ARIES Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)

Some of the ways you’ve been moving forward
are no longer sustainable.
There is no amount of wishful thinking that will change this.
Don’t strategize, scheme, or strive.
Slow down, get still and quiet.
Careful adjustments, repairs, and conscious choices are required.
Make sure that you’re listening to your true self.
Make sure that you’re connecting
with your wholeness and inherent value.


Hello, Aries. Welcome. Thank you for listening to Embodied Astrology. You are tuning into your horoscope for Capricorn Season. The season begins on the solstice, December 21st, 2021, and it ends on January 19th in 2022. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. This offering is an embodied and intuitive reading into the astrology of the upcoming season, into the overarching themes, opportunities and challenges for Aries Sun and Aries rising. You can listen to horoscopes for any of your chart placements and I definitely recommend that you listen to the horoscopes for your Sun and your rising sign. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you'd prefer to read rather than listen. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. My language may not always resonate exactly with your experience, so associate. Think about what it is that you think about when you hear my words and follow those thoughts. Make them meaningful, excuse me, make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Take what works and leave the rest.


Before I begin, I do want to let you know about two class offerings. On December 22nd, I'll be offering a Capricorn Season workshop. This is a two and a half hour workshop that includes embodied practice, creative visualization, and support for working with your own chart in relationship to the season's upcoming transits. If you can't make the live event, the recording will be available through January 19th.


On January 8th, I am so pleased and excited to welcome Janice Lee to Embodied Astrology for a 2022 opening ceremony. Janice Lee is a published author, a teacher, a shamanic healer, and a really incredible facilitator. I have taken a number of her writing classes and they have been truly transformative. So her workshop on January 8th is working with some of the powerful astrology that comes through in Capricorn Season, which I'll be talking about next. This is a workshop called The Dandelions are Prophesizing. She is working through guided meditation, writing practice and ceremony to help us transition, transform and let go. And those are the main themes that we are working with as we move into 2022. You can find more information and registration at for both of those workshops. Please make sure to stick around at the end of this horoscope, I have some other updates and more information on how to connect with me and the embodied astrology community for support throughout this month in the coming months.


Aries, alright, so I'm looking at your chart. And the feeling that I'm getting is, I mean, it's kind of making me laugh, but it also makes, I don't know, I just like, want to give you a big hug. Because it feels like this fierce, often so loving, so passionate, warrior energy of Aries that just really wants to, you know, do the thing, like whatever it is, it's like you've got your ideas of the thing. I'm going to do the thing, I'm going to be myself, I'm going to, you know, whatever it is. And then there's life. You know, and life is a bitch sometimes like, like life is long and slow and challenging. And not everybody is on the same page and people will work actively against you. And then there are the institutions and the, you know, incredibly glacial pace at which the world seems to move sometimes. And I'm getting this feeling as I tune in with your chart of like, the immensity that you are holding and what you are trying to build. And it's like, the hardest mile in the marathon is the last mile. This is the feeling that I have. It's like fuck, you've been going, you've been trying, you've been applying yourself, you've done a lot. There's still more. And then there's still challenge.


And especially as we move into Capricorn Season, as we cross the threshold, the marker of the solstice, it feels to me like you might be a little uncertain, unsure of which way to move next. You might be experiencing loss or destabilization of certain kinds of support that you've been relying on. Financial support, relational support, ideation, you know, belief support, other kinds of support. It feels like you are feeling a little stuck. And maybe a little scared or uncertain, there could be some anxiety, trepidation. How do you move forward? This feeling could be in various areas of your life. So for some of you, it feels like this is about your life in general, right now, like the project of your life, how to be who you want to be in the world. For some of you it feels specific, very specific relationships, perhaps, or conversations you're trying to have, or something very specific when it comes to your work, career, projects that you're doing, or something like this.


