GEMINI Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)

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Be a butterfly-hummingbird-bumblebee.
Bounce between ideas,
gather honey for your thoughts.
Let the muse move you.
Don’t rush to conclusions.
The big picture will be revealed.
Get ready for the revelation by
paying attention to
all that fascinates and compels you.


Hello Gemini, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Leo season, July 22 through August 22, 2021. This is a horoscope for Gemini sun and Gemini rising. Alright my friends. Well, as we enter into Leo season, we are entering with a full moon. And we're entering into this full moon from a couple of days of pretty powerful astrological aspects. And the first full moon that we get on July 23 is kind of the—one bookend to Leo season, the initiating bookend. And then we'll actually have a second full moon also in Aquarius, Leo's opposite sign, on August 22, which is just a couple of hours—the full moon perfects just a couple of hours before the sun moves into Virgo. So it's kind of interesting, it's not common that there are two full moons in one sign in a season. And because there are two, then one is right at the very beginning of the sign and one is right at the very end. And it emphasizes the dynamic of polarity between Leo and Aquarius, between the two signs that the full moon will inhabit. And throughout this month, there is a lot of dynamic tension, there is a lot of polarity, a lot of oppositional aspects in the charts. And what this implies to me is that we're in a phase right now as we move into Leo season where a lot of the kind of overwhelm and confusion and chaos that 2021 and 2020 have brought into the world reach a kind of critical space. And a lot of pieces that have been floating around start to fall into place. Pieces that maybe have been in place, in some kind of holding pattern, break and require, like something different. There's definitely a kind of remarkable feeling of certain things really becoming quite clear as other elements, you know, shift and kind of cease to be a central point of importance or focus or something like this. And this is the general astrology, everybody's going to be kind of going through this in some way, shape or form in their personal lives. You know, even if you're just restructuring, you know, your closet or something, it's like, there might be some critical feeling moments where it's like, am I gonna wear jeans this year or am I gonna stay in my sweatpants? Or whatever the question is. But everyone's going through some iteration of this restructuring, this feeling of, I'm making something new, and I'm making something new because what I was doing before doesn't work anymore, it is not tenable. That's the situation that we feel in the world, systems are breaking down, they are corroding, they are corrosive, they are destructive, they are destroyed. And systems are rising up, new embodiments are forming, new solutions are taking place as the old solutions are ceasing to be relevant. And in your chart, I'm really feeling this. I'm feeling, as I tune in with your chart, this sense of new ways of being that are naturally, organically arising in your life that you have been intuitively building. And you might be noticing that, oh wow, like, I've been building this thing and I had no idea I was even building it or I didn't even quite understand what I was doing. But now these old things are falling away, you know, like, oh, I don't even need that thing anymore because I've built this new thing. Or something like that, you know, it's like, you run into your ex and you're like, wow, cool, you know, like I used to really be hung up on this person and now I'm not because I'm doing something else. It's that kind of feeling of like, huh, alright, you know, things are different. And it feels like you're noticing that when you have an intention, that when you set your mind to something, you're quite powerful. And this is really important for Gemini because you're a genius. You know, Gemini energy is genius energy. You are clever, you are quick, you've got the gift of curiosity and just the right kind of touch of evil, you know, a little bit of mischievousness, that allows you to get the conceptual twist. It's like, that's the genius stuff right there. And when you set your mind to something, you're brilliant. And the problem is, is that sometimes you don't set your mind, right, because you're also Gemini, so your mind's moving all over the place. But the feeling that I'm getting as I'm tuning in with your chart is that you have set your mind, and you may have not even known it, what it was exactly that you were orienting to or focusing on. But something is becoming clear and you're going, ah, when I use the power of my attention, I am powerful.


