TAURUS Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)

Settle in. Quiet. Listen.
Who are you now?
Not, who were you then?
Who you are now has something to say.
Who you are now is ready to offer.
Who you are now is still evolving and
wants you to pay attention and give
support to who you are becoming.


Hello Taurus, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Leo season, July 22 through August 22, 2021. This is a horoscope for Taurus sun and Taurus rising. Well, Leo is another fixed sign as is Taurus. Leo and Taurus both occur in the middle of seasons in a four season kind of place. And as fixed signs, they're representative of accumulations of power. In your horoscopes for a long time, I've been talking about the really important and pretty massive changes that you're going through and Leo season in 2021 is a time when those changes are highlighted. It's definitely a time I think when you are probably noticing that you are not the same as you used to be and what used to matter to you doesn't matter in the same way and how you used to think about yourself, you're not thinking about yourself that way. And how you used to think about your life, you've got other ways that you're seeing it. Not to say you're an entirely different person, I'm sure there are still a lot of parts of you that are very much the same, but very important, very essential pieces of you are changing. And this Leo season brings an emphasis, it brings a magnifying glass to the qualities of change that pervade 2021's astrology. Everybody is going through a lot of change, this is a time of immense change on the planet. And any representatives of Taurus energy, which if you're identifying as Taurus sun or Taurus rising then you certainly are a representative, are experiencing a lot of these collective changes, global changes in very personal ways. In my practice with astrology, with clients, and when I teach, I often talk about the macro and the micro or the mirrored quality that I notice in individuals lives that reflect the larger collective happenings. And so even though we might, you know, be tuning in with the news and going like, oh my god the world is crazy, you know, like what's going on out there, in whatever sphere, area of politics or weather or climate or something, you know, that we're tuning into, it might feel like, this is huge, you know, it's way bigger than one person. If you allow yourself to kind of meditate on the symbolism of whatever you're noticing, it's pretty easy to let your associative mind organize how whatever it is that you're noticing out there is also something that is happening in here. And by in here, I mean inside of you inside of your body inside of your being. And so for a lot of Taurus people, I would say that the awakening that the world seems to be going through right now around issues of systemic oppression, as an example, the awakening of language, the awakening of consciousness, and with it a kind of resultant urgency and emphasis on changing systems and addressing histories etc., you might personally also be going through your own iteration of this. So in your own person, you might be becoming more and more aware of the ways that family or culture have influenced you in certain ways, have set you up to experience certain privileges or disadvantages, have set you up to experience or perceive through certain lenses or biases. And you might be grappling with these themes in yourself, in your relationships, in your work in the world. And as you grapple with them in your own ways, in your very personal ways, you're surrounded by a world that is doing this kind of grappling, that is doing this kind of process and negotiation of change. So one thing that I want to say is that this is a time in general—right now in 2021 I think it's a great time for anyone to do this, but specifically for you, for Taurus identified folks in Leo season in 2021—this is really a time to allow yourself to meditate with the symbolism of what is happening in the world and what that then means for you or how you are internalizing it, how you feel yourself reflecting it, how you feel yourself involved are participating with this larger process that's happening. When you can connect yourself with greater themes, I think it gives you power and it helps you understand some of the nuances of what you are trying to do for yourself. And if you happen to be a person who is in any way, shape, or form really kind of trying to participate in some obvious ways in greater collective themes, if you're an activist, if you're an educator, even as a parent, you know, you might be really consciously trying to change culture and whatever it is that you do with your life—if you are trying to address these collective themes, especially for you right now, I think it's very important and very helpful when you can orient to the personal, when you can offer your own personal examples, and when you can help people orient to their personal or lived experience.


