TAURUS Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)

It’s about you, not them.
Focus on the light inside and then notice
how your light is reflected back to you.
Notice how their light combines with yours.
Notice, how this light illuminates
the directions you want to go.


Hello, Taurus. Welcome. Thanks for listening to Embodied Astrology. You're tuning in to the month ahead horoscopes for Sagittarius Season, November 21st through December 21st, 2022. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. In this horoscope, I am reading for Taurus Sun and Taurus rising. I'm giving my interpretation of the overarching themes, opportunities and challenges for your sign in the season ahead. Please listen through the lens of your own intuition. I have a limited vocabulary and set of experiences, so I won't be able to read for every single Taurus who listens. And when you hear language that doesn't totally resonate, notice what you associate with and make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Feel free to take what works and leave the rest. I always suggest that you listen to horoscopes for your Sun and your rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you would prefer to read rather than listen.


So, Sagittarius Season is off to a bang, and it's a big one for you because a couple of days before this season begins, we have the first of several eclipses that will occur over the course of the next two years happening in your sign and your opposite sign, Scorpio. So eclipses happen twice a year, usually in sets of two, sometimes in three. And the next two years, until October of 2023, eclipses will happen in Taurus and Scorpio Seasons, respectively, May and October, early June and November. So these are times that are going to bring a fair amount of emphasis into the changing state of your relationships. And the first eclipse on November 19th is a big one, I think. As we move into new axes of eclipses, they're often like big bursts of energy that come in. And it feels to me like there is a lot of emphasis on your relationships right now, and how you are in them and what they bring out in you is what you want to focus on. So it can be tempting, I think in relationships, to like, focus on the other people and be like, I like them, I don't like them, they're like this, they're like that, da da da. I would say, focus on how do you feel in these relationships? And what do they bring out in you? And who are you when you are with them?


You are in a big state of transformation and change. And I've been talking about this for the last couple of years. Any horoscope that you read or tune in with at some point has been talking about the process of self-liberation that you're in right now from 2018 through 2025, due to the presence of Uranus in your sign. And this is a major transit that will only happen once in your life, and some people may not — it may not happen ever, depending on how long they live. And the opportunity for you right now is to really become the person that you want to be. There are all kinds of limits on the reality of our conditions. And so, you know, are you going to be able to wake up tomorrow and fly? No, right? Like there are limits. So when I say the person that you want to be, I'm asking you to check in with reality around that. But in terms of what you want for your life and who you, in your bodily experience, feel yourself becoming, I know that you have been feeling it for the last couple of years that you want to experience new states of being. You are experiencing new states of being. You want to feel enlivened and awakened and liberated and powerful. You want to feel that you are in the driver's seat of your own life.


Are your relationships supporting you to feel like that? How are you engaging in your relationships? Are you engaging in ways that support you to feel like that? If you're not feeling enlivened and awakened and the level of brilliance that you want to be feeling in your relationships, are you allowing these relationships to stay stagnant? Or are you asking your friends and partners and relatives to step up and work with you? This is a time when you need to advocate for yourself. And you can't put it on other people, it is no one else's fault if you don't ask for what you want and need. You need — you need to attend to your own needs. And I feel like as we move into Sagittarius Season, this is remarkably clear to you that certain dynamics like, may feel like they are really energizing and they are catapulting you in the directions you want to go. And certain dynamics may feel inflammatory, confrontational, agitating, and something either needs to majorly shift or you need to end them. And there is a feeling of finality that I'm getting as I'm tuning in with your chart where it's like, you don't want to waste your time, engaging relationship dynamics that are not moving in the direction that you want to go.


