TAURUS Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)

The path you set for yourself doesn’t
look like what you thought it would, does it?
Give gratitude for the failures.
Offer libation to the deities of mis-take.
Release what no longer serves you
and take the next step forward with trust
for the failures and mistakes to come.
Bless the angels in disguise who
remember your true desires when you forget.


Hello, Taurus. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thank you for listening. You are tuning in to the horoscopes for Capricorn Season. This is a season that begins December 21st, 2021 and completes January 19th, 2022. My name is Renee, I'm an embodied intuitive and a consulting astrologer. This offering is an embodied, intuitive reading of your astrology where I'm going to speak to the overarching themes, opportunities, and challenges that I'm perceiving in the season ahead. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. The language that I have access to and my own experience may not always resonate for you. So notice what you're associating with, make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Take what works and leave the rest. I always suggest that folks listen to horoscopes for their Sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you prefer to read rather than listen. 


Before I begin, I do want to let you know about two upcoming classes. The first is on December 22nd. For the live event, I will be offering a Capricorn Season workshop with embodied practice, creative visualization, and support — practical support for working with your own chart in relation to this season's upcoming astrology. If you can't make the live event, the recording is available through January 19th. On January 8th, I am so excited to welcome Janice Lee for a 2022 opening ceremony. Janice is a published author, a teacher, a shamanic healer and an absolutely incredible facilitator and writing teacher. She is going to be offering a workshop called The Dandelions are Prophesizing. This workshop consists of guided meditation, free writing, and a communal ceremony. And it is supportive for many of the main themes that come through with Capricorn Season. And definitely the first several months of 2022, which I'm going to be talking about in a couple of minutes. But these are themes of transition, transformation, and letting go. Janice's work is so supportive to feeling into the magical alchemical support there is for letting go. So if you're interested in either of those workshops, you can find more information at embodiedastrology.com. Please make sure to stick around at the end of this horoscope for some other updates and more information on how to connect with me and the Embodied Astrology community for more support throughout this month in the months ahead. 


Okay, Taurus. In your horoscopes all year, I have been talking about this incredible shift that you are going through. Throughout 2021, there have been, what feels to me, like chapters in this year — chapters of your evolution. And you've been changing for quite some time. But this year, you are putting these shifts into action in a very remarkable way. It's not how you were feeling it a couple of years ago, where it's like, oh my god, I'm changing, right? It's like, wow, you might have felt kind of chaotic, think back to like 2018, 2019. 2021 has been a year of implementing change, of experimenting, of trying to build new structures for yourself and in your life. And in the last 12 months, you have been applying yourself in new ways. You've been taking risks. You have been experimenting. You have been trying as best you can, you know, putting in all your effort to do something different. And, to whatever it is that you're doing, it has a feeling that you're trying to build something. Whatever it is that you're doing, or whatever it is that you're trying to build is a structure to make space for the person who you are becoming because you're changing and you know that you're changing. You feel your energy wanting to express in ways that are exciting, and unknown, and liberated. But that also might be kind of chaotic and confusing and like they could upset or have already upset some significant aspects of your life or personal sense of stability. 


Now, all of everything that I just said, you can also apply that with anything that's external. And so sometimes astrology, you know, it's showing us what wants to happen on the inside and if we're not listening, then we'll get an external event to push us there. And so it could be that structures in your life are shifting and forcing you to change, right? Structures in your life are updating, and then you’ve got to get with the program. And it could feel chaotic, and it could feel destabilizing. But there's also a lot of potential for liberation, for something that is new. As we move into Capricorn Season, as we crossed the threshold of the December solstice, this sense of newness on the horizon is palpable in your chart. It feels like this past year, and all the ways that you've been experimenting has led you to this moment, where you are recognizing some important pieces of what has worked, and what did not. And you can make some shifts and adjustments over the next couple of months so that you can really move forward on whatever these projects are, this process is about. 


Now, the first week and a half of Capricorn Season, so the last 10 days of December, there is a feeling of philosophic quandary, like esoteric quandary, existential quandary in your chart. And I feel like you are grappling with some really big questions at this time. And these are questions that have to do with your ideals, with your personal morals or your ethics with your, you know, like sense of like, this is how I want to be, this is who I want to be, or this is what I think the world should be or something like this. And you've got some questions about this, it's like there's a challenge to your belief system that's coming in right now. Or there's some kind of challenge within your belief system that it's like, it might not be the whole thing that you're challenged by, you know, some of you may be, are, you know, questioning your faith or questioning a particular path. And then some of you may be more in a subtle space with it, where you're asking, what is the essence of this? Like, what is the question that I'm really asking? And this to me, as an example, feels like the difference between religion and spirituality. 


