PISCES Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)

Be fierce in your discernment.
You don’t need to continue with everything.
This is a time for ending, finalizing, completing and saying no.
Your no creates space for your yes.
Use the power of your mind and will
to untether from addictions and attachments.
To reduce stress, distraction, and fragmentation,
sense the resounding potential in the space you create.


Hello, Pisces. Welcome. Thank you for listening to Embodied Astrology. You are listening to your horoscope for Capricorn Season. This is a season that begins on the solstice, December 21st in 2021, and ends on January 19th in 2022. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and a consulting astrologer and this is an offering of my read through an embodied intuitive astrological lens into the overarching themes, opportunities and challenges coming up for you in the season ahead. And again, this is a horoscope for Pisces identified folks, Pisces Sun, Pisces rising. You can listen for many of your placements, but I always suggest that you do listen for your Sun and rising sign. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you prefer to read rather than listen. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Remember that my language may not always exactly match your experience. So associate freely, make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Take what works and leave the rest. 


Before I begin, please give me a few moments to tell you about two upcoming classes that I'm offering or that are being offered through Embodied Astrology. December 22nd, if you happen to hear this in time, I am offering a Capricorn Season workshop for the general public, as well as for the workshops here in my membership. This is a two and a half hour workshop where we will explore an embodied practice, creative visualization and the astrological transits in relationship to your own chart. This is support for working with the month ahead. If you can't make the live event the recording will be available through January 19th. On January 8th, Janice Lee is presenting a guest workshop and a welcoming ceremony for 2022 with, The Dandelions are Prophesizing. Janice Lee is a published author, a teacher and a shamanic healer. She is an absolutely incredible facilitator, who I have been so fortunate to work with now a number of times. I'm really excited to invite her into Embodied Astrology for this ceremony into 2022 that really focuses on letting go and on the alchemical magical practices of letting go and she's going to be working with guided meditation, writing and a communal ceremony. So information on both of these classes are available at embodiedastrology.com. Please check them out if you are interested. Also, stick around to the end of the horoscope, I have some important updates and more information on how to connect with me and the Embodied Astrology community over the upcoming month and months. 


Alright, Pisces, here we go. We are getting going in the last couple of weeks of 2021. And what a year it's been. As I'm tuning in with your horoscope, as I'm looking at your solar chart, I am feeling the need to put things in perspective. And you've been in a process now for at least the last couple of weeks that has been feeling like this — where you want to put things in perspective. And it kind of feels like you're cognizant, you recognize that certain people, situations, experiences have been taking up way more space than they need to take up. And you want to bring them down to scale. And I think you also recognize that there are certain aspects of your experience, or elements of your life, that you really want to give more attention to. And so you want to bring them up to size. It feels to me like you are really recognizing the ways that your mind and mental state deeply affect how you feel and what your experiences are. And in particular, your experiences in the world and with other people. So as we enter into the season, as we approach the solstice, it feels to me like you are questioning something. It may be a relationship, it may be a project, it may be a future plan. It may not be that you are questioning whether or not you should do it or if it's a good thing, but that there's some aspect of it that feels like it needs to get reworked somehow.


And my sense is, is that your values are shifting right now. And your ideas about what you want and how you want to engage are shifting. And so whatever this is that you're thinking about moving forward with, and again, it could be person, place, or thing. You have to slow down. And you have to give it some more time. Because you've made some kind of movement forward in this area of your life. But you're also recognizing that the ways that you were moving forward are already ways that you are in the past. And like the plans that you made, or the desires that you had, or whatever it was, that was compelling you to move forward with this particular relationship or project or whatever it is, you've gone through some kind of recent update, and it's like, you're like, "Wait, I don't think that I want that anymore. I don't know if I want it that way anymore." Or you're recognizing that there are attitudes and energies in whatever this is that they're like, very reminiscent. They're very familiar. And you're kind of like, "I've done this before." And you want to make sure that you are not recreating situations for yourself that you are done with now.


And it feels like the couple of days leading up to the solstice, we've got a Full Moon on the 19th of December that really kind of highlights this, it's like, you want to hold your space in a different way. And then as we move into Capricorn Season, as we cross the threshold of the solstice, you're shifting, and I feel like the image that I'm getting right now is that a house is being remodeled. And it looks like the same house from the outside, but the inside is completely different. Walls have been knocked down, big windows have been put in, maybe a new floor has been added or taken away, or skylights, you know, I don't know. But it's like the inner landscape looks really different now. And you have been updating your inner landscape all year long. And if you think back on 2021, there may have been some noticeable chapters. And if you divide the year into like beginning, middle, and end, and you think about the first few months of 2021, the middle part of 2021, and now the later part of the year, notice how this update has been going because at the beginning of of the year, you were trying to get into something, you were trying to make a crack in like a facade, or something really solid that had been there for a long time. And it feels like you were trying to shift your psychology, you were trying to shift your thinking around something, you were trying to be different in a particular way, shift a particular pattern. 


