aquarius. Capricorn Season begins on the solstice, December 21st. And the days leading up to the solstice feel very deep, they feel quite profound. I highly encourage you to take these days with intention towards moments of solitude, however and wherever you can find them. And however and wherever, and I mean this, it could be a minute while you're riding the bus that you really just turn your attention inwards. These are times that you want to focus on listening. And the kind of listening that you want to focus on is listening to your intuition. Capricorn Season is an incredible time for you to go really deep, go very deep inside of yourself. And you must. If you don't, the consequences are fragmentation, distraction, anxiety, depression. Emotional, mental, psychological states that feel ungrounded and overwhelming. If you happen to feel those sensations, and you know, it's the end of 2021, so for sure a lot of us, most of us, definitely myself, are experiencing big waves of those sensations. So when they come up for you, let yourself really tune into your inner space, your inner body. Try to remind yourself that all of the things that feel so overwhelming, all the things that are producing anxiety, all the things that you could worry about or not know and etc, whatever those things are that are pulling you out of yourself. Try and remind yourself that all of that is external to you. And it doesn't mean that it's unreal. But inside of your own being, you can call up and cultivate and connect with a space of inner peace. And this would be my number one piece of advice for Capricorn Season for you is to really tune in to your energy, to your heart, to your inner body, and to your inner space.


You are learning something right now about your own energy. Over the last year and a half, you have been cultivating yourself in some new ways. And I think that you are ready to feel life and aliveness in new ways. And I think that you are feeling life and aliveness in new ways. At the same time, there are old patterns that you're processing. And these old patterns have to do with ancestral programming, with cultural programming, with your experience in relationships, how you organize yourself in relationship to self worth and value and your value systems when it comes to other people, what they're giving you, what they're not giving you, what you're growing together, etc. There are also big patterns at work that have to do with your mind, your mental process, and therefore then your communications.


It feels to me like you are trying to shift a lot right now, it feels to me that you are shifting a lot right now. And the truth of change is that it takes time, and that it happens incrementally and through repetition. As we move into the solstice and to Capricorn Season, I feel you at the precipice of major shifts in your life. And I feel you in an opportunity moment that is profound. And in order for you to reap the benefits of this opportunity, you have got to be present, you have got to be aware that you are actually in a moment of opportunity. And that can feel hard when the world is stressful, when the world is distracting, when people are nuts, when you're going through the frenetic energy of the holiday season, if that's something that is surrounding you. You are learning something right now about care. And I think about self care. And when I say self care, I also mean care of others and relational care. Because when you are caring for yourself, then you're caring for those that you are in relationship with, and you're also caring for the future of the relationship by caring for yourself in the present moment. And I think you're learning something about that. It feels like you are really wanting to practice, I want to say tenderness with yourself, or sweetness. And maybe those aren't quite the right words for everybody. But remember that you were a baby once upon a time and you were a small child once upon a time. And at the core of your being there is innocence, there is a desire for happiness and a desire for full expression of life. And you want to nurture that part of your being.


And in as many ways as possible right now, it feels to me like you want to release yourself from the distractions of all the shit that goes on in the world. And there is a lot of shit. There is shit everywhere. And it's interpersonal, it's relational, it's cultural, it's political, it's global, etc. Now, I'm not asking you to bypass anything or pretend that things do not exist. I know that many of you are so deeply sensitive to everything that is happening in the world. And it feels like a lot of you feel an incredible amount of responsibility and calling, a very deep calling to involve yourself. Some of you may, to some extent, even experience a kind of instinct towards, you know, how can I save the world? It's very Aquarian, right? Like, like this, I'm going to give everything. I have to give everything that I can to this moment, to this time, to whatever it is that is needed.


And what I want to say is that you can give everything when you give everything to yourself. And I'm not talking about your small self, your ego self, your individuated identity that wants cheese and crackers and dessert and to go to the movies or whatever it is. But when you give to your higher self, to your bigger self, to your capital S self, to your spirit. It feels to me that you really want to spend this season as a devotee in sacred space with your spirit. And to be in sacred space, we have to make sacrifice. And so here's where the letting go piece comes in. You are letting go of a lot right now. And when I tune in with your chart, what it feels like to me is that you are letting go of major building blocks of your life and your psychology. You are letting go of scaffolding that has held up the structure of relationships for probably the better part of most of your life. You are letting go of particular kinds of attachments, attachments to the material reality, to money, to objects, to people, places and things. You are really wanting to experience a new kind of personal freedom. It feels to me like you're really wanting to experience the kind of freedom that you have, you know, you believe exists. And certainly over the course of 2021, I think you've been feeling it, you've been recognizing your capacity for freedom. And in order to get there, you have to dive really deep. And that's what this season is asking you for. It is asking you to dive really deep.