So take a moment and just reflect on this past year. Reflect all the way back to this time last year, last solstice. You have been trying to move in some new directions over the last 12 months. You have been applying yourself diligently, faithfully, you've been showing up committed to some kind of process of advancement. It feels like you are trying to advance, to move in a new direction, to take your life somewhere. Over the course of this year, you have had to figure out how to support yourself in these efforts and how to support these efforts. And in the process of how do you support yourself and how do you support these efforts, it feels to me like you have had to navigate a lot of wants and needs and you've really needed to get curious about your own desire. So when I was starting off the horoscope and I was kind of laughing a little bit, it's because Aries has so much desire and passion, you know, and this kind of headstrong willful nature that knows what it wants. And my feeling is that what you want is shifting or that you may be shifting in relationship to want in general, to desire in general. What you have is also shifting. So I talked about some kind of change or destabilization in the support that you have, resources, access to something. Now ultimately, you are moving towards more coherence and resourcefulness in yourself, you are making space in yourself right now to believe in yourself. And part of the process might be recognizing where A) you didn't believe in yourself, you were like running off of steam, or B) where your beliefs are changing, you're changing, you're going oh that, you know, that other me, that past me was like an ego me and now I'm feeling that something is different. I think there may also just be a process of maturation that you're going through. And we can mature all our lives so it doesn't really matter how old you are. But something that is maturing within you right now that is giving you some lessons that can be hard for an Aries, which is you have to slow down and things take time. And processes are complicated, especially if you are trying to work with other people, especially if you are trying to create something in the world. Right? Like any process that has you involved with the external world in any way, which is every process because you're constantly in relationship with your environment, it takes time and you have to deal with ups and downs. And it feels like right now you are really getting this, God, like I can't even get the words out, like that's the feeling that I have right now is that it's like you're pausing. And it's not necessarily that you're — it's not that you're stuck. It's that you don't know which way to go. Like, I don't even know what word to choose next, it's like you have to just be in this moment where it feels hard and you're gonna have to work it out, like you're gonna have to figure it out. And part of what you're trying to figure out right now is, what do you actually want? And another part of what you're trying to figure out right now is what do you actually have? Like, do you have what you need to do what you want? And if you don't have what you need, can you get what you need? Can you cultivate what you need? Just because you don't have what you need right now, doesn't mean you can't ever have it, that you can't have the thing that you want. But if you were traveling 100 miles an hour before, again, on steam, and now you're out of steam, you're out of gas, and it's like, you can still get to your destination but you might need to like walk all the way back and find someone to help you and like, you know, now you've got to have some kind of process. And it doesn't really feel to me like you have an easy out, it feels to me like you have to have a process. And whatever this process is needs to take the time that it is going to take. And you, as an Aries identified individual who wants to move and who has ideas about it and is like passionate, it's like, fuck, you know, like, you can feel really frustrated right now. Some of you are feeling really frustrated right now or you're feeling like, at your wit's end with something.


Now, luckily, it does feel like you have some inspiration. It does feel like you recognize the higher purpose and the things that I'm saying are probably landing with you. And it's like, yeah, there needs to be the process so that whatever it is that you're doing can actually succeed because you want to be sustainable in the long run. And if you've started something without looking where you're going, and you were frantic, and you were like, just doing the thing that you wanted to do, and like moving forward, and like, you know, like, "Fuck it, let's try it," that kind of energy. It's — there are problems right now. And you see what the problems are, and you can't move forward, you can't continue to build on these problems, you have to address them. But it doesn't mean that you can't build the thing. It doesn't mean that you won't succeed. It just means that you need to slow down. And you need to be considerate about what you're trying to do and what you're trying to build. And there are a lot of things at stake right now in your life and in the future of your life and in what it is that you're trying to build. And what is at stake right now is ultimately your sustainability, your sanity, your sense of ease and wellness and satisfaction in your life. That is at stake. If you do not slow down, you are not going to get the thing that you want, you are going to burn yourself out, you are going to burn bridges. If you slow down and submit to the frustrating process, but really show up for it, you will get the thing that you want or you'll figure out that you don't want that thing anyway and you'll be able to build with these — the pieces that you now need to deconstruct.


What is at stake right now include relationships. There may be very specific relationships that are really, you know, on the chopping block. It's like, can you move forward with these people or this person? Can you move forward in this particular way? If you rush forward, you can't. It's gonna crash and burn. You have to give it the time. And a transformation of the relationship is probably necessary. You probably cannot go back to what you were. Because I think what you were was not the thing that you want to be, like there were problems with how it was before. Those issues need to get addressed. If you want to move into the future with these people, you have to go into the past, you have to look at what happened, clean it up, clear it up. Do the repair work, like, figure out what people need, right, like this question of like needs and desires. It's like, it's complicated. Give it time, give it space.


