ARIES Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)

Now is the time to be courageously honest.
Where are you going and what do you want?
Make choices that support your vision.
It’s time to cut out and clear away
habits, projects, expectations, and relationships
that pull you down and keep you stuck.


Hello, Aries. Welcome. Thanks for tuning in to Embodied Astrology. You are listening to your horoscope for Sagittarius Season, November 21st through December 21st in 2021. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and a consulting astrologer. And this reading is an intuitive interpretation of your charts for Sagittarius season. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition and make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. I might be coming up with ideas or use certain language that doesn't totally hit for you. So just notice what you're associating to and trust that. Take what works and leave the rest. I always suggest that folks tune in with horoscopes for their Sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you prefer to read rather than listen.


Alright, so Sagittarius Season begins as we're in the middle of two eclipses. There's an eclipse on November 19th and another eclipse on December 3rd. And eclipse times are notoriously times that feel kind of wild. There's a lot of energy. A lot of people could just be noticing increased energy in their bodies, in their minds, in the atmosphere, and in the world. These tend to be times that can be kind of chaotic, where things might be changing very suddenly, or things are coming up and highlighting the need for change whether or not they're changing in that present moment. There's, you know, flags, warning flags coming up and going like, hey, this is not sustainable, this needs to change, or wow, like you want to go in that direction, how do you orient that way.


And so as we begin the season, there is a lot of energy for change. What is getting emphasized is the need for you to, I would say, do some work with your values and your self-esteem. So number one, and I think that this has been a theme off and on for the last several years, and it's certainly been a big part of the astrology that's been going on in 2021 so far, but as we get into November, this is a theme that amps up and over the course of the next two years, it's like you've got to pay attention to this. So first and foremost, your self-esteem. If you are not confident, if you're feeling insecure, if you're feeling self-hating, first of all, we all go through it, you know, we live in a world that is basically designed to make us hate ourselves so that we'll buy more shit. That's how marketing and capitalism work. That's how like, governments have control over people is like, make you feel fearful and stuff like that. It's like, that's not your fault. But it is your need and definitely, definitely your need right now to change that for yourself.


So where are the holes? Where are the cracks in your aura? How do you allow self-negating ideas to come into your psyche and into your space? Because the ways that you don't trust yourself, that you don't like yourself, that you think that you're not good enough, that you think that you can't have what you want. Also, I think adjacent, not totally in the same sphere as like, self-hatred or low self-worth is scarcity. And so issues around like, there's not enough for me, I can't have what I want, I don't deserve this thing or ideas about, you know, like, oh, it's bad for me to want this or things like that. If these kinds of thoughts and sensations are coming up for you, it is time for you to work on them. Because what happens is, when you allow these thoughts and sensations to move in the ways that they do, and my sense is is that they're moving there anyway, like this is part of what's happening in the unconscious realm, you get into weird shit with people. And your relationships end up feeling codependent, they end up feeling entangled, they're unnecessarily dramatic, people can attack you, they can manipulate you, you become attacking and manipulative, you don't act in the ways that you want to with the people in your life that are most valuable to you or that you, you know, relationships that you want to nurture. It also really affects your capacity to get what you actually want. And so if you're trying to build a life for yourself or sustain a life for yourself, when you're feeling like you can't have what you want, or you're not worth it, or whatever, it completely blocks your sense of opportunity and possibility. And then you get into a space where it's like, well, you know, I can't have that, like, there's not enough of that in the world, and it's not for me, and then I'll just like, take what I can get, you know, and like you collapse in on yourself.


You have got to see the abundance in the world, but you especially need to see what abundance is in you. And it feels like this first eclipse in November is really trying to show you where your self-esteem gets knocked off center. And so if things are happening around that time that are making you feel unstable and insecure, and like you don't have what you need, or something like that, work on those feelings, like really try and work on yourself, you know. Like, I know that the world is unstable, I know that there's very real scarcity concerns and they are real, they are tangible, I'm not trying to tell you to like, bypass them or imagine your way out of them. What I am trying to say is that there is abundance within you, and that is the abundance of your spirit. And you have a connection to the planet, you have a connection to the Earth. You breathe air, air is abundant around you. Look out at the sky, the sky is vast. Look at a tree, see how many leaves there are. You know, look at the ocean, see how big the ocean is. Don't entertain scarcity mindsets. Work towards an abundance mindset, not in a bypass-y way, but in a way that can support you to feel steady and stable in yourself, and that can help you move in the direction that you want to move in your life. And it is absolutely imperative for you throughout Sagittarius Season to keep your vision moving forward. Where are you trying to go in your life? And what are the emotional states that are holding you back from going there? And it feels to me like there's insecurity, there's fear, probably fear of loss and like, I'm not good enough kinds of feelings. And there might be some weird emotional entanglements that are not helping you grow in the direction that you want to grow. And they either need to get cleared up, or you need to cut those cords.


