LEO Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)

The moment you’re in is a free fall and necessary release of control
that also requires calculated risk and caring adjustments.
There is only so much you can do on your own, for yourself.
You must prepare now for new ways of working
which require absolute willingness to trust, follow,
and flow with others and the world around you.


Hello and welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thank you so much for listening. You're tuned in to your horoscopes for Pisces Season, February 19th through March 20th, 2022. My name is Renee Sills. I'm a consulting astrologer, somatic educator, and artist. I'm interested in exploring astrology as a tool for self-awareness, relational growth, and personal and collective healing.


Before I get into your horoscope, I want to share some information with you about the future of Embodied Astrology horoscopes. You may have noticed that I did not release horoscopes for Aquarius Season, and I want to extend a thank you to everyone who reached out to me with concern this past month. Thank you so much for your care and for your warm wishes. Folks, I really needed a break. 2022 marks the seventh year of creating Embodied Astrology horoscopes, and I really adore this practice, I have to say, it also takes a lot out of me. If you've been a listener for a while, you probably know that I am definitely not brief in my interpretations, and creating individual 20 or 30 minute podcasts for all 12 signs — sometimes I choose to redo them if I feel like I forgot something — every single month. This is a lot of work.


Additionally, on January 10th this year, I released your year ahead readings, which are between 90 minutes and two hours for each sign. They go in depth into the major themes I feel coming through for every sign throughout 2022. So by the time I got to Aquarius Season, I was just tapped out on my capacity and I needed to take a pause. During this time, I was able to reflect a bit on my intentions and desires for this work and on the evolving landscapes of technology and social media that have allowed me to share this work with you. I still have a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions, but a few things have become clear, and I will be making some changes in how I distribute my content. And I want you to be aware of these changes so that you can continue to access this work if you want it.


First and foremost, your horoscopes are not going anywhere. As I said, I really love making them and I'm definitely planning to continue. They will continue to come out monthly with the start of each new Zodiac season and they will continue to be offered for free. Your donations and other forms of support gladly accepted. However, beginning next month with Aries Season, I will no longer be distributing my horoscopes through Spotify or iTunes, and they will only be available from embodiedastrology.com. So if you love your horoscopes, please head over to my website, click the horoscopes tab, and sign up for the free monthly horoscopes membership tier.


Secondly, I wanted to mention that there have been several recent occurrences of fake accounts on Instagram who have been impersonating me as well as other astrologers, tarot readers, and psychics. And I should say that my Instagram content is distributed across Facebook as well. So these fake accounts copy our pages and they have a lot of the same photos, they use our taglines. But if you look carefully, there are some variations on our names. So for example, the most recent fake account for Embodied Astrology had two Y's at the end of the name. You'll also notice that the posts are usually all from the same date and often don't include all of the content that I will post on my own page. So these accounts then follow my followers. They send private messages offering readings and asking for payment upfront. Please don't fall for these scams. Okay, friends? If you get a message such as this, immediately report and block the account and definitely don't send them any money. This has been a super frustrating and ongoing problem for a while now. And the admin at Instagram has been very unhelpful. They continue to let these accounts proliferate and they refuse to verify my account for reasons that they won't explain.


So for this reason, and others that I won't get into right now, I also want to let you know that I will be transitioning in the next few months from using Instagram as a primary space for releasing astrology updates and live videos, and I'll be starting to post the content that I create directly to my website. And I'll be hosting live and free events in my virtual community space instead of on Instagram Live. So if you want access to this content, if you want to join me in these live events, that's another reason to head over to embodiedastrology.com and make sure that you are signed up.


I have varying levels of membership, beginning with a free or by donation tier that will get you access to horoscopes and my regular astrology content and writing. I also host monthly workshops where I offer embodied, creative explorations of current astrology and support for working with your own chart. And finally, there is a beautiful and growing community space and monthly astro teatime meetups where you can learn with others, with us about chart reading, working with transits, and how astrology manifests for all of us differently. All of my levels of membership are offered by sliding scale.


