CANCER Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

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What is this new idea you have
for your life and your becoming?
Where will you go, who will you be?
Let the dreams, visions, and longings linger
a little while longer.
Trust that their somatic sensations
and whispering intuitions
will reveal the path forward, soon.


Hello, Cancer. Welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Cancer Season, June 20 through July 22 in 2021. My name is Renee, I'm the astrologer here at Embodied Astrology. I'm a somatic educator and intuitive as well as an astrologer. And so as I tune in with your charts, I'm going to do my best to just give you a clear reading with what is coming up for me in my sensation, in my intuition, as I look at this chart for Cancer, the solar chart for Cancer in Cancer Season. Please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Take what works, leave the rest. Make the meaning that's most meaningful for you. I always recommend that folks listen to horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section.


Alright, well, happy birthday, for those of you who are Cancer suns. Happy solar year for you Cancer rising folks. Welcome to Cancer Season, if you have other Cancer placements. This is a big season. There's a lot that's coming up. And this is a big year. 2021 is a big year, and it's a big year for the Cardinal signs and Cancer is one of those signs. And yeah, as I'm tuning in with your chart for the season, I am just feeling kind of the enormity of life and all that life brings us. I'm feeling the big questions of what it means to be alive and what it means to inhabit a lifetime. And the mystery that's wrapped around life and lifetimes. Have we been here before? Will we be here again? Why are things happening and the ways that they are? Sometimes things feel so karmic and predestined, and sometimes they feel so confusing and out of the blue, and what are we supposed to do with all of it? And as I tune in with your chart, I'm asking myself those questions. There's a big question around what does it mean to be alive? What does it mean to occupy your life? And as we move into Cancer Season, it feels like this is a big question for you. I have a sense that you have a sense of what it means to be alive and occupy your life and that over the last couple of weeks or months, somewhat recently, that there may have been the sense of some kind of expansion, like a new opening into your life, into a feeling of what it means to be alive and to occupy this space that is your life. How do you want to take up this space, what brings you joy? What serves your vital energy? What is authentic in your expression? And the expression that you give to your life is, of course, very conditioned and conditional, there are all the conditions that you have to work within and, of course, so much that you can't not contend with or you can't avoid. And your personal expression and the way that you express yourself in your life is totally up to you. What are you going to do with this one and precious life? There is some feeling of expansion, there's some feeling of new opportunity, of a new idea when I feel into your chart, and yet this new idea isn't quite yet ready to manifest. It feels like there are some important pieces to take care of. And what are these pieces? Well, these pieces could have a lot to do with trust, with intimacy, with agreements, with working things out with yourself or with the people who matter. This could have something to do with money, with resourcefulness, with being able to move into whatever this new chapter is, supported and the ways that you need to feel supported. My sense is that there is still some kind of figuring out that needs to happen. And this figuring out feels deep, it feels personal, potentially interpersonal, but whew, like there's a lot to work through and that you may be working through things on the emotional level, on the logistics and practical level, and also in the conceptual level, on the cerebral level, like how do you wrap your mind or how do you and your collaborators wrap your minds around whatever it is that you're trying to do next. From now until the end of the year, pretty much, there is a feeling of figuring it out. How are you going to do the thing that you want to do? Because it, again, it feels like you have this new vision, it feels like there's some new opportunity, some new expansion, some new idea about how you want to live your life and what you want to do in this space. And you have to prepare for it. And so the next couple of months are very much about this preparation. As we move into Cancer Season, it feels to me like there has been some kind of shift and this shift for you is in a pretty deep place and it feels like it's an intuitive shift for you, or a psychic shift, or an energetic shift. This is a shift that is necessary in order to make the physical shifts that you want to make. This is the inner shift that precedes the physical shift, that precedes the more outward moving externalized shift. You've made some kind of shift inside of yourself. It may be that you recognize something that was true for you, it may be that you recognize something that was untrue, it may be that there have been new feelings that have come up for you or new information that has led to new feelings or new thoughts. But I feel like recently, fairly recently, you have come to some kind of new space in your consciousness and in your awareness. And Cancer Season is a time when this new consciousness starts to really make itself felt for you in more and more ways.