Religion as a form has all kinds of ideas about, what is God? And how do you worship and da-da-da? It's shit human beings made up. It's, I mean, apologies to anyone who feels offended by this, but it's fake news. You know, they're myths, like religions are collections of stories. Those collections of stories hold faith. They hold spirit, they hold the essence of devotion. And religion and spirituality can get really confused, like, we can get caught up in the dogma or the formula of a religion and be like, "Well, if I'm, you know, waking up at this time, and saying that prayer and worshipping this God, and I have this kind of alter that I'm doing it." But if we don't actually connect in our hearts, if we're not really opening up to communion with spirit, if we're not feeling it for ourselves, it's not at all the same thing. And it's not a divine practice, right? So that's just an example. And the feeling that I get is that there's something happening like this for you, where you've, you've had some kind of idea and you are committed to that idea. And you feel very strong in this commitment. And, and it's like, "This is who I am, and this is what I want." And right now you have to look at the container that you've built, and the systems that you've been working within the structures that you've been working with and the agreements that you've made.


And ask yourself, am I actually doing the thing that I want? You know, am I actually practicing the thing that I say that I am here to practice? And guaranteed, there are certain ways that you are not. And that's what you're trying to figure out. And it feels like this, you know, these last days of the year of 2021 are very deep days, to come into a kind of space of reckoning with yourself, to question your path, to question your faith, to question your belief in something. And let those questions open up huge spaces. Right? Like don't be afraid of shattering the illusion. It's a good thing to be disillusioned, right? It means you're no longer in an illusion about it. Like let those questions crack open big spaces, big fissures, and then try and get deeper into the question that you're asking. You don't want to be on the surface of it, you don't want to be in the performance of it, you want to be in the embodied practice of it. You want to be deep in the essence of it, whatever it is.


Over the next five months or so, through May of 2022, you are in some kind of process of reimagining your future. And this path, this faith, this philosophy, this practice, needs to be put into practice. And how it's going to be put into practice is through creativity, through dreaminess, through surrender, surrender into the unknown. From now, through May, it feels like you want to really, like, surrender the limitations that you have been holding for yourself, and certain ways that you may have been. Again, it's like you were caught up in the idea all year long. Maybe between May and July of 2021, there was some new kind of energy that allowed you to feel into this different kind of spaciousness, it feels like you, it's like more imagination. But then since July, until December, it's like you're back in this thing of like, trying to figure out how to make it happen and the idea of it. You want to surrender that kind of way of being right now. It's like the difference between trying to figure something out with your brain and going with the flow. And you want to go with the flow right now. You have to feel something out, you have to be emergent. You don't know how it's going to work, you cannot know how it's going to work yet. And that is okay. That is okay. 


As we move into the new year, right away, like from jump, January 1st, boom, really different energy for you. I feel like it's like the calendar shifts and you're like, new year new me, like you have a lot of new energy. As we move into the new year, it feels like you get energized by your own potentiality. And by the ways that you are feeling change in yourself, you get energized to recommit to your path and to your vision and to this big idea of what are you here for, you know, and this is a big idea. And it feels like you want to be committed right now, you want to be aligned with your spirit, with your big capital 'S' self, you know, like, you are here for a purpose. You have a feeling of that purpose. Your purpose can change throughout your life but there's something about this intangible essence, that feels very much like an embodied quality that you're resonating with as we move into the new year. And you have a lot of ideas in the first couple of weeks of January about how to be in this new space. 


Those ideas are valuable, take note of them, do not be entirely convinced of them. Because there's still a way that you're operating in this like thinking it rather than going with the flow in those first couple of weeks. It's like I feel like you're excited, you're energized, you have a lot of ideas. You're making plans, but you're kind of not entirely grounded and it's like, you're going to have to revisit this place of faith, or practice or some kind of inner alignment with your purpose. My sense is that you want to discern between your ego leading you and your spirit leading you. You want to discern between mind and intuition. And the feeling, as I'm experiencing it, the feeling that I have is that when you're moving forward from your mind and from your ego, it very much feels like you're in the front of your head, you're in your eyeballs, you're in your plans, you're strategizing. You've got energy, like moving up and out through your head and your forehead and into the future. And it's like, I'm gonna do all these, you know, it's like you're in these thoughts, you're in this sense of like, you know, minds like thought like, whatever that is, you're figuring things out, you're having a lot of ideas. 


And the difference between that and moving through intuition, or moving from your, your higher self or from your soul, on a felt sense level, it feels like you're resting back — that you are more grounded in your body, that you're more aware of your spine and your central axis. And that on a hormonal chemical level, you're not so excitable, there's not as much stress. But stress and excitement can kind of produce a lot of the same chemicals and so it just feels like you're calmer and like you're more in your heart. And any kinds of practices that can help facilitate this body state that I'm speaking of, are really, really helpful for you, especially the first three months of the year until March. I mean, in general, these kinds of practices are super helpful for everybody all the time. But for you, especially like January, February, and March, tune in with your inner body, like really try and do heart centered meditations. Feel your spine. Open up the space behind you and around you, like open up to spirit, open up to guidance. And when you find yourself in a place where it's like, oh, ideas bringing you forward, or like you're worrying, or you're planning or something like that, catch yourself there. Of course, you're gonna have ideas, of course, you need to make plans and all that. But the feeling in your body, when you are putting your plans into motion, you want that to be more of a calm feeling and less of an activated sympathetic state. So more in your parasympathetic system, more in your resting state than in your, like stress state and your stress response. I hope that makes sense. 


