Embodied Astrology

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ARIES Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

You belong.
You are safe. You are whole.
You are enough.
Soothe your inner self and
gather strength from Spirit
Support yourself to show up
and stand in your power.


Hello Aries, welcome to your Cancer Season month ahead audio horoscope. Cancer Season begins on June 20 and ends on July 22 in 2021. My name is Renee, I'm the astrologer and host of Embodied Astrology. I'm a somatic educator and intuitive as well as an astrologer. And this reading is a reading, it's a channel and I'm going to do my best to describe what's coming up for me as I tune in with the Aries solar chart for Cancer Season. So please listen through the lens of your own intuition, take what works and leave the rest. Make the meaning that's most meaningful for you. Associate my words with the ones that are the relevant ones for you. I always recommend that people listen or read horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section.


Well, Aries friends, Cancer is also, like Aries, a Cardinal sign. That means that your signs, Aries, Cancer, also Libra and Capricorn, are signs that hold the quarterly markings of the year, the rotation of the earth around the sun as marked by the solstices and equinoxes. So happy Solstice as we move into Cancer Season. This is an important season for you because of its stimulation of the Cardinal Cross. Cancer holds a very special place in your chart, and this is the place of your root. If you tune in right now with your body and you feel your body's weight, and the way that your weight moves down towards the ground and towards earth, and if you imagine that the weight of your body could fall right through the earth, into the core of the earth, and all the way out the other side, this is the direction of Cancer's energy in your chart, right into the center of the earth. And this is the direction that roots grow. So when we tune in with the metaphor of roots, let's tune in with the idea that you belong somewhere. And that you grow roots and that in belonging somewhere and in growing roots, there is a sense of belonging, and there is a sense of being at home. And when we are at home, we are surrounded by our environments, and the environments of home become the environments of family. So many of us have come from home and family situations that really were not nourishing. And many of us come from highly traumatic home and family situations where we might feel very, you know, unrooted, or our roots might feel really twisted or malnourished or, you know, oppressed somehow or squeezed. So, I want to invite that as we move into this season, it is a time that holds the potential for profound healing, and an element of healing often is also pain. And sometimes, you know, like, if you have a cut or something, the scab needs to come off, right, or in order to heal something, we might actually need to perform a surgery or take some nasty medicine or something like that. And as I tune in with your chart, the feeling that I get is that there is a need right now for Aries to do some healing around home, family and sense of belonging. And so my heart goes out to all of you who have big pieces of healing there. I'm also—I am a person that comes from a painful home and family story. And so I know that the reaching into the home in the family spaces can be pretty hard sometimes. And also so necessary. And when we do the work, there's a lot that can open and there's a lot that can grow in those spaces. So my first you know, kind of instinct and intuition as I tune in with your chart is this is a time for you to be connecting with your roots. And when I say your roots, the very first thing I mean is not your family. It's not your DNA or lineage. It is your root, your taproot as a human being, as a child of this earth, as a child of the universe into the home of this phenomenal terrestrial container that you've come into. You have a relationship to the earth underneath you. Just that on its own is something that can be stabilizing. If you can tune in to your connection to the ground underneath you and if you can co-regulate yourself with the earth, and I mean, like, lie your belly down on the earth, lie flat on your back on the floor, put something heavy over you. Imagine how big the earth is and how little your body is, and really feel like the, the enormity, right, of this planet holding you. You can totally surrender all of your weight. That as a practice could be so helpful right now, because it feels to me like you need to know that you belong. And the feeling of belonging, yes, is so wonderful when there are other people there and when there are specific places that can give us those feelings, but my sense is, is that right now you need to belong in yourself. And you need to recognize and remember how you belong in yourself. And you need to recognize and remember that there is family for you and community for you that is bigger, and also more subtle, and unknown than the family and the community that you've had so far in your life, your family with the trees, your family with the clouds, your family with your ancestors of 10, 20 generations ago, your family with the future. How can you connect to a sense of solid belonging within this ephemeral, temporary, changing, chaotic, traumatic world? That's my question for you as we move into Cancer Season.


