AQUARIUS Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)

Feel the earth beneath you and attune
with the intelligence in your bones.
Your bones and the earth are alive and evolving.
Root deeper to grow higher.
Dispel fear with breath and
clear anxiety from your vision.
Open to new directions
with compassion, care, and cleansing.


Hello, Aquarius, welcome. This is your month ahead horoscope for Scorpio season, October 22 through November 21. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer, I'm going to offer a channeled and intuitive download for you that comes through with the Aquarius solar charts. So this horoscope is specifically for Aquarius sun and Aquarius rising. And I always encourage you, whenever you listen to astrology or any kind of divination, to connect with it through your own intuition. So we're picking up on archetypal and symbolic messages and you have to make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Take what works and leave the rest. I also always want to encourage folks to check in with horoscopes for their sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you'd prefer to read rather than listen or want to come back to them in that form later in the month.


Okay, so Scorpio season begins after Libra season and Libra season brought some significant turning points. There were several planets that stationed direct in Libra season, as well as a Mercury retrograde. And it feels to me like there is a very significant turning point that's happening for you right now. And it feels like this turning point is in life direction in some way. Maybe in your big vision, like your big picture of your potential, your future, the potential or future for the current moment in your life, certain priorities. And since earlier in the year, March, April, maybe for some of you as early as February, you've been in some kind of process of what feels like a readjustment in direction. And my hope for you is that you're opening up more space for possibility for yourself. And that now that it's like you've made some clarifying decisions, or you've deliberated with something for a while, you feel that you're moving in a direction that is opening up new horizons, that feels like there's some kind of expansive quality to it. It does feel to me like there is something that you are doing or about to do that is maybe changing your life. I mean, anything that we do can change our lives. And then there are significant moments where we make significant changes. And I feel like you might be in the midst or on the precipice of one of those kinds of changes. And my sense is that you're solidifying some priorities for yourself, that you are clarifying your ideals, and that you — you may have even come to some ultimatums, you know, with yourself, with other people, with certain kinds of energy that you are engaged in, and it feels like you are making a stand for something.


And so as we move into Scorpio season, I feel you deepening into the stance, I feel you clarifying your intentions. And Scorpio is a sign that invites us into depth and it invites us into our instinctual and embodied knowing. It invites us to connect with the root of our personal power, which is the root of the body, the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, the genitals, your butthole, it's a part of your body that, you know, gets a lot of shade, literally. But also, it is a profound part of the body because it is one of the first places in the body that registers fear. And so when people are fearful, if they're in like survival oriented states, they're probably clenching their buttholes. And just like all other animals, humans tuck the tail when they're in fear or trigger spaces. And so one thing that Scorpio energy invites us to do is to really feel into rooted embodied power in the lower basin of the body, in these lower energy centers, and to kind of like release gripping around the spine. And I feel this for you. I feel like you, metaphorically or maybe even literally, are standing taller because you are feeling your power differently and I would highly recommend that you tune in with these parts of your body regularly, and certainly in Scorpio season, and invite yourself to relax the base of your spine. I like to work with the idea of a reptile tail or a dinosaur tail, like a big, thick, muscular tail that, like a snake or like a reptile, moves the body through space and really supports the spine and really supports the head and mouth to move forward. And here I'm thinking about your desire in the world, what is it that you want to be doing with your life. Some of you this may mean career, plenty of you doesn't mean career, it means a way of being, it means a life path that is encompassing of many aspects of your being. And so it feels like this is a time for you to invite in embodied power, and to let go of fear about your direction and to let go of fear about your competency or capacity. Of course, we always want to be realistic and have some humility. But it does feel like a very strong, strengthening time for you potentially.


The first week of Scorpio season, the 22 of October through the 28 or so, there's a lot of idea energy in your realm. It feels like you have twinkles all around you, maybe, I hope. And yeah, this is great energy for visioning, great energy for moving in these new directions. For those of you that are making career transitions, there might be inspiration about what it is that you're wanting to grow, what it is that you're wanting to accumulate or build. There may be new ideas about how to generate resources for yourself or with others. So pay attention to your inspirations those couple of days. There's kind of a general caveat for anybody these couple of days is to avoid self righteousness, and really fundamentalist opinion spouting, like don't get into arguments where you or other people are trying to prove that you're right, it is a fruitless waste of your time. Use this energy for ideating new visions and for being open minded, don't use it for inflammatory arguments that are delusional, where everybody is digging their heels in and trying to be right, which means that everybody is wrong on some level. So then, on the 30, from the 30 of October until November 5 or so — I'm like, hearing the echo of what I just said that everybody is wrong. So I just want to clarify that when, when there's like a strong, like digging the heels in energy, it shuts down... It shuts certain things down in the body and it shuts certain things down in the psyche. You can be very certain of your own truth. And the certainty of your own truth can empower you to embody and to live that truth in a way that arguing about it will not. That was what I was trying to say.