So as we move into Leo season, we are entering with this full moon, and the feeling is, is all kinds of stuff is up in the air, a lot of things are changing, a lot of stuff is happening, there a million crises all over the place, nobody knows what to do, maybe your life feels like this too, I don't know. But in your chart, it feels like everything that's swirling and everything that's coming up is coming up in such a way that it is revealing these points of brilliance, it's revealing these spaces of aha, and wow, and oh my god, I didn't see that before, and hmm, I could do that, that's a new idea. And it feels like you are getting all these sparks about what something could be, what something could feel like, and it might feel like an overwhelm but it could also feel really inspiring to some of you. And so without any judgment about one is better than the other, because sometimes overwhelm fully proceeds inspiration so don't worry if you feel overwhelmed, without any judgment, what I would say is, like, notice what is happening in the interstitial spaces of your consciousness. When you are not trying to think about things, what are you thinking about? When you're just sitting around spacing out, when you're scrolling on your phone, like, whatever it is that you're doing, you know, if you're focusing on something with 70% of your mind but 30% of your mind is off somewhere else, where is it? What's swirling around in the kind of vague, liminal, undifferentiated consciousness space for you? And I want to suggest that you try and pay attention and really clue into what's happening in there. Are there thoughts that you're thinking a lot of the time? If you're thinking those thoughts a lot of the time, they're affecting you somehow. Even if it's just the 30% of your time when you're not focusing on whatever you're trying to focus on, if 30% of the time you're circling around and around that silly argument that you got in last week, then that's the thing that you're focusing on. And because you're circling around and around that memory, your body is producing a chemical response that has to do with your reactivity to the memory or to the experience itself. So what I want to invite is that you notice what's going on in the periphery, in the corners of your mind. Where are you spiraling? Where are you circling? What are you fantasizing about? And then what's happening in your body? And if you notice that what's going on in your mind and body are states of distress, dissatisfaction, distraction, or a kind of like leaky energy, where you're—who knows what the hell you're thinking about, but it's probably a waste of your time kind of feeling, then what I'm going to suggest is that you, throughout Leo season, experiment a little bit with infusing your mind with new impulses. And so you could do this by having music or a podcast playing in the background. You don't really even need to listen to it but it could be there just enough that it comes into your unconscious mind. Or you could start working with regular affirmations or mantras, repeating certain things to yourself. Sometimes people wear jewelry on their hands, bracelets or rings, or they'll write a note or they'll put a rubber band or something like that. And anytime they notice it, they'll repeat the mantra or they'll, you know, fiddle with the bracelet. You know, if they're kind of a fidgeter or something, they'll fiddle with the bracelet and as they're doing it they're going, I'm trying to remember this thing. It's kind of like how a rosary works or something like that or japa beads or some—you know, something where it busies your mind in a directive way. And that's kind of the feeling that I get for you right now is that you don't want to focus too hard. You want to let the unfocused spaces become more intentional in their unfocusedness. So you're not trying to focus them. But you're trying to infuse new ideas into them, you're trying to infuse thoughts and inspiration about whatever it is that you're actually excited about and actually interested in. If you want to learn a new language, Gemini, this would be a great time, you know, to just I don't know, like put on some music in the background or like a podcast, you know, of people speaking in that language. You don't need to understand it, just listen to it, let it get into your unconscious mind. So this first full moon that I keep circling back to, a lot of stuff is coming up, there's a lot of like new ideas, new ways of thinking, and potentially, you've got a lot going on. And it's fine to have a lot going on. Infuse everything that's going on with more of what you want going on. There is some kind of process that you're beginning at this time that has to do with a review, with a reflection about what you're doing in the world and who you are in the world and how you want to be. In your more public presentations of yourself, in the way that you put yourself out, something is shifting. You have some new idea of an energy that you want to be bringing in. Some of you might be trying different things in your careers, some of you might be living into new ideas in some way, shape, or form. And there is a review period that you're beginning that is this kind of curious, seeking, review space and you really want to be open minded in it because you are at a precipice, I feel like, of some major breakthroughs and you have some big new ideas that are wanting to come to you. And because they're big new ideas, you haven't thought them yet so you can't prepare yourself by thinking old thoughts, you need to think new thoughts. And you need to prepare yourself for these big new ideas by letting go of the old thoughts and kind of like messing with your mind, messing with your habits, you know, putting stuff in there that's going to help instigate the kinds of thoughts you want to have. So if you want to learn a new language, listen to the language. If you want to learn a new skill, listen to tutorials on how to do it. You don't need to pay really close attention, you need to get it in your field of awareness. You're going to be in this review period for a while. And it has to do with something that you're doing in the world. Something that has to do with your career, some important projects, I don't know what it is. But this review period is important and it's important during this time that you are open to new ideas.


In the first week of August or so, really from the last few days of July into August 8 and 9, there is a lot of astral energy, a lot of stuff bouncing around for you. So many ideas, so many thoughts. Keep your mind open, don't need to fix on one thing. Play with ideas, play with thoughts, get other people to play with you, Gemini. Talk to people, make jokes about it, share it with your friends, read about it, scroll about it. Remember, it's not about focusing on something. It's about infusing your consciousness with influences that help you reach points of brilliance. You cannot control genius, you cannot ask it to do your bidding or come on your timing, genius and brilliance come when they are ready but you can prepare the space and that's what you want to be doing.


There's a new moon on August 8 and this is a powerful new moon for your attention and your intention. This is a powerful new moon for you to be working with the power of your mind. If you want to grow something in your life, focus on it, think about it, talk about it, read about it, write about it. If, you know, if—literally, it's like, that makes sense, right? If you want to learn how to grow plants, read a book on plants, talk to people about plants, think about plants, look at plants, you're going to figure out how to grow your frickin plants. If you want to do something, you gotta focus on it. There's the feeling right now that you are understanding that you are a genius. I hope you are understanding this, Gemini, you are brilliant. And when you apply your mind, when you apply it with, not rigid focus, but playful focus, so much genius comes through. So, new moon on August 8, let it be an honoring, a celebration, a ceremony for the power of your mind, and celebrate the new moon by absolutely infusing your day with everything you want to be thinking about. With everything that you're going, yes, that's a fascinating thought, yes, that's an interesting conversation, absolutely yes, that's what I want to be hearing on the radio so I am going to make that song myself. Whatever it is, whatever you want to fill your consciousness with, fill your day with it on August 8, set that new moon intention.


