CANCER Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)

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Do you really want what you say you want?
Prove it.
Put your thoughts into action.
Put your money where your mouth is.
This time is a test.
Say what you mean, mean what you say.
Your words carry weight.
Your intentions shape forms.


Hello Cancer, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Leo season, July 22 through August 22, 2021. This is a horoscope for Cancer sun and Cancer rising. Well we are leaving your season, Cancer season, and moving into Leo season. And there has been a progression of planetary energy moving between these signs all through the last several weeks and for the next couple of weeks. And this emphasizes a point in the year where there is a highlight on your personal development, your personal growth. And I think that some of the themes that are coming up in Leo season are kind of spotlights, they're magnifications on larger themes of 2021 in general. And I've spoken to these themes in most of your horoscopes throughout this year and certainly if you listen back to horoscopes from the beginning of the year, I was really emphasizing some of the major themes of 2021. And for you, these themes are intensely personal in a lot of ways they really have to do with aspects of your being that affect absolutely every area of your life that are quite deep. And I would say that this is your psychology, and particularly your psychology around relationship and how you come into connection with others and maintain those connections or don't or you know, what happens in the space of intimacy. I don't mean sexual intimacy only, I mean any intimacy, any proximity, any closeness, any kind of sustained contact with another person, where you're open energetically, where you might share anything, you know, whether that's information or money or some food, you know, like what happens in these spaces of exchange in your psychology, in your inner body, in your feeling body, in the depths of your being? And we all have programs there. You know, we've all been trained by our life experiences, and our families, and genetics, and cultures, and the myriad of traumas that are spiraling around the intersections of everything. And so when we're paying attention to these spaces of psychology, where we come into relationship with others, we really are unpacking a lot, you know—or maybe not unpacking, but wading through, trying to contend with a lot of stuff. There is a lot of stuff in that space. And a major theme for you right now throughout 2021 and into 22 is the unpacking. It is getting into that space and going, what the hell is in here? Who is talking? What are these programs that are running? Whose narratives am I repeating? What stories am I telling? How am I coming into exchange with others? What am I giving? What am I getting? What do I want to give and get? And you are working something out for yourself, you're clarifying something for yourself. And in Leo season, and certainly in Cancer season as well so for the last month and as we come into the new month or new season, there's a lot of focus on you, I think not on the relationship necessarily, but on you. So what are you experiencing? What are you feeling? What's going on in your world? How do you notice yourself changing? And as we come into Leo season, there is increased emphasis on your values. What do you think is important? And I'm asking that kind of generally, as like a general life question. What do you value? Because whatever it is you value, that's what you're going to work for. And just like intimacy, our values are often deeply shaped by other people's programs and other people's values and we might not even know, you know, whose values we're carrying around until we actually give it some time and space and think about it. And I think that that's in large part what this season is asking you to do is examine what it is that you value and what it is that you think you value and what it is that you say that you value and do you really value the things that you value or are you just saying and thinking that you value them because somebody told you once upon a time that you should or something like that.


