LIBRA Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)

The world around you is the world inside you, too.
Attune to the vibrations emitting from your heart.
Listen for the message carried in your tone, under your words.
Notice what you’re looking for before you focus on what you see.
Empower yourself to create the dream you dwell in.


Hello and welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thank you so much for listening. You're tuned in to your horoscopes for Pisces Season, February 19th through March 20th, 2022. My name is Renee Sills. I'm a consulting astrologer, somatic educator, and artist. I'm interested in exploring astrology as a tool for self-awareness, relational growth, and personal and collective healing.


Before I get into your horoscope, I want to share some information with you about the future of Embodied Astrology horoscopes. You may have noticed that I did not release horoscopes for Aquarius Season, and I want to extend a thank you to everyone who reached out to me with concern this past month. Thank you so much for your care and for your warm wishes. Folks, I really needed a break. 2022 marks the seventh year of creating Embodied Astrology horoscopes, and I really adore this practice, I have to say, it also takes a lot out of me. If you've been a listener for a while, you probably know that I am definitely not brief in my interpretations, and creating individual 20 or 30 minute podcasts for all 12 signs — sometimes I choose to redo them if I feel like I forgot something — every single month. This is a lot of work.


Additionally, on January 10th this year, I released your year ahead readings, which are between 90 minutes and two hours for each sign. They go in depth into the major themes I feel coming through for every sign throughout 2022. So by the time I got to Aquarius Season, I was just tapped out on my capacity and I needed to take a pause. During this time, I was able to reflect a bit on my intentions and desires for this work and on the evolving landscapes of technology and social media that have allowed me to share this work with you. I still have a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions, but a few things have become clear, and I will be making some changes in how I distribute my content. And I want you to be aware of these changes so that you can continue to access this work if you want it.


First and foremost, your horoscopes are not going anywhere. As I said, I really love making them and I'm definitely planning to continue. They will continue to come out monthly with the start of each new Zodiac season and they will continue to be offered for free. Your donations and other forms of support gladly accepted. However, beginning next month with Aries Season, I will no longer be distributing my horoscopes through Spotify or iTunes, and they will only be available from So if you love your horoscopes, please head over to my website, click the horoscopes tab, and sign up for the free monthly horoscopes membership tier.


Secondly, I wanted to mention that there have been several recent occurrences of fake accounts on Instagram who have been impersonating me as well as other astrologers, tarot readers, and psychics. And I should say that my Instagram content is distributed across Facebook as well. So these fake accounts copy our pages and they have a lot of the same photos, they use our taglines. But if you look carefully, there are some variations on our names. So for example, the most recent fake account for Embodied Astrology had two Y's at the end of the name. You'll also notice that the posts are usually all from the same date and often don't include all of the content that I will post on my own page. So these accounts then follow my followers. They send private messages offering readings and asking for payment upfront. Please don't fall for these scams. Okay, friends? If you get a message such as this, immediately report and block the account and definitely don't send them any money. This has been a super frustrating and ongoing problem for a while now. And the admin at Instagram has been very unhelpful. They continue to let these accounts proliferate and they refