PISCES Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)

Your perspective is shifting and your future
is opening up in new ways.
Trust changes and lean into spiritual growth.
Your spirit is wise. What is its deepest council now?
Resource the roots of your growth
by drinking from the wells of wisdom
and receiving gifts of guidance from
teachers, mentors, and ancestors.


Hello, Pisces. Welcome. You're listening to Embodied Astrology horoscopes for Scorpio season, October 22 through November 21. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. I'm going to offer you an intuitive and channeled reading for Pisces solar charts, Pisces sun, Pisces rising, maybe other otherwise Pisces identified folks. In what I offer, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Feel free to freely associate. If my language doesn't work for you, what does it mean for you? Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Take what works and leave the rest. I always recommend that people tune in with horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you prefer to read rather than listen.


Alright, so Scorpio season begins after Libra season finishes and Libra season brought a lot with it. There were several planets stationing direct, Mercury had an entire retrograde in Libra season. And so we're coming out of a period of significant back and forth in some way. There may have been deliberation, there may have been important conversations around relationships or agreements, it feels like certain energies have been at work, probably for a good part of the year, March, April, as early as February for some people, that are now starting to take a different kind of shape. And particular paths and directions, I think have become clarified. And so when I tune in with your chart, the feeling that I get is that you are coming out of a period of time when you've been working something out, and it feels like what you're working out is psychological in its nature. There may be conversations that you've been engaged with that have to do with personal or more sensitive subjects. Money is one, is a subject like that, you know, if you're kind of negotiating terms of something with people, or you're trying to figure out where you stand on certain things, or how you feel about certain things, or how other people feel, something like that.


And then as we move into Scorpio season, you're staying deep. You're staying deep because Scorpio is a deep energy. And it's also a complimentary energy for you as a fellow water sign. And Scorpio, for you, is asking you, I think to really feel into questions about direction and intention and what you are wanting to grow and live into in a sense of life purpose and the big picture kind of feeling like, like, what do you, what do you really want? You know, and what are you seeking? What do you want to grow towards? What is calling to you in this life, dream, adventure? It feels like you want to move into some new energy. And maybe so far this year, you've been thinking about how do you make that transition. And as we get into Scorpio season, it feels like your conviction deepens. And so it may be that for a while, you've been going back and forth and you're like, should I keep this or let it go? And whatever you're deciding to keep, you're deciding to keep because it's going to help you in the direction you want to go in. And if you're choosing to let certain things go, it's because you're opening new space and you want to open new space for something else to come through.


So as we move into the season, the first week of Scorpio season from the 22 through the 28, there is a lot of idea energy in the atmosphere. And I feel like these — it feels tangible for you what these new directions are. And your life picture, your life image feels excited and it seems to me like, there's like, yeah, glimmery inspirational kind of excited, enthusiastic kind of energy. Like I could do that, and I could do that, and I could do that. It also feels like things are still unclear as to how. And maybe you're not ready, or maybe the world isn't ready, or there are circumstances that are still adjusting that are outside of your control, or they're too big to really wrestle with right now, or something like that. And so I really want to encourage you to be patient and to let the idea or inspiration energy, if you're feeling it, open up new pathways of dreaming. This is an awesome time for dreaming, visioning, vision boarding, getting your big picture ideas, talking about it with friends and co-conspirators and things like that.


For some of you, for those of you who are working in institutional settings, maybe for those of you who have new ideas that have to do with career, and if you're trying to rework something on a structural level, or if you work in an institutional setting and you are hearing the call of this time to dismantle structures of oppression that run through the institution and to do work, you know, around equity, diversity, inclusion, that kind of thing, or environmental sanity, sustainability, then for you, I want to say that there is readiness. And so this is a little bit of a line in the sand or something like, if you're a Pisces identified person that you're dreaming about next steps. Either way, you know, this is a great time to envision and to dream and to go, where could I go from here? Where could we go from here, if you're working with other people? And then for some of you, specifically, those of you that are in positions or have access to some kind of deeper, far reaching structural reform, this is a time where I feel like you're doing it, and there's like a lot of energy for it. I hope that made sense.


