SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

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Sometimes what we truly want is what
we fear the most.
Be courageous.
Communicate with care.
Live from your heart and
let your deepest love lead you.


Hello Sagittarius, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Cancer Season, June 20 through July 22, 2021. My name is Renee, I'm the astrologer here at Embodied Astrology. I'm a somatic intuitive and astrologer and I'll do my best to speak to this intersection, the place where astrology meets embodiment. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Take what works and leave the rest and make the meaning that's most meaningful for you. I always recommend that people listen and read the horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section.


Well, Cancer is a sign that everybody has in their chart and whether or not you have any planets in your natal chart in Cancer, this is an important sign for you, my Sagittarius identified friend. The part of the chart that Cancer holds for you is a part that is so deep, that is so personal, and that is very intimate. It exists in the spaces of intimacy. It exists in the spaces where we share energy and resources with others. And over the course of these 30 days of this zodiacal season, it is an opportunity for you to feel and sense into this interstitial, liminal exchange space. In the space of intimacy, we also have the space of vulnerability. When we're sharing or when others are sharing with us, there's a lot of opening, right, and there are expectations that can arise and often those expectations are not verbalized. And so this part of your chart also holds all of the kind of deeper, often unspoken, or at least hard to speak about emotional content that comes with any close relationship, important relationship, or any relationship where there is some kind of exchange of power, resource, support, etc. Now, you have support this month to be working, reworking, bringing consciousness and clarity into this part of your chart. And there also is an ask for you. And this ask has to do with you identifying, orienting around your own personal values, your value systems, your self esteem, and your self worth. And you've been working on this for a long time. Okay, so if you kind of just reflect back, feel back into the last 12, 13 years of your life, and depending on how old you are, that might be a significant chunk of your life. What have you been learning about exchange with others? What have you been learning about your value systems? What do you want to give? What do you want to get? What do you think is important? You know, I might think that it's important that others give me time and attention, while someone else might think it's important that others give them you know, words of affirmation and gifts, or if we want to think about love languages, or something like that. But the love languages as a form are reductive, so think broadly about this. What are you giving and what are you getting and what are you learning about this space of exchange? Your self worth is really important here. And we—I don't think many of us have been raised to really understand how to value ourselves. Because most of us have been raised in the conditions of white supremacist capitalism and, and other kinds of oppressive mind states, that teach us that there isn't inherent value to a body, that there isn't inherent value to the earth, that, you know, everything is objectified, everything is up for profit. And so many of us have learned to orient towards ourselves as, you know, objects, as machines, as you know, not inherently valuable but valuable only for what others might judge, you know, or how we might meet societal standards or something like that. So there's an ask for you this month, to dig deep, to go deep within yourself, to really hold the growth that is happening for you I think, in this realm of self esteem, of self worth, of values, of value systems, as you engage in intimacy, in vulnerability, and in exchange with others. And these spaces of intimacy, vulnerability, and exchange might happen very casually, you know, in the sense of like, I don't know, you know, asking for something from a friend, asking for a favor, or negotiating a pay rate for a job. They might be really intense, you know, conversations with partners about you know, finances and children or something like that, like where there's a lot of emotional entanglement and routes to work through. And wherever you happen to be, whatever spaces you are negotiating, there's something really important here about you knowing what it is that you value and holding that, right. Building containers around that knowing that are sustainable, and that help sustain the kinds of relationships that you want. I want to say that also, because these themes of self worth, self value, value systems, intimacies, vulnerabilities, they are so deep and they do not begin and end with us as individuals, right, like the ways that we learn to come into intimacy, we've learned through family structures, through cultural societal structures, and through all the people that we've ever been engaged with in intimacy, and therefore all the people they've ever been engaged with. And so these spaces of intimacy and exchange are loaded spaces. They're spaces that are full of ghosts and spirits and energies and entanglements that are big and wide and far beyond what any of us can really take total personal responsibility for. So I also want to say that I feel like this is a really powerful time for you to be connecting with the ancestral realm, the spiritual realm, the energetic and liminal space. When you are in exchange with others, try and remember that none of us are here arising alone, right? We're all here arising in the conditions of everything that has ever happened. And none of us, you know, can really consciously grok all of what that is, most of us are reacting and responding to the best of our ability in the moment that we are. And so as you're working in the space of your relationships, can you open your consciousness to include this greater energetic space? Can you be curious about what is arising in your vulnerabilities, in your intimacies, in your exchanges, and work to care for those kinds of energetic residues, those energetic imprints. Because this is also a time as we move into Cancer Season where there's so much energy for growth and learning for you. And I feel like you're really coming into new spaces of recognition and awareness around how you move in the world and in your life and how you move towards what it is that you want and that you identify as your priority and your path, etc.


Alright, so timeline. We begin Cancer Season with an important retrograde. This is a retrograde of the planet Jupiter, in the sign of Pisces, and over the course of the next month and a half or so, Jupiter will be retrograding back into the sign Aquarius, where it will stay for the rest of the year. So think back to the last couple of months or so. And consider how you have been learning and growing in the spaces in your life that have to do with family, with familiarity, and with home and a sense of belonging. Now these are big themes. And so think about them generously. Think about home and family and all the different iterations that you have experienced it. That includes chosen family, it includes the family of other living beings on the earth, it includes the home of your body, it includes the home of the planet, as well as any structures and actual familial, you know, relationships that you want to consider. I feel like you are learning something about how you want to take up space and what it really feels like to belong and what you really want when it comes to the energetics of family. I feel like you're learning something really important right now about what it is to create and participate with home and family. Now you are needing to do some restructuring work I think when it comes to your communications, and this restructuring work is going to help you to grow and expand into the familial space or the home spaces, the spaces of deeper belonging and personal sense of groundedness that I believe it is that you want.


