VIRGO Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)

The reason isn’t a concept, it’s a feeling.
If you keep coming back to the reason,
you can trust that the vision and strategy will follow.
And, the next, most important steps will be revealed
when the reason is echoed and shared.


Hello and welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thank you so much for listening. You're tuned in to your horoscopes for Pisces Season, February 19th through March 20th, 2022. My name is Renee Sills. I'm a consulting astrologer, somatic educator, and artist. I'm interested in exploring astrology as a tool for self-awareness, relational growth, and personal and collective healing.


Before I get into your horoscope, I want to share some information with you about the future of Embodied Astrology horoscopes. You may have noticed that I did not release horoscopes for Aquarius Season, and I want to extend a thank you to everyone who reached out to me with concern this past month. Thank you so much for your care and for your warm wishes. Folks, I really needed a break. 2022 marks the seventh year of creating Embodied Astrology horoscopes, and I really adore this practice, I have to say, it also takes a lot out of me. If you've been a listener for a while, you probably know that I am definitely not brief in my interpretations, and creating individual 20 or 30 minute podcasts for all 12 signs — sometimes I choose to redo them if I feel like I forgot something — every single month. This is a lot of work.


Additionally, on January 10th this year, I released your year ahead readings, which are between 90 minutes and two hours for each sign. They go in depth into the major themes I feel coming through for every sign throughout 2022. So by the time I got to Aquarius Season, I was just tapped out on my capacity and I needed to take a pause. During this time, I was able to reflect a bit on my intentions and desires for this work and on the evolving landscapes of technology and social media that have allowed me to share this work with you. I still have a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions, but a few things have become clear, and I will be making some changes in how I distribute my content. And I want you to be aware of these changes so that you can continue to access this work if you want it.


First and foremost, your horoscopes are not going anywhere. As I said, I really love making them and I'm definitely planning to continue. They will continue to come out monthly with the start of each new Zodiac season and they will continue to be offered for free. Your donations and other forms of support gladly accepted. However, beginning next month with Aries Season, I will no longer be distributing my horoscopes through Spotify or iTunes, and they will only be available from So if you love your horoscopes, please head over to my website, click the horoscopes tab, and sign up for the free monthly horoscopes membership tier.


Secondly, I wanted to mention that there have been several recent occurrences of fake accounts on Instagram who have been impersonating me as well as other astrologers, tarot readers, and psychics. And I should say that my Instagram content is distributed across Facebook as well. So these fake accounts copy our pages and they have a lot of the same photos, they use our taglines. But if you look carefully, there are some variations on our names. So for example, the most recent fake account for Embodied Astrology had two Y's at the end of the name. You'll also notice that the posts are usually all from the same date and often don't include all of the content that I will post on my own page. So these accounts then follow my followers. They send private messages offering readings and asking for payment upfront. Please don't fall for these scams. Okay, friends? If you get a message such as this, immediately report and block the account and definitely don't send them any money. This has been a super frustrating and ongoing problem for a while now. And the admin at Instagram has been very unhelpful. They continue to let these accounts proliferate and they refuse to verify my account for reasons that they won't explain.


So for this reason, and others that I won't get into right now, I also want to let you know that I will be transitioning in the next few months from using Instagram as a primary space for releasing astrology updates and live videos, and I'll be starting to post the content that I create directly to my website. And I'll be hosting live and free events in my virtual community space instead of on Instagram Live. So if you want access to this content, if you want to join me in these live events, that's another reason to head over to and make sure that you are signed up.


I have varying levels of membership, beginning with a free or by donation tier that will get you access to horoscopes and my regular astrology content and writing. I also host monthly workshops where I offer embodied, creative explorations of current astrology and support for working with your own chart. And finally, there is a beautiful and growing community space and monthly astro teatime meetups where you can learn with others, with us about chart reading, working with transits, and how astrology manifests for all of us differently. All of my levels of membership are offered by sliding scale.


Last but not least, I just want to thank you again. Whether you're new to this space, or if you've been tuning in with me for a while now, thank you so much. It feels really risky and vulnerable to be pulling back from social media since it's been such an important space of connection for me, and also a space where this practice has grown a lot. But it's clear to me that I'm not aligned with the priorities of these platforms and their owners, and the space that I want to hold with you is ultimately a lot more relational and interactive than these platforms can support. So thank you so much for listening. Thank you for signing up. Thank you for sharing with your friends and networks. And thank you so much for your support. I hope to see you in the near future at one of the Embodied Astrology virtual events.


