CAPRICORN Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)

Don’t allow your care for the world
or concerns for the future
weigh you down too heavily.
Breathe deep, let in fresh air,
find joy where you can.
Be serious about your sensitivities
and sensate intelligence.
When your body and mind work together,
your insight is deep
and your power is profound.


Hello, Capricorn. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. You're listening to your horoscope for Scorpio season, October 22 through November 21. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer, and I'm going to offer an intuitive reading or channeling that comes through with the charts for the Capricorn solar energy. So Capricorn rising, Capricorn sun. I always recommend that when you tune in with any horoscope or divination, that you listen through the lens of your own intuition. The language that I have through my experience may not be the language that meets your experience entirely. So feel free to freely associate. Make the meaning that's meaningful for you. Take what works and leave the rest. I also recommend that folks check in with horoscopes for their sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you prefer to read or if you want something to come back to later in the month.


Alright, so Scorpio season comes after Libra season, and Libra season marked some pretty decisive turning points, I think for a lot of folks. Libra season included several planetary stations direct. Also, we had a full Mercury retrograde cycle in that season. So what I'm feeling in your chart is that there have been life change directions. Some of you may have been making career shifts. If career isn't a word that resonates or doesn't resonate in this moment, then definitely think about life direction, who you are in this world, who you want to be. Also themes of adulting. How do you take responsibility for your life? How do you stand in integrity with where you come from and where you're going? It feels to me like you have made decisions that have required you to clarify what you want for yourself, and some really kind of fundamental issues about who you are as a person. It also feels like new opportunities are opening up for you. Some of you might be, again, experimenting with new work or career paths. This could require a time of financial cutting back or discernment. If you're trying something new, sometimes that means that you're destabilizing yourself financially a little bit in order to do that. But the sense that I get is that these decisions are well thought out, they're well supported. If you need to cut back for a while, it will be for a long term goal.


As we get into Scorpio season, these turning points become action. And it feels like everything gets more serious as we enter Scorpio season. And for sure, the energy of Scorpio combined with the energy of Capricorn is a serious tone. And there, there feels to be like, maybe some big decisions that you're making, or you're making decisions that have potentially a big impact. You might be thinking about long term vision and long term goals. As a Capricorn, you're well set up for this. And I really want to encourage you my Capricorn friends to open your mind to new possibilities as we move into Scorpio season. And to, you know, to do the thing that you're good at doing, I think. Not all Capricorns, but many of you, you're very practical, right? You're pragmatic and you think about a lot of the foundational details of something and the realism of what, whatever it is, you take all that into account. It's not that you want to lose that at all. But I'm also getting the sense for you right now that you want to open up new ideas for your future. And be practical about those new ideas, of course, like let your long term vision be grounded, but also broaden your perspectives. Let the corners of your eyes soften, try to see what you haven't seen, or open your mind to some new possibilities. That feels like a good kind of movement for you right now.


And I also want to say that Scorpio season in its entirety is a time for you to be tuning in with your intuition. Really paying attention to your gut instincts. If something is not right for you as a directive, you're going to know, I think very clearly in your body. It is definitely a time for you to trust those instincts if they come up. If you feel hesitancy or doubt, then wait. If you feel fear or no, then no. And if you feel like, yeah, excited. And I also want to say that sometimes excitement and fear can go hand in hand. But if it's like, oh my god, this could be really what I want, then yes, yes, go in that direction, follow your instincts. Scorpio as an energy invites us to really tune in with our bodily instincts, especially in the base of the body, low belly, pelvic floor, base of the spine. This is the seat of intuition. In our bodies, when we're in fear or survival mode, just like many other animals, human beings tuck the tail. Assholes clench and things can feel uptight. And so if you're trying to move in new directions, I really want to encourage you to regularly practice tuning in with your lower body, your lower chakras, relaxing your belly, working with pelvic floor awareness, and especially with Scorpio, I love to think about having a reptile tail. So if you enjoy somatic imagination, you might consider for yourself that over the course of this season, at least, you could imagine having like a dinosaur tail, or a lizard tail, or something like that. And if you watch how reptiles move, snakes as well, like their whole spine and tail guides their head. And it feels to me like as you move forward in these new directions, you really want to draw upon embodied empowerment and instinct that is clear and grounded and rooted and like, connected to the source. And the source is the earth, the source is your body's intelligence, the source is pleasure, not in a hedonistic sense, but in a very clear, sensory, bodily kind of way. And I think that pleasure is going to be a kind of guiding, guiding principle for you. And again, it's not that everything feels good all the time, you're not necessarily blissing out. But you are, I think, really learning to discern between what feels good to you in your spirit and in your body, and more superficial cravings or desires that take you out of your body. And you want to get deeper into your body now or you want to get deeper into some kind of substance of something. You don't want to be on the surface, you don't want to be engaged with either temporary, surface, superficial pleasure seeking or patterning that, sorry, but like, could be very Capricorn, you know, patterning where you're like, "I don't deserve that." That's not, you know — it's like you value hard work and some Capricorns can really value struggle and feel like if they're experiencing pleasure, then they're doing something wrong or something like that. So also pay attention to those kinds of tendencies and try and disrupt them.