Last but not least, I just want to thank you again. Whether you're new to this space, or if you've been tuning in with me for a while now, thank you so much. It feels really risky and vulnerable to be pulling back from social media since it's been such an important space of connection for me, and also a space where this practice has grown a lot. But it's clear to me that I'm not aligned with the priorities of these platforms and their owners, and the space that I want to hold with you is ultimately a lot more relational and interactive than these platforms can support. So thank you so much for listening. Thank you for signing up. Thank you for sharing with your friends and networks. And thank you so much for your support. I hope to see you in the near future at one of the Embodied Astrology virtual events.


Okay, on to your horoscope. Please remember as you listen that my intention as an astrologer is always to see and support your greatest well-being and potential. Sun sign horoscopes are general readings. If as you listen, something doesn't land for you, it's not for you. Please feel free to always take what works, leave the rest. Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. I also want to remind you that you can find written transcripts of these horoscopes at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section.


Leo, hello. Welcome to Pisces Season. Alright, so Pisces in your chart is a very powerful spot, it's a very powerful place, you can look this up if you want, it's called the solar 8th house for the Leo charts. And the 8th house is, as one of my mentors put it, an altar. And if you think about the purpose of an altar, this is a place where we come to honor, to make magic, to memorialize, to sacrifice. To be in relationship, I think, with what we're trying to remember and also what we're aspiring towards. And Pisces Season is a period of time that has so much possibility for magic in it for you. And this magic feels like across the board, in your life in all different circumstances, in all kinds of relationships, projects, pastimes, there is a lot of support, and potentiality that you can access. But in order to access it, you have to be willing to spend time at the altar. And the feeling that I'm getting in my body is trust, the feeling of trust. Pisces Season, and Pisces energy in general, is an ask for you. It's an invitation for you to sense into a bodily state, a mental, emotional, physical, psychic and spiritual state of trust. What does that mean, in 2022? In a global pandemic, at a time when there's so much precarity, and so much unprocessed grief, and so many things holding so many of us back and away from potential trust. What does it mean for you to really practice trust? And the image that I get is that you are placing offerings on your altar and that you are engaging with practices that are subtle, that are gestural. Right? The altar is a gesture, we light a candle and it's a gesture, but the gesture carries the intention. And then it is a conduit for magic to happen. Pisces Season is a period of time when you can make some magic happen for yourself, in all dimensions of your life, particularly when it comes to the relational field and to the possibilities that emerge in the spaces between you and other people in the spaces that you share together.


Before I get more deeply into Pisces Season and into the flow of days, I want to bring in the last week of Aquarius Season. As I mentioned, I didn't do the horoscopes for Aquarius Season and Aquarius is your opposite sign. So it's an important energy for you to be keeping track of. The first six weeks or so of the year of 2022, there was a lot of stuck energy in the collective field. There was a lot that people were working out and working through. And for you, it feels like a lot of this process was fairly internal. And also practical. I think that you were dealing with a lot of details. I also think that a number of you might not have been feeling very well. And that physically, mentally, or emotionally you might have just really felt under it and constricted in some way. But as we get into mid-February, energy really starts to shift and it feels like you can perceive some possibility in the future that is different than what what you were perceiving before. You are moving through some kind of stuck space and whatever you were doing to attend to the details you needed to attend to to work with yourself to heal, or to get through that period of time when I don't I think a lot of you weren't feeling so good, that was important.


And what is emerging as we get into the second half of February feels like a different kind of energy that you have. And it's a different kind of energy for relationships, particularly. But I want to preface that by saying, you come into relationship, when you wake up in the morning, you know. You come into relationship the moment you step out your door in the day. And the energy that I feel you moving forward with, as we get into February is a new energy for relationship in general. And I think that you have had to go through something in order to get here. And that process wasn't easy. But it does clarify something for you. And it also is putting something to rest. And over the first couple weeks of Pisces Season, you continue to, you put things to rest. You're done, you're done with certain ways of being. I feel like especially what is, what can be a very Leo-nine preoccupation with doing things well, you know, like, oh, I need to do a good job, or wanting to impress people, or wanting to be impressive, just in general, like, this feels like one of the things that you're putting down where it's just like, okay, like, that's a waste of my time, it's a waste of my energy. It's not that you don't want to bring your best, it's not that you don't want to excel in this space. It’s where you're putting your attention is the preoccupation with it and the worry about what other people think that is a waste of your time and energy.


