ARIES Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)

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You will not have what you want in your life
if you do not show up for it.
So, let go of what doesn’t matter.
Focus on what does.
Your joy, your heart, your spirit,
your inner child, your creativity, your love
all matter SO MUCH!

Give what matters your focus and attention.


Hello Aries, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Leo season, July 22 through August 22, 2021. This horoscope is for Aries sun and Aries rising people. If you have been paying attention to astrology this year, and certainly if you've been tuning in with me and my horoscopes, you've heard me talk probably a fair amount about some of the signature themes of 2021. And these themes have to do with pretty massive restructuring projects that in some way, shape, or form I think everybody is undergoing, subjecting themselves and others to and participating with. We are in a time of massive restructuring in our world: politically, environmentally, socially, etc. And we are alive in the world and we cannot not be affected by the enormity of chaos that's happening in the world right now and the enormity of need for restructuring that I'm sure we can all see and are tuning in with in various ways. As we are affected by the world and those were influenced by what we're perceiving out there in the world, of course, we are going to internalize these experiences and change in ourselves and be thrown into chaos in our own lives and confront the need to restructure. So for you, I want to say that these restructuring projects are really key in some particular areas of your life. Again, I think I've been talking about this a lot in your horoscopes, but because Leo season brings a ton of emphasis onto these themes this month, I mean, really, it is kind of like a magnifying glass or an incubator for some of the themes of 2021, I think they bear repeating. So you are really working to restructure and I would say fortify and refine your sense of place in the world right now. Who are you? What are you here and what are you—excuse me. What are you here for? And what are you up to? And who are you doing it with? How do you want to feel yourself in the world? And how do you want to participate in the world? What's important to you? What do you want to be involved in? How do you want to use your energy and feel yourself participating in a larger kind of collective experience? In order for you to ascertain the answers to these questions, you have got to seriously update your sense of values. This has to do with your values, what you think is important, and how you orient towards what you think is valuable, whether that has to do with objects or people or statuses or experiences. It also has to do with your self esteem, with your self value, and your self worth. And you, I think, are really being pressed right now to figure it out. What do you value about yourself? And what do you have to give in the world that is valuable to anybody else? And if you can't figure that out, then what the hell are you doing here? Right? What do you—what are you going to offer in the big wide world? How are you going to find your place? And so it is essential right now that you are asking yourself these kinds of questions. Who are you? What do you have to give? What is important to you? What natural, innate skills and talents do you have? What developed skills have you cultivated? And in the question of what's important to you, what are you willing to cultivate? What are you willing to put in the work, the time, the energy, and the discipline for so that you can give it in some way, embody it in some way.


So as we move into Leo season, we often talk about Leo season as a time for, you know, kicking back, relaxing, having a good time. I hope you can do some of that this Leo season. I also want to say that the astrology of this Leo season and certainly the astrology as its presenting itself in your chart has a kind of serious tone to it. It really has a feeling to me that you are trying to get things in order and dial it in somehow, you know, figure some pieces out. Now Leo season does present a lot of opportunities for you because it highlights a really important element of your chart and this element has to do with your joy, with your natural, what I would say your essential spirit is. Your unique qualities, you know, who are you that's special. And it also has to do with your inner child and sense of playfulness and innocence and curiosity in the world. So this is a time when, first of all, I would say, you are being serious, you have some pretty serious questions or issues that you're trying to work out for yourself. And you can't be too serious about them. Focusing on them really intently and getting really serious about all the serious things that you're thinking about, what actually leads you to the answers? And you need to remember your joy, you need to remember how to connect with your heart. And so the first thing that I want to suggest for you is that you connect with your heart, with your true and natural heart, and your inner child, your childlike self. We all come into this world innocent and perfect. You know, when babies are born, when children are young, we haven't yet been programmed and conditioned by all this stuff. Of course, we have all our genetic stuff, you know, all the DNA programs that we're going to have to figure out at some point. But there is such an incredible sense of awe and possibility with young people. Their minds are developing, they haven't developed a lot of judgment, to a certain extent, they're fearless, they're courageous, they're willing to put themselves out there to be silly, to be playful, to not know how to do it. Can you channel some of that energy for yourself right now? Can you connect with your inner child? The part of you that doesn't need to know how to be a grown up, the part of you that is just going to be silly, gonna say things that are completely illogical and bizarre and then fall on the ground laughing about it, and then run around in circles and jump up and down and go put on a costume, then ask for a snack and then lie down and take a nap. This is the kind of energy that I hope in some way you can connect with at least a little bit here and there throughout these next 30 days.