Okay, so moving into Scorpio season as a flow, the first week or so from the 22 through the 28, I feel like you are having some cool new ideas. For some of you, these ideas might have to do with new experiences that you want to be having. There may be interesting conversations that could be happening for you around this time that feel dreamy and intuitive. Some of you might be having ideas about making money or attracting resource or attracting what it is that you want and kind of like working with magnetism, magnetic energy, how do you like, pull in what you want in whatever realms of your life that you're trying to build. I do want to say that during this period of time, there is a strong recommendation for Capricorn identified people to not engage with conversation that feels really agitating if you can help it. And so if there are conversations that feel triggering, like if they bring up some kind of activation, take some deep breaths, take a step back and try and like, again, come into your body, feel your energy body and notice if your instincts are going to take you out of your body. Like if you're going to get spun out, or something like that, you don't want that. And so it would be better to put a pause, if possible. This is also not a time to engage with righteous fundamentalism and arguments that have to do with really strong opinions, yours or other people's. People are deluded, all of us experience delusion and can really get wrapped up in a thing and can spiral. And so if you're feeling in yourself that you're mentally unclear or if you're around other people and you're like, they are not clear, they're not coming from a clear space right now, then do whatever you can to defuse and put a pause. On the other hand, if the conversation space and the interactions that you're having are sensitive, compassionate, imaginative and open minded, they can be brilliant at this time. Really brilliant conversations could happen.


The end of October into the beginning of November from basically October 30 through November 5 feel very decisive in their energy. It feels like conversations or ideas that you were working with over the course of Mercury's retrograde, you might even think back to around the equinox, September 20 or so, that there may have been some kind of phase of deliberation or going back and forth with something or you might have been thinking again about new directions that you're taking in your life or in career. You may have been trying to like work out certain details about what you want to do. And it feels like you start to get into some decision making space, end of October, beginning of November.


And the new moon on November 4 supports a new direction for you, it really supports you to feel into future potential. And when you're feeling into future potential, I want to encourage you to include the world, like you're part of the world, the world is part of you. You are co-arising with everything else in existence right now. When you move through space, space is not empty. Space is full of energy. Space is full of hauntings of the past. Space is full of dreams and longings for the future. When you think about this new moon and what you want to call in for your own life, I really want to encourage you to call in pleasure, again for yourself. And this pleasure feels deeply embodied. It feels erotic. And I don't at all mean to confuse that with sexual right now. Because I actually feel like it's deeper than sex. It's like, it's like fundamental, erotic life energy, birthing energy, creative energy that is the combination that you can have in a union with spirit or with your higher self. Yes, with other people, but it's not really about other people right now. It feels like it is about you and what you are opening to in your life and what you're willing to open to in your life. And you are part of everything. And so in your imagined future, in your hopes and your dreams for what is to come, what are you emanating in the world? What are you wanting to embody? What space are you wanting to hold and to cultivate inside of yourself that can also be space that is rippling out and into the everything around you? Don't be timid at this new moon to really think about what you want. And I'm going to invite you to do some rituals around abundance with the new moon. And a ritual could be talking to a friend on the phone, it could be taking a bath, it could be making an elaborate altar and lighting candles, whatever feels natural for you. But themes right now to think about are abundance. And again, think deep, go below the superficial. It would be awesome if you and everybody in the world had enough money and resources. What is the feeling of abundance and enoughness on a cellular level, on an emotional level, on a psychic or spiritual level? Call that in with your new moon.


I also want to say that with every beginning there is an ending. And so this is also a new moon that, for many, I think will involve some kind of ending and significant departure in some way. There's always death, there is always death, there is a lot of death in the world right now. There's always ending, there's always the opportunity to let go and to transform. And in the transformation, there is a need to grieve, there is a need to integrate. So if that, if those themes are coming up for you, please give yourself the time and the space to process what you need and let go before moving into the new — and they can happen simultaneously, but allow for both.


