SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)

Use your mind to relax your brain.
Give permission to rest, recover, regenerate.
Dream new visions into becoming
by trusting your intuition
and letting go of fear.
The unknown future is beckoning,
asking you to deepen intentions
and let go of expectations.
Trust divine timing, tend to feelings and
let it all emerge.


Hello, Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising. Welcome to the Embodied Astrology horoscopes for Scorpio season, October 22 through November 21. My name is Renee, I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. And this horoscope is for Sagittarius sun and rising. I'm going to offer an intuitive download and interpretation of what I feel coming up for you in this season. I always recommend that folks check in with horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at You can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes in the horoscopes section if you prefer to read or you want something to come back to later in the month. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. My language may not always match your experience. So feel free to freely associate, make the meaning that's meaningful for you, take what works and leave the rest.


Alright, friend. So we're entering into Scorpio season from Libra season and Libra season marked some significant turning points. There were several planets stationing direct, we also had a full Mercury retrograde in that season. And so there may be projects that you've been working on, or kind of new paths of growth that have been opening up for you since March or April, or maybe even some of you as early as February of this year of 2021. And certainly the last three to six weeks have brought, I think, some new ideas into your realm, into your life. There may be new friends or new connections that you have been getting to know or talking with. And it feels like there are, I said this already, new directions that you're moving towards. There's a lot of possibility that is opening up for you in different ways. This has a distinctly kind of future feeling and also a social feeling to it, a relational feeling. So as we move into Scorpio season, it feels to me like things are getting deeper and that deliberation or back and forth in some kind of process that you may have been in where it's like, oh, I want to go this direction, what needs to happen so that I can go this direction, a period of thinking things through or rethinking things, that's coming to a close.


Scorpio season asks you to really get, I would say subtle and tap into your intuition. Scorpio is the sign that precedes yours. And so it offers a huge amount of space to you to feel into that is also kind of nebulous space. This is a really good time for you to kind of vision or meditate or dream into your like deepest desires. I wanna say that, and then when I offer that, I'm saying too, that a lot of us fear the thing that we want the most or the things that we want the most and so this is also maybe a good time for you to see if you can notice any patterns of self sabotage or self limitation that might come through fear or attachment or insecurity. And definitely like, I don't know, patterns of mistrust. That feels like a good theme, like patterns of mistrust. Whether you mistrust yourself or the universe or other people, it feels like a good time to kind of explore those and also to open up in it in an intuitive way, like in a dreamy way. So I'm feeling like this is a great time for meditation, this is a great time for visioning, for journaling, for dream boarding, for dancing and channeling. Like if you have certain things that you do that allow your mind to wander and for you to slip into kind of like a liminal state, this is a really good time for you to do that with the intention of bringing more awareness to deep desires and what holds you back.


This is also a powerful time for dreaming, and so if you're a person who dreams, you might consider working really intentionally with your dreams. You could journal a little bit or meditate before you go to sleep. You could write questions for your dream body and put it underneath your pillow. I'm also getting that some of you want to place salt underneath your bed, underneath your head and your feet, so that any kinds of dissipating energy that is leaving your body at night gets clarified and purified and you can kind of let go of any like lingering stuff you might be picking up in the atmosphere. We're all very sensitive beings, I think we're all very psychic. And a lot of people don't know that about themselves. And so it's like you might be feeling moody or tired or lethargic or having certain symptoms come up in your body that are psychosomatic in their origin, but have to do with like, not being able to process, you know, something that has affected you emotionally or something like that.


Okay, so then we move into Scorpio season, like I said, it feels like things are coming into some new places of depth. The first week of Scorpio season from the 22 through the 28 or so is a period of time when it feels like new conversations are happening. For some of you, these are exciting conversations. I talked about friendships a moment ago, there may be friends or colleagues or some of you may as well be working with family issues. Parents, people who you live with. For a lot of us these conversations happen in our heads. But it feels like the ways that you're thinking about things and how you're putting yourself forward and how you're feeling yourself open up some new space for a perception, or for perspective, and really have quite cool opportunities for new kinds of conversations.


Now, I do want to give a little bit of a caveat and a warning here that this is a time to notice if you're being bombastic, righteous, really overly opinionated in ways that kind of block other people out. This is a tendency everybody has, and it is a particular tendency for Sagittarius identified people to think that their truth is the truth. And so if you find yourself in spaces like that where you're like, feeling forceful, you're feeling righteous, you're feeling opinionated, it doesn't feel like you can take other people's perspective in, you might just need to leave, leave the conversation or leave the space if you're feeling really triggered or activated. Or you might need to calm yourself and open your mind and listen. And both could be valuable. And you'll probably know which one you need to do. But I do want to say that if you're trying to like, assert your ego right now, it's not helpful for you. And it's better for you to practice self care and tenderness and like, open minded conversations than it is to get into arguments at this time.


