CAPRICORN Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

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Imagine that joyous meeting,
the convergence of body, heart, mind, and spirit...
The collaborations you long for
are ready and waiting for you 
to arrive with equal
readiness for them.


Hello, hello my Capricorn friends. Welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Cancer Season, June 20 through July 22, 2021. My name is Renee, I'm the astrologer here at Embodied Astrology. I'm going to do my best to give you a reading through the combined lenses of somatic or embodied intuition and astrology. So as you listen to this horoscope, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Make the meaning that's meaningful for you. Take what works and leave the rest. I always recommend that people check in with horoscopes for their sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section.


Alright, so dear Capricorn. You may know that Cancer is your opposite sign. And so Cancer Season is an excellent time to bring attention and to bring your intention into the area of life that this sign represents for you. Your opposite, meaning your reflection, meaning the other end of the continuum that is you and your singular individuated identity. And this is another person. This is any other person that you are coming into a one-on-one dynamic with. And in the one-on-one dynamic, we have some semblance of the potential for equality, the potential for fairness, and the potential for collaboration, the necessity for compromise at times. This is a placement in your chart that is associated with the need to come into union and harmony with other people, and of course, this is not always easy. And so this is a place of process. This is a place of negotiation and balance, especially balance in relationship. Actually balance anywhere, you know, on earth, isn't static, it's not a fixed state of being. There is no permanent kind of balance unless we're going to think about the permanent balance of imbalance, of flux, of chaos. And anything in nature grows and spirals. And as you learn to walk and even as you stand solidly on, you know, two feet, if you have two feet to stand on, the balance that you have is never steady, right? We're always kind of slightly shifting, finding oscillation, negotiating between what we feel as a centered space and a peripheral space. So this is a great time for you to bring your awareness into your one-on-one dynamics, into the places of potential for balance, for collaboration, for harmony, and coming together with other people. And of course, this is a process and so bring your loving attention and intention here. Let the invitation of this month bring you into awareness of your own oscillation and fluctuation. How do you come into relationship with others? What are your ideas, your assumptions, your expectations about what relationships should be, will be, could be? We all come into relationships with deeply embodied and internalized narratives about what it means to be in relationship and especially when our one-on-one relationships take on the importance of partnerships or any kind of commitment, whether that is a romantic commitment, a spousal commitment, a business partnership, or even someone you're collaborating with for an afternoon to do, you know, do some kind of project, there is always the need to grow, right, and listen to one another and there's always this idea of potential. And how we navigate the space between ourselves and one another is such a rich learning space.


So as we enter into Cancer Season, again beginning on June 20th, we enter with two really powerful retrograde movements and the first is a station retrograde. This is Jupiter turning retrograde in the sign of Pisces the day that Cancer Season begins. And over the course of Cancer Season until the end of July actually, Jupiter will be finishing up its first transit through the sign of Pisces and this is a transit that it will repeat or continue with for a good chunk of 2022. So reflect on the last couple of months. What have you been learning about communication? How have you been understanding a need to grow in your capacity to communicate and to communicate with clarity and with integrity and with connection to your personal truth? Communication is not easy, right? We're talking about relationships again. The dialogue that we engage in with others isn't confined to those words happening in that time and space. Any conversation we have is going to be built upon all of our previous conversations, the ways that we've learned language, the ways that we've learned to interpret, to translate, to code switch, you know, to read the cues of the others who we're talking to, to shape our language so that we can reach some kind of understanding. I feel like you have come to some new awareness of your communication patterns and it feels to me like your awareness is more on the inner side, you know, what's happening before the words are coming out? What are the thoughts? What are the expectations? What are the assumptions? What are the beliefs that are shaping the conversations that you're having? And it feels to me that you are wanting some new kinds of conversations to happen, you want a new kind of communication, and this goes along with wanting some kind of growth in the relational sphere. But there's cleanup work that you're doing. And this cleanup work is really, I think, within the realm of your values and your value systems. How do you negotiate for yourself what you want to give, and also what you're asking to get or to receive? That exchange, the energetic exchange that you have with others, is set up on a foundation and a premise of the values, value systems, and self worth that you've been cultivating your whole life. And there's something that wants to get restructured or fortified or deconstructed in this realm right now. And I think that you're working to reshape your value systems, to understand some piece or pieces around your self worth and your self esteem that may have been inhibiting the kinds of relationships that you actually want, and/or the kinds of communications that you are wanting to move towards. So through this month of Cancer Season, this is also a time to be in meditation with your communication, to notice where your words are beginning. Before they ever leave your mouth, what is happening internally? What is the inner narrative, the inner dialogue? What are the assumptions that you're putting on others? What do you think that they're saying to you? Are your perceptions accurate? Or are they being filtered through some kind of clutter? I don't know, some kind of feeling of maybe outdated belief systems or outdated translation tactics or strategies that you have. It feels like you are really working some deep layers throughout this season that is going to—that are going to help you come into places of new clarity, new capacity for your communication, for your thoughts, and for your interactions with others. Throughout this entire season, there is more and more energy for you to be connecting. And the kinds of connection that you want feel to me to be deep, meaningful, potentially passionate, sexy. I don't, I don't know, you know, who you are, who I'm talking to, or what your relational space is feeling like these days. So again, take what works and leave the rest. But it feels like those with strong Capricorn placements right now are really needing to give themselves space and potentiality and kind of new forms of imagination around what intimacy could look like, what connection could look like. And my sense is, is that you want connections and intimacies and partnerships, in whatever realms they happen to be, okay, not just romantic, these can be platonic intimacies, they can be business partnerships, they can be all kinds of collaborations, but my sense is that you're really wanting to engage with yourself and then with others, in ways that are authentic, that are integrated, that are not about you performing that are not about you de-validating your own needs or the needs of others, you know, not pretending, not doing that thing that many of us can do, which is you know, playing to the potential of a relationship rather than really being in it. And I've talked already about the potentials of collaboration. And so here I want to say that the potential that you can find within your relationships is only as big, it's only as, as feasible as the potential that you can manifest and embody within yourself to be authentic. And so this is a time for you to work that edge. And for Capricorns, I want to invite you to let loose a little bit. I feel like there are blockages to your authenticity when you get caught up in the ideas of what you should be for yourself, for others, for you know, the internalized archetypes that you have of parents, figures of authority figures, of some kind of anonymous, you know, other beings that are judging you or something like that. Capricorn as an archetype is an archetype that is very concerned often with success, and proprietary-ness or tradition, or a kind of traditional sense of competency or authority. And this is a really good time, you know, on earth to be looking at, where do you draw your models of success from? What has shaped your ideas of what something should look like? And that includes you, that includes other people, and that includes all forms of relationships, as well as all your other projects and ambitions. Though this time really has a lot of emphasis in your relational sphere so I'm going to stick to that. Where have you come up with the ideas of what it looks like to be, quote unquote "successful" in, in relationships, or where have you come up with the ideas of who you need to be in order for others to love you, to appreciate you, to value you, to give you what you want? My feeling as I look at your chart is that it's time to let go of those external preoccupations. This is not about pleasing the audience, this is not about pleasing the other in your perceptions of whoever they are and whatever they want. This is about you pleasing yourself. This is a time for you to really come into what I would call your authentic center, your heart, your true vitality, your true spirit, and give from that place into your relationships. And throughout this season, throughout Cancer Season, from basically, kind of the end of June until the middle of July, there are lots of planetary aspects triggering this need that I'm talking about for you to come into yourself, to identify your own desires, to connect with your own potentials for passion, for pleasure, for creativity, for inspiration. To feel your own prerogative in relationships, and what you want to bring, what you want to give, and then what you want to receive. To orient towards any kind of collaboration that you're entering into, any kind of partnership, any kind of meeting from a place that is first grounded in self respect, you know, I think sometimes self love is it is a tall ask for many of us, but self respect could be a good place to begin. What is that for you? You know, what does that mean for you to really have respect for your Self? And I'm, in my head, capitalizing Self, and I'm thinking about your highest self, your truest self, your deepest self, not the constructed self that you've been working on for however many years you're on this planet, but what you, I believe, are really coming to recognize as your true self. How do you move into relationships with respect for that self, for that truth?