So, as we move into the season, my sense is that there's a lot that's shifting in your inner body. When I say your inner body, I'm talking about your subtle energetics, your emotions, but I'm also talking about literally your inner body, your somatic space. And this could represent itself in actual physical feelings. And so for example, you might go to the coffee shop you've gone to every single morning for the last six years, and this internal shift has happened and you walk into the coffee shop next week and your body is going, I don't want to be here anymore. I want that other coffee shop down the street. It's a feeling like that, it's like in your body, there's a knowing of what the shift is. And when I talk about there's a subtle energetic shift that has not yet become externalized or manifest, this is kind of what I'm talking about. It's like something is shifting inside of you. It's too deep to really know or to articulate in a very, like straightforward or linguistic way right now. But over the next several weeks, it will become more and more apparent to you. And it will become apparent in your energy, in your preferences, in your somatic space, as well as in your thoughts and ideas and conversations.


There's a full moon on June 24 in your opposite sign Capricorn. This is a full moon that really wants to help you move towards whatever the shift is, this next step in your life adventure with other people. And you in your relationships with others are also making a shift and I think that this is a big part or piece of the shift that you're making. For several years now in your horoscopes, I've been talking about the transformation you're going through in your partnerships and your relationships. And this full moon feels like a magnification of that transformation and a time when you really feel and see and know what this transformation is about for you. Because, as I said, it's been several years, it's been over a decade now that you've been working your relational realm. And you're getting to the end of something. You're getting to the end of figuring something out about how you want to do relationships, how you want to do partnerships, how you want to be with yourself in the company of others, and especially in the company of others that you have agreements with to continue being in company. And this is a full moon that I think either brings some of those lessons forwards or gives you a reminder or gives you—I mean, I hope that this is what it is—it gives you a very clear example of the work that you've done and how much space you've cleared for yourself and for this next piece of whatever it is that you want to be doing. So at the full moon around the 24th there could be issues with partners or with important relationships that arise and when I say partners, I mean anyone you're partnering with on any level, that includes business partners, it includes people you're contracted with for like one assignment. It also includes life partners and spouses or something like that. So around the 24th just know that there is increased energy in the relational realm and in your partnerships and there could be some powerful tension, especially leading up to the full moon with these people or inside of yourself in regards to them, or in regards to the concept of what they represent you in relationship. What does this mean? What do you want? What are you moving towards? Again, there's been some energetic shift. You sense an opening of some kind. You want to move towards that opening. Are you moving towards that opening with your partners? Are you moving towards that opening, not with them? Is there some kind of agreement or restructuring or conversation that needs to be had? I don't know. But these couple days around the full moon are asking you to pay attention to what you know about yourself in relationship now. What you know now that you didn't know a year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago. You have learned so much about who you are and who you are in relationship and who you want to be and who you want to be with. Hold that up for yourself. Have integrity with what it is that you know, especially around this full moon, and be in integrity with others. Don't be a jerk, you know, if you feel like there's a shift that needs to get made, you've learned something about boundaries and speaking boundaries, you don't need to do that Cancer thing where you throw up a really hard shell and get super sensitive and withdrawn internally.  What's the more mature opportunity here for you to make the shifts that you need in your relationships? If shifts are being made in your relationships, and you're like, at the whim of them, and you're going, Oh okay, okay, this is an opportunity for you to take care of yourself emotionally, to do that internal self care work so that you can meet the changing circumstances of your life with grace. This is definitely a period of time where you, you really want to be attending to yourself and attending to your inner integrity, and behaving in ways that you will be proud of in the future.