The last week of December, and into the first weeks, week and a half or so of January, go deep, my friend. Cancel your plans with other people. Give yourself to yourself. Make an altar to your higher self. Recognize and practice recognizing. Right? Read, talk, listen to podcasts. Like, you've come across this teaching so many times before, you are not separate from the world around you. And all the chaos in the outer world is not something that you alone can fix. But what you can do is cultivate an inner space inside of you, an energy inside of you that lives and breathes and emanates peace. And you can replace the word peace with whatever it is that you want to see in the world and however it is that you want to feel yourself in your life. This is a time for you to cultivate what you want in your life and in the world from within. Go within.


Beginning in the end of December and taking you all the way into next May, May of 2022, there's so much abundance for you coming. And when I say abundance, I could mean a whole lot of things. I could mean money, I could mean love, I could mean time and space and a sense of fulfillment. Meditate on the sensation of abundance. What does it feel like in your body to have plenty? To be overwhelmed, to be overflowing with whatever it is that you long for? Over the last 10 years, if you think back to 2011, there has been some kind of process at work that has to do with your relationship to having or not having, to abundance and scarcity, to your needs. And within this kind of concept or association to need, there is also deservingness, value, a sense of personal worth. Over the last 10 years, this has been a kind of interesting space in your psyche and your psychology. I think that you have had to let go of a lot in order to recognize what it is that you have and what it is that you want. And that the ideas of needs and desires have been a little bit elusive, and have probably been a place where when you started to grasp on something or when you thought you knew what your needs and desires were, you might have found yourself in a place of suffering. You know, it's like a lot of times it's like, oh, I need this thing, right? And then we find out that we don't need that thing at all. That that's a, you know, it's an ego craving or something like that. I think you've been working it out, what it means to be a spiritual person, or a spiritual being having a human experience. And I think that your understanding that your needs and your true desires are more numinous and mystical and energetic than they are material. And I think you're also understanding that the numinous, mystic, energetic substance, the Divine is existent within all materials. And the more that you can generate and emanate inside of yourself qualities of abundance, the more that you're going to experience it in your life. And I want to encourage you to resonate with abundance in many different ways. Don't just think of it as money, don't just think of it as material resource. Look at the sky and see how abundant the sky is, look at trees and see how many leaves there are, look at the ocean, see how abundant it is, how full of water, right, really let yourself feel fullness.


From now until next May, there is a lot of opportunity for attraction and expansion of your desires, your wants and your needs and the capacity that you have to really pull in what you want. And you pull in what you want when you are aligning yourself, mind, body, heart and spirit. When you are fragmented and disassociated and distracted and stressed out, you're not magnetizing what you want. When you are aligned and connected, you attract what it is that you want towards you. When you are resonating with the feelings that you want to build, you are attracting them towards you.


As we move into the new year, January 1st and 2nd, it is a remarkable shift. There is definitely a big shift in energy, we are moving into a new year. And though the calendar timeline doesn't always make so much sense to me, the transition of 2021 into 2022 feels significant, it feels palpable, it feels obvious. In your solar chart, what I am feeling is a real sense of stepping into newness. And as I mentioned before, you are stepping out of a lot of old programs, a lot of old ways of being. And as you move into the new year, it is imperative that you bring the practice of change very conscientiously into your actions, into your responses, hopefully not reactions so much, and very much into your relationships. There's a lot of opportunity for you to have new kinds of relationships right now. And I don't know exactly what it is that all of you are wanting to call in or to cultivate. But the feeling that I get is resonance, that you want to be in relationship with other people where there is clean communication, where people aren't getting all wrapped up in presumptions and projections and like, unspoken shit. It doesn't feel like you want to get caught up in like, weird dynamics with people. It feels to me like you are looking for relationships that are courageous, and that the courage holds space for honesty, for transparency, for tenderness, and that you yourself are really working on being honest. And this honesty is not — it doesn't feel forceful. It feels like it is a gesture towards this inner alignment that I'm trying to talk about. That for you to feel really in your own truth and in your own power, you cannot be lying and that includes lying by omission, not saying the things that you are actually experiencing or thinking about. It is time for you to practice being in relationship in new ways and how you begin to practice that is also very much with yourself.