Okay, so from October 30 through November 5, there is a very decisive kind of energy in the air. We've got a new moon coming on November 4, and the days leading up to that new moon from October, starting on October 30 have a serious tone to them. And especially for you, friend, it feels like you are really making important decisions. These decisions could be very subtle and internal around how you want to hold yourself, what kind of thoughts you're willing to entertain, what you want your energy to be doing. They could have larger, more explicit and material kinds of ramifications about action, something that you're going to do or not do or something like that. But it feels like clarity is coming, and maybe clarity is coming for you because of external circumstances and you have to adjust and it's like certain doors are closing so you have to go through the ones that are open.


There's also a little bit of a wrapping up have some of the Mercury retrograde themes. And so if you think back to the equinox, September 20 or so, there has been some, something that you've been playing with, some kind of new idea, some kind of new path or new direction. It feels like an idea orientation to me, it feels like a sense of possibility that you're starting to get grounded with it or you may be closing a particular chapter so that you can move into a new space or something like that.


And then on the new moon on November 4, there is quite an intensity that comes with that new moon. And I'm feeling a lot of potentials in this new moon for you. So in general, I would say that any Aquarian identified folks out there, this is a new moon to really work with your inner state of — with your, with your energy, with your nervous system. Try and do things around the new moon, and especially on that day, that expand your nervous system and balance it. Regulated breathing is one of those things. So breathing and listening to the sound of your breath. And taking an equal count breath, like breathing in for four counts and breathing out for four counts, has a very immediate balancing effect on the body most of the time. You can also work with your eyes, relaxing your eyes. Maybe doing eye exercises, where you move your finger closer and further from your face or left to right and you follow your finger. And then you try and really focus on something that's specific, and then you like relax your gaze and let your vision get very wide, that can have an immediate effect on your brain and on your nervous system. Some of you might really need a kind of release around this time. And so things that are cathartic, like yelling or shaking your body, things like — like if you have a lot of energy in your body, and you're noticing agitation or disassociation or distraction or tension, you might need some catharsis and so it would be a really good day to do that.


Now, I also want to say that for some folks out there, this new moon could be bringing somewhat of a shift into your life. And this shift could feel sudden for some of you. For some of you, there may be some kind of shift in your home life or your family life. Or there could be something that happens that feels either destabilizing or like it opens up a huge new place of potential stability and power for you. Be easy with yourself and be easy with others. This is a new moon that packs a punch. And whether or not you're feeling pretty intense around it, plenty of people around you will. So you know, move carefully, move with mindfulness. And don't get pulled into bullshit. And don't try and pull other people in either, like that nervous system work can be really helpful around this time just to like keep your head cool, a little bit.


Now, the new moon does mark a pretty powerful, palpable shift in energy, I think and the several days coming after the new moon, it feels like conversations take on a much more serious tone. You might be talking or thinking about your life direction, and like what are you going to do next? Where are you going to go from here? Your vision could be really long term at this point, or it may be closer in. The questions that you're asking could be anywhere from subtle and energetic to again, very tangible and material. It also feels to me that at this time, it is really helpful for you to rest and sleep. And some of you will want to draw upon spiritual resource right now. And I mean the resource of your spirit, of your higher self, of the part of you that is vaster and deeper than your ego. I also mean any kind of spiritual practices in whatever realm that feels supportive to you could be really supportive, at this time, incredibly supportive. This is also a time that I'm getting that for Aquarius it's helpful to reach out to ancestors and to reach to elders. You can honor ancestors that you are not related to and if there have been powerful figures in your life that have been really inspiring for you, get their picture, put it on an altar, light a candle. You can connect to the resources of the past, to the people and the beings and the events that have happened that nourish you in their memory. If there is clearing of the past that you want to be doing at this time, maybe integration with ancestral patterns or cord cutting or some kind of spiritual cleansing, this is also a really good time for that.


And I want to say that from early November until the beginning of March next year, this is a theme. And this is a very powerful time for you to tune in with this spiritual substance and open up to it. So if you're a person that is like no problem, I believe in all of it, you know, you do you. And if you're the type of Aquarian that is very logical and science oriented, then I really want to invite you to open up to the quantum field, to feel into the liminal space and magic and the fullness of the emptiness, right, like in all of this dark space, dark material, matter that is full of mystery. Wow, what an incredible resource that we have in the unknown. It really allows us to surrender. And it feels to me like you are given so much grace when you surrender, when you stop trying to control the future, when you aren't trying to control other people, when you are really resting into the intentions of your higher self and of your spirit and you're like, letting go, you know, letting go and letting God/Goddess come in and surround you. Again, take what works and leave the rest. So let those words stimulate your own ideas about what that could mean.