And the whole rest of the year, and into next year, is going to continue these themes. And so you'll have multiple opportunities to feel into like, the kind of change that you need. But I would definitely recommend that you pay attention to how you feel in your relationships and take responsibility for how you feel in them. And if certain dynamics are not providing you the support that you need to feel the ways that you want, either you need to change, or they need to change, or both, or the relationship itself really needs to change because it's just not sustainable. And the folks who are meeting you, the ones that you're feeling like, yes, I can move forward. Pay attention to what that feels like. Why do you feel like this is sustainable? Why do you feel enlivened and invigorated by this particular dynamic? What are the components at play? And start to cultivate those ways of being in yourself systematically and intentionally. Practice tuning in with those ways of being regularly. Think about them in the morning when you wake up, before you go to bed at night. Don't make it about the other person. Again, it's not about them, it's about how you're feeling in that dynamic. So if you feel seen and supported, and like someone is echoing back to you, and it's like, okay, you know, like I feel seen here, as opposed to another relationship where you don't, then wake up every morning and see yourself. See yourself before you go to bed at night, give yourself that kind of affirmation. Let it layer into your somatic awareness, so that as you move forward, you become more and more discerning within the spectrum of your relationships as to who meets you in the places that you want to be met.


Now, Sag Season and especially the first week or so, which is basically the last week of November and getting into the first couple days of December, is highlighting an area of your life that has been in some kind of development for about a year and a half. So think back to June of 2020. In June of 2020, what was happening for you? It feels like you were moving in a new direction at that time, particularly around values, self-esteem, self-worth, some of you might have been figuring out new ways to support yourself, to resource yourself, to sustain yourself. That may have had to do with money, it may have had to do with other kinds of resources. There's been something happening for you in this time that I feel like is really important for you when it comes to like, self-claiming. You acknowledging that you exist. You acknowledging that you have need and that certain needs need to be met for you. And this is basic, this is fundamental. So there are your basic needs, you know, like you need to eat, you need to sleep. And then there are other kinds of needs. Some people might have needs to feel some kind of physical exertion every day. Some people might have needs to be able to travel frequently. Some people might have needs to have a certain kind of experience in romantic relationships. What have you been learning about ways of being that are like, necessary for you? That you really — and it's not like you'll die if you don't have them, but something in you might die. I mean, it feels like these are — this is about flourishing, this is about you taking up space, this is about you having what you want and articulating what that is, and helping yourself get that. And over the last year and a half, you've been cultivating this awareness and you've been building on it.


And in the first week and a half or so of Sagittarius season, something is shifting in this awareness for you and in this dynamic. And it feels like what is getting highlighted has to do with maybe the underside of needs, or the — or like the shadow side of self-sustenance, which is like, if I don't have that thing that I need, I'm gonna die, right? And then you like, get into scarcity mindset. Or the way that our desires, especially if they're more unconscious and not really known to us, like, they can be kind of destructive or they can be manipulative. And then there's also the truth of impermanence, like, whatever it is that you think you need, as soon as you have it, you're going to worry about losing it. And grasping, right, like this feeling of grasping that can sometimes come with needs, it's like, oh, I need that, I need that, I need that, oh, I have that, oh no, don't take it away, don't take it away, don't — right? And it's like, something's coming up for me around the need for you to alchemize and transform fear, the need for you to really look at your shadowy sides and pay attention to the ways that they get you into trouble. What — like, what are the mechanisms that get you hooked? And when I say hooked, I'm talking about obsessive feelings, I am talking about insecurity, I'm talking about addiction. It pulls you out of your center, it gets you into like, a neurotic space. Passion can sometimes feel like this, like when we feel like we're really passionate and like, oh, like, yeah, like, you know, I'm gonna pour myself into something. Like, that can also be incredibly blind. And so I want to ask you to consider the unconscious side of your desire. And in the first week and a half of Sagittarius Season, there's a lot of energy for you to alchemize and transform desire. And the sense here is that you need to, again, kind of like, get to the essence of what it is that you're desiring. And especially if it has to do with other people. Again, it is not about them. This is about you, with you. You want to get into like, what is it that you are trying to access? You want to access your own power, you want to claim those feelings for yourself.