The end of November, first couple, excuse me. End of October, first couple of days of November from October 30 through November 5, very decisive energy coming in around that time. It feels like motivations get deeper. Again, this may be a time for you when you're having some kind of recognition of deeper desires, or deeper motivations, or what blocks you, what inhibits you. This may also be a time that some of you are really active in your psychic dreaming bodies. And I want to say that this period of activity for you starts at the end of October and goes through middle of December. For any of you who work with psychic or spiritual practices or want to, this is a powerful time for you to harness those practices. I also want to say that this is a really powerful time, especially for Sag rising people, but definitely Sag sun as well, to cut cords. And so if you're recognizing that you're being held back by energy, by fear, by old patterns from the past, by ancestral baggage, or unresolved or unintegrated trauma, this is an incredible time for you to do cord cutting. End of October through middle of December. It feels like you have a lot of access to your psychic strength and you have awareness of what needs to go and you also have awareness of what direction you want to move in. And so this first couple of days of November, my hope for you is that this brings a period of really significant psychic strength, that feeling.


Now I do want to say that some of you could feel inflamed and overwhelmed, there may be an uptick in symptoms. So it could feel like a very irritable or irritating time for some folks. Some of you might have like, inflammatory symptoms that are coming up in your body. If you notice this kind of inflammation or irritation, taking baths, letting water cleanse you, drinking a lot of water. Again, working with salt as a clarifying, purifying and harmonizing alchemical substance. Doing prayer work and spiritual work and psychic clearing could be really helpful. Cleaning, like cleaning your actual space and really kind of cleansing your body could be really helpful. And I definitely would recommend that you stay away from inflammatory substances and activities. Don't watch TV late at night, don't — the world is crazy and violent, and try and be conscious about what you're taking in in terms of like media consumption. Many people do not have that choice. If you feel like you're bombarded with stimulation or information that is overwhelming for you, reach out to spirit, this is a time to pray. And it could feel for a lot of folks that they are very overwhelmed. And if you have any access to spiritual guides, in whatever traditions or faiths resonate for you, people who can offer like spiritual solace or can help you kind of cleanse your etheric body, this would be a good time to draw upon those resources.


This is also again, I was saying this is a decisive time. And so over the course of Libra season, if you think back to around the equinox, September 20 or so, there have been some kinds of conversations happening, it feels to me like you're considering the future in some way. And then the first couple days of November, it's like decision making is happening. Some of those conversations are culminating. They're coming into a new point of coherence, the page is turning on the chapter, etc. I want to remind everyone that new directions and new growth most often necessitate departure from an old direction or old growth. And so it could feel like there are, again, turning points or the need to do some kind of conscious letting go of an old way of being so that you can move into a new way of being.


This is definitely a remarkable feeling as we get into the new moon energy, the new moon perfects on November 4. This is a new moon that really asks you to go deep, you may feel very tired around this new moon. If you are tired, sleep. Get as much rest as you possibly can around this new moon. Really care for your energy body. It's very important for you that you don't overwhelm yourself mentally around this time and that you surround yourself with pacifying mental stimulation as much as possible. So this could be like listening to binaural rhythms or calming music, it could be reading poetry, looking at beauty. Breath practices could be super helpful around this time, it feels like you really want to support your mind to be steady. This is very important for folks that might be experiencing inflammation, anxiety and depression around this time. And I want to say this isn't everybody that's going to be going down that road. This is also, you know, mind steadying and pacifying mental stimulation is also really helpful for those of you that are wanting to get deeper into your intuition, into your big vision, into like your psychic capacity, etc.


Now, this is a very powerful full moon, excuse me, new moon, and the energy has a remarkable shift, I think, in the days following that new moon. Conversations get deeper, your thought process gets deeper. You have to go so deep right now, really get to the core. If your thoughts aren't 100% clear right now, that's okay. If you feel a little fuzzy mentally or if you feel like wow, like I've got a lot of ideas, but they're drifting around, that's fine. Give it till the end of the month. By the end of November, your thoughts are going to have a much clearer shape, they're going to be coming into view. From November 5 through the 25, let yourself be dreamy if you need to be dreamy, and again, sleep a lot, I think you need a lot of sleep in Scorpio season.


This is also a period of time where it feels like you are coming into some kind of either reworking or refinement or repair kind of process. Potentially with self esteem and self worth, with thinking about your earning capacity, your ability to generate resources, there may be a need to clarify budget issues around this time, for you to really focus on expenses, and I want to include time, energy, attention, as well as money. And this is also a time when it feels like you could be doing some — I don't know, it's like, maybe you're figuring out like a different income stream, or on a deeper level than that, you're thinking about your value as a human being and what it is that your values are, what is valuable to you. And also your inherent value as a person, what do you have to give in this world that you can share, but you can also receive benefit from because what you're giving is necessary and beautiful. This period of time that I'm mentioning, it is like there's a reflection time, there's a period of kind of back and forth. And I want to say this, this doesn't really wrap up until the beginning of March 2022, next year, and so questions about finances, resources, anything that you're working on in this way, just be gentle with yourself, be as flexible and adaptable as you can. I think that you're going to shift some kind of situation by the beginning of March.