There are also some new opportunities opening for you in your life in general, that are going to continue to open over the course of the next couple of months through March and April. And these are opportunities which are born of trust, and which come from a space of relational expansiveness and generosity. And when you are not preoccupied by either your own work and distractions and all the things you think you need to do, and what you think is important, and da da da, and when you're not preoccupied by projecting onto other people, and like, "What the hell are they thinking" or whatever, when you can be present, then you can really engage with processes of trust, and there are opportunities there. Because when people feel that presence from you, they want to meet you there, they want to give you the kind of generosity that they feel from you.


Alright, so when we move into Pisces Season first, first and foremost, please come to the Embodied Astrology workshop on February 21st. This is a live workshop on the 21st that will be recorded and the recording will be available for the rest of the season until March 20th. And I'll be focusing on the endocrine system. This is the system that regulates your hormones — that produces and regulate your hormones. And your hormones have literally everything to do with your functionality. Your bodily rhythms and cycles, the way your organs function, your sleep cycles, your metabolism, these are all hormonally regulated. Also hormonally regulated — your sex drive, right, your relational capacity, your availability to trust other people. Because your hormones have a lot to do with your perception, and your mood and the vibe that therefore you are giving off into the world. And if you're feeling stressed out and fearful, you're not seeing opportunities, right, you're seeing reasons to be stressed out and fearful. If on the other hand, you're feeling peaceful and expansive, you might be seeing some opportunities.


Not to say that there aren't 1,000,010 external factors to consider. We can consider all of them. But external factors stimulate internal factors. And a lot of times our neuro endocrine cycles, the way that our hormonal systems and our nervous systems work together, have been patterned in certain ways that then deeply affect our relationships and our perceptions. And I think that you are trying to shift a lot in these realms right now. And I think that you are trying to soften in certain ways. I think that you are trying to become more trustworthy. I think that you're trying to trust other people. I think that you are longing for deep and soulful connection with yourself, with the world around you, with spirit, with goddess, with the environment. And with other people, I think you are really longing for intimacy in a very particular way. And my sense is that you can help facilitate yourself receiving what you're longing for, by working with your glandular system. By noticing when, when you enter states of activation, that produce certain kinds of energetic states that then become very much part of the climate of your relationships and what you're bringing into your experiences, etc. So that's what we'll be focusing on in that workshop. Please tune in with it. If that sounds like it would be supportive for you.


The first week of Pisces Season, which is kind of the last. Let's see. Let me rephrase that — the last week of February. So as we move into Pisces, in the last week of February, the sense that I get is that you are trying to clarify your direction around some particular things right now. These feel functionality related. For some of you, this has to do with your health, and kind of general vitality and capacity and energy. For some of you this has to do with particular projects, obligations and commitments, your jobs, things that you're trying to do in the world, certain projects that you're working on. And there's something about functionality that is coming in, in the last week of February that feels important for you to focus on. And the question that I have for you, which I think can be a guiding question, during this time is, what are your priorities? Attend to your priorities? First and foremost, it might help you to make a list and to discern for yourself, what are the immediate priorities? What are the short range priorities, what are the long range priorities, and then work systematically towards them. This is a period of time when you can actually be incredibly efficient, when you can get a lot of work done or headway in whatever it is that you're trying to do. I think that you are really interested in taking care of what needs to be taken care of during this time. But you want to work in ways that support and affirm what you feel, ultimately most committed to and most devoted to. And when you can prioritize, when you can understand what your priorities are and address them first, this will help you. And there is something coming in here around relational priorities, and involving other people in your process. And so I'm getting a message that part of what you want to be doing right now is setting up some thing that allows there to be more support for you as an individual, you are not working alone. So some of you might be figuring out who your care team is — I think a lot of Leo's are really looking at their health right now, and needing to take care of themselves in, in some new ways. And so this might be a period of time when you are asking for help when you are looking for the right people to support you in the right ways.