November 5, the day after the new moon, or the several days coming after the new moon, it feels like we're really shifting energy here. And we're entering into the depths of Scorpio season, which is depth. And there's also something about this particular Scorpio season that keeps bringing up images of getting to depth for me, which is cracking something open, rooting something into the earth, piercing the surface. And I think that the imagery of cracks, which has been coming to me a lot through a teacher I've been following recently, Bayo Akomolafe. He's been talking a lot about cracks and cracking open. And especially in this time of the world where it feels like there's a lot of frantic anxiety and fear about ending and disaster and this kind of crises that we're experiencing, instead of rushing around frantically trying to patch the old systems, what would happen if we looked at sites of failure, at rifts, and went deeper into them? Not in a divisive way, but looking for the roots of something, really letting a transformative process occur so that what is breaking apart right now can break apart in ways that allow new life and new structures and new systems to emerge. And I love this idea of cracking something or hacking something. And I'm getting this feeling for you that this is a very powerful time for you to hack or crack the facade, the idea of your identity in some way and look at where you're limiting yourself by confining yourself. And we confine ourselves in forms. So for example, if you have had a career as a doctor, and your form is a doctor, but part of what's happening for you right now is a recognition that you need to be a different kind of healer, than the word "doctor" and the construct that it holds might be fucking you up. And the medical industrial institution might be in your way. And so if there's a, if there's a place where there's friction, or there's, there's like a distress that you're feeling that has to do, especially with your person and with your being and with what you can live into and embody and accomplish in the world and in your future, then I invite you to take issue with the semiotics with the language and the forms that you're working with and hack them. Like, not all systems have to continue to behave systematically. You can shift something and it really feels like you are ready to shift something as we move into November. And after that new moon it's like wow, you have some energy to clarify who the fuck you are. Right, and like again I'm like, seeing this reptile dinosaur tail and I'm like, get into your power, feel your power.


Moving on into November, the 10 through the 21 of November is intense. And I've said this already, Scorpio season is intense. There is intense energy coming through, the atmosphere is really charged, especially kind of more around the beginning of this period, the 9, 10, 11 all the way through the 16, people could be quite volatile and erratic. Certainly, there's volatility and erraticness in the collective and it is increasing. So the first thing that I have to say is, care for yourself. Care for yourself first, put your life jacket on before you rush out and try and put other people's life jackets on. Take care of your basic needs. Take care of your mind, body and spirit to a capacity, to an extent that you're not contributing to the maelstrom of volatility that could be in the atmosphere. This is a really important time to stay grounded. And also to just be aware, to be alert, to — there's a lot of friction in the atmosphere, there are people who are going through a lot of hard things, and you might be going through a lot of hard things. Really try and access your deeper resources at this time.


This is also a period of time when incredible breakthroughs can happen. And the intensity and the charge within the atmosphere and within the collective energy, I think are really trying to push some new energy forward. We certainly see this like in where I live in the United States, like there's been a gridlock in legislating, in passing measures that will help us move into a sustainable future. And there's a lot of gripping onto power and gripping onto control and the more conservative elements of the government, while progressive elements really want to move forward. And without going more into the political side, it feels like there is a similar kind of sensation in the atmosphere where people are potentially fearful of change, and they don't know how to change, and they don't know how to let go of the way things were even if the way things were didn't work for them. There could also be impulsiveness to move forward and a kind of urgency, and so that could feel really activating. This is an opportunity for breakthrough. For you, the opportunities for breakthrough are very supported by embodiment and creativity. Very supported by pleasure practices. And so pleasure, again is, it's not hedonism. It's like, can you take a minute and enjoy this breath? What would feel creative and generative for you to do for 20 or 30 minutes if you can find the time? Make the time. Five minutes. You know, draw a little doodle, sing a little song, come into your body, find ways to let yourself soften around all of the emergency and the urgency and the crazed-ness feeling in the world and feel into the possibility. Feel into the places where there's room for new growth, where there's room for a different idea. You don't know what's going to happen in the future, none of us do. And focus on where you can have a tangible effect. And where that effect leads to deeper compassion, more pleasure, more depth for yourself and for the people that you're around, that you're hanging out with.


Now we're leading to a full moon and partial eclipse on the 19 of November. This eclipses in the sign Taurus and it's the first of several eclipses that will occur between now and October of 2023. This eclipse is asking you to open some space in your creative, erotic, pleasure body and it is inviting in, I think some new enthusiasm for you. And it feels like you might have a different kind of reason to be excited or generative or happy or thinking about your self expression, thinking about art, thinking about creative energy in any way. And creative energy to me always feels like, childlike in some ways. Playful, right? So invite in this kind of energy around the full moon. You might want to dance or, I don't know, like, do, you know, do something that stimulates that kind of energy for yourself.


And then the couple of days after the full moon, I think make space for different kinds of thinking and different kinds of conversation that feel very supportive to this sense of your changing and your becoming into, yeah, I don't know, the next version of you, whatever update you're on right now, like 18.7 or something like that. So I'm wishing you all the best Capricorn. This is definitely a season for you to be in your body, and find pleasure where you can and share it. Share it, share it, share it, spread it outwards.


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SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)


AQUARIUS Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)