Alright, now moving into mid November from the 10 through the end of Scorpio season, like the 21. The atmosphere is remarkably intense, and Scorpio season in general is an intense season. That new moon is super intense. There's in general a tone of increasing seriousness and intensity throughout the season. And this is going to be in the collective as well as in the personal and the interpersonal. We are in a time of crisis on earth. And that is unavoidable and unarguable. There are so many interpermeating, overlapping crises that are happening. And it is overwhelming — it is absolutely overwhelming. It is also full of possibility and in the way that systems and structures are breaking down, or it is becoming apparent that certain ways of being whether these are ways of you know, social structures or behaviors or the all the conditions of late capitalism, it's like there, there is an increasing kind of awareness and momentum that things need to change. And the ways that things have been happening are not good for most people. And there needs to be change. And it feels like you are feeling this, like you are really feeling a readiness for significant change. This is a deep internal shift is what I feel for you. It is a psychic shift, it is a spiritual shift. And it's some kind of deeper bodily, somatic vibration that is shifting in you where you're going, I don't need to be like that anymore. If you are really feeling impacted by the world, please care for yourself as much as you can. I just can't repeat this enough, like you need a lot of sleep right now, that feels very apparent. There may be a lot of need that is coming, you know, at you where you feel like you have to give a lot. Whether that — that may not be entirely true for everybody in an immediate way. So you could be feeling like overwhelmed by the need of the world. And it could be that certain circumstances in your life just need a lot from you. And they could feel kind of draining at this time or depleting. There may be an incredible demand for emotional capacity or emotional labor from you during this period of time and care for yourself. Get as much sleep as you can. Cleanse regularly, like try and let go of emotional residue in any way that you can. Remind yourself that the world is not yours to fix or to control, that other people are not yours to save. If you have an infant or a young child, you need to be really responsible for them. But other than that, you don't need to be responsible for other people's experiences in their totality. You can be responsible for the part of their experiences that have to do with your energy towards them, but not even their perception, not how they experience you. But just like what you're bringing into the equation, you can be responsible for that. This is a really good time to practice compassion, again, to release judgment, to not be righteous, to kind of just be open minded, relaxed as much as you possibly can. And then again, to like, really give yourself outlets for any kind of energy that feels sticky on you.


For some folks, this is a period of divine inspiration. You might feel creatively lit up, you might feel so excited and inspired and intuitive. A lot of new ideas coming for some of you, especially around like the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th. This span of days, it feels like wow, you might be having really different ideas about again, like resources, maybe some work related projects, or how you want to live your life and you're going like oh, I can make these changes, like these different kinds of changes. Again, it feels like these are psychic changes and spiritual changes as well as physical changes.


There is a full moon and partial lunar eclipse on November 19. This is the first of a series of eclipses that will happen during Scorpio and Taurus seasons. This eclipse is a full moon eclipse that occurs in the sign Taurus. This is a new direction for you that has to do with, first of all, your well being, your functionality, how you can care for yourself. There may be specific health related new directions or kind of different priorities that are becoming clear. For some of you there will be significant new directions in your jobs or in your labor or there may be, again there may be need for you to be of service somehow to others. So there may be some caretaking that some of you are going to be doing that is significant. These series of eclipses brings us to the end of 2023. And so during that time, you'll probably be, I'm going to say working with letting go and also working with creating. You're harnessing a new kind of intelligence in the terms of how you're caring for the elements of your life. And this may be specific people, circumstances, it may be your body, it may be your life in general, your functionality and what you're doing with your life. But yeah, this is a, this is a kind of remarkable new direction that's happening.


In the last couple of days of Scorpio season, following that full moon, the 20 and the 21, again, some rich conversations kind of coming up that feel potential for you. And it feels really necessary in this time for you to be very clear about your priorities and your values. What it is that you need to sustain what it is that you are doing or want to do or who you are. These feel like very clarifying conversations that kind of help you move in this new direction that I'm mentioning.


Okay, I hope any or all of that is helpful for you, my Sagittarius friends. If you've enjoyed this horoscope, if you find this work helpful, please consider supporting it. You can support it by sharing it with your friends and networks, subscribing, rating, and giving great reviews on your favorite listening platforms. Your financial donations are so appreciated and so helpful. And you can also sign up for a recurring monthly subscription which gets you access to my extended content, including my month ahead calendars and twice a month zoom meetups. If you want more astrology from me, you can get your Year Ahead Report for 2021. That's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign where I go over the major themes, opportunities and challenges of this year. Those readings are discounted by 50% now and you can find them at where you can find all the other information about my subscription and classes and other offerings etc. I'm wishing you all the best in Scorpio season and beyond. Bye for now.


SCORPIO Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)


CAPRICORN Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)