There are a couple of lunations this month to pay attention to. On June 24, there's a full moon in Capricorn, your sign. And this is a full moon that has a lot of support from the cosmos for you to be doing this work of communicating, of communicating with transparency, with authenticity, with courage, with tenderness, to be trying new, new ways of communicating, new ways of listening, new ways of interpreting and speaking your truth. On July 9, there is a new moon in Cancer and this is a powerful new moon, this is a great time to orient yourself towards new growth in your relationships and in your partnerships. This is a time to definitely meditate with the themes that I've been talking about so far. And consider deeply the large, you know, like the enormous transformative work that you're doing right now, to reshape your brain, to come more into contact with your true self, and to really infuse your ideas of what relationships could be if they grew on these foundations, right, of your authenticity, of your clarity, of your honesty, etc. So these are the main themes that I feel for you in this Capricorn—excuse me, in this Cancer Season.


Mercury will be stationing direct a couple of days after Cancer Season begins on the 22nd of June. And along with the relational work, there is some work that you're doing with this Mercury direct to reconfigure, reshape some important aspects of your day to day life. And as you move through the season, I would love to encourage you to think about day to day life as relational space, regardless of whether you're in company or alone, you're always in relationship to yourself and to the world around you. And right now, it feels to me that you as a relational being, that this is the show this is the, this is the focal point, and that you are ready, wanting, willing and able to create relationships that really have a sense of, of wholeness, of integrity, of curiosity, of currentness, you know? You don't want to be stuck in the past, you don't want to be clutching on to some unknown future, you want to be right here, you want to be present. So how does this get integrated in your day to day? How can these ideas of awakened relationship, of courageous relationship be integrated in your day to day? In all the ways that you take care of yourself, in all the ways that you attend to your tasks, in all the ways that you meet the responsibilities of your life?


I'll leave you with that question for now. I hope any or all of this horoscope is useful and interesting for you. If you'd like more astrology from me, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading specially for your sign, looking at all the major movements, opportunities, and challenges of 2021. Because we're halfway through the year now, those readings are discounted 50% and you can find them on my website. You can also find information on my extended content subscription. That's a by donation subscription that gets you access to my month ahead calendars, to tools and resources for learning about astrology and to my twice a month subscriber only Zoom meetups where we workshop current astrology and work with our charts. You can find information on all of that at, you can also follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology for regular Astro updates. If you enjoy this work, please share it with your friends and family. Subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes. And of course, your financial donations are always super appreciated. Wishing you all the best in Cancer Season and beyond. Much love and bye for now.


SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)


AQUARIUS Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)