On January 14th, Mercury will station retrograde. Mercury has a three week retrograde period. It is stationing direct on February 4th. January 14th to February 4th, there is an interesting development that I see in your chart where it feels like you are really experiencing a lot of new sensations, a lot of new ways of being, you might have a ton of energy and a ton of ideas. And there is also a need for you to slow down and to be pretty careful and considerate because you don't have all the information yet. And the information that you do not have yet comes from within. It comes from your psychic space. It comes from your intuition. And as we move into the new year, from again from the 1st of the year, definitely through the 14th of January, you're — you are like, you are excited. You are having all kinds of new thoughts. You're having all kinds of new energies. You've got like, genius potential feelings coming up, it's like lots of new ideas clicking for you. There is still a piece that you need to do in your deep psyche and you're going to be doing that in February. And so in January, even though you're really excited and you have a lot of ideas, let yourself just be excited and have ideas. Write them down, journal about them, imagine into them, use the power of imagination to really feel into what it is that you want. And let those ideas come and entertain them but don't — it's not quite time to act on them yet.


As we get into February, you are ready to act. And by the time you get to March, you're going. You know, you know what it is that you want, you know what it is that you're trying to do. So give yourself that time. And I definitely want to encourage you to have some kind of regular practice over at least the first three months of 2022 that is something like a meditation practice, something like a check in practice, where again, you're really tuning in with your inner body, your inner reality, and you are trying to get lined up between your mind, your body, your heart and your spirit.


The last couple days of Capricorn Season, as we move into your season, the 16th through the 19th are really powerful days. There is a Full Moon on the 17th of January. And the days around this Full Moon are kind of loaded with intensity, with transformation, with change feeling. And here is where I'm, I'm just gonna say it again, really practice. Practice being the ways that you want to be, practice being and feeling and resonating and emanating what it is that you want to attract. Be humble in your practice, it's okay if you fail. It's okay if like, you know, you — it's like, I really want to be peace and then you find yourself getting pissed off, you're a human being. But when you realize that you're pissed off, come back to peace, regulate your breath, attune your mind to your body, notice where you're registering the feeling of agitation and stress. And then in that place in your body, bring breath, bring spaciousness, invite peace. Whatever it is that you're trying to cultivate, these couple of days are very powerful for your cultivation. And you are moving into a new era of your life. And this is an era that really wants you to take up a different kind of space, that really wants you to stand in your authenticity and your power in a new way. It wants you to involve yourself very deeply on some level with ancestry. And I mean that in all directions, to the past and to the future and into the horizontal. To go back to what I was talking about earlier, you know, you've got to be the change, right? It's corny, but it's true, it's like, it's a huge world. There's not much that you can control. Go within yourself. Be in the way that you want to be for your life, for your future and for your past.


Alright, my friend, I hope any or all of that is helpful for you and interesting. If you want more support, please check out my 2022 Year Ahead Reports. Those are hour and a half long readings special for your sign where I go over the major themes, opportunities and challenges of 2022 for you, for your Sun and your rising sign. Pre-orders are available now on my website and they will be delivered to you by January 10th.


I also have a class, this is a multi-part class called Your Chart is a Body. It's an introduction to embodied chart reading where you'll learn to identify, interpret and synthesize the four main components of an astrology chart: signs, planets, aspects and houses, all through an embodied somatic lens. This is a workshop that is specifically designed for bodyworkers, healers, therapists, physical performers, dancers and actors, and others who are interested in the intersections of astrology and somatics. Intermediate and advanced astrologers will gain somatic techniques and perspectives to help deepen and integrate your practices. If you're a beginner, you'll appreciate that this approach to astrology leaves the majority of the math and complications behind and just gives access to this language through the immediate wisdom of your sensing body. You can find more information on that class also on my website


For support throughout Capricorn Season, check out my memberships and subscription offerings. You can get access to my monthly workshops, the two and a half hour workshops where I focus on the themes of the month ahead and give you tools for working with your own chart. You can also access my community forum space where you can connect with other astro nerds and enthusiasts for support and learning more about your chart, astrology, and possibilities for synthesis between astrology and other healing and creative modalities. I love synthesis with astrology. I think it's such an incredible tool. So the people that I'm inviting into this community are also people who are interested in applying astrology in many different ways. If that sounds interesting to you, check it out at You can find all the information there and more. You can follow me on Instagram for regular astro updates and musings. If you enjoy this work, please help support and sustain it. The number one way to do that is by sharing it with your friends and networks and leaving affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms. Your financial donations are super appreciated and so helpful. To leave a one time tip or sign up for a recurring monthly donation, check the show notes. Thank you so much for listening. I'm wishing you all the best in Capricorn Season and beyond.


CAPRICORN Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)


PISCES Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)