At the middle of the year, you had made some shifts, you were experimenting with some shifts, things were changing. But now as we get to the end of the year, you're very conscious of how, it's like how you repeat the past, is what it feels like that you're really becoming conscious of how you repeat the past. And your effort now is to do something that is different. And you are using your mind very intentionally right now. And if you are not, if you're like what are you talking about, then you really want to be. Now something just came through in my own intuitive body around Pisces energy. And I want to be clear here that everybody has Pisces in their chart, and its relationship to addiction. Everybody has Pisces in their chart. So in the ways that you let yourself slide, that you let yourself slip, that you look for an easy out — that is one place where you might really want to turn your attention because that is a guarantee that you will repeat the past. 


Be disciplined with yourself right now. You want to make different choices when you feel the same attitudes and habits and avoidance tactics that you have used in the past. And again, it feels like they're easy outs — they're ways that you kind of like, let yourself slide into something, you're like, "Ah, this is nice and familiar." You know, it's like, you don't want to be doing that. And so there was discomfort right now, it feels like Capricorn Season might be giving you some profound discomfort, potentially. But this is the discomfort of productive change. And it is really challenging to do a new thing, because our body-minds get really formed and identified around our habits, our habitual selves. And when we try and break a habit, that habit is going to protest. And how it's going to protest is through sensations of craving, of not enoughness, of loneliness, of feeling lost, feeling overwhelmed, feeling like, well, what's the point anyway. If those kinds of sensations come up for you this season, try and spot them and be like, "Oh, no, I see you," and then do something that's different. 


Do something that really gets your energy to move differently. You know, if you're not a person who runs, then go out and take a run. Like, if you're like, oh, my gosh, I just really, you know, want whatever it is, I want to eat that, you know, holiday cake and it's like, you're recognizing that how you orient with sugar is one way that you might avoid, then it's like deuce, do some breath work, or go listen to a different podcast, or, you know, move your body or something like that. See a movie that you never thought to see before. It's like, do something that's different. Shift your perspective, somehow. This is a season for you to really work with intentional shift. And you don't always need to know, it doesn't always need to be like, okay, I want to shift in this direction so I'm going to give myself all kinds of motivation towards that direction — sometimes it could feel a little bit more chaotic or spontaneous than that, just do something different. Literally just like, go walk outside and walk in a direction you've never walked before. Just do something different. 


Okay, so the last week of December, or week and a half, 10 days, whatever it is there, and then the first couple of days of January — really powerful change energy coming up for everybody. Very powerful in your chart. So what I'm seeing here is, again, it's like a need to rethink something. And I'm really feeling like a lot of you are really wanting to shift a lot in either or both your relationships with other people, or your relationship to money. And you can replace money with any other need that you've that you have. Getting your needs met, let's just say that. You are shifting your relationship to getting your needs met. And this definitely comes in with relationships and how you are with others. And with yourself. These, this span of time, this couple of weeks, you're going to, I think you're going to be having like, a lot of insights. And you're going to be seeing what doesn't work. And what doesn't work may come up through attitudes, through ways of being, through experiences in relationships, or with other people or something like that. But notice, like notice what is ready to end and notice any very clear cues for yourself that you might not want to be going in particular directions because it feels like you have a future momentum right now. But again, you don't want to recreate the past. And it might not be the entire direction that you're headed, but there may be particular elements of this direction, or people who are there with you or ways of being that you are with them, that they're still pulling the past along. And so even though you feel like you're going in a new direction, it's like you're carrying all this old baggage and you've got like the same people telling you the same stories as you're trying to walk in this new direction.


Notice any kinds of feelings of frustration, of finality, of completeness of like, wow, I'm just really not interested in this anymore. And believe them, like believe yourself when you have those feelings. If endings are coming up right now — endings in friendships, endings, in other kinds of relationships, endings with projects, with places where you've put your energy — let them go. You know, bless them and let them go. It's like you want to clear a bunch of space right now. Open up an unknown space in your future, open up an unknown space in the future of your relationships. Open up an unknown in what you think you need. Maybe you don't know entirely what you need. Be open to new needs coming in and new ways of meeting these new needs. 