Over the course of the next four to five months, you have opportunities to really work on your communications. Communications right now are definitely prioritizing in your chart boundaries. Boundaries are a big, big topic, right? So what are you giving? What are you getting? What do you want to give and what do you want to get? For any fire sign I think it's always a good idea to check in with impact, you know, what are the impact? What is the impact of your communications? Any fire sign, you know, needs to check in sometimes with: Is what I'm giving actually wanted? You know, we—I'm a fire sign too—you know, we may be really enthusiastic about what it is that we're giving. But that fiery energy can be quick, it can be rambunctious, and sometimes it can be a little bit clumsy. So this is a good time to check in with your connections, you know, how are you navigating boundaries? Are you able to ask for what you want and need? Are you able to listen and respect the boundaries of others? And when it comes to time and energy, boundaries, it feels like there's something really important at work here, which is that you are trying to shift your life somehow. You're trying to make changes in your day to day. Some of you might be looking to create new sources of livelihood or jobs for yourself. Some of you might need to restructure your day to day to care for some situations that are becoming important, whether they are in your home life, your domestic situation, your body, your health, other aspects of your responsibilities, and you need to figure out how to accommodate them and hold space for them in the ways that you want. And so clarifying your boundaries, clarifying your asks, your communications, your yeses and your noes will really help you with this and you definitely want to be able to ask for help when you need it. You definitely want to be able to delegate if that's possible and important for you. And you also definitely want to be able to be available to your life, to what is asking you for your presence and your attention: responsibility, home life, chores, your labor, your work, your calling, your cause, and for some of you, very importantly, your health. Figure it out. This is the time to do it. This is the month, you know, this period of time is a great time to really feel into what are the micro adjustments that need to be made in the relational sphere, in the communication sphere, so that you can attend to what you need to attend to?


Mercury will be stationing direct on June 22 in your opposite sign Gemini. This is an indication that you are ready to move forward with a partner or in partnership or in your sense of social engagement in potentially some new kind of way. And over the course of Mercury's retrograde, which began in late May, there may have been something that you're working out in the partnership realm. And now as Mercury is turning direct, you've got a couple of weeks to integrate whatever these processes have been. These communications, these conversations, these agreements, these new levels of awareness that you have about partnerships, partnering, collaborating, connecting, coming into compromise with others.


I mentioned that throughout Cancer Season, it feels like you're doing a ton of growth, that you're really starting to identify some key points for your own potential and how you want to move and expand your efforts in the world. Especially between June 26 and July 9, there are big themes around this. So again, some of you might be changing your jobs, or you might be trying to stay in the same kind of position, but change what the position is or something like that. It feels like a lot of Sagittarius people out there are innovating in some really important ways that have to do with their day to day. So you might be doing like life hacking, like how can you make your life more functional, more free, more fun, in the ways that you want it to? This is going to require mental ingenuity, right, innovation, looking at the context of your life in different ways, playing Tetris with the different shapes of your life, how can you shape and reshape, configure and reconfigure? For those of you who are working with your health, and I've mentioned this a couple of times, some folks out there might be dealing with kind of sudden emergence of health issues coming up, surprising things that are happening for you. Some of you may be experiencing a really profound awakening in your embodied reality. And regardless of whether the situation is feeling like it's coming externally, like you've suddenly fell and broke your leg or is internally, like you are really waking up to your legs and you want to feel them or something like that, this is a time for Sagittarius identified people to really tune into their bodies, insight and wisdom and messaging. And when it comes to communications, and when it comes to the ways that you want to grow in the world, and how you're looking to expand your, your gifts, your offering, your desires for your life, I can't stress this enough, your body is your best guide. And listening to our bodies takes time, it takes practice, and it takes commitment. And even with all of that, it's incredibly accessible and it's incredibly easy if you come to your body with sincerity and patience and non-judgement.


So I'm going to leave you with this. Over the course of the next 30 days, tune into your body regularly when you're trying to make decisions, when you're coming into communication with others, when you're facing tension, when you're not in any tension, if you're bored, you know, listen to your body, ask your body, what needs to be said right now? What is desired in terms of care, in terms of consideration? What's the next step? What's the next best choice? Place your hands upon your body. Breathe. Really deeply listen. Give it time to respond. Your body doesn't work like your brain does. It works subtly. And it works powerfully and profoundly. So please take the time, tune in, and let it lead you. This is an incredible time for you, my friends, to be working out some deeper energetic layers of relationship in all spheres, with yourself, with your spirits, with your guides, with the energy of your life, and with others. I wish you all the best. I really, really do. I feel like there is so much support for you to be building the home, the sense of family, the sense of belonging that I think you want, the sense of right place, right work, right relationship. So yes, blessings.


I hope any and all of this horoscope is helpful and interesting to you. If you want more astrology from me, check out your Year Ahead Report. Those reports are for every sign. Each sign gets its own report. It's an hour and a half long. I look at all of the major themes for 2021 and give suggestions for working with their opportunities and challenges. You can also subscribe by donation to my extended content subscription. And in that subscription, you'll get monthly content, helping you navigate the month ahead with my extended calendars and tools and resources for working with your own chart. You can find more information on both of those at in the horoscope section. If you appreciate and enjoy this work please follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology where I post regular Astro updates. Subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes podcasts. And of course your tips and financial donations are super appreciated and support this work in its ongoing production. Wishing you all the best in Cancer Season and beyond. Much love and bye for now.


SCORPIO Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)


CAPRICORN Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)