And so I'm beginning with this because as we move into Leo season, we are entering the season with a powerful full moon. And this is the first of two full moons this season in Leo's opposite sign Aquarius, and because you're a fixed sign and Leo is a fixed sign, Aquarius is also on the fixed cross, these full moons and all of Leo season are really activating for you. And where they're activating, the parts of your chart that they're activating have to do with you in some kind of worldly space. You in your public persona, you when you show up for your job as an educator, you know, or whatever it is that you do. It's like this is your calling card, this is your greeting card. Who are you in the world? What is it that you "do"? What are you involved in? What are you involving yourself in out there? Not at home, not in your personal private domain. Although for many, and you know, especially for people who are involved with domestic labor and families, the personal private very much is the public and political a lot of the time, so there's that, but I think you know what I mean. There's an emphasis on what you're doing in the world, what you're building here. And this full moon, the first full moon in this season, brings a lot of energy into this space, a lot of ideas, you might be having a lot of ideas, you might be getting a lot of information, you might have a lot on your plate. It might feel like you are starting some new kinds of ventures or you have started them in this past year and you're in some kind of space of negotiation or figuring it out or structuring or restructuring, etc. But the feeling that I get with this full moon is that you are trying to place yourself in some way that is participating or responding to these larger themes, these collective themes. And however it is that you are doing this or whatever it is that you are doing, I want to say that there's something about you personally that is really important to include. And I would not suggest that you try and take a kind of bandstand authority space and tell anybody how it is, I would suggest that you really try and tune in with how you are and what you are noticing and what is arising in your perception and that you take ownership over what it is that you are sharing, over what it is that you're speaking. So if you're dealing with your children or your family and you're trying to explain to them why what's happening out there in the world is also something that needs to be happening here at home, don't lecture anybody. You know, come from yourself, come from your heart, help everyone feel you. If you are out there in the world and you are in some kind of space of leadership or you want to be, when you lead from your true offering, from your true self, you are powerful, we feel you, we are moved by you. So take that in whatever way it resonates for you in your life dependent on what you're doing and really try and think of this in as many ways as you can for what is relevant to you.


This full moon ushers in some pretty important conversations and I think might be an interesting time for you professionally or socially or in some kind of way that you're developing research or projects or just your own intelligence, you know, your mental development. It feels like you've a lot of new ideas, new awareness, some important conversations that could be happening, and you're trying to balance, you're trying to navigate this space of relationship between the personal and the collective. And it feels tantalizing. It feels interesting. How are you doing it? What is it that you are doing? Hold the complexity of the individual's experience within this larger collective experience, get really curious about how they influence each other and shape each other. So I just said a moment ago that I think you might be engaging with some new ventures in your life, trying out some new ways of being in general in your life. This could be new attitudes, new hairstyles, this could be new jobs that you're working in, or new ways of working in an old job. But since the beginning of the year, really, I feel like you've been trying to do something that's kind of new. And whatever the process that you have been in with it, over the last couple of months may have felt a little amorphous in some ways, it feels like you might have expanded a lot and had a lot of ideas. Some of you may have gotten kind of foggy and lost your way, you may have become a little untethered. Or you really have a sense of what you're doing but maybe you expanded a lot or, you know, you brought a lot onto your plate and now you're needing to backtrack a little bit, you're needing to reflect, you're needing to look at the foundation of what it is that you're building and make sure that you are building it correctly. It may be that you need to rework some pieces or you need to examine some steps that you've taken over the last several months since the beginning of the year or very late last year and redo a couple of them or test them out—is this the structure that is going to work for you? All Tauruses are going to be experiencing this differently. For a lot of you this has something very specifically to do with career, with vocation. But for anybody, I want to say that this is about who you are in the world and how you want to be living your life and what it is that you're actually trying to build as a structure for your life.


