ARIES Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)

Go deep and get real.
What have you been holding back,
afraid to admit or too timid to say?
Move through the portholes of fear.
Empowerment and transformation
are on the other side.


Hello, Aries. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. You're listening to your month ahead horoscope for Scorpio season. Scorpio season begins on October 22 and ends on November 21. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. I'm going to offer you a channeled and intuitive reading for Aries sun and Aries rising that covers the main themes that I'm sensing in this season, in Scorpio season. I always want to encourage you to tune in with horoscopes and any other kind of divination through the lens of your own intuition. This is a symbolic archetypal language. Make the meaning that's meaningful for you. Take what works and leave the rest. I also want to encourage you to tune in with your horoscopes for your sun and your rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section. You can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes there if you prefer to read rather than listen.


Alright, welcome to Scorpio season. Scorpio season starts after Libra season, and Libra season brought a lot of movement, I think into your life and relationships. There were several planets stationing direct in Libra season, signifying a palpable shift in energy, I think in some kind of planning, process, a period of review that you may have been engaged in that had to do with some bigger pictures of your life and future, that may have had distinctly social elements to them. There was also a Mercury retrograde in Libra season. And so for the last month or two, there also may have been some kind of back and forth, working things out with important relationships, your one on one relationships, or the ways that you meet those relationships, that you come into contact with significant others. And in their significance, they could be kind of anyone, any relationship can be profoundly significant. And so there is a feeling here of you clarifying what you want out of relationships and how you want to be in them. And there may also have been very specific examples of you working things out with other people, agreements, contracts, how you want to move forward with something, etc. So as we get into Scorpio season, these turning points and clarification points now start to deepen. And so if you have clarified the terms of an agreement, then now you're getting into the deeper substance. What is underneath the concept of something, what does it actually entail?


There is a need for you in Scorpio season to get comfortable with discomfort. You need to have awareness first. And you will need to have conversations about things that could be highly uncomfortable to talk about. And what is highly uncomfortable to talk about are the things that we don't talk about because they're uncomfortable. And sex, death, money and power tend to be some, like boulders, some rocks in the stream of comfort, you know, where emotions really can swirl around, fears, anxieties, transgressions, traumas, you know, things that are underneath the surface, things that have been brewing for a while, attachments. Attachments are a really big one. Where people get attached, where they get anchored, where they get hooked. Feels like you might be hooked in some ways. You know, whether you're hooking other people or whether you're getting hooked by them or you're hooked on old patterns. It's like, I feel like you are about to do some heavy lifting in the psychological realm. And that is a good thing. It is a necessary thing. And it is helpful when you can engage with this work with courage and also with an awareness about your own shadow. Especially for Aries, and especially for Aries rising, although Aries sun for sure. You need to look at some shadow right now. And you want to look at places where your energy with other people gets funky, where you get caught up in power dynamics. If you find those spots, bring them to the surface of consciousness, don't deepen them, don't nurture them, try and purge them from your psyche. And in order to do that, you might need to get into the roots of those behaviors, which are probably deeper than the relationships that you're currently trying to navigate.


There are also big themes right now about money, resources and survival for you. How do you get what you want in the world, out of your life? Getting what you want could be bigger than resources, it could be bigger than materiality. There could be a getting what you want out of relationships, there could be a getting what you want sexually, or getting what you want in terms of some kinds of experiences that you're trying to figure out. So this is definitely a time when you are well served to not stay on the surface and you are cautioned to not blindly go forward on with shadowy behavior. If you feel yourself starting to resonate with your trauma patterns, where you've, you know, if you're confronting jealousy, insecurity, vindictiveness, manipulation, if you're like that or if other people, if you're experiencing other people like that, get to a therapist, you know, read some books on psychology, and I don't know, like work with those cords, cut them. Clear your inner space so that you can not carry around all that shit, not be entangled and intertwined with old baggage, you don't need that. So Scorpio season is a time for you to work through some baggage, with yourself and with your relationships.