November 10 through the 21, this last chunk of Scorpio season is intense. It's just intense. Scorpio is an intense energy, we're not going to get away from it. The new moon brings a lot with it and I think things just continue to ramp up, and by the time we get to the 10, there is a very palpable mindset and tone of intensity. There is a huge possibility for increased likelihood of arguments and challenging mental states around this time. This attitude of surrender that I'm talking about is really helpful, especially if you're feeling agitated, if you have a feeling of intensity. If survival things are coming up for you, if you're feeling like your options are limited or you're fearful about something or you have to fight for something, imagine that dinosaur tail, imagine that reptilian body that is belly on the earth, long awake spine, try not to disassociate. Try not to nurture patterns in your mind and body that produce heightened states of anxiety such as lots of clenching or shallow breathing. Relax your jaw and your face and your tongue, feel the earth underneath you, take deep breaths. Remind yourself that nothing is permanent, everything changes. And any choice you make in any given moment will lead to 1000 possible outcomes. And you want to lean towards the choices that feel most nourishing and life giving and supportive for your spirit in any way that you can, any amount that you can. In the world, expect people to be a little inflamed, expect there to be a heightened volatility and erratic energy in the atmosphere, people being reactive. And protect yourself, and also try and defuse, if you're involved in those kinds of situations don't contribute to them.


This is also a time for profound insight, profound insight. And if you are present in your body, if you are stable in your mind, then this is a time when you can really figure out how to do something different, how to do something new. I've been thinking a lot about the kind of metaphor of like, hacking something. And it feels like Scorpio season is bringing a number of possibilities into our lives to hack like, a system, to queer a system, to subvert something that isn't working anymore, but might have a lot of like tentacles to it that feel hard to escape. And it feels like this period of time, especially from the 10 through the 21, has a lot of power for insight, new ideas, big shifts. And for you, I'm really feeling this, I'm really feeling this when it comes to who you are, to your being state, to what you're embodying, to what you're bringing into the world, to your life direction, to your sense of power. There again, there may be significant shifts that are occurring for you in very personal spaces in your life. I really want to encourage you to move into the erotic potential of change, that even if change is feeling destabilizing, or if there's fear, there are also creative opportunities in that change. And in order to see them and in order to actualize with them, you have to be in your body, you can't be in a scarcity, survival fear mindset. You got to root into your power. And there's a lot to be fearful of, there are high scarcity and survival situations that are happening in the world, so I hope that my words can land with an invitation to work with the situations that are arising for you in your life, in whatever way you possibly can, that moves you towards more embodied presence and less dissociation. More embodied presence and less dissociation, I think the world really needs that, we all really need that.


Expect the collective energy to be thick those couple of days, okay, and please take care of yourself. It does feel to me like a lot of folks, and I'm getting this in your chart too, like, you need rest and you need retreat. And it's helpful for you to give yourself space to unwind, and especially tension in your body. This span of time, the 10 through the 21 especially, I feel like you're needing catharsis and you need some kind of channel to let go of agitation that will distract you if you don't find a good outlet for it. So put on your favorite music and dance around or put on your favorite song and sing along like really loud, or play the drums or beat up a punching bag or something but find like a non destructive way to release some energy.


There is a full moon and partial lunar eclipse on the 19 of November. This is a full moon in the sign of Taurus. And this eclipse is the first of several in a series of eclipses that will take us through October 2023. This eclipse is bringing in a shift for you. And this is a shift in how you feel your foundation and sense of belonging in the world. It is an invitation for you to expand and liberate your sense of belonging in the world. There may be new opportunities to connect with family or chosen family. There may be recognition that you're having about how you can include yourself in the world, how you can invite in the kinds of connections that really support you in your path and in your growth. Again, some of you are going through pretty profound shifts in your home life and in your family life, and this eclipse is emphasizing those shifts. And I really want to underscore the possibility for you to open to the creative and erotic potential of this time. When you move towards change in a way that invites an orientation to pleasure — and I don't mean surfacey consumptive pleasure, I mean a deeper, more satisfying, bodily and soulful pleasure — that will help lead you in the right directions if you're not sure where it is that you want to go.


The couple of days after the full moon definitely open up a new level of conversation and awareness for you. This again feels really deep, it feels like it has a lot to do with life direction, with a sense of purposefulness, with how you want to embody yourself and carry yourself in the world. This is a really powerful time for you to get in touch with your intuition. Dinosaur tail, reptile tail, okay. I hope any or all of that is helpful for you. Please take care of your body. Use your breath, use your tools to be in your body, to be on this planet conscious, connected, aligned.


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CAPRICORN Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)


PISCES Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)