This also might be a period of time where there's some — something happening that has to do with collaboration or with communal effort or or group or joint effort of some kind. And you want to give things time. I think that you want to work in some kind of fashion of co-leadership. And this is part of a longer process that you're in right now. Where in general the Leo nature is very leadership oriented, it's, it's vivacious, it's charismatic, it can be kind of bombastic, it can be very certain of itself. This is great. This is, you know, dynamic, it can be motivating. Leo is a great cheerleader, and people work differently and I feel like you are — you know, it's like that phrase, you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together — you need time to get everyone together to have the conversations that need to be had. And when you do that you set yourself up for success, okay, last week of February.


As we get into March, we are moving into a New Moon, the New Moon is on March 2nd. And this is a powerful New Moon, it is combining with the planetary energies of Jupiter and Uranus. This is a New Moon that is really heightening this feeling of the necessity for you to trust and to be trusted. When people feel that they can trust you, they give you support, they resource you in multiple ways. When you feel that you can trust other people, you are on your game, this is where you shine. You know, when Leo doesn't feel like it can trust people, Leo falls apart. You know, Leo needs to feel that there is trust. And in order for you to feel that there is trust, you have to be trustworthy. And the sensation that I'm getting is, again, this sense of softening in your heart space and in your energy body that allows you to be working in deeply relational, deeply caring and emergent ways with people. Because we don't know what we need one minute to the next, right? What we need is to be able to listen to each other so that we can be responsive. And I feel like this is the work that you're trying to do.


On March 2nd, which is a Wednesday at 5:30pm Pacific Time, Embodied Astrology will be hosting another workshop, another event with Dr. g (Claudelle Glasgow), who is a somatic therapist, a brilliant spiritual facilitator, longtime practitioner of meditation and mindfulness. They are a death doula, they are an artist and activist. They're an author. And they will be holding space for process that engages Yoga Nidra, writing, creative practice that is set up to help support you to contact deeper layers of your own wisdom, and your guides, your guardians, your ancestors — those voices in the liminal realms that have little whispers of support for you. And remember, this space where Pisces holds in the Leo chart, where the New Moon will be is the space of the altar, right? It is the space of honoring and sacrifice and showing up with your prayers and your candles and your offerings. That's what this workshop, I think, is going to be about and it feels like this could be a really powerful space for you to engage in. And I would invite you to come to it if you can. The recording will be available just for one week, after the New Moon until the first quarter. So you can get the recording if you need. But if you're able to make it to the live event, or watch the recording, I think that this would be such a powerful practice for you. Because my sense is that you are really shifting how you're working in relationship and you want to be working with your spiritual support team. And you want to be working consciously with that team. And how do you work consciously with the superconscious, with the more than conscious, with that shimmery, invisible, numinous space of the spirit realm?


Sometimes I think about the relational dynamics that I'm in, and I imagine my higher self, and the higher self or the selves of the people that I relate with. And all of us are like 30 feet tall, and we are these radiant glowing giants. And we have known each other for millions of lifetimes across the galaxies, and there is such love. And also this, this feeling of like, galactic process, you know, where we're like, what are we here to experience together and our spirits, our souls, are kind of motivating one another to grow. And then in our, in our physical lives, you know, our material bodies are kind of clumsily awkwardly smashing into each other and going like, what like, how do I figure this out? But as we progress in our material lives, our spiritual dimensions are growing. I just wanted to share that image with you, it came in in that moment, because I you know, I really feel like you are working to move into new dimensions in your life right now and particularly in your relationships and in the exchanges that you are having in your relationships — in the ways that you are giving to others and also in what you are receiving and asking to receive. And it feels like you really need to be conscious of subtle energy right now. You need to be conscious of sensitivity. And it is so supportive when you are working in the spiritual dimension. It's really, really supportive for you. Okay, so I hope you can make it to both of the workshops for Pisces Season, you can find more information about them in the show notes or at embodiedastrology.com in the workshop section.