Moving into the season, I feel your energetic, psychic, spiritual readiness to come home. I am really not saying this as a location, okay, or as a specific group of people that when you come home, that there's some kind of fixed idea about that, again, it's a feeling. There's a sense of psychic, spiritual, energetic readiness for you to be at home in your psychic, spiritual, energetic self. This is a time for you to pray, to meditate, to notice your subtle body, your subtle energy. I feel like you have been growing in this area of your life and learning a little bit and maybe learning that you need this or recognizing that you have access to it. And also, there's something that needs to help you connect with this place more regularly. There's some kind of structural logistic arrangements that need to be made in order for you to connect with this place more regularly. This may mean for some of you that you need to clarify and discern around your social responsibilities. If you feel very overwhelmed or very saturated with the social, it's not leaving enough space for you to really like come home internally. If you are engaging with the social realm in ways that are habitual and not actually current, this could be part of the problem. And so there's a feeling that I have right now of how do you want to be in relationship with people? How do you want to talk to them? How do you want to organize with them? How do you want to make plans with them? What are the—what are the commitments that you feel? Or the pressures or the obligations within your social realm? What do you want to hold on to? It feels to me like you are understanding something about your needs and your priorities and your preferences when it comes to what you're holding space for and who you're holding space for and how you are holding space. And Cancer Season is a time when it feels to me like especially the issue of communication is important. How you listen, how you interpret how you share information with others. This is all really important. Something keeps coming up for me around what you're putting on your plate, what you're saying yes to, what you're taking on, what you're saying no to, you know? Are you saying yes and no to the right things? There have been times in my life when I've been so busy doing the things I thought I should be doing that I didn't have the time to do the things that I wanted to be doing. I don't think that experience is very rare. I think a lot of people have that experience. Are you having that experience right now? Are you filling your time and space and energy in ways that you know like, God, this is a waste of time and space and energy or this, this is really not how I want to be spending my time, or filling my space, or using my energy. This is a time then in Cancer Season for you to notice, pay attention, and start to work your communications. If something doesn't feel good to you, say it. Right, set a boundary, ask for clarification, ask for what you need from yourself, then from the people around you. There may also be plans that you're trying to figure out right now, logistics around your life that you are trying to figure out right now. And it hasn't been easy. Up until this point, there has been a Mercury retrograde that's really, you know, throwing—what's that saying—like throwing a stick in the wheels or something like clogging up your plans. We've got Saturn retrograde throughout the summer, things feel very unknown right now in terms of logistics and plans, it feels like you're trying to make them but also you don't necessarily have the information that you need in order to make them. As we move through Cancer Season, there is more clarity, I want to say that. But when it comes to more long term plans, you still have a couple of months to go. October is the time when I feel you getting more clear about your long term plans. As we move through Cancer Season, the short term plans might start to come together for the next couple of months or you might have more awareness around what you want when it comes to the long term plans, but you don't really get there for another couple of months in terms of being able to understand tangibly what the actions are going to be.


There is a full moon on June 24 in the sign of Capricorn. This is another sign on the Cardinal Cross. Again, an important energy for you. Capricorn rules the part of your chart that is opposite to the root. This is the heaven. These are the branches. This is your external outward manifestation in your life. Some people say that this part of the chart has to do with your career or your public image. I think of it a lot as: What are you building out of your life? What kind of space are you taking up here? What do you want to do with your life, with your life energy? This is about you. It can include relationships, but ultimately it is about you. What is your energy doing here? If your roots are planted in a certain way, how are you going to grow? So when I'm talking about this is a time for you to connect in with your sense of belonging, the feeling that I'm getting at is, I want you to feel comfortable, I want you to feel courageous, I want you to feel confident. These are things that Aries wants to feel so that you can do the thing that you came here to do. So that you can fill up the space that you came here to fill in your life. How can you be a home, in yourself, so that wherever you are in the world, whatever it is that you are doing, whoever it is that you're with, you bring that energy of someone who has at home in themselves, someone who isn't here to prove something, someone who doesn't need to scramble to like, you know, do the performative gestures to go, I'm good enough, I'm good enough, I'm good enough. You're good enough. You've got everything you need, right? Stand into that power, connect with your taproot, connect with a sense of personal power, so that you can come here and deliver whatever it is that you are here to deliver. This is a full moon that's going to push on that, that's going to go: What are you doing in the world? What are you doing with your life? What are you doing with your time and energy? Are you here being, doing, relating in the ways that you really want to be? There could be a feeling of intensity that comes in around this full moon. A lot of you have been working on your life, on figuring out your life. This again, career public image, what you're doing with your, with your world, with your life, how you're crafting your life's vision. You guys have been working on this for a long time. Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008. It has made really powerful aspects since like 2012. So what have you been up to? You know, in these last 13, 10 years? 2020 and 2021 were big years for this energy. What have you been up to in these last two years? How are you building your life? What are you here to prove to yourself? What are you here to manifest? How are you moving away from old ideas about who you are and who you should be and what it is that you should be doing? So if you get insight or provocation or anxiety about this around the full moon, know that this is a peak moment for that energy, it won't last forever, but this is also a time when you might get some clarity around what is keeping you from feeling comfortable, what is keeping you from feeling grounded, what is keeping you from feeling like you can move in the directions that you want to move? What's keeping you is, to me, it feels like it has some kind of emotional tether. It could have a very relational tether, there could be an issue around resources. And there's a psychic tether, there's some kind of ghost mechanism, fear, phobia, I don't know, some, some worry in the back of your mind, you know what's going to happen if blah, blah, blah. You are here creating your life, right? You're the only one creating your life. So what are you going to do? You got to meet the challenge of that full moon.