During this time, you are beginning a phase that's going to bring you through next May, May of 2022, but will definitely be a theme throughout the year and some things that you won't be completing in May. But it will be a strong theme, definitely through May, and then again throughout the rest of the year. But this is about you really coming into yourself in a new way. And the feeling that I'm getting is that you are growing, you are expanding, you are recognizing what it is that you have to give and how it is that you want to give. Over the last 10 years of your life, it feels like you may have been a little lost sometimes and also been in some kind of like, it almost feels like you've been sleepwalking or dreaming in some ways. And not to say you can't be quite lucid or profound or effective. But who you are and what it is that you're here to give, it's like you feel like some of you could have been really inspired and following your intuition. But that there may have also been like a lot of comings and goings, where it's like, oh, I'm this and then it slips away. And then oh, I'm that and then it slips away. And now, all the ways of being that you have been over these last 10 years, it's like you're feeling what it is that you have built, you're feeling what it is that you have collected. And through all of that, you're tuning in with the essence of what you want to remain. And then you're letting a bunch of stuff go. And you're also feeling what comes up when you open into the new when you open up into the new space. And what comes up there, my sense is for you is like excitement and enthusiasm and generosity and it feels like you have a lot to give and your mind is opening and you want new experiences. And this is going to lead you into abundance and fruition and cultivation, especially as you get into the end of next year. You’re working a lot out when it comes to your needs and meeting your needs and what actually feels satisfying to you. And how do you want to feel yourself in this life? And how do you want to cultivate and how do you want to grow?


And from the end of December, through May of next year, you want to be really available to that. And so, I feel like I'm being circuitous and maybe kind of confusing, I hope it's landing. Because again, so the sense is, is like, there are some things that are just done — ways of being, projects, relationships, people, places, things — some things that are just done, and you know it. Because when you go to engage with it, it's like there's no energy there and you feel tired. And it's like, what's even the point? Listen to that. Listen to that. You might not know what the next thing is yet, that is okay. It's actually really good. You want to be in that space of not knowing and of also having clarity, that the way that you were or those old relationships or the past projects are not where you are now.


And in that space of knowing that you're not the past, but also not knowing what the future is about, there's a lot of creativity. There's a lot of energy for you to manifest and for you to grow and for you to feel really profound and powerful expansion in your life. But you have to be willing to be uncomfortable. You have to be willing to let go of the known and be in this like, awkward, weird space. It kind of feels like when your leg falls asleep and then it starts to wake up but it's like not awake yet. And it's like oh, kind of excruciating to move it. This is a little bit of the feeling that I'm getting, as I'm tuning in with your chart, is that something has been asleep for a long time, something has been unrealized for a long time. It's starting to wake up. You know something is coming, you want it to and it's not quite there yet. And so you have to be in this kind of awkward place for just a little bit longer. 


The first couple weeks of January, this is where you are, this is where you are, in this space. And then on January 14th, Mercury stations Retrograde. It'll be Retrograde  until February 4th. And this Retrograde is an opportunity for you to definitely do clearing. And it would be wise to take this time to address elements of your life that are cluttering — that clutter you, that are unnecessary, that are superficial, that are superfluous. Clear out your closets, clean up your living space. Go through your calendar, you know, delete events that you don't need. Go through your phone, delete the apps that you don't use, turn off the notifications that you don't want. Get clear with boundaries with friends, like what are you open to and what do you not, and try and take an inventory for yourself of all the ways that your attention gets scattered and pulled and kind of distracted or dispersed and use this Mercury Retrograde to clear it up and to clean it up. 


At the same time, some of you during this phase are really processing something important. And once again, it could be a person, place, or thing. There's definitely a strong element of relationships for many of you, that you might be processing a particular relationship. There may be some kind of conversation that gets had that, you know, it's like wow, okay, this is going to change the relationship or it's going to change the way that we move forward. Some of you have plans that you're recognizing that you don't want to follow through with at this time, or that there need to be some kinds of adjustments. Some of you might have some kind of financial issue. So take this time to move slowly, if you feel unclear, let there be unclarity. Again, you don't need to know. But you really want to pay attention to what is happening as it is happening because there's information that's coming out at this time about what is unnecessary. And wherever you feel stressed out or pulled out of yourself in a way that creates franticness or fogginess, or a kind of heightened nervous system that feels like stress, that's probably a red flag that whatever it is that's causing those kinds of feelings in you either need some kind of repair and adjustment or you need to cut it out, it needs to go now. 