As we move into the end of July and beginning of August, especially the first week of August is packed astrologically, and we're getting a lot of movement and a lot of influence in the fixed signs—and again, Taurus is a fixed sign—and so there's just a ton of energy getting directed at really important, critical parts of your life. I feel like you've got stuff going on at home and with your family and with your important other people and with your job and what the hell are you doing with your life and with yourself and who the hell are you? And it's like, there's a lot that is getting activated. There's a lot that's getting pressurized. There's a lot that you are going, okay, I'm this I'm not that, I'm not that, okay, I'm this, you know, I don't know what the hell I am, I gotta give it a minute, lay off. You know? Like you're in some kind of situation that feels, like I said, very activating and what is getting kind of majorly pushed at and like driven in right now has to do with, what are you building in the world? What are you trying to make happen for yourself? Whatever it is that you are trying to do out there in the world has everything to do with what's happening internally for you and in your personal life and this is what I was talking about a moment ago, too. If you're trying to do something in the world and you are distraught at home, whatever it is that you're trying to do will not be as great as it could be. Not to say you won't do a great job, because there are plenty of people that can feel real distraught at home and show up for work everyday and are productive as hell. But if that's—if you resonate with that, you're like, yeah, I can really pull it together but man, it's hard when I get home. If you resonate with that, well take a minute and just imagine the kind of energy you would have if you felt supported at home. You want to get the fundamental, kind of crucial places in your life that like they're essential, like these are these are places that are essential, and home is one of them. And people have all different variations of home and for some people home is being transient. So however you identify home, that's up to you. But where do you rest your head at night and how do you rest your head? How do you draw an enclosure around yourself? How do you contain yourself and go into your private internal alone space? You absolutely need the space for yourself right now. You absolutely need to rest. You need to come home, you need to come in, you need to have the feeling that you can be in your underwear and your hair is a mess and you got drool on your face or whatever and you don't give a shit because you're at home. It's that kind of feeling. It's like, you don't have to perform for anybody, you don't need to make any kind of sense. You don't need to—you don't need to do whatever. You just—all you need to do is just chill because you're at home.


And this first week of August, I have this feeling that you have a lot of pressure on many really important parts of your life. But the thing that helps you figure it out is being at home, doing nothing, going inside, taking a rest. And if you don't feel that you can actually be at home or take a rest or do nothing when you're in your actual home, then find a different sense of home. Go out into a field somewhere and lie down with your belly on the ground, stare at the clouds, wrap yourself up in a blanket and come home inside your body. There are many ways that we can orient towards the idea of home. You can do an ancestor altar, you know, connect with home as a lineage, as a rootedness, as spiritual quality. It doesn't need to be an actual place where you have an actual bed or something. But in whatever way you can access at this point—it might not be your preferred way—but in any way you can access, come home.


And when we get to that new moon on August 8, make a ritual for home. And be really intentional with yourself, be really clear with yourself: what does home feel like to you? What does it feel like to you when you are your most natural, your most authentic, your truest self? When you are not performing, when you are not striving, when you're not trying to explain anything, when you're not building the bridges between the personal and the political, when you are just yourself, what does that really feel like? And on the new moon, do something to honor that feeling and call it in for yourself and invite it in. And I think that you are really working to cultivate a new sense of being at home. And I want to repeat this, it doesn't—it might not have anything to do with, and it might not actually matter about the structure, and of course, it's like wonderful to have a home, but that actually isn't the point. The material, the object, the property isn't actually the point. The point is the feeling. The point is that you can take five minutes, you know, to yourself and just rest. Like this is the point. So people have all different feelings of what it is to be at home. Your feeling might be that, you know, 15 people are around and music is playing and people are smoking and drinking and having a great time and playing cards, so great, you know, give yourself that. And if your home is the feeling of, you know, white walls and nothing there except for a succulent and light streaming through the air, then I don't know find a way to have that, you know, it doesn't matter what it is, what matters is that it feels like home to you. And that's your question, that's your meditation for this new moon. Because that is what is going to make everything else click for you, that's what's going to get you really fine tuning whatever it is that you're offering, these new projects that you're trying to put together. It's what's going to help you to embody and integrate all these changes that you're going through and understand them for yourself. It's going to help you show up for your family and friends and loved ones and people in your life.