The last 10 days or so, from the solstice till the end of January — end of December, these are the themes. From the 21st through January 1st, these are the themes. You are thick in the feeling of how do you move forward and can you and oh my God. It could feel really intense for some of you. For some of you, it could feel like a very powerful time where you are really recognizing what you do not want to repeat, where you are feeling, like, when I'm talking about, it's like, I'm getting chills all the way down my body and I feel like your highest self, like your most mature self that really is like, here for your best interest and for the best interest of all involved, is stepping in and holding you like a very patient and kind grandparent, and they're soothing you and it's like, yeah, baby, it's gonna be okay. And I feel that some of you are going to have so much clarity. And that clarity does not come without grief. It does not come without — its like you, there's some powerful stuff that's moving through your life right now. But it does feel like a time that you're getting like a cosmic chiropractic adjustment. And it could be like, ouch, you know, as you feel that holding pattern. And it could feel tenuous as you take these first breaths in this new shape. But when you tune in, I think when you tune into this process, you recognize that it is necessary in order to get where you want to go.


This period of time opens up a five, six month phase for you, it's going to take you into May of next year. It's not ending in May, there is going to be a transition and a shift, but it is taking you into a phase of your life that is profoundly spiritual. I need to say this, you really are trying to listen more deeply, you are really needing to get connected. And when I say get connected, I am saying get connected. Like get connected with yourself, get connected with the everything that you are a part of. This is a very powerful time for Aries identified people to create sanctuary space for yourselves. You can do this in so many different ways. But I think that it does require quiet and quiet can be found in solitude or in community. But it is a space that allows you to really turn your reflective space inwards. And you want to clear out and clean up the parts of your ego and the parts of your being that are unconscious in their desires and repulsions, in their attractions and aversions. And it feels to me like you need to understand how you unconsciously move towards pleasure and away from pain in ways that don't always benefit you. And it's a biological imperative, right? That we move towards pleasure and away from pain. But often the ways that we seek pleasure and what we identify as pain are really backwards and they don't actually give us what is sustaining, life-giving, true pleasure. And they certainly do not keep us from pain. Pain is unavoidable. Right? It's like, pain is unavoidable, suffering is optional. Have you heard that? You know, how do we move consciously towards pain, you know, towards what feels uncomfortable and recognize that it's like when we look at the ways where we are unconsciously attached or when we rip off the band aid or when we do things that are scary, there can be pain that's there, but it's different than the suffering of holding on forever to the thing that you just can't let go of or something like that.


So this period of time for you is remarkable. I mean, it feels like especially for an Aries temperament, it just feels like you are really getting asked to slow down, to go deep within, to really connect on a profound level to source and to resource, to stop looking outside of yourself for your needs to be met everywhere. You know, it's like stop looking outside of yourself for pleasure. Stop looking outside of yourself for entertainment. Stop looking outside of yourself for the answer. Stop looking outside of yourself for success, for validation, for affirmation. You have to give yourself that, you know, you have to cultivate states of satisfaction within yourself so that you can really show up with accountability in your life. Because if you don't show up for yourself, then you are a hungry ghost. You are out in the world, rampaging around like a bull in china shop, you know, taking what you want, missing your opportunities, you know, shitting in your food, it's like, you don't want that way of being. You want to fine tune, you want to refine the essence of your spirit and your subtle body, you want to get to a place where you are emanating health and well-being. And you live, you know, we all live in a world that is profoundly sick in so many ways. And not to say that there is not also profound wellness in our world, there certainly is. But when we're addicted to the material realm and the human realm, and it's like every, you know, everything is swirling around with all these ideas of who you should be and what you should want and who's going to give you what, you're just continuing to cultivate illness, dis-ease, dissatisfaction.


It feels to me like right now, it's like, you have got to, I think I said this last month, you've got to be in the driver's seat of your own life. And how you do that is by really going within. And the goals that you have for yourself, you can achieve them, but you want to take this time to measure those goals against your soul. Right, like, is the thing that you're working for actually what you want to be working for on a big level, like on the ultimate level? Is what you're putting in energy to cultivate and foster and grow actually what you want to get bigger? Because if you've been putting energy into situations that stress you out, that feel futile, that feel volatile, that feel, I don't know, like you're competing or trying to prove something or it's like you're in a place of activated sympathetic nervous system and you can't really rest in yourself, that's what you're growing. You know, that's what you're cultivating for your life and in the world. You're spending time being a stress ball, and you're bringing more stress into the world. I don't think you want that. Ultimately, like, you know, what are you — what do you want, like in the big picture of your life? It's a feeling, it's not an it, it's not a fixed destination, it's a quality. How do you want to feel the day that you die? How do you want to feel about the life that you lived? Cultivate attitude and energy and experience that is going to lead you to that. And this season, this Capricorn Season is a very powerful season for you to tune in with that.