Okay, on to your horoscope. Please remember as you listen that my intention as an astrologer is always to see and support your greatest well-being and potential. Sun sign horoscopes are general readings. If as you listen, something doesn't land for you, it's not for you. Please feel free to always take what works, leave the rest. Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. I also want to remind you that you can find written transcripts of these horoscopes at in the horoscopes section.


Virgo, welcome to Pisces Season. You may know this — Pisces is your opposite sign. Whenever we have energy moving into our opposite sign, we have some kind of reflection process that we're going to be working with, and this means that there is relational reflection. The energy that you give to your relationships, and the demands of your relationships, and the opportunities that come through these relationships are highlighted over the course of Pisces Season. It feels like your awareness of yourself in your relational sphere is growing a lot. I think you're becoming more and more aware of how you are, who you are, what you want, what you need, what you have to give, and therefore, how you want to relate with other people. And what you want to bring into that relational space, what you are asking for, and needing.


Before we get into Pisces Season and the flow of days, I want to backtrack to the last week of Aquarius Season, because energy really starts to shift in mid-February. The first month and a half of the year, January-1st few weeks of February, things are kind of sticky. They may not be entirely stuck, but there's some kind of process that I feel like you're in that is gonna look really different for a lot of different Virgos. But ultimately, you just have to be in it. Like you have to just be in the process, you're going to experience something, things are emerging for you in the realm of your relationships, in the realm of your life. You have to feel the stuff as it comes up. I think that a lot of your energy and your attention is going somewhere and is staying with something and the beginning part of the year. For some of you, this is a very fruitful and potentially really exciting time, when you are working on something in more of an inner way and more of a private way, when you're cooking, right, you're cooking something and it's not quite ready yet. But you're cooking. For some of you, there's a period of time when I think you're in your feels, and like you're cooking inside and like you got a lot of stuff bubbling up and you just have to be present with it, you just have to feel it. I think that for a lot of you, this could also be a time when the people who you are relating with, that is a situation and things are going on for other people. And it is pulling your energy, and you just needed to attend to it.


Now as we get into the later part of February, basically from mid-month, energy really starts to shift. And it does not feel like you are consumed in the same way. It feels like you may have finished your cooking process or you've reached the next step or something like that. And then as we move into the last weeks of February, some interesting shifts come into your chart. And it feels to me like you get, you get busy in the way that Virgo gets busy. It's like okay, what do I need to do now? You know, like, how do I care for the situation? How do I attend to the needs that are here? Again, some of these needs may be relational needs. For a lot of you, I think that you are trying to figure out how to put something into motion at this point. If you've spent the first chunk of the year, again, like cooking something, working on something, then as we get into mid-February, it feels like you're in a refining process or a testing process of some kind.


For those of you that have been wrapped up in relational needs, as we get into mid-February, it's not that you are no longer wrapped up. It's that your jobs are clearer. There's less question around like what do you need to do? What are the actual asks and then you can start to get organized and you're figuring out your strategy around something. And in general, this is the sense that I have for you is that it's becoming clearer what your strategy is and what you need it to be. There is also some major shifting when it comes to how you feel in your relationships right now and what you are willing and available to feel. You're growing a lot in your relational consciousness. And that means that you are open in new ways. And it probably also means that you are less interested in other ways. You're shifting, your priorities are changing. There are people in your life right now who are supportive for you in very particular ways. And I think that the people who I'm feeling are supportive for you are people who are actively helping you grow. There are people who may be opening doors for you, giving you opportunities, they may be in some kind of mentorship or advisory role with you. They may be people who have similar shared interests, they want to go to similar places, they're asking similar questions. And when you work together, you climb mountains, you know, you open doors, it's like you expand each other's awareness. These relationships are taking focus for Pisces Season and they are huge places of potentiality and growth.