The caveat, or the warning that I have for this time, in general, is to not be arrogant. If you think that you're right but you're not listening to other people, or you're trying to like, force ahead with something, if you have like a very strong opinion, check in with your ego. If you're dealing with people that have egos and they think they're right, and they're trying to force something ahead, get support from others. And see if you can open up space for some kind of accountability and listening. This is an interesting time in that there's a lot of opportunity for change, and there's also high idealism and strong opinions, and plenty of people are feeling very righteous and entitled to their beliefs and opinions and it might be you or it might be other people that you're dealing with. And I want to say that righteous entitlement doesn't work as well as sensitivity and listening and open mindedness. Especially for you right now. And that means that especially for the people around you, so you might be in situations where you can encourage or support compassionate, open mindedness, listening, things like that by behaving in that way and inviting other people to do the same.


To go back to the first example, if you're like, Oh, my God, these new ideas for my life, I'm so excited. Also be open minded, be visionary, be dreamy. You can be idealistic but don't allow yourself to be utterly convinced about one path being better than the other. If things aren't really ready to move in a particular direction, then you can be open and flexible to possibilities for how you're going to get there. And I do feel that, at least until the end of the year, there may be pieces that you're just not really sure how they're going to work yet. And for some of you, until the end of next year. That's how long it's going to take to really start to — I'm sorry, I said the end of next year, I meant the end of 2023. That's how long it's going to take to really implement like, whatever the new thing is, so be patient and flexible and adaptive.


Alright, so getting into the end of October beginning of November from the 30 of October through November 5, we are in a very critical and decisive period of time. This is a big window for decisions to happen, for clarity to come through. There may be ultimatums that feel like they're arising, these could be energetic ultimatums, they could be actual, literal, like you need to make this kind of choice. It feels to me like a lot of what you may have been deliberating about during Mercury retrograde, if you think back to around the equinox, September 20 or so, that those conversations are coming into a new space. For some of you, this means revealing something or outing something. And so if you have been deliberating internally and you've been kind of working something out in your inner self, then as we get into early November, it feels like you are ready to share, you're ready to let something be known or something gets outted, something gets revealed and then you have to kind of be accountable to that.


This leads us to the new moon on November 4, and this is a powerful new moon, especially for you when it comes to your life direction and your priorities. What is it that you are growing towards? What is calling you in your growth? What are the new frontiers, the new horizons that you want to experience? And how are you feeling yourself grow in your spirit? You know, how are you becoming your favorite aspects of yourself? And what does that mean for you? What does that look like? This is a new moon that invites you into that kind of trajectory and imagining. It's also a new moon that I think could be stimulating a fair amount of fear, fear energy in the atmosphere. This is an intense time on the planet, and it is not going to become less intense anytime soon. There are a lot of ultimatums. There is a feeling that a lot of options are dwindling and decisive action needs to be taken in the world. And I feel you feeling this. So I feel you kind of like, tuning in with collective energy and going like, am I trying to maintain the past paradigm by working towards ideals that maybe seem a little bit unrealistic given what's happening in the world right now? Or am I going to be creative and adaptive and really listen to my instinct and intuition and do something new? And I feel like you want to do something new. And this is a new moon to let in new ideas and to disrupt old ideas, and especially to look at where fear of change holds you back or scarcity and security issues are holding you back. And if you really want to move in a new direction, but you're like, Oh my god, I can't because all these bad things will happen. Shake it off, like do some catharsis or something. Dance, move your body, take deep breaths, do a breathwork session, journal, do free writing, scream at the top of your lungs, like, it feels like you could be kind of experiencing some stuckness as we lead into this new moon. But if you let the energy of build up become a breakthrough, then you can also really have a breakthrough and get to the other side of something.


So the new moon is a decisive shift in energy. And then the couple of days that follow the new moon really bring about a different tone in relationships and conversations. Now Scorpio is an intense, perceptive and deep quality. And this is really what I'm feeling around thoughts, relationships, conversations. And in your chart, I feel a sense of seriousness and sobriety when you're thinking about the future and when you're thinking about what it is that you want to do, and what it is that you want to achieve and attain, and who you are in the world, and how you want to be in the world, and what you want for the future ancestors and for yourself in a decade or three from now.