This is also a time when you may be confronting loss and change. There's so much loss and change in the world all of the time. In 2021, the themes of loss and change are huge. When I tune in with your chart, I feel like these themes could be pressing, they could be really present, and that could be part of what stimulates like funky patterns to come up. And so if you're working with attachments or fear, you know, attachment anxiety, or not wanting things to change, or fear of loss, or actual loss and what comes up around that, please have deep, deep compassion for yourself. Hold the parts of you that are suffering and that are scared and feeling really young and feeling fragile and vulnerable. Get support where you can, it really feels like you would be supported by therapeutic resources, humans, podcasts, books, things like that. It also feels like you could find some support in the occult, in — if you're, you know, working with divination, with tarot cards, with ritual, with astrology, like tuning into some divine guidance could be really helpful for you right now also as you navigate.


The first week or so of Scorpio season from the 22 through the 28 of November takes these turning points for you that I've been talking about, and I feel like, especially when it comes to the idea of what you could do with your life, like I feel like you've got a lot of ideas right now. Some of you might be embarking on some new paths, there may be new potentials that you're ideating or that you're working with. It feels like community work and education are strong themes and so you might have a lot of ideas coming up around how to spread and share awareness or how to work with certain groups of people. There again, you may be kind of exposed to some new ideas or working with your own new ideas and like trying to implement them at this time. That feels exciting. It feels like you need to stay open minded and curious. Be aware of bombastic, arrogant, egotistical energy in yourself and others, like really highly opinionated, entitled, "I have the right way and my way is right," doesn't help you at all. If you find yourself exhibiting that kind of behavior or if you find yourself in contact with others who are, try and take a step back, encourage deeper listening, be flexible around ideas and frameworks and don't be a fundamentalist. Be open minded, be curious. That doesn't mean that you can't have an opinion or be clear about your intentions, but it is not really a great time to be super rigid around them.


As we get into the end of October and beginning of November, from October 30 through November 5 or so, there is a window of time that feels very clarifying and decisive. If you have been in some kind of deliberation around relationships, if there has been some back and forth, a working out of a contract or a new agreement, maybe that has to do with some kind of new opportunity that you're going into if you're like ironing out the details of something, then now they're starting to land, there's more coherence and cohesion in them. There may be conversations that began around the equinox, September 20 or so, that are starting to wrap up or turning the page on a chapter. Nothing is ever a final ending, really, even the final endings, you know, energy is always in motion and always in flux, but it does feel like you're departing from one space and moving now into another.


There's a new moon on November 4, and this is a very deep new moon for you. This is a new moon to really tend to yourself, to care for yourself, to be with the parts of you that are scared, that are fearful, that are traumatized. This is a new moon to really honor any loss or endings that have happened, that are happening, that might happen. Feel the feelings, feel the feelings. That is absolutely the best thing that you can do right now is to feel the feelings and to be very honest with yourself about what feelings are there, to really try and take care of yourself. I do see potential for Aries identified people to get very triggered around this new moon, and for it to come out in ways that are destabilizing and negative for you. That would block, that would actually block the growth that you're trying to get to. So my number one piece of advice all of Scorpio season, and especially at the beginning of November, is to really resource yourself to be very present with your internal experience and to care for yourself so that you're not spilling out in ways that are reactive or detrimental to others and in the world and certainly to yourself.


There is also so much available to you around this new moon that has to do with intuition, that has to do with gut feelings, and that has to do with a kind of conviction and determination to move towards the future with integrity. And to move into that future really requires, I think for you, moving through some kind of portal of fear. And it feels like you need to move through the portal of fear. You need to clarify what you are up to and why. You need to remember your big picture, your big vision, and draw support from everything around you and everything you've ever encountered that can support that big picture for you. Remind yourself the world is constantly changing. There are no guaranteed outcomes for anything. You cannot control the world, you cannot control other people, all you have control over is a very small portion, not even the entirety, of yourself. It has to do with attitude, with perspective, and with willingness, and with how you're going to engage in self care and practices that can support you through this time. If you move through that portal, my friend, you are really powerful. If you move through that portal, you get what you want, I think. You open up new chapters for yourself, new horizons, new excitement, enthusiasm. If you don't move through that portal, you get real stuck. So move through it, move through it, move through it.