Now, there is a lot of entanglement in this part of the chart. And so other people are indicated. And there may be situations that Taurus folks are working with that have to do with people and relationships that are manipulative, or people and relationships that are needing to change, that are in some kind of process of flux, that are maybe ending. You might be working with complex relational dynamics where there's a lot of shared substance. People who we build our lives with and family that we come from, it's like there's often a lot of shared stuff, and entanglements and cords and things like that. And so within those dynamics, I would say orient with your power right now, like I'm feeling like you've been giving a lot of power to other people and like you've had these ideas of like, other people are going to make you feel good or other people are going to make you feel bad or other, you know, other people have power over you or something like that. You have to have power in you. You have to decide how you want to feel. If you let other people dictate how you feel, then you're going to be a mess, you know, because other people are fucking crazy. Everybody is in their own fantasy and illusion all of the time, right? Like, every single one of us, we are in the very center of our own movie, experience. And, I mean, you know what I'm talking about right? Like, do not give your power away. So this first week of Sagittarius Season is asking you to look at where do you give your power away? And where do you give it away to other people? And where do you give it away to insecurities and fears and phobias and all the stuff that gets you like, bound up and stuck? And you want to transform that shit, you want to alchemize it, you want to do ritual, you want to do clearing, cut cords, burn things, I mean, move it out of your life and be courageous. You have to be determined, like, this is the time for you to decide that you are a powerful person and that in your life and the story of your own life, you are the most powerful person. You are not the most powerful person in the world, obviously. But in your life, in the story of your life, you are the most powerful person. And you need to orient to that. So use the solar eclipse on December 3rd to cut cords, clear things away, do ritual, let it move out of you. It is time. And in that space where you are letting go, invite in resource, invite in sustenance, invite in abundance, invite in your power to choose what you want for you, you know, for your life to the greatest extent that you can. In a world that is built to give you a lot of things that you can't control, there's plenty that you can control, and like, how are you going to take up your power?


Getting into the middle of December, the middle of December is putting a lot of emphasis on some kind of path for you. You might be working on a project right now or there may be something that you're trying to develop that — it feels like you've been working on it for a really long time, and you're moving into some kind of new phase with it, but you're not done yet. And so, like, you need determination, and you have to stay the course with whatever it is. And this might be a relationship. So I was just talking about like, changes you need to make in relationships. So this might be a relationship that is like, you really care about it and you want to keep working towards it, but things really need to change. And for some of you, it might have to do with not a relationship or with like, other kinds of relationships, such as a relationship to a practice that you might have, or I know several Taurus and Taurus rising people who are like, trying to finish up research projects or school projects or work projects or something like that. They're like, preparing for something that they want to move into in their life, but they're in some kind of preparatory space, they're building something. And so I don't know if any of that resonates for you. And it feels like you are trying to set your mind to something and you really — you really need to focus and be intentional in your action. Focus creates fusion. So focus on what it is that you're trying to do. And this is definitely a time to not let yourself get distracted. It's also really a time when like you, you might get like, spooked by something. But if it doesn't really need your attention, don't give it attention. Like stay with whatever it is that you really need to be paying attention to and work towards this goal that you have. You have some kind of goal right now or something that you are building. And it's going to take time and it has taken a really long time and it's still going to take longer, you're not at the end, but you are in a particular kind of moment with it and you really need to focus. Basically all of December, like, you want to focus, it requires your focus. And as we get to like, December 15th, and then through the end of the month, any situations, especially relationship situations or situations with your own insecurities or fears or something that are distracting you from the work that you need to be doing, they need to be addressed. Like, don't let yourself get pulled off course. Stay the course, do the thing. You've got to be in the driver's seat.