Now, Leo, this New Moon is a big opening in the astrology of March and April of 2022. After this New Moon, wow, we've got a lot of stuff moving into new alignments. And we have some major development in planetary aspects that is in application, they're growing developments, bringing us into mid-April. The rest of March, remember that the New Moon is on the second, okay, so basically all of March, and most of April, you have a major opportunity window, a major opportunity window. This opportunity window first and foremost is energetic for you, it is about growing into a new energetic space. This energetic space feels like you have a different kind of trust for yourself, for the world around you and for other people. It feels like you have a lot of generosity, that you have a lot to give and that what you are giving is being really well received. The more attuned you are to subtle and sensitive energy, then the more well received you will be. When you are well received, guess what, you get goodies — people want to give to you. This is a major opportunity window for you to receive love and care and support. It's a major opportunity window for you to grow in your relationships, to reach new levels of intimacy, trust, vulnerability, connection, to have deep and very important conversations. This is an opportunity window for you to generate resource in your life. Definitely an opportunity to make some more money, definitely an opportunity to access and open to different kinds of resources. And the resources that I feel for you ultimately, our resources of relationship and love and care.


You can have all the money in the world, right, and still be lonely as hell. You don't want to feel like that right now. I think that your priorities are really in the relational space, really in opening to what feels truly sustaining to you, which is community, having people that you can rely on, having relationships that you can really trust. This is such a big opportunity window for you. All of March and into April. Wow. If you, and I think a lot of you will, have new relationships beginning around this time — you're meeting new people, okay, people who you've maybe known for a while, are suddenly, you know, becoming different, different kinds of people, your relationships are shifting, you're entering new kinds of conversations, there are new growth opportunities, new connections coming in. You want to move towards what is yes. And I think you're getting a lot of yes, you're feeling like oh, this is how it could be, ooh, this person is interesting, okay, you can trust those impulses that begin to come in in the beginning of March. And I want to say that in all of your relationships, when you take the time to move slowly. And I love how emergent strategy — the practice and the organization, the book, written by Adrienne Maree Brown, or edited by her — like talks about the Speed of Trust. And I know that this is a phrase that has been, you know, coined and adapted and used in many spaces. But what is that feeling, right, in your body? To move at the speed of trust? What does that feel like? For me when I sense into that, that is a feeling of being really present and responsive and curious about what's emerging in the moment and willing to take time with it. And sometimes that means that we have to travel back in time and talk about a thing that came up a while ago or look at, you know, our ancestors pasts, or you know, something else and it's like to be in cyclical time, in spiralic time, in relational time, is very different than to be on the clock, you know, on the Gregorian calendar, on the with the pacing of white supremacist capitalism. You know, like, you want to move at the speed of trust in your relationships. And that means that if you're working on projects with people, or if you have goals, or if you have deadlines, you want to be really mindful about the human beings that you are working with and what everybody needs. And you have to be willing to disrupt the goals and the deadlines. Because trust takes a while to develop. But once it's there, it allows for a lot of speed in relationships, right? When you train for weeks, with your acrobatics circus crew, you have to train, right, you have to learn how to catch each other. But once you catch each other, then you can leap and tumble and, you know, your moves, and you can move fast, right? This is this feeling of this is a particular, again, an opportunity window, that when you are moving at the speed of trust, when you are moving in presence and relationship with generosity, with curiosity and with care. That is what opens the opportunities for you. That is what people feel in you. And then they're like, oh, yes, I want to work with you, I want to go there with you, I trust you, right. So practice that with yourself, practice that with others.


As you move into the second week of March, there are some interesting conversational spaces that are opening up for you. And also interesting internal spaces that are opening up for you. The last three weeks of March, this is actually, again, all of March and all of April. But there's a particular kind of emphasis that comes in the last three weeks of March. Wow, you know, you can go places at this, in this period of time that maybe you couldn't go before. You can talk about things with people that maybe you couldn't talk about before. It feels like there is willingness, there is openness. And again, there's trust that you're building that you are cultivating that you want to be building and cultivating.