Okay, so now as we get into Pisces Season, I want to invite you to come to the Embodied Astrology Pisces Season workshop, which is on February 21st. The live workshop will be recorded and the recording will be available until March 20th. In this workshop, I'm going to be focusing on the embodied association of Pisces in the endocrine system. The endocrine system, or your hormonal system is literally the system that gets everything to work in your body. All of your organs, and definitely your brain, function because of endocrine messengers, endocrine cycles. Your metabolism, your sleep cycles, your sex drive, all have everything to do with endocrine. Your mood and energy, your emotions — have so much to do with endocrine. A lot of us, I would say all of us, have certain ways of being that are habitual, that have to do with survival patterning, and trauma patterning, that are also endocrine states. And there are certain endocrine states that become habituated very easily and those are the ones that have to do with survival, stress hormones. Human beings have survived because we know how to get away from danger. And that's really important to think about, you know, we know how to get away from danger, which is to say that we know how to spot danger. And that comes with its own baggage, right? And part of, part of what happens in that baggage is the development of patterned ways of being that are survival patterns and fear patterns, and therefore endocrine patterns, hormonal patterns and stress patterns that aren't always efficient for our life now, right? A lot of what gets produced in our endocrine system is produced because genetically, right, ancestrally in our DNA, you know, our ancestors were surviving in whatever ways they needed to survive — we might have really different survival needs now. So when we work consciously with our endocrine system, we can locate and identify many of these patterns and we can also work to repattern in really gentle, organic and loving ways with ourselves. I think working with the endocrine is my, one of my personal favorite spaces to be when I'm doing body repatterning and energy repatterning work because it is so deep and it's very fluid. It has a lot to do with our intuitive bodies and our capacities to feel coherence and integrity in our beings. So I'd love it if you would come to this workshop or check it out on the recording, because what I feel into Pisces Season for you, I feel into the desire that you have to shift your relational states and this growing awareness that you have of what is possible in shared spaces. And especially what is possible when you are energetically receptive and aware and attuned and when others are. You may know this, but we co-regulate each other, right? And our energy really affects one another. And if somebody is feeling freaked out and agitated and they walk into a room, the other people in that room can feel it, right, you can feel somebody's vibe. My sense is that you are ready and wanting and asking for and experiencing new levels of relationship possibility and that you want this. And this work can be very supportive for you. And I think throughout the, throughout Pisces Season, whether or not you take the workshop be really curious about your internal state. When you are relating with others, what is getting stimulated in you? Is it a feeling of heart expansion and possibility and openness and health? Is it a feeling of fear? Or is it a feeling of mistrust? You want to trust those inner states or at least get really curious about them? What is happening, right? And when do habituated patterns start to come up because that is where you are growing right now.


Now, the last week of February brings a particular kind of focus into your self-expression — your expression of emotion, your expression, of your own internal state, your creative expression. And there's also a fair amount of focus on your happiness and your vitality and what do you want to express in the big picture in your life? How do you want to feel yourself self-actualizing? A lot of you have creative instincts at this time. There is something that you are wanting to create, something you're wanting to create for your life, something you might be wanting to create with another person, there may be specific creative projects that you are engaged in right now. This is a highly creative period of time for you. And it feels really inspiring. It is supported when you are really clear about what your priorities are and where your commitments are, and is supported when you take the high road with yourself and with others, when you really hold the best intent for yourself and all involved, when you trust others best intent. And when you move slowly, when you take the time to make sure that that intent or intention can be seen can be recognized — intent doesn't always equal impact, right? There may be the need for you to have conversations around this time or check in with people or make sure that everybody's on the same page. But when you are open hearted and when you are moving in the direction of your ideals and your visions, you support yourself and you support others. This is a powerful time for you to be locating your own opportunities. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? A lot of you have some ideas that you're trying to actualize and it feels like you got a ton of inspiration, the last week of February.


And then on March 2nd, we have a very powerful New Moon. Really powerful New Moon. So the New Moon is in Pisces, right? Always the New Moon is in the sign of the season. And this New Moon is working very closely with the planetary energies of Jupiter and Uranus. This is a New Moon that is a wide open door for you in the relational sphere. What do you want? Okay, like what do you want, you can have it. It's like Santa Claus is going to be visiting all of your relationships and you know dropping gifts into into all of them or whatever, you know fairy or fantastical figure you believe in — it's like you have support at this time to bring yourself very fully into your relationships, to learn a lot from your relationships, to grow in them. Some of you might be building new relationships around this time or new people might be coming into your life around now that are really opening you up in new ways that they feel exciting, they feel inspiring. This is a, this is a cool New Moon for you to be planting the seeds of your deepest desires and your biggest wishes in your relationships. And I especially want to say that the collaborative component of relationship is really powerful right now for you to focus on. Specific collaborations, okay, we're going to do this project together but also any relationship is inherently collaborative. Everybody is bringing their energy into it. What could we be together? What could we create together? This is a cool question for you to be holding for yourself. For those of you who are experiencing more solitude at this time, and maybe it's not about new people coming in, then this is about you in a relational existence, right? Relationship begins the moment you open your eyes every morning, and when you walk out your front door, like you're always in relationship. And my feeling is that you have just a lot that you want to be giving and experiencing and growing into right now. So this is a New Moon for you to meditate with that.