On January 14th, Mercury is going to Station Retrograde. It Retrogrades until February 4th. This is a big part of this review period that I'm talking about. This is a huge part of like, you think you're moving forward, but actually, you're gonna have to move back again and check in with your intention and with your path. So the last two weeks of January, and as you get into February, these might be weeks where you are readjusting some plans, where you're working things out in a slightly different way. And this is really the time when you — I mean all through these three months — but these two weeks, whew! Really tune in. Where are you coming from? Where are you coming from? Like, if you're in that like dominant sympathetic state, and you're stressed out and you're trying to get the all the things that you want in the ways that you want them, like you're fucking yourself, like it's not helping you. Breathe. Calm yourself. Regulate your nervous system. Remember what you are here for — big picture. Big picture, what you are here for. Remember what you are made of, big picture, you are made of the Earth itself. You are made of universal substance, you are not made of capitalism and like, I don't know, like romantic relationships or materials, like what you own, like your couch or your car, something like that. It's like, big picture. What are you here for? Get into the essence. You do not want to replicate the past. 


And this is super important these last two weeks of January, because it feels like you might be drawn [to], it's like you might be going back to something, you might want to like, move back into something. But you do not want to replicate the past. So you have to stay really present. You have to stay very aware of your patterns. Know what your triggers are, like what are the things that you are really wanting to change about yourself in your life and your relationships and all the things right now? What hooks you in those old patterns? Like when they come up, you gotta catch them and make a different choice. And if you are in your sympathetic nervous system, you will probably not catch them because that state of being is about reaction. You want to be proactive and responsive right now, you do not want to be reactive and in survival mode. And if you feel destabilized and you feel like you're going to lose something or you feel like you're clutching at something or you don't know which way to go, it's very easy to slip into old patterns and this is why you have to regulate yourself. You have to breathe. You have to work with your own nervous system. You have to remember who you are and why you are here.


On the 17th of January there is a Full Moon. This is a Full Moon that highlights communication in your chart. You are wanting to communicate from your heart. You are wanting to include others when you are communicating with them. Really pay attention to patterns of emotional defensiveness. Really pay attention to patterns of emotional avoidance. If you feel scared of something, "Oh no, I'm going to get rejected. Oh, they're going to be mad." What do you do? Do you run and hide? Do you retreat? Do you have a shell? Do you get like, cranky and attacking? Soften yourself, soften yourself. Calm yourself, calm your inner body. Stabilize yourself, calibrate yourself. Show up for conversations with emotional maturity, right? You don't have to take other people's feelings on, those are their feelings. They are entitled to their feelings. Just because they're having a feeling doesn't mean it has to be your feeling. You don't have to take your feelings to be the ultimate end all truth, feelings come and go. Emotions are chemical responses — doesn't mean your feelings aren't real, you are absolutely entitled to your feelings and you probably need to express them. There is a need for vulnerability around this Full Moon, for intimacy and transparency and trust. So show up for the conversations that need to be had with your whole self. And with the parts of your being that are really looking out for the best interest and the dignity of all involved. 


Lots of change energy coming up with this full moon, a lot of things shifting around the Full Moon. And that Full Moon is a little bit of a portal for you to really start to move in a new direction. And this has been a direction that you've kind of been teetering with since, I think August of 2021, it feels like you've been — it's like, you know, you're changing. You're in a really, like I started the horoscope with, it's like you're in a profound state of change. You are in a massive phase of change 2018 through 2027. You're like midway through right now. And since August, there's been some kind of feeling I think of like, "Is this the way to go? Or how do I do this or how do I, you know, be this way that I want to be?" or something like that and the Full Moon on the 17th opens something up for you and helps you shift into what feels like inner truth and then you can move forward and that's when we get into Aquarius season. And Aquarius season for you is all about moving into the future. So I will be back then with your Aquarius season horoscope and I hope any or all of this Capricorn Season horoscope has been interesting and will be helpful for you.


If you want more astrology from me, check out your 2022 Year Ahead Reading. That's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign where I go over the major themes, opportunities and challenges with embodied intuitive support for working with them in 2022. Pre-orders are available now and those readings will be delivered by January 10th. For support throughout Capricorn Season and the months ahead, I have several membership and subscription offerings. You can sign up to become a subscriber to my monthly workshops. Those are once a month two and a half hour long workshops, where I give you embodied practices, creative visualization, and tools for working with your own chart with current astrology. You can also become a member of my community space where you can connect with other astro enthusiasts for support and learning more about your chart, astrology, and the synthesis between astrology and other healing and creative and somatic modalities. I offer access to my video library that has lots of past workshops and selection of my online classes. All of this and more you can find that embodiedastrology.com. If you enjoy this work, and if it brings benefit into your life, please help support and sustain it. The number one way to do that is by sharing it with your friends and networks and leaving affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms. Your one-time and recurring monthly donations are so helpful. They definitely continue to sustain the production of these free horoscopes and transcriptions. If you'd like to make a donation, you can find the link in the show notes. I am wishing you all the best in Capricorn Season and beyond, my Taurus friends. Bye for now.


ARIES Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)


GEMINI Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)