Now Sagittarius Season is highlighting what could be somewhat related. I'm not sure if it is or not, for some of you. But over the last year and a half, like you've been working on something, and it feels like you have been trying to be more social, maybe making new connections. And like, you have certain ideas about how you're going to be in the world. And you have some kind of — it feels like you had some kind of vision, and you were like, this is going to be great, I'm going to go do this thing, and it's going to be — you know, it's like you were like, yay, like, I'm gonna go do this thing. Think back to June of 2020, what was happening for you then that felt expansive, that felt like it was bringing you into contact with new people, it might have felt like you were having, I don't know, just like the capacity to have different kinds of interactions. But there may have also been some kind of component around a vision that you had for something in particular, and you were like, if I, you know, this project, if I do this project, it's going to be amazing, or like this new friend that I have like, they're going to be this thing or something like that. And over the last year and a half, you've been engaging with whatever this space is.


And as we get into December, it's very clear that something about your guiding philosophy around whatever this place has been like, needs to shift. And I think you're letting go of old ideas that feel like ideas that you were holding very dearly. And so it could have been like, ideas about the kind of person that you are or what it is that you want in your life. Or some of you may have been hard at work on some kind of like, school project or writing project or publishing project or you might have been studying something. And as we — it's like, you might not be totally changing. But there's a sense here that something is shifting in how you're thinking about this and you have to let go of some old ideas, you have to let go of some old philosophies. And as you let go of them, what is helping you let go of them and what's actually emphasizing the need for you to let go of them is the feeling of this piece around self-worth and value and like, what's actually going to be sustainable for you and what do you really need?


So if you've been working really hard on something over the last year and a half, and then you're like, oh my God, I'm totally exhausted, like, I need more rest, you know, this could be a kind of example. Or if you've been engaging with some way of being over the last year and a half, and you're like, wow, you know, this is not what I thought it was going to be, like, why did I think that this was what I wanted? I need to look at actually what my desires are, like, where, what — what am I trying to get? And there's this feeling that I have of like, what are you actually hungry for, you know, what are you really wanting to manifest and grow and feed and invest in? And it's — it's different than what you thought it was going to be. And it doesn't mean that it's totally, drastically has to change, but certain elements need to change.


And then as we get into middle of December, push is coming to shove. It's like, you have to change this thing or you have to put these final touches on something. It's like you want to get something out the door, you're looking for some kind of completion. So I'll recommend that around the solar eclipse that you try and relax, okay? Like, eclipse times are notoriously really activating and they're not good times to think that we know where we're going. They're better times to just kind of watch what's happening around us and like, what messages is the universe trying to give me right now.


But then, as you roll out of eclipse season, I would say, like, do some work with yourself around your belief systems. And particularly, like, what you believe is possible for you. Like, what you believe is possible for your life. Because it feels like there's something that wants to get worked out around — worked out in you right now around possibility and like, what you've been trying to grow, what you think you've been moving towards, and it needs to get refined, and you need to get deeper and more into your body about it. You've been in your head about something. Gosh, I've been talking in circles the whole time, and now I'm like, oh, okay, now it's landing. It's like you've been in your head about whatever it is. You've been up in your head, you've been like, this is this idea, it's going to be great, blah, blah, blah, lots of things going on, chatty, chatty in your mind. And something is landing for you right now that's like, pay attention to your body. Pay attention to your actual needs. Pay attention to your capacity. What, at the essence, is the thing that you have been trying to get? And distill that down and make it simple. If you've been making something too complicated and you've been having a whole bunch of ideas about it, like, how do you make it really simple? What is the essence of the thing? You want to build a framework that is sustainable in the long term. And it feels like as you get into the middle of December, this is becoming clearer and clearer for you. Less is more right now for you. Simple is better. Don't try and pack your life with a million different things. Don't try and make, you know, one situation hold everything. Some of you are, again, like in some kind of important completion cycle right now with something that you've been working on for a while and you need to pare it down, you need to make it more simple, and the way that you're working needs to get more simple.


December 18th, there is a Full Moon. And this is a Full Moon that is highlighting your mind and, to a certain extent, your communications. This is a Full Moon that you can take advantage of when you are making new connections, when you're learning about things that you want to learn about, and when you are thinking about your future. This is a really good time for you to be thinking about your future. Now, this is a Full Moon that is going to boost your mental energy. And as you move towards that Full Moon, and then in the couple days preceding it, so maybe from like, the 15th till the 20th or something like that, you might have a lot of thoughts, and your mind might be really busy. I'm feeling like in general, your chart right now wants you to be less mental. And so what I'm going to say about this Full Moon is that it could be coming with a lot of mental energy, you might even feel really excited and high with this energy, keep coming into your body, like keep grounding it. If you start to feel like, oh my God, this possibility and that possibility, and I could do this, and I could do that or something like that. That's cool, you know, write a list for yourself. Don't jump into action and planning right away. Let it settle for some time.