That new moon does have this intensity to it, it does have a kind of shift in tone, a very palpable shift in tone. And for several days after the new moon, there is like a lingering residue of going deep, really getting deep. You might find that you need to have deeper conversations around this time, and so this is the point where I'm saying you want to look at stuff, right? Like, consider it deeply. And then as you get into early November, these conversations are ready to happen. You've got to speak what has not been spoken, you have to say what you're afraid to say, you have to say it to yourself and you have to share it with others. These conversations could go hand in hand with a shift in direction. There may be significant shifts of direction in significant relationships or in your relationality in general, how you come into relationship in the world. My sense is, is that you are wanting to be in relationship in ways that are more accountable and mature. And that really care for your long term vision of what you want for relationships, for your sustenance, for your, for your happiness, you know, for your satisfaction in life. And it feels like you come into some kind of period of review in early November. And it has to do with the direction of something. So it could be the direction of a particular relationship, it could be the direction that you are taking in your life, especially in ways that have to do directly with relationality, with values, with needs. For some of you, this is also very much a financial direction and career related or something like that. Basically, all of November, but especially after the new moon, you need to have some deep conversations, you need to get into some things before you can figure out how you're moving forward. And then from the beginning of November until early March of next year, there is some kind of refinement around this direction, this path that is relational, that is value based, that might have to do with money, that might have to do with resources, some kind of larger intention for how you build and sustain something that it is that you want. Be adaptable, be patient, focus on integrity, be impeccable, be accountable. Don't fuck around with yourself or with other people. Be honest. If you are honest, then everybody has more resources to care for one another. Don't get caught up in people pleasing. Don't be fake or phony. Don't be manipulative. Get as clear for yourself as you possibly can about what it is that you want and what it is that you're trying to do. And then be courageous about that. And make it simple. Find the framework of whatever it is that you're trying to do, find the skeleton, find the structure, figure out the boundaries, figure out the container. What are the limits? What are the rules of something? You can adapt them as you go on, you're in a period of figuring something out. And less is more right now. But you also need a structure of something, you need some clear guidelines is what I'm feeling.


From mid November into December, things are really intensifying and kind of heating up. Scorpio season is intense. Scorpio is an intense energy. And as we move towards November 10, and so that week between the new moon and November 10 it's like, there is weight in the atmosphere. There is like deep consideration, it feels emotionally intense. Coming up onto the 10 of November, people including you, could feel triggered, volatile, reactive and pissed off. If you feel that way, if you feel exposed or attacked, if you feel like you need to protect or defend yourself with something, try not to disassociate, try not to go into a trauma response, that fight, flight, freeze, appease kind of sequence. Scorpio rules the base of the body and the root of the body, the lower spine, the pelvic organs, the genitals, the anus. That part of our bodies, those parts of our bodies, register fear very immediately. So just like many animals, when human beings are afraid, they clench their assholes and tuck their tails. Some people expel through the bowels. This is a time to like, really kind of support yourself from the ground up, like feel your legs, feel your contact with the earth. I love the image of having a dinosaur tail or a reptile tail and really letting the root of your spine get heavy but also be alive. And if you think about how snakes or reptiles move, their tails direct their heads in some ways. And so if you can not get rigid in your spine, not contract into fear, then the potential is, is that you are moving through this portal that I'm talking about, and that you're moving through it with a deepening personal empowerment. It feels like there's potential, a strong potential for erotic empowerment at this time. I'm talking sex energy but I'm also talking deeper than sex. Deeply erotic energy feels like it could be arising in you. And this erotic energy could be releasing some anger, it could be releasing some fear, you might need to get into some rage. I highly encourage you to express rage and anger in ways that are cathartic and non violent towards yourself or others. Turning on your favorite music, dancing, stomping on the ground, yelling at the top of your lungs, beating up a pillow, all great options. Dispel that energy, like get it to move, don't stick it inside yourself, and try not to be a jerk to other people. If you feel like other people are being jerks to you, remove yourself from the situation if you can and go and release your energy. And when you feel calm and collected, maybe you go back.