Now as we get into the end of Leo season, the last week and a half or so, there is more and more emphasis for you on kind of like the practices that help you generate and maintain your own energy and well being. For some of you this could be a really creative time. This could be a time when you are wanting to make art, when you have a lot of ideas, when you feel really abundant, and you know, I don't know, like generative, and if those are your feelings, find outlets for them. Enjoy them. This is a great time to be having new ideas about all the many different factors of your life that are changing and that you want to change and how you're going to do it and what you're going to do, etc.


And then the last couple of days of Leo season from the 18 through the 22 are another few days that are just kind of packed with a particular kind of energy. So first of all, what I want to say is that these days bring an emphasis to your personhood, to who you are as a person. You are a person who is evolving, you are a person who is changing. As a Taurus identified person, you are changing a lot right now, you are going through a massive renovation. And these couple of days, the last few days of Leo season and as we get into Virgo season, really like, woo, stir the pot when it comes to how you're feeling yourself. And it feels to me that you are feeling yourself, you might have a lot of energy, you might feel your own energy in a new way. It feels like you're getting aligned in terms of your creative output, your personal expression, your creative, your relationship expressions, your philosophies, your ideas about what you're doing and why it matters. It feels like you get kind of a jolt and then you get a big boost that comes to full boost, full blast at the last full moon. On August 22 we have the last full moon or the second full moon in Aquarius this season. And as I mentioned at the beginning of the horoscope, there are two full moons this season, they kind of bookend Leo season, and the first one brought all of this content and all of these things that you're trying to deal with, and how are you doing what you want to do in the world, where are you going, dadada? And then the second full moon, you've worked through a whole bunch of stuff, I think in the last 30 days, and things are starting to get organized and clarify and you have some sense of future direction. There's still a whole lot that you don't know but something is landing. And it feels like what is landing is a solid sense of who you are, what you're up to, why, and how. Not that you're not going to get a million other iterations coming at you in the next year and for the rest of your life, because you will, but there's also something really powerful that's happening right now. And what is happening right now is a clarification around the changes that you've been going through. It is a validation that yes, indeed, there are certain things that are absolutely changing that will not ever be what they once were. There's plenty that's going to continue to change on and on and on and on. And there's also a new you that is arriving here and this new you is starting to take shape, it's starting to take form, and you are recognizing that you, in this newness, are different. You're holding yourself differently in the world. You're speaking differently, you're thinking differently, you're wanting differently, you're asking differently, you know, you're asking different kinds of questions, and notice it around this full moon because I think that something pretty important is landing. And it is going to be the launchpad for you to continue to move into the energy of 2021, which again is about restructuring, it's about building something new. And we're not finishing it up this year but as we get through Leo season and into the later months of this year, I think there is definitely a better idea and certainly for Taurus folks, there's definitely a better idea of what it is that you're trying to do and how you're going to get there.


Right. If you want more, listen to your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading that's special for your sign where I go over the major themes, opportunities, and challenges of 2021 for Taurus. You can find my Year Ahead Reports at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscope section. They are discounted now at 50% as we are more than halfway through the year. You can also find information on my extended content subscription. I offer a subscription by donation that includes a month ahead calendar, worksheets, and tools to work with the monthly astrology in your chart. I also offer my extended subscribers two Zoom meetups every month, one of which is a workshop where we do embodiment practice and chart work for the monthly astrology, the second of which is a community space and conversation space. We would love to have you there. You can follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology for regular astro updates and musings. If you enjoy this work, please share it with your friends and networks, subscribe, rate and review on your listening platforms. And thank you so much if you've ever sent a tip or a donation, your financial offerings to this work help sustain it and keep it going and keep these free offerings going, so thank you, thank you, thank you. Wishing you all the best in Leo season and beyond. Bye for now.


ARIES Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)


GEMINI Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)