It is also a time that you really want to recognize that what you want is within you, it is not in the external world. Even if you want things in the external world that are very real, right? Like, you are a whole being, you are in your wholeness, what you want is within you. I already am hearing you arguing with me about that. It's like, what are you talking about? But concentrate on that, you know, like, if you want to be loved, love yourself. You know, if you want to be appreciated and seen and admired, appreciate and see and admire yourself. If you want to get paid, you know, pay yourself. Like, and I don't mean that with — if you don't have money, you can't pay yourself but it's like, if you want to be resourced in your life, then resource yourself. Don't spend all of your energy and your hours running after the dollar bills, scheming and strategizing. Make sure that you take some time to give yourself plentiful breath, to touch your body, to appreciate who you are, to remind yourself of your inherent value. Don't distract yourself in the external world only. This is a time to come within.


The first weeks of January are powerful. And it feels like you are really working with ending. You're really working with transformation on some level. You may be confused about which way to go during the first few weeks of January. It may feel like you're going in some direction where it's like, it's like whatever it is that you're trying to hold is falling like sand through your fingers or something like that. Mercury turns retrograde on January 14th, it stations direct on February 4th, and during this period of time you are assessing and reassessing your future direction. And during this period of time, whatever it feels like the loss is, what needs to go, what can't work anymore, where you need to let go of some kind of effort, whatever it — you know, it's like, it's not what it seems, like there are adjustments and fine tunings that can happen. And the feeling that I'm getting is like, don't be so certain about what is happening until you get to March, right? Like January and February, you don't really know, you are in a process with something and you need to be in that process. And that process is going to be slow and there will be starts and stops with it. And the first two weeks of January, you may think that you're headed in a particular direction, but the last two weeks of January, there's going to be some kind of review. And by February, your direction will have shifted somehow. It's not going to be the same thing you think it is in this moment, or I don't know when you're listening, but like in December. But there are stops and starts throughout January. Be present with the process. Commit to your greatest vision and include yourself in it. What is your greatest vision for the world, for your life? Include yourself in that vision in the present moment. How can you arrive for that vision now?


January 17th, there is a Full Moon in the part of your chart that holds your anchor, your roots, your personal power, your family and your home. This is a powerful Full Moon. This is a Full Moon that I think, there's a lot of opportunity here for you to stabilize yourself, to feel at home in your own body and in your own being, to regulate yourself, to care for yourself and also to appreciate the support and the sustenance available to you in your immediate environment, in your, you know, in your actual home, in the trees outside your house, in the clouds in the sky and in any connections that you would call family. You know, draw upon that kind of support around this Full Moon. And really let it be a place of meditation for you when it comes to what are you cultivating? You know, what do you want to grow? Again, what is this big vision that you're holding for yourself? You can start in the foundation, you can start in the ways of being in your presence and in your connections. These couple of days around the Full Moon are charged, they're very powerful. And a lot is shifting for you. And what is shifting has a lot to do with how you feel your own needs, your own desires. Your sense of self worth is a really big one, how you feel valued, valuable, wanted, attractive, etc. You gotta let go of the more superficial stuff, you've got to get deeper, right? It's not about the external, it is about the internal.


I hope any or all of that lands and any or all of that is interesting and helpful for you Aries. If you want more astrological support, check out my 2022 Year Ahead Reading. That's an hour and a half long reading, special for your sign, where I go over the major themes, opportunities, challenges with suggestions for working with it all in 2022. Pre-orders for the Year Ahead Readings are available now and those readings will be delivered by January 10th. For regular sustained support throughout this season and the upcoming months, please check out my membership and subscription offerings. I offer monthly workshops as I mentioned at the beginning of this recording, and you can get them at a discount when you become a subscriber. I also have membership options for community space where you can connect with a beautiful, diverse community full of astro enthusiasts and people who are working with synthesis between astrology and embodiment and other healing and creative modalities. We have community q&a spaces and forums and there is a lot of opportunity for making new friends. There is also a video library that you can access all of my past workshops and a selection of my online classes and many more offerings available at Check them out. If you enjoy this work and you find benefit in it, please support and sustain it. These horoscopes and transcriptions are offered for free. The number one way to support them is to share them with your friends and networks, to offer affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms and of course, your one time financial donations and recurring monthly donations support the production of this work in its ongoing-ness. If you'd like to make a donation, you can find the link in the show notes. I'm wishing you all the best in Capricorn Season and beyond, my friends. Bye for now.


PISCES Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)


TAURUS Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)