As we move into Leo season, we enter with a full moon. The full moon perfects on July 23. And the couple of days leading up to this full moon are packed astrologically. So this is a powerful full moon. And it's also the first of two full moons in Aquarius that we'll have over the course of Leo season and these full moons bookend the season, one is right at the beginning and one is right at the end. Now the first full moon is bringing a lot of stuff with it, it's bringing a lot of information with it. You might be coming from kind of a heavy space or heavy experience. You may come into Leo season, again with a seriousness, maybe with a sense of doubt or with a sense of burden. It may feel like you're trying to move into the future and you have a gazillion obstacles in your way and you don't know how you will ever get past any of them. Some of you are feeling that you have been through that and you are kicking ass, you're gonna get through it. And some of you aren't quite feeling that yet. But I think a lot of Aries people are entering into Leo season with a sense of struggle. And either, you know, I don't know where you are in the struggle, but some kind of pretty palpable sense that, you know, this life ain't easy, you gotta work for what you want. So with the full moon, a fair amount of energy for conversation is coming with it. And for you, these conversations are oriented around some really personal themes. These personal themes may have to do with family life, with home life, and that could be current, present, past, or future. With family and home it's always all of them, right? Like we're not ever dealing with the present and the future and not dealing with the past because that's how family goes, I think for most people, but it feels like there are some personal themes kind of swirling around and conversations that need to be had. And these conversations feel tender. They feel big. They don't feel necessarily like there is an easy sense of conclusion. They feel a little mysterious in your chart like you are reaching for something and I'm not quite sure what it is that you're reaching for. But it feels like what you're reaching for is a sense of maybe some kind of like emotional or intuitive clarity. And over the course of this month, I think you will gain more clarity but certainly in the first couple days of Leo season, it feels like kind of a swamp. So if you're feeling swampy, go outside, run around in a circle, put on a costume, play a silly song, play a game, lie down on the floor, smack your arms and legs around, throw a tantrum, then take a nap. You know, if you're feeling overwhelmed by it all, don't try and make sense of it in these first couple of days, it's not worth it, you're not going to make sense of it. So connect with your inner child, express what needs to be expressed, if you need to have a temper tantrum or cry or eat a gallon of ice cream, like do whatever you need to do but don't expect yourself to make sense of it.


Now as we move into the end of July and then on into August and really into the end of the year, there's some kind of renegotiation process that's happening. And at the beginning of your horoscope when I talked about these massive restructuring projects, this is, you know, we're really getting into the meat of it, especially moving into August. And it feels like you are working to get to a future goal and in order to get to that future goal, you have to do some review. There might literally be a review or research or reflection period that is required. It may be that there's a pause or a lull in something, it may be that there, you know, is some kind of convening that needs to happen. It looks to me like you are dealing with some kind of either future oriented issue or group oriented issue and there might be multiple perspectives that you are trying to figure out how to make sense with and you need to give it the time. You need to give it to the time, you need to give it the space in your life. And you also need to remember that it's serious. And you also need to remember that it's not only serious, have a little bit of fun.


Throughout the month of Leo season, you are getting into some kind of rhythm, ideally, you're getting into some kind of practice. And I think that you're—part of the seriousness that you're feeling is the need to be serious, the need to take things seriously. It's like there's this sense of like, how do I get to be where I want to be? Well, I have to be serious about it, I have to apply myself, and this is absolutely true. You have got to apply yourself. What is it that you want? Work on it every day. If you're trying to figure something out, don't avoid it, work on it. That said, don't work too hard. Don't work yourself to the bone. You also—you're doing work right now when you don't think you're working. You're processing a lot. You have to take time to let loose, you have to take time to meander, you have to take time to dream, you have to take time to not know. And it's really important for you that you give yourself these spaces to play, to be ridiculous, to be illogical, to be unproductive. And it is equally important that you balance those spaces with times where you are being fiercely focused and adamant about your direction, whatever it is that you're trying to do, and you are really showing up for the work. And I think that you have energy for this. And I think that it's not always easy. But I do want to say it's not always. It will end at some point, you will move into a different phase.


From the last day of July, from July 31 until August 8, which is the day of the Leo new moon, we have a packed atmosphere, a lot of stuff that's happening in the chart, setting off a lot of themes that again, are really foundational for the energy of this year. This is a time for you when I really want to encourage you to create ceremony and ritual for yourself in whatever way makes sense. And that could mean giving yourself five minutes a day to journal and meditate, it could mean making a vision board, it could mean whatever you want. But give yourself some kind of regular orbiting around the idea of who you are in your essence and what it is, how it is, that you are here to be, to do. This is beyond the doing that you will do. This is beyond the projects, it's beyond the titles, it's beyond whatever layers of success you can imagine for yourself. In its essence, this is a quality. In its essence, this is a vibration. This is a feeling. You need to know yourself right now. You really need to know yourself. Because you are trying so hard to get to somewhere, to achieve something in the future, and if you don't know yourself, then your efforts are going to be squandered, you're going to be working for the wrong thing. You have changed. You are not the person who you used to be. You need to make sure that you are working for the right things for yourself, as you are now. That you are not working to maintain who you used to be. Your values are changing. You are understanding your own value, what you have to offer, what you need, what you want to prioritize in different ways. I think you're recognizing some really important elements of what you need. What you need to feel for yourself, what you need to feel in the world, what you need to have access to, what kind of resources you need in order to do what you want to do in the world. And I really want you to make sure that you are working towards the means, you know, that the means are the right means to the right end, you know, that you are working towards what you truly want to be manifesting. Because you are working really hard right now. Make sure that you are working for the right things. That new moon in Leo on August 8 is a time to clarify it for yourself, to dial it in, to set your sacred space, to make your ceremony, to commit to yourself, to honor yourself, to center yourself, to center who you are, what your essence is, and to celebrate that essence, and to commit to it. Commit to building a life that honors your essence, your sacred essence.