I want to invite you to Embodied Astrology's New Moon guest workshop on March 2nd. This is the day of the New Moon, beginning at 5:30pm Pacific Time. The recording will be available for the week after and this workshop is facilitated by a really incredible human being Claudelle Glasgow, Dr. g. Dr. g is a somatic therapist. They are a death doula. They are an artist, an author, a spiritual guide, and really, a visionary. They're going to be holding space for a practice that involves Yoga Nidra. This is a wakeful dreaming practice where you are supported to move into deeper brainwave states that move underneath the realm of your conscious mind, that help you access the territory of dreams, imagination and fantasy, in ways that work in concert with your subtle body, with your endocrine system. And Dr. g is also opening up space in this experience to connect with ancestral whisperings, to connect with guides, guardians, helping spirits of other dimensions. And I want to invite you to take this workshop and in this work, to ask into this liminal space, this numinous space for guidance and support, particularly with your relationships, and in the relational sphere and all that you want to create. I feel like there are spiritual partners, partnerships that you want to be working with right now. And I think that many Virgo identified people are consciously already working very deeply with your spiritual partners, your guides, your guardians, your ancestors — this is a very powerful New Moon for you to open up that bridge, open up that space. And ask the question, you know, who else is out there — in the more than human, in the superconscious realms — that you are already in relationship with, right? They're already supporting you. And from the other side or from the other dimensions, there is support for you in this dimension, in this life, in this relationships, etc. So more information and registration for the Pisces Season workshops can be found in the show notes or you can go to in the workshop section.


The New Moon on March 2nd opens up a lot of space astrologically. And this is when we get into what I think is one of the most exciting periods of 2022. So between March and April, in 2022, there is a huge opening, a huge expansive energetic opening where a lot is possible and a lot is moving through. On a collective level, there is just a lot of energy at this time. All kinds of things, potentially, could be coming through, but let's focus on the aspects of what could be coming through that we really want to elevate. And for you, it feels like there is so much that is coming through in the realm of what you can bring into being — your creative capacity, your manifesting capacity, and your ability to work with others, to collaborate with others, to bring into being. Interpret that in any way, shape or form that you want to. Think about it in all dimensions, in all realms. You can be working with your community to bring into being a future for future generations that you might never experience in your lifetime. Right? That could be an offering and an honoring, that you are focusing on right now. You might be working with someone in particular to realize a particular project and you have a date in mind. And, you know, it's like, whatever realm you want to think about it. But there is so much opportunity for you, Virgo, to be working with other people, to create projects, to create experiences, to create, I don't know, if you're in a baby making mood — some of you are creating human beings. What is it that you want to birth into your life and into the world? Who are you doing this with? What kinds of support do you need? What are you asking for? And what can you give? Right? You're going to give and get totally different things. Throughout March and April, when you pay attention to these questions, when you work them in yourself, when you bring them into conversation, opportunity opens up. It is potentially a really exciting time for you on a relational level. Again, a lot of new relationship energy coming into your chart, and a lot of interesting conversational energy coming into your chart, like you could talk about some things, right, you can go some places, you can imagine some stuff with the people who are here.


This is also really a time that this idea of being the person that you want, is a really powerful idea, like, who do you want — the work colleague, the the friend, the lover, the partner, the parent, you know, it's a, it's a time for you to really embody the qualities that you hold in high esteem for others that you desire to receive. When you embody those qualities you attract them. And this is definitely a time when your opportunities increase when you are generous with others. People are going through so much right now, when you just echo them for a minute, you know, give, give some listening space, a hand on someone's back, an affirmation of their beauty, a recognition of their effort, it goes so far, and your generosity is really well received right now. And when others feel that from you, they want to give it back to you. So be the person who you want to meet, right? Like be for yourself what you want others to be for you, in all the ways that you can — we can't be everything for ourselves or for others, we got to be who we are. But this is definitely a time to kind of “give what you want to get” idea.


Alright, as we move into the second week of March, there's something coming up for me around your work and your output and how you are approaching doing the things that you want and need to be doing. I feel like it's important for you at this time to be rhythmic. And that part of your rhythm is to, is also about giving yourself space. So you put in some effort, and then you take a break, you put in some effort, and then you take a break. It's also really important for you at this time, if you're working with other people to be in conversation around negotiation of needs. The second week of March, I think some, some important conversations are coming up that help clarify needs and roles and you want to be present for these conversations in an embodied sense, you don't want to be distracted or preoccupied because you feel stressed out. And that means that you need to be taking a break when you need to take a break. So it's feeling like you have some things to work out with people. And maybe it's, it's like, okay, we're going to have the conversation. Everybody's going to part ways and think about the conversation for two weeks. Now we're going to come back and now we're going to discuss — it's like people need time to integrate, people will need time to figure things out. There's something that's going on at this time with shared responsibilities. Virgo doesn't always have the easiest time asking for help. If you need help, you, this is definitely a time when you want to communicate about it. There may need to be a negotiation process, ask for it and give it the time.