Then in the week and a half that follow as we finish out Leo season, more astral energy, a lot of stuff happening, a lot of stuff going on. The emphasis starts to shift a little bit for you. And in some ways, it becomes more personal and in some ways it becomes more public. But I feel like your energy moves into more of a focused space. And it feels like you're integrating and bringing things in and getting a little bit more quiet in some ways while you get more directive and other ways, while you understand more clearly how you want to be using your energy. This is a time when all of those thoughts that have been circling around and all the ways that you're infusing your consciousness with all this stuff you want to infuse it with, it starts to gel, some things start to crystallize, you're getting some ideas that it is easy to focus on them, you don't force the focus, you let it happen. Some of you during this time are really going through some important kind of situation in your home life, in your family life. It feels to me like you could be understanding how to take up space and how to feel your own power. It feels like you might be in some kind of new situation and you're recognizing the qualities of its newness and how you want to be there and new ways of being in this space or with these people or something like that. This emphasis also includes energy for you to be creative, to be expressive, to offer yourself to yourself and to the world in general.


And the last couple of days of Leo season from the 18 through the 22, this is a really interesting time for you. And it feels like again, this is more of an internal time, this is more of a personal space kind of feeling. You might be, mm...this word integrations just keeps coming. It feels like something is landing, something is settling. And it's settling and it's landing and it's integrating because you've been thinking about it, because you've been talking about it, because you've been playing with a lot of different ideas and something is breaking through and making sense in a new way.


And that takes us into the second of the two full moons that I mentioned at the beginning of the horoscope on August 22. This is the day that the sun moves into Virgo but just before it does, we have this full moon at the very last degree of Aquarius. And this is such a powerful full moon in your chart. And it is occurring at a place in your chart that is a place of decision. It's a place where we move from our ideas and beliefs and philosophies into action. It's where we really step into the power that we have, that each of us has as people in the world, we affect each other. You have an impact. You have an energy. You are you, you're a body. You have your own freakin gravity. You have your own center of gravity. You literally are a body that has a magnetic force. And then you're you and all your youness. And you're doing something and I don't know what it is. But that full moon on August 22, it feels like a really powerful full moon for you to get clear and aligned and focused and take something into action. So a lot of Leo season is just letting yourself be inspired, letting yourself be awash with new ideas, stimulating yourself to have new ideas, not landing on anything, doing the thing that the Gemini is good at doing, which is being a butterfly, being a hummingbird, being a bumblebee going from one flower to the next loving them all, right? It's like this thing dadada, oh it's so nice, right? As we get into the end of the month, it's not just one flower then the next, it's the whole garden. It's, oh, that little thing and that little thing and that little thing and that little thing that I was interested in, all at the same time, all at different times, it didn't seem to have anything to do with each other but I just wanted to think about them. Now they're coming together. You're getting the big picture. Oh, that—oh, aha! These aha moments is what I'm feeling in your charts. And this is a full moon to orient to those aha moments. And then to let them land in your body. There's a lot of power coming in at this full moon. In the Gemini chart this full moon is intensely personal feeling. It brings a ton of emphasis into the kind of spaces in your chart where you are your most personal, your most transparent, your most tender, your most vulnerable, your most real. And that is such a powerful place to initiate from. So the feeling that I'm getting is that, whew, lots of influences coming together, integrating in you, landing in you in such a way that it reminds you who you are and what you're here for and it sets you up for action. Action is coming next month with Virgo season. This month in Leo season is about the ideas, open your mind, make space for those new ideas, enjoy them.


I hope any or all of that is interesting and helpful for you. If you would like more astrology, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign where I go over all the major opportunities, challenges, and give suggestions for working with them in 2021. You can also check out the extended content subscription options that I have. In my extended content I offer month ahead calendars, worksheets, and tools for learning about astrology. I also host twice a month Zoom meetups only for my subscribers. I give a workshop, offer embodiment practices, I teach about astrology and how to do astrology, how to use your own chart for timing and all kinds of other things. The other Zoom meetup is a conversation space and a community space, always a really interesting, fascinating time full of lots of new ideas and cool people sharing them. You can subscribe by donation, you can find information about my extended content subscription and my Year Ahead Reports at You can also follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology where I post regular astro updates and musings. If you enjoy this work, please share it with your friends and networks. Subscribe, rate and review on your favorite listening platforms. And thank you so much if you have ever left a donation or tip for me, all of your financial offerings go directly to the production of these free offerings and me and the team that helps sustain me and this work. So thank you so much. Please leave a tip if you have it and you enjoy these horoscopes. I'm wishing you all the best in Leo season, Gemini, and beyond. Talk to you in Virgo season. Bye for now.


TAURUS Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)


CANCER Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)