So we begin Leo season with a full moon. And the full moon is always in the opposite sign so the opposite sign of Leo is Aquarius, and there are two full moons in Aquarius in Leo season. One right at the beginning, one right at the end. These full moons are very different in their energies and they bookend the entire 30 days of Leo season with their influences. They suggest that a lot of the restructuring and the repatterning work that is happening in 2021 is coming to some kind of critical space in Leo season. Again, this is a time of magnification and amplification of this year's themes in general. So Aquarius, for you, resides in this space of intimacy that I've been talking about. It is the ruler of your solar 8th house, if you're into studying astrology on Google or something like that. So when you're thinking about your astrology for this year, you are thinking about the influence of Aquarius and saturn's transit through Aquarius in your 8th house. And this is an influence of restructuring intimacy, of fortifying what bonds are healthy, of degrading and eliminating what bonds are no longer going to stand the test of time. And whatever you go through right now that has to do with your capacity for actual intimacy—and what I mean by actual intimacy, you gotta sort that out, what does that mean to you?—whatever you're going through right now will lead you ideally to that place, but not right now. You're getting tested right now. And there are necessary tests that will test your structures, it will test these, you know, whatever the practices are, whatever the bonds are, whatever the values are, whatever your enmeshments are, it's like you're going to get tested. When you show up for—I need, I'm trying, I'm looking for different words, and I don't have them. When you show up for energetic exchange, when you show up for intimacy, when you show up for the actual reality of a relationship, which is not whatever you call it, you know, it's not like, oh that's my boyfriend, or that's my friend friend, or that's my librarian, and it's like, no, that's a person. And you are in relationship with a person. And underneath the label, and underneath your names, and underneath the places where you think you're both coming from, you are both energetic beings and there is an energetic exchange that's happening. And within that exchange, you are getting tested, you are getting challenged. How are you showing up for your relationships right now? How are you showing up for yourself? Because you're the one in them? So how are you showing up for yourself? When I'm saying that there is an emphasis on your values over Leo season, this is a big part of, how are you showing up? What are you valuing? So if you are valuing a pleasant exchange and you're going well, you know, intimacy and relationship is "successful" when people are smiling and having a good time, then your value system is going to be based on a particular kind of performance, right? Like, you might not—you might miss really important parts of a relationship when somebody is sad because it freaks you out. You know, if your value system is a smile, then you're not going to see the value in a frown. And sometimes there's a lot of value there. Sometimes there's a lot of value in displeasure or grief. And if you give it space and time, then you get a lot back. You get intimacy, right, you get trust, you get process. So my question for you is, what are you valuing? Like, what do you think is important? What do you think you're investing in? What is your priority? Listen to yourself when you tell other people what you think is important and then question yourself around it and ask yourself like, is that actually what you're valuing in practice? Because we can all say like, oh, I value trust and transparency, right? And then we get into relationships and we get an opportunity to be transparent we shut right the hell down. So are you actually practicing valuing whatever you say your values are when it comes to the spaces of exchange? That's a test for you this month. And it's a test for you to show up in the ways that you think that you want to. And it's a test for you to examine whether your values are actually accurate for you right now, because maybe you think you're valuing something, and it's actually not really what you want to be doing, you know, and you're like, well, I really value a smile, but I feel fucking cranky. And here I am just always smiling but nobody sees me and I don't feel supported, you know, it's like, well, that's your problem. You know, because you're valuing the smile instead of the frown, like let people see your frown, there's value in that. This is all an example, I don't know if you're smiling or frowning, but I hope you get the gist. So this first full moon is bringing just a lot of stuff at you. And it feels like you're getting a ton of information, you're getting some challenge, you're getting some tests, you might be in a tizzy, you know, you might kind of feel like whoa, like, I don't even know where I am or what I want or what I value or what's going on. You might feel not that overwhelmed but also still tested. Kind of a blank, kind of like, okay, do I, you know, what am I—what's happening here? It's like there's a feeling of tension and suspense with this full moon and it feels like a lot of stuff that you've been working on in your relationships meets a test. And it meets a test of your endurance, it meets a test of your commitment, it meets a test of your maturity and your actual competence. And then, over the next couple of weeks, you're working it.


The last couple of days of July, there's more and more emphasis for you to really be thinking about, what are you giving? What are you getting? And think about that on all levels. Don't think about it just like practical, tangible, like, okay, you're giving four hours of your time you're getting $40 or something like that. Think about it also energetically, think about it psychically, think about it spiritually. What are you giving? What are you getting? What are you open to receiving? What are you blocking? What are you pushing on other people? And they might not even want it. What are they asking for? Are you giving it? Can you listen? You know, it's like in the subtle spaces, what is going on? And how are you communicating about it? And how can you tune in in different ways? And you're going to be renegotiating something for yourself, I think over the next couple of months and working to clarify for yourself what you've been thinking that you want. You want to put it into practice. And you might need to redo some things. And so if you're thinking that you know, you want to do something with your life and that's what you've been moving towards, then over the next couple of months you're still moving towards that goal, but it might feel a little bit like you have to take a little bit of a detour, you might have to take a side road for a while and figure something out about your map and like where you're going and then you're going to get there. And there is a need for you to be patient right now and there's also a need for you to be reflective and really willing to look at pretty core issues I would say around like attachment to outcome and what you think you're entitled to, what you want, again, what you value, what you think is really important for you, and to assess for yourself where these feelings are outdated, where they are accurate and needing you to shore up on them, where they are super inspirational for you and you really want to put a lot of work into them. It's like, get clear for yourself in this space that can often seem quite unclear, which is this like murky space of our connections with one another. Because in the space of our connections with one another is everything. It's like literally everything. It's how you earn money. It's how you have a family. It's how you form friendships. It's how you take care of your health. It's how you trust the world in general. It's like everything. Because we live in a relational world where we really need other people for the most part. Everything happens in the space of relationship and you want to be present in that space, you don't want to be operating in some purely mental conceptual plane where you think that you're doing one thing but then the actual reality is that you're doing something else. So how can you get really present with your energy right now? This is a test for you, it's a question. It's an invitation you can have exactly what you want, this is a great month for manifesting what you want and bringing it in and saying yes to abundance and all that. But there's also a need to be patient because it's not coming all at once. There are—there's some kind of process that you're going through.