Because after the Full Moon, you begin a review process. And that review process is going to take you until the end of January. And this is a period of time when, again, less is more. You need to get really simple about something. And it has to do with a life direction. It might be something that you're working on, some kind of project. It could be specifically about certain relationships. For some of you, it might be very career related. But it feels like from mid-December until the end of January, you are really thinking about, okay, what needs to be here and what doesn't need to be here. You have got to trim the excess. Less is more, less is more, less is more.


We're approaching the solstice on December 21st and this is a period of intensification. There's a lot of change energy that comes around solstices, and especially because we're working with eclipses, there's a lot of different forces that are moving through all of us right now that are trying to send us in new directions. And that means that old directions have either got to shift, or we have to cut cords, or it's like we gotta learn those lessons and be done and on to the next thing. I'm really getting this for you. And if you are feeling like certain projects, certain people, certain ways of being are taking more energy than they're giving, are creating more stress for you than they are creating nourishing life-giving joy, you could give it a couple of weeks but I would say if like that experience hasn't shifted for you by the end of January, you need to be done. And I think that this is going to be a major period of review for you of like, what needs to go, what needs to be let go. And you're kind of like, in the depths of something and it does feel a little bit like a crisis moment for some of you. And, you know, crisis is relative, it's like, I've certainly felt like I've been in a crisis that a couple years later like, I look back and I'm like, really? Like, why were you so worked up? But when we're in these experiences, when we're in the thick of it, it's just — it can feel so real. And it's also like a very powerful moment of psychic growth, right, and spiritual growth.


So as we get out of Sagittarius Season and into Capricorn Season, as we move through the solstice, this theme that I started off talking about and that has been present all year that has to do with you resourcing yourself, you know, you feeling competent in yourself, like, number one, you need to feel like you're worth it, you know? Absolutely first, you know, base level foundation, you have to feel like you are worth it. You need to love yourself, you need to feel like you can be stable in yourself. I think you've been trying to figure out some resources like how to literally maybe sustain yourself in some ways or how to reorganize your relationship to resource, to sustenance. You're trying to figure out what your actual needs are, what your actual desires are. And the solstice is going to push these focal areas back into view.


You start the month here and then — or, you start the season, Sagittarius Season, and then you end the season here with this being really highlighted. What is the direction that you are moving in your life? Are you eating the food that will let you grow into the person that you want to be? If you're going in that direction, are you paddling the right way? You know, like, I've got this image right now of like, being in a kayak, right, and only paddling on one side or paddling stronger on one side than the other, and slowly moving off course. Like, be brutally honest with yourself. This is a time to be brutally honest with yourself. What is the direction that you want to move in? What do you actually want? What are you really trying to cultivate? Get out of the circumstantial, like — you don't need to be into all the details right now, you need to be in the essence of it. What is the feeling of it? And once you know what that feeling is, then look at your life and ask yourself questions about all of your relationships. Ask yourself questions about how you're relating to time, energy and money, your major resources. Ask yourself questions about food and self-care. Are you making choices that allow you to move in the direction that you think you're moving? And if, in your inventory, you realize, like, you know what, every single day, I'm like, eating a whole bunch of processed sugar. And we know that it's like, sugar isn't good for attention. And I love the sugar, but I've — you know, like I'm not able to pay attention in a sustained way. And I know that if I don't eat that, that I'll be able to pay better attention, then you have to make that shift. Like, this is a time to clear what is not working for you. Because you're going in some direction and you want to make sure that you get there. And if you don't check in and do the inventory now, then in months from now, you're going to feel like, oh my God, I just wasted so much energy. And you don't want to feel like that. And so it may be hard to stop eating the sugar, you might have a couple of weeks of headaches and bad cravings and feeling really pissed off, but you know what, that craving will pass. And it's the same thing with relationships. It's the same thing with projects. It's the same thing with all kinds of stuff. It's like if something isn't good for you, make the shift. Make the shift.


I'm going to leave it there. I hope any or all of that is helpful and interesting. If you want support throughout this month, please sign up to become an extended content subscriber with me. You will get a workshop on Sagittarius Season that gives you somatic meditative visualization tools. You'll also get a lot more information about the astrology and timing with certain events and suggestions for how to work on them as well as my month ahead calendar with all of that information. Subscribing is a great way to support and sustain this work. If you find it valuable, please consider signing up for a subscription or make a one time donation if you can. You can find my tip jar at, where you can also find information on my upcoming classes and other offerings as well as my Year Ahead Reports. 2022 is coming up, and all signs will get a year and a — excuse me, an hour and a half long reading for the year ahead where I'll detail the major themes, opportunities and challenges that I see coming up for your sign and give suggestions for working with them. Pre-orders are available now with an early bird discount of $25 off. Also, the 2021 Year Ahead Reports are discounted now to 50% and you can also find them at The number one way to support this work is to share it with your friends and networks and to subscribe, rate and leave positive reviews on your favorite listening platforms. Thanks so much for listening. I am wishing you all the best in Sagittarius Season and beyond.


PISCES Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)


TAURUS Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)