Around this time, you, I think maybe are entering into some kind of period of research that's going to take you through the end of the month. And it also feels like you're forming some kind of future plan or you're thinking about how to do something that has like a bigger picture kind of vibe to it. And I want to encourage you to be patient and adaptable in this big picture and this plan as you start to move towards it and as you start to implement it. There will be some significant back and forth, there will need to be refinement and adjustment. And if you're working with other people, if there's any kind of collaboration, you need to make sure that everybody's voice is heard and people are on board. And I really want to say that less is more. And the goal is simplicity and cohesion and integrity in whatever the plan is, and that there's also some kind of intention around long term sustainability and like, what do you want to build in the long term. So this is not about rushing off into the future and making big decisions right away, and like we're going to do it all. This is about researching, grounding into the depth of some kind of vision, making sure that you have what you need for it, being intentional, being thoughtful, thinking about all the possible things that you might need or that could go wrong, getting advice, seeking wise counsel, and letting yourself take the time for it. This period of whatever this big picture is, this future plan, this way that you are wanting to collaborate or connect or do something different, this is going to take you through the beginning of March next year. So be patient with your process and easeful in it. Steady and easy is the way. So you want steadiness, consistency and determination. You want to clarify what your commitments are, your priorities, you want a lot of integrity. And then you also want ease, don't get too rigid, don't get set on certain goals or outcomes or fixed ideas of what something has to look like, that's not helpful for you right now at all.


November 10 through the 21, Scorpio season gets more intense. And I've already said it a few times like the new moon, you know, this is an intense period of time and the 10 through the 21 adds a layer, a level of atmospheric intensity that feels kind of palpable to me. And so I don't know what's going to be happening in the world. But again, it's like we are in a time of immense, overlapping, interconnected crises. And there is a lot of need, and there is a lot of fear, and there are a lot of people acting like assholes. There are a lot of people clinging to power and exerting control in really weird ways. And don't be that, don't be like that. This is a period of time to really tune in with your higher vision for what the world could be and how you want to be in the world.


If you have teachers, guides, mentors, or if you have any kind of spiritual path or practice that helps you stay centered in your big picture intentions and really what you are working towards, draw on those resources now and share them with people. Broadcast them, spread them around. If there is wisdom that is helping you through this time, post it on social media, send it in a text to your friends, make a podcast about it, you know, do something that helps dispel fear and disseminate wisdom. We need all the wisdom that we can get, and we especially need wisdom that helps us pierce through veils of egotism and illusion, impermanent fixations, people who are really fixed on power and money and greed. It's like these are old paradigms, not helpful, we want to move into the future. What is the future? When I tune in with your chart, I feel you resonating with the future. I feel you really resonating with the collective future. I feel you resonating with wisdom paths and traditions and teachings that have helped you broaden your mind and broaden your perspective, and I really want to encourage you to root with them right now, to anchor with them, to let them support you, and to share them, to share them with your communities, to share them with your friends, your colleagues, etc.


There is intense, volatile, erratic energy in the atmosphere during this span of time, the 10 of November through the end of the month and into December, people are desperate. Don't get pulled into fruitless arguments, do not get pulled into BS. Don't give it to anybody else, you know, like, work with yourself, be on the path of your own salvation. You're not here to save other people, you got to save yourself. Put your life jacket on before you help another person. Take care of your inner world, take care of your heart, take care of your psyche, keep your mind clear, so that when you encounter the craziness in the world, that you can be a pinpoint of sanity. Because your energy is, it emanates around you. And if you can be an individual that is radiating groundedness and reasonable, loving, compassionate clarity, then the people around you will be supported to also embody those qualities.


This is also a period of time that has such a powerful potential for breakthrough. And for you, I'm feeling like big new ideas, that you have the potential to see possibility right now in a way that you haven't yet. You may have been feeling it, you may have been wanting it, but the pieces aren't in place. And what I feel for you coming up as we get later into November and December is wow, the pieces are coming into place. You're seeing the new opportunities, you're seeing the new visions, the new ideas are taking form. You only get this if you are grounded and centered and oriented to being an embodied presence on the earth. If you are spaced out, distracted, tuning out or running around like a chicken without its head, you don't get these breakthroughs, you get anxiety, a lot of it. So grounded energy, use your practices, tune in with the teachers and the teachings. Let yourself be supported by the bigger picture, by some kind of spiritual continuity, whatever that means to you.


Let's see, we've got a full moon and partial lunar eclipse coming up on the 19 of November. This eclipse is the first of a series that will occur in the seasons of Scorpio and Taurus through the end of 2023. This eclipse is a new idea for you. It really feels like you're having a different perspective about something. You might be learning something new, you might be putting pieces together that you have been learning over the last year or so. And like, new neural pathways are forming, things are clicking, your eyes are wider, you're looking in new directions, you might be having different kinds of conversations, it feels stimulating and exciting and liberating for you at this time. And you get that when you tune into what is inspiring to you and you get that when you are open minded and listening and taking in new ideas and allowing old ideas to shift.


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AQUARIUS Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)


ARIES Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)