Now the first week or so of August, from July 31 until the new moon on August 8, there is a ton of astral energy, there are a lot of contacts between the personal planets, the outer planets. And in these contacts, it feels like you're going through some kind of rapid growth process. It feels like you are having a lot happening in the kind of harder to reach places in your psyche, in your deep psyche, in your unconscious, in your dream space maybe. A lot is circulating and swirling around. You may be having interactions that are bringing a lot of information, you may be just kind of full of it yourself, you may be feeling really affected by the world, this is like, a lot is going on in the world, you know, and especially when it comes to how we relate with others like wow, you know, a lot of people are really having a moment, you know, and coming to some pretty profound realizations about their relationships based on what's happening in the world around them. And so I don't know what's going on for you in this week but it feels like a lot is happening and this question of, what are you communicating? What are you giving? What are you getting? What are you asking to receive? What are you offering? How are you tuning in to the actual reality of something, not just your concept of it? These are big questions for this week.


And then as we get into the new moon on August 8, this is a really interesting new moon that is kind of, you know, the crux of the challenge that you're in right now when it comes to like values and what you value. This is a new moon to really get clear for yourself, what do you value and what are you investing in and what are you trying to invest in? Because if you want to build something in your life, that means you have to invest in it. You have to invest your time, your attention, and your focus, your money, your resources, etc. And you want to make sure that you're making good investments, that you're making sound investments, that you are investing in, first of all, whatever, you know, whatever it is that you're trying to create in your life, that that's actually accurate, you know, that that's the thing that you want, that that matches your values, right, that you are aligned with your own values. And then secondly, you want to consider your investments. Are you making good investments? You know, are you being really committed to your like weekly deposits of $25 in your savings account that is going to allow you to start that business next year? You know, are you putting in the time, are you putting in the energy? If you are not actually making the investments, you're not doing the work. So you have to make it happen for yourself, whatever it is you're trying to do right now. In the Cancer charts there's a lot that's going on, you know, you're trying to like, I don't know, be in this new way in the world. I think you're really orienting towards, like some new options for your future, you're doing some massive reworking in your relationship realms, your intimacy realms, your spiritual growth, and like life philosophies are in a big state of transition and expansion. And I don't even get to see your personal chart so I don't know what's going on for you there, I'm just looking at the solar chart and you got a lot of stuff going on. And I think that there is a lot that you are trying to create for yourself right now. And you can create it if you show up for the work. You have to make the investment, you have to be serious about it. If you're not serious about it and you're not showing up for the work, it won't happen for you. As much as you positively think about it and like do your manifestation rituals, if you're not actually putting in tangible work for whatever it is that you want, you're not going to get it. So however, you know, whatever it is that you're thinking about with these words, think about what does the practice of investment look like for you? So if you are investing in something that you want to build over time, and that's the sense that I get, you're not going to throw in all of your money tomorrow, you know, you're going to go okay, like, what's my long term goal? What's reasonable for me? Like what are my other expenses? What do I need to take care of? How much can I realistically invest? You know, like, and maybe I need to work a little harder in order to do that. But what's possible for me? And then do the thing that's reasonable, right, like be practical, set yourself up for success. Don't get into a fuss thinking that you have to do everything tomorrow. You're building something that is going to take time, you're working things out in your life that need to take time, you're restructuring, you're repatterning, you're filtering through a lot of old programming—we all are, you are not alone in trying to filter out all this old programming. So just be patient. Be patient with yourself, be patient with the world, be patient with the people around you, and get clear about what you are trying to invest in and how you can do that in a way that is reasonable for yourself, for what you know your own capacity to be.