On the 18th of December, there is a Full Moon. This is a Full Moon that lights up the part of your chart that has to do with resources and values. This is an interesting Full Moon for you in that it could be bringing some new opportunities your way. It's a great time for you to think about how you want to support and sustain yourself in the world. If you are in a position where you're working, I know that some — not everybody is. But if you are in a position where you're working, you're laboring, you're doing a job to earn money, this is definitely an interesting Full Moon for you to be thinking about new career opportunities or new income generating opportunities. It feels like some door could potentially be opening around this Full Moon and you would — it seems like a good opportunity. So if that's happening for you, I would say like, lean into it and, you know, check in with your own intuition, but it seems like there's something potentially good for you there. And if it's not about an opportunity coming in, then it is about an idea. And this is a good time to expand your network and to kind of reach out and see who's out there and, you know, what could flow in for you around this time. This is also a time just to think in general around like, positivity thinking. So use this Full Moon to manifest abundance. Like, I'm not about like The Secret, you know, like, I'm not here saying that if you think it, then it will come into being. But there is something to it, you know, it's like what you focus on grows. And I think this is a powerful Full Moon for you to open up to abundance in your life and open up to being supported to be the person that you want to be and to live in the way that you want to live. And call it in and open your heart and affirm yourself and affirm your value and like, think about what it would look like, you know, if you got what you wanted. And if you're being like, extreme about everything that you want, then what does it look like and feel like if you have enough, right? What is the feeling of contentment and satisfaction, what would that look like in your life? Vision it, journal about it, pay some attention to it.


The Full Moon is also setting into a course, a period of review for you. And from the Full Moon, from the 18th until the end of January, you're really in a space where — I'm going back to this project that you're working on, like whatever it is that you're trying to bring into form, there might be things that you need to work out. And it feels like this is a time when some of you might be really wanting to connect with certain people. I'm getting like advisors, teachers, mentors, or people who are helping you think about how this project is going to take shape. Like they're helping you envision how to give it form and what it needs to look like. And you want to reach out for what is inspiring to you at this time. And really like, don't be afraid to do something new. And so there is a sense of elders, you know, like advisors, people who you really trust. And there's also a feeling of, you want to be doing something new. And so you might also want to be reaching out to other kinds of relationships. It seems like a really good time to get feedback and to think about the shape of something. This is a great time to research, to review, to reflect on whatever this is to kind of like, get into the stuff of it, and figure out how it's going to grow and where it's going to go.


We're moving towards the solstice, which is December 21st. The solstice is a time of intensification of change. It's a turning point in the Earth's pathway around the Sun, and it's a significant one. Especially if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, this is a time to really turn inwards and to give yourself some time for space and quiet. As we move into Capricorn Season, though, which begins on December 21st, there are a number of influences coming in that I would say kind of like, emphasize the need for you to have courage and to be determined and to really know where you are going. And I don't mean that in the specifics, like you don't have to have every single piece of your plan worked out, but I mean that in the essence, where are you headed? And this circles me back to where I began. Who are the people that are supporting you to get there? Because it feels like you're determined to get somewhere and you need to be working with the right people and you need to be working in the right ways to support and sustain yourself. You do not want to waste time and energy with relationships that are not showing up for you and that are not giving you the source and satisfaction that you need right now for whatever this journey is.


I hope any or all of that is helpful for you. If you want more support throughout the month of Sagittarius Season, please sign up to become an extended content subscriber with me. You'll get access to my subscriber-only workshop where I'll take you into a journey of Sagittarius and its energies in the body. It includes a guided meditation and visualization that can help you work through a lot of these themes in more detail and specificity. You'll also get access to my month ahead calendar, which is a helpful little guide. You can find information about my subscription at embodiedastrology.com, where you can also find the pre-orders for my 2022 Year Ahead Reports. Those are hour and a half long readings, special for your sign, where I detail the major themes, opportunities and challenges of the upcoming year and give suggestions for working with them. If you love this work, please support it. The number one way to support it is to share it with your friends and networks. If it has helped you out, please share this horoscope and point people towards it. You can subscribe and give positive ratings and reviews on your favorite listening platforms, super helpful. And of course, your financial donations support and sustain the production of this work. If you have the capacity, please consider making a one time donation or signing up to become a subscriber. I'm wishing you all the best in Sagittarius Season and beyond. Bye for now.


ARIES Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)


GEMINI Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)