On January 17th, there is a Full Moon and the days around the Full Moon, and this is going to bring us all the way out of Capricorn Season, are days that are really potent days of change. A lot is shifting, a lot is changing. These are days that you know you and the people that you know might be having conversations like wow, okay, this is done, that is done. I am making some changes, I've realized some things. It's like stuff is landing for folks on these days and new directions are really opening up and becoming apparent. So the first thing that I want to say to you is that when you do kind of what I just said a moment ago, when you tune in with your energy and notice the difference in quality between what feels like you and your natural kind of best state like try and think of when are you the happiest, right? When do you feel the most grounded, the most present, the happiest? What is that body state for you? Contrast that with situations that stress you out that pull on your energy that feel like they're sucking at you or distracting you. 


This is a Full Moon that is asking you to cultivate a state of presence and pleasure and enjoyment. And therefore, what is not bringing you into presence, what is not bringing pleasure into your life, what is not enjoyable and can be changed, needs to change. There are so many elements in the world and in our lives that are bringing so much suffering that we do not have control over. If you happen to have control over elements in your life that are not bringing you happiness, that is where you need to exert the power of decision and choice. Do not burden yourself with unnecessary or excessive suffering. If you're unhappy with something, change it. If you can change it, then change it. You know what you can change and you know what you can't change. In terms of what you can't change, larger global events, the pandemic, the weather, things like that — how can you, to some extent, change your attitude? And when I'm saying change your attitude, what I'm really feeling is that, how much attention are you giving these things? There are other things to pay attention to. The world is a shit show, there's a lot of suffering, the experience of focusing on suffering and trauma is really activating for every, you know, for anybody. It's like it activates stress response, and the nervous system and stress response has its own kind of addiction. 


So when I was talking before about addiction, you know, this is another place — it's like, do you get hooked on thinking about that fight that you just had? Or, you know, like, watching this kind of TV show that really puts you into a state of anxiety? Or obsessing about your crush or something like that? Where do you get addicted to heightened states of anxiety and stress, or distraction, or unwellness? There's so much unwellness in the world that you cannot fix. You can do something in yourself. You can work conscientiously, consciously, to change your brain to not pay attention to certain things as much. If there are certain situations in your life, that they are just dragging you down, and you don't actually need to continue to be involved with them — it's time to break up. Again, it feels uncomfortable, but it also feels like when you step into that proactive, not reactive, but proactive, intentional adaptation and shift towards making more space for yourself, opening up your space, not giving your energy and attention to what drags you down and pisses you off, you will be so glad you did it. You will be so grateful. Because what is coming for you, as I mentioned before, you know, up until May and then well into next year is a lot of support. It's actually a lot of support and it feels like — it feels like deep excuse expansion. It feels like "yes," it feels like generosity. Right. 


So I hope any or all of that is helpful and interesting to you, my dear Pisces. If you want more astrology, check out my 2022 Year Ahead Readings. Those are hour and a half long readings special for your sign where I go over the major themes, opportunities, and challenges of 2022. You can pre-order now. Those readings will be delivered no later than January 10th. If you want support throughout this season, and over the upcoming months, I have various levels of membership and subscription offerings. You can get regular and discounted access to my monthly seasonal workshops. Again, those are two and a half hour workshops where we work specifically with the upcoming astrology in relationship to our own charts, with embodiment, with creative visualization and practices. You can also get access to a community forum space where other astro nerds and enthusiasts are hanging out and people are talking about astrology, working with their own charts and working with synthesis between astrology and somatic practices as well as other healing and creative modalities. You can get access to my video library that is full of past workshops and online classes. There is also a multi-part workshop series that I have available now called Your Chart is a Body. This is an introduction to embodied chart reading, where you will learn to work with the building blocks of astrology, signs, planets, aspects, and houses through an embodied somatic lens. And that means that we are working through the body. We are working through creative imagery and visualization and experiential practice. My intention here is to work with body workers, healers, therapists, physical performers, and other folks who are interested in these intersections and who are also interested in leaving the complicated aspects of astrology and all the math and the rules behind for now, and really exploring this language through the immediate wisdom of the sensing body. 


All of my offerings are available at embodiedastrology.com where you can register and find more information. If you enjoy this work, please help support and sustain it. The number one way to do it is by sharing it with your friends and networks and leaving affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms. Your financial donations are so appreciated and sustain the production of these monthly free horoscopes and their transcriptions. You can leave a one-time tip or sign up to become a recurring monthly donor. Find that information in the show notes. I am wishing you all the best and Capricorn Season and beyond. Bye for now.


AQUARIUS Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)


ARIES Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)