Then these last 10 days or so of Leo season, we get another big flux of astral energy, a lot of contacts between the personal planets and the outer planets, mercury and venus both changing signs. And this brings even more emphasis into your communications. This brings even more emphasis into the way that you hold the space for who you want to be in the world. This brings even more emphasis into you being in practice with whatever it is that you want to be in practice with. And so when it comes to communications, mercury moving into Virgo on August 11, this is a big boost for you. It gives you words, it gives you language, it might help you formulate your ideas of reasonable investment and get a plan together or figure out some piece of what you've been trying to figure out. When venus moves into Libra on August 15, you are supported to fortify and attend to your personal space, to your personal power, to your body, to your home space. It helps you settle into some kind of a state of receptivity, I think, that helps you do this work of investing in whatever it is that you want to invest in.


The last couple days of Leo season, August 18 through 22, bring in a lot of powerful focusing energy as we get into the second full moon in Aquarius, which is on the 22. So between the 18 and the 22, this is a very relationally oriented time for you. This time highlights communication, it highlights the need for you to be discerning in your communication, for you to be tactful, and for you to be careful. Choose the right words, listen carefully. If you're sending written communications, go over it at least three times, get a friend to read it, make sure that you are being clear. You do not want to send out unclear communications at this time. Those could potentially result in problems for you. You do want to communicate, I think there's something that is getting articulated, but you really want to be careful in how you use your language. It is important that you are impeccable with your word because your word is what manifests and if you want to create something in the world, first thing that you do is you set the intention, you think about it, you articulate it. Then you start talking about it, right. And as soon as you build language around a feeling, as soon as you have a concept that's there, then you have a framework, then you can organize people around it, then you can build the thing. Your word is your power. Use your power wisely. These last couple of days of Leo season bring a lot of emphasis into relationships. I've been talking in your horoscopes for a—I haven't even been doing this podcast for a decade but you've been in it for 12 years now, 13 years now, some kind of radical transformation in how you feel yourself in your capacity as a relational person. And you're reaching the end of this period of transformation. You are a way different person than you were 10 years ago, that is for sure. And how you want to be in relationships is fucking way different than how you wanted to be in relationships 10 years ago. And you've been really working to reshape them, to reform them, to transform yourself in them. And these last couple of days it's like, you know, this is it, like you're getting tested, it's like okay, well here's an opportunity. I don't know what it is you're trying to do in the world, in your relationships—the whole world is relationships so don't just think about partnerships or romances or friends or anything like that. Think about work, think about children, think about your health. Again, this is about energy. How energy meets energy. When you are interacting with other human beings, what are you bringing into that interaction? What are you saying yes to? What are you saying no to? What does your energy communicate? Be clear in your energy, be clear in your words, and be clear about what you want because you can have what you want but you need to be clear about what it is.


Okay, I'm gonna leave it there for now. I hope any or all of that is helpful for you. If you want more astrology, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign where I go over all of the major themes, opportunities, and challenges for 2021 with suggestions for how to work with them. Those readings are discounted now to 50% as we are over halfway through the year, and you can find them at in the horoscope section. On my website, you can also find information about my extended content subscription. That's a pay what you can subscription that gets you access to my extended monthly calendars as well as tools and worksheets for learning about astrology in your chart. Subscribers also get access to my twice a month Zoom meetups, one of which is a workshop where I offer an embodiment practice and tips for applying astrology in your chart for the month. The second of which is a conversational community space that is always really rich and really inspiring and we would love to have you there. Other ways to support this work include sharing it with your friends and networks, subscribing, rating and reviewing on your listening platforms and of course, leaving a tip. Your financial donations are so appreciated and help sustain these free offerings. Thank you so much. I'm wishing you all the best in Leo season and beyond. Bye for now.


GEMINI Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)


CANCER Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)