Between the full moon and the new moon, we've got a lot of really powerful astrology, those two weeks are popping. In your chart, it feels exciting. It feels to me like you are recognizing something about your pleasure, you're recognizing something about joy, you're recognizing something about vitality and energy. And you have some capacity to—let me get the right language here—you have some capacity to harness your energy right now and to very intentionally move it in the direction of your future. So between June 24 and July 9, this is an amazing time for you to be networking, to be reaching out, to be making connections, to be thinking about plans. I said your long term plans aren't available until October. That's true. It doesn't mean you can't think about them, research them, ideate on them, experiment with them before that, you totally can. And especially like end of June and pretty much all through July, you have a lot of energy for this. I want to encourage you to keep it creative. And that means keep it experimental and don't get super fixed on an outcome just yet. But enjoy this time as a time that is prime time for creative ideation. This is a time when a lot of you might have new ideas about how to do what you want to do in your life. To support what you want to do in your life. A lot of folks out there might have new ideas about how to make money, how to creatively problem solve, how to, I don't know, it's like, the feeling that I'm getting is like, you're recognizing how you're going to level up and you see the steps, and you just get to decide if you're going to take those steps. And they're being shown to you. You can level up this way, you can boost your confidence this way, you can take advantage of your creativity this way, you can think about the future this way. Are you going to say yes? Or are you going to say no? If you're going to say no, are you saying no because you're clear that that is not what your roots, you know, like can support? Are you saying no because your roots are twisted up around some knot of fear and like they can't access the nourishment that they need to to say yes to the thing? If that's the case, go lie on the ground for 10 minutes, right? Breathe, relax your belly, remind yourself that the world is always changing and that this is your life. What do you—what do you want to do with it?


As we get to the new moon, there's a new moon on July 9, this is a powerful new moon that aspects all of the transpersonal planets. The new moon is in Cancer, so again, it's right in the root of your chart. This is definitely a time when you might really need to attend to and release some emotional content. This is a new moon that could have you feeling quite sensitive, it could have you feeling quite needy in terms of either your own space or emotional container or connection with others that feels reassuring or something like that. This is definitely a new moon for you to care for yourself and to really like prioritize that. You might feel shaky around the new moon. If you do, please, please, please care for yourself. Don't beat up on yourself. Don't give yourself bad stories or anything like that. The potential of this new moon when you can tune in with all of its energy is that it really does kind of increase the sense of you are, I don't know, like, in a space right now where there's so much to hold you, there's so much to anchor you in a sense of belonging. And that so much-ness is you. Like you are that rich, fertile soil that you can grow your roots into. Your spirit is that soil. And this would be a time to connect with your spirit, to attend to your spirit, to honor your spirit.


Okay. Anything else I want to say? I think I'm gonna leave it there for now. I hope any or all of that is helpful for you Aries, it is a powerful month of Cancer Season so please take care of yourself. Take care of your environment, take care of the people around you, please use this time to invest in and connect with what most deeply supports you and feels truly nourishing, truly grounding, that really gives you a sense of belonging. And again, sometimes what's going to give us that sense is really like ourselves or our connection with the natural world, with the timeless, with the ineffable, with the god, goddesses, spirits of your understanding. Let it be that big. Let it be that deep, right. If you want more astrology from me, please check out your Year Ahead Report, that's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign where I go through all the opportunities and challenges of 2021 and give suggestions for working with them. We're halfway through the year so those readings are offered at a discount now of 50% and you can find them at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section. If you'd like to learn more about astrology and working with your own chart, sign up for my extended content subscription. That subscription is offered at donation and you get access to my month ahead calendars, to worksheets and tools to help you work with your chart, and to my twice a month subscriber only Zoom meetups, one of which is a workshop where I offer an embodiment practice and different ways to think about astrology in relationship to your own chart for the upcoming month, the second of which is a community, q&a, and conversation space and we would really love to have you there. If you want to support this work and please support this work if you enjoy it, share it with your friends and networks, subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes. Your tips and donations are always super appreciated. And of course you can follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology where I post regular Astro updates. I'm wishing you all the best in Cancer Season and beyond my Aries friends. Until the next time, bye for now.