Between the full moon and the new moon, and of course, the new moon will be in your sign in Cancer, there are two really fucking intense weeks. Really intense, okay? Like, there's a lot of astrology in those two weeks that just really rile up some energy. For some folks, these two weeks are going to be like the two weeks that they remember forever as like, remember those two weeks, you know, in the summer of 2021, or maybe you're not in the Northern Hemisphere, maybe it's the winter, but it's like, yeah, that was amazing, right? Like, some people are gonna have the time of their life in these two weeks, some people it’s going to feel like absolute hell, and for most of us it's probably going to be somewhere in between, but we will be riding the waves of some intensity. So for you, my friends, here's how I feel the intensity. You are trying to figure something out. You have this idea of some kind of shift you want to make. This is an energetic shift, it probably has to do with multiple areas of your life, not just one, though, there may be one or a few very specific focal points. This is also a global, you know, in terms of your body, like a whole body, a whole being energetic shift. You're trying to figure out how you're going to support and sustain this shift for yourself. This might be a time when you are very concentrated on attaining, accumulating, and building resource for yourself. This resource could be confidence, this resource could be self esteem, this resource could be self love, or self worth. These resources could be skills that you already have, that you now are learning are valuable or are more valuable, or you can pursue their value in different ways. These resources might be financial, material, practical resources as well. In these two weeks between full moon and new moon, between June 24 and July 9, there's a lot of emphasis on how are you going to have the thing that you need? Whether it's confidence or courage or self love or enough money or the right connections or something like that. How are you going to have the thing that you need in order to do the things that you want to do? In these two weeks, I just want to prepare you for some ups and downs. Okay, ride the waves and focus on what you want to grow. Focus on what you want to see get bigger, get stronger, get more accentuated in your life and in your own being. If there are talents that you have that you have not already pursued, you know building upon, now is the time to do it. If you're trying to figure out how to make more money, now is the time to do it. If you're trying to figure out how to disentangle yourself from unhealthy relationships and, you know, get in with people who are going to treat you right and love you well, now is the time to do it. Now is the time to really believe in your worth and in your value and to ask your life to support that and to look at how you are shaping your life, and where are you not supporting your worth? Where are you not supporting your value? Now would be a time to clearly, you know, like identify some shifts that need to get made in order for you to feel more supported and more valued first by yourself and then by others around you.


On July 9, there's a new moon in your sign, this is a new moon at 18 degrees Cancer, so if your sun or rising is close to that new moon, this is a powerful one to pay attention to. This is a new moon that aspects all of the outer planets, and so there's a feeling here of kind of an immense energetic charge, there could be a lot going on in the world right now. There's, I mean, it's 2021. There's a lot going on in the world, you don't need an astrologer to tell you that right. So this is a new moon where especially as a Cancer identified person, you could feel the enormity, the intensity, and the immensity of what's happening in the world. I would really encourage you to take some time for yourself around this new moon. If you have a life that allows it, if you could take the full three days of the new moon, the 8th, 9th, and 10th to kind of just go on like a mini retreat by yourself that would be rad. If your life does not allow that, find half an hour or an hour to yourself on July 9 to just chill, to just tune in with yourself, tune in with your heart. Cancer in medical astrology rules the chest, the breasts, the stomach, and the lining of the lungs, the fluid lining of the lungs, and it co-rules in the womb. You can have a womb regardless of your genitals and reproductive organs. So around the new moon, bring attention to your inner body, hold your actual physical body, love your body, breathe into your body. If there are tears there, express those tears. Your sign is one that does not do well when you try and hold emotions in. It feels to me like those two weeks between the full moon and the new moon could really bring a lot to the surface. And at this new moon, you might really need to release something so please do if that's the feeling that you have.


On July 11th, Mercury moves into your sign just for a couple of weeks until August 12. This gives you support in articulating the shift that you want to be making, in articulating it to yourself as well as to the people who matter in regards to this shift. Before July 9, I don't know if you're quite ready to articulate what it is and I want to say that I've been talking about a subtle energy shift. Give yourself some time like these—those kind of first two, two and a half weeks of Cancer Season, just ride those waves. Do the inner work, if you need to have the conversations, have the conversations. But after the 11th or 12th or so of July, I think you're much more equipped and supported to think about, talk about, make plans, figure out the logistics, etc. of whatever it is that you're trying to do.


Okay, I'm gonna leave it there for now. I hope any or all of that is helpful and interesting for you in this season. If you would like more astrology from me, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign that goes over all the major opportunities and challenges of this year. We're halfway through the year so I've discounted those readings by 50%. You can find them at in the horoscopes section. If you want to learn more about working with astrology and working with your own chart, sign up to become an extended content subscriber with me. You can subscribe by donation at any amount and you'll get access to my month ahead calendar, worksheets, different tools to help you learn Astro, as well as my twice a month subscriber only Zoom meetups, the first of which is a workshop where I offer an embodiment practice and tools for interpreting astrology with your chart for the upcoming month. The second of which is a community conversational q&a space and we would really love to have you there. You can also find more information on Astro from me by following me on Instagram @embodiedastrology. If you enjoy this work, please help support it. The best way to do that is sharing with your friends and networks, subscribing, rating, and reviewing, giving great reviews on iTunes podcasts. And of course, your tips and donations are so appreciated and support the production of this work. Wishing you all the best in Cancer Season and beyond. Much love and bye for now.


CANCER Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)


LEO Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)