It also feels like there's a lot of potential for breakthrough for you at this time. And so going back to that kind of erotic empowered energy, I feel like you are deepening into some core values for yourself, you are potentially really loving yourself and feeling more and more grounded in your self worth. You don't have to reach out and grasp at whatever in order to make yourself feel good. You can find your own anchor, you can feel your own power. This is also a time when you may have big breakthroughs around how to resource yourself in the world, how to get what it is that you want and need, maybe big breakthroughs about what it is that you want and need, really. For some of you, this is a time when you're figuring out how to make some money. And it's like, things are happening and you're going, oh like, this is how I can do it. If you're experiencing financial instability at this time, as many, many, many people are, and more and more people are as we live in a world that is so deeply impacted by economic imbalance and misuse of power and wealth, then take the scarcity energy that you feel and put it into action. Remember that you are not alone, there are lots of people experiencing instability. And if you can connect and combine, find collective energy, find collective support, I think it will really help you through scarcity and survival fears if they're coming up.


On the 19 of November, there's a full moon and partial eclipse. This is the first of several eclipses that will happen in the seasons of Taurus and Scorpio until the end of 2023. This eclipse brings some change into the realm of your life that has to do with your self worth, with your values, and with your resources. This is a time to focus on your intrinsic self worth, to affirm that you are a good person, like your spirit is a good spirit. If you've done things in the world that have caused harm, you can be accountable to them, you can be responsible to them. It doesn't mean that you're a horrible person. So much destruction on this planet is rooted in insecurity and unresolved trauma and deep, deep shadow and self hatred. Love yourself. This is an eclipse that is asking you to love yourself, to affirm your right to exist, to affirm your right to receive what it is that you want and need within reason. Nobody needs 10 houses all over the fucking globe or billions of dollars. You don't need that and it's not going to make you a better person. What do you really need on a core level, on a sensory level, on a bodily level, what does your spirit really need? You deserve that. Affirm for yourself that you deserve that. This is also a new moon that, again, can bring some new kind of financial or resource flow into your life. So just be open to the ideas that come. It's not a time to rush out and do anything. It is a time to pay attention to what is coming up and shifting and changing and any new opportunities that you're sensing.


After the new moon, we've got a couple of days to finish out Scorpio season and it feels like these couple of days are deep, still deep for you, you're still working with some big conversations. It feels like accountability is really important at this time. With yourself and with others, there may be issues that need to get worked out that have a lot to do with the future. Financial issues, resource issues, issues with significant others, if you are moving into any kind of collaboration, if you're trying to move forward in certain relationships, things that need to get attended to before you can move forward, but the future is also opening up as you deal with what needs to be dealt with.


Alright, if you have found this horoscope helpful, or if you find my work beneficial, please consider supporting it. The number one way you can do that is by sharing it with your friends and networks. You can subscribe, rate and leave positive reviews on your favorite listening platforms. And your financial donations are very much appreciated and so helpful. If you'd like to make a recurring monthly donation, that will get you access to my extended content subscription, which includes month ahead calendars and twice a month zoom meetups that are offerings of experiential, creative explorations of astrology, community space and resources for learning astrology and working with your own chart. If you'd like more astrology from me, you can get my Year Ahead Report for 2021. Those reports are hour and a half long readings special for your sign that go over the major themes, opportunities and challenges of this year. This year is coming to a close, the readings are discounted now by 50% and you can find them at where you can also find information on my subscription. Please follow me on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology and I'll see you around. I hope that you've enjoyed this horoscope. I hope that it's helpful and interesting for you. I'm wishing you all the best in Scorpio season and beyond.


PISCES Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)


TAURUS Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)