For some of you, this is a period of time when I think it's really important for you to be doing inner work for you to be investing yourself in internal reflection and noticing your own patterning around trust, vulnerability. When it comes to needs, and the places where you are in exchange with others, okay, sharing energy, sharing information, sharing money, sharing a household, sharing parenting duties. This is a place that wants your attention. Again, there's a feeling of, you want to slow down and be with the sensations that are emerging. This is not about being goal-oriented, this is about being present. This may be a period of time, when you really want to do actual altar work. Okay, if you're not doing it before, then this moving up to the Full Moon — in between the New Moon and the Full Moon in March. Wow, working with spiritual practices, working with altered practices, working with connections to the unseen forces working with your intentions, right? They are the vessel for your energy to travel through, you light the candle, you say the prayer, you put the picture on your altar, you focus on it. That is powerful. You want to manifest something in your life. Work through alchemical magic, okay. Now during this time, in the second week of March, it's very important that you give yourself and other people space. And it feels really important during this time in your relationships that you acknowledge and get curious about everybody's holistic circumstances and existences. People have a lot going on, they have a lot going on other than you, you have a lot going on other than them. You want to support and encourage relational space that gives everybody space. Okay.


Moving into the Full Moon on March 18th is the Full Moon in Virgo. This is a Full Moon that definitely brings attention into the area of your life that has a lot to do with your power and the power that you feel that you have access to — your security, your self-esteem, your confidence, what you know, you're good at, right, your talents, your skills. And it is important for you around this Full Moon to access what you have already, access, like, the resources that you know you have, use those tools, practice those skills, remind yourself of your inherent worthiness. Do self-love work. If there is anything coming up for you around deficiency, I'm not good enough in this way, I don't have enough of that thing, oh my God, I'll never be able to X, Y, or Z. If there's any scarcity stuff coming up around this time, it's really important that you work with it skillfully and that you employ strategies and practices that you have to care for yourself at this time.


I also want to say that this is a Full Moon that is asking you to be very responsible. And it's asking you to be responsible to the shared space of your relationship, to your own well being, okay, to your reactivity, to your responses, to your methods, right. You want to be pretty impeccable with your energy around this time. Really, it is a good time for you to take care of yourself. And when you do, I think you know what it is that you need from others. It helps you to clarify what you're asking for and what it is that you need outside of yourself. This brings us into the last couple of days of Pisces Season and as we approach the vernal equinox and the beginning of Aries Season, we are getting into a time of year that is complementary for yours. Your energy is growing, you are feeling I think more and more in your body as we get into Aries Season — more energy and more vitality. This is a great thing. A lot of the themes that I've talked about with Pisces Season take us into April and there is an increasing amount of attention on the altar space and on trust practices. So as you move out of that Full Moon and into Aries Season I just want to continue to remind you to breathe into your body to feel these subtle spaces of relational intimacy and to move at the speed of trust.


​​Alright, I am going to leave it there. I always recommend tuning in with horoscopes for your Sun and your rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscope section, where you can also find your 2022 year ahead reading, which goes over the major themes of this year with suggestions for creative, embodied and practical support to make the most of your opportunities and work skillfully with your challengers. For support throughout Pisces Season, tune in with the Embodied Astrology workshops and member spaces. And definitely make sure you've signed up for at least my free level of membership to make sure that you get next month's horoscopes delivered directly to your inbox. For those of you who want to learn how to read your own chart and work with astrology, you might be interested in my class series Your Chart is a Body, an introduction to chart reading, where you'll learn to identify, interpret and synthesize the main components of an astrology chart — signs, planets aspects and houses — all through an embodied, somatic lens. These horoscopes and transcripts are offered for free. If this work benefits you, please consider making a one time or recurring donation. Other great ways to support this work include sharing it with your friends and networks, and of course, signing up for one of my membership levels. Until next time, I am wishing you all the best in Pisces Season and beyond.


CANCER Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)


VIRGO Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)