From the new moon to the next full moon, from August 8 through the 22, we have another week and a half or so that is packed with astrology, lots of stuff going on, lots of aspects between the inner planets and the outer planets, planets changing sign, etc. During this time, there is definitely an emphasis on practice, on skillful discernment, and organization, and responsibility, and maturity. This is your life. Okay, you gotta be in the driver's seat of your own life. And that means you got to know where you're going. And if you don't know your final destination, do you have a general area in mind? You know, do you have a sense of like, what kind of climate you would like to drive to? Is it a city? Is it the country? What's the scenery? You know, make sure that you are in the driver's seat, not anybody else, and certainly not your outdated, old ideas of who you are. You as your current self are in the driver's seat. Be disciplined. Be adamant about your discipline. This is your life. You need to do for you what you need to do for you. And you are in relationship. And the emphasis on relationship will grow as you get into the middle and end of August and then as we get into Virgo season. The emphasis on partnership, on agreements, on collaboration, on communication, on all the stuff that is involved with being a human being, most of that is relationship in some way, shape, or form. You cannot be in any kind of healthy, sustainable, joyful, satisfying relationships if you are not there as yourself. You got to drive the car of your life and if you want relationships that feel good to you, you have to make sure that you are showing up for them. YOU. Capital Y-O-U. Not the idea of you. Not the false premise of you. Not somebody else's desire for who they want you to be. But you are showing up as yourself.


So these last couple of days of Leo season, especially the 18 through the 22, be fierce. Be fierce about what you're trying to cultivate, and what you want to call in, and what you're making space for, and what you're saying yes to. And if it's not a yes, it might not be a no. So if it's a maybe, let it be on the maybe shelf. But put your energy and intention and focus on what is yes. And do it, develop it, orient towards it, pay attention to it, elevate it, whatever. And let me say it one more time, you are not only the work that you are here to do, you are not only the ways that you're showing up as a grown up, but you know, you are not only X, Y and Z that you think you ought to be. You are a star being, you are a magical fairy child, you are a lightning bug, you are a brilliant burst of giggles. Remember your spirit essence, remember your soul essence, and make sure that whatever it is that you are committing to and however it is that you are really trying to show up for your work, for your relationships, for your health, for your practices, whatever it is, make sure that at the core is the essence of you.


The final full moon on August 22 occurs just a couple of hours before the sun moves into Virgo and this is a full moon right at the last degree of Aquarius. This is a magical full moon in your chart. This is a full moon that wants to make your wishes and your hopes and your dreams all come true. This is a full moon at the precipice between what you can control and what you cannot control. It's at the precipice of all of your offerings and the divine listening. Spend this time, this chunk of time that is Leo season, really honoring your spirit and working hard to make the space for your spirit, honoring what you know you want to grow, what you know you want to build. Paying attention to what you know is a yes. If it's a no, don't pay attention to it. If it's a maybe, keep it on the maybe shelf. Pay attention to what you know is yes. Cultivate yes. Infuse yourself with yes. You don't need to give space to what is not yes, you can say I'll get back to you later. This is a sacred space for you. This is sacred time, this is a portal. By the time you get to that second full moon in July, excuse me in August, August 22, be clear about what you are saying yes to and then put it out there into the universe, let it go. And you're going to get what you want. It's all coming for you. This is a powerful full moon for you to manifest the kind of work that you want to be doing in the world. I mean that in realms far beyond capitalism but I also mean it within the realm of capitalism, which means you're going to get paid for something. This is a powerful time for you to figure out, what is the work that you are here doing? In its essence, what do you want to be doing? Not for the paycheck, not for the title, not for the whatever. In its essence, what is the work that you're here to be doing? Whether or not you get paid? What does it feel like? And then, how are you going to get paid for that? How are you going to bring in the resources that are going to help you do what it is that you are here to do? It might not be money, it might be plenty of other things. This is a full moon that you want to make a big offering to. This is me, this is who I am, this is what I want, and then let the universe give it to you.


I'm gonna leave it there. I hope any or all of that is interesting for you. If you want more astrology, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign where I go over all of the major themes, opportunities, challenges, and suggestions for working with them for Aries in 2021. You can find the readings at in the horoscope section. On my website, you can also find information on my extended content subscription and if you're interested in supporting this work, becoming a subscriber is a great way to do it. And definitely if you're interested in working more with astrology and learning how to work with it in your own life and in your own chart, that's what the subscription is for. It's a donation subscription. You get access to my extended monthly calendars, my worksheets, different tools, and twice monthly workshops. You can also follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology for regular astro updates and musings. And please support this work if you enjoy it. Share it with your friends and networks, subscribe, rate and review on your listening platforms. And of course, your tips and donations are so appreciated and they definitely help sustain this work. Thank you so much for listening. I'm wishing you all the best in Leo season and beyond. Bye for now.


PISCES Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)


TAURUS Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)