On March 18th, there is a Full Moon in your sign. So we have the Virgo-Pisces axis lit up by the luminaries, and this brings even more attention into your relational sphere. This is potentially quite an exciting, collaborative feeling. Maybe for some of you, romantic feeling, Full Moon. This is also a Full Moon that can heighten the emotional charge in your relationships, and can heighten people's expression of emotional charge. Full Moons are oftentimes when people feel a little more reactive and a little more emotional. So I want to give you a heads up about that. And also ask you to care for yourself really well around this time, to go back to what I was saying before, you don't want to be doing all the work. Okay? Virgo can often do other work. You got a lot of stuff going on in your chart right now that lends itself to doing all the work. Baby, you don't need to do all the work. Ask for, ask for help. You know, you can ask for, for help from folks. When you're stressed out, overtired, overworked and under-resourced, you are much more likely to be emotionally reactive and volatile, right? We don't need that from you; you don't want that. This is definitely a Full Moon to be taking care of yourself. And I do want to say that I think some of you need to get something off of your chest around this time. And if you're in some kind of process of negotiation, if you're like, I need help, and you're not getting the kind of help that you need, or you feel like there's a lot of burden on you, this is a really great Full Moon for you to have an emotional release.


Maybe somebody is there, you know, stimulating that emotional release, and it's just gonna happen. But you can also take care of it for yourself. And the best outlet, I think, is something that feels creative and expressive or performative. My favorite, in general, is just to put on some music that really stimulates me to feel the things that I need to feel and then to dance or to shake my body or to move around. I think that being performative and hyperbolic, you know, ultra dramatic, could feel really good for you at this time. If you're feeling pissed off, if you're feeling cranky, if you're feeling really lusty, if you know, any, whatever, whatever the feelings are, that are coming up, this is a good Full Moon for you to express them in conscious ways, so that you can open up the relational space for what you need and what the Full Moon is basically bringing us into Aries Season.


So two days after we reach the vernal equinox on March 20th, Aries Season begins. And a lot of the same influences and emphasis will continue as we move into Aries Season. We're moving into a major conjunction in Pisces in April. And as we move out of March and into April, there just continues to be a lot of emphasis in your relational sphere and your relational realm. Pay attention, right, to your subtle body, to your emotional state. This work around the endocrine system, I think is going to be super important and very helpful for you. Again, whether or not you do the workshop, any amount of attention that you can bring into your subtle body, when it comes to relationships will be helpful. And by this I mean tracking. Right? Like, oh, that person just said that thing. And now my heart is racing, right or my stomach got clenched. Or, oh, I felt really hopeful and I shifted my weight forward and now I'm, you know, my, my head is moving forward of my chest and I'm looking at them really intently. Like, this kind of inner awareness, I think, helps you feel more grounded in your relationships. And it also helps you make good choices in your relationships, when you can track your internal state and assist yourself or support yourself, to regulate —to calm yourself, to center yourself, to ground yourself, to orient yourself — then you can be more response-able in your relationships and this is definitely what you want in Pisces Season and beyond.


​​Alright, I am going to leave it there. I always recommend tuning in with horoscopes for your Sun and your rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscope section, where you can also find your 2022 year ahead reading, which goes over the major themes of this year with suggestions for creative, embodied and practical support to make the most of your opportunities and work skillfully with your challengers. For support throughout Pisces Season, tune in with the Embodied Astrology workshops and member spaces. And definitely make sure you've signed up for at least my free level of membership to make sure that you get next month's horoscopes delivered directly to your inbox. For those of you who want to learn how to read your own chart and work with astrology, you might be interested in my class series Your Chart is a Body, an introduction to chart reading, where you'll learn to identify, interpret and synthesize the main components of an astrology chart — signs, planets aspects and houses — all through an embodied, somatic lens. These horoscopes and transcripts are offered for free. If this work benefits you, please consider making a one time or recurring donation. Other great ways to support this work include sharing it with your friends and networks, and of course, signing up for one of my membership levels. Until next time, I am wishing you all the best in Pisces Season and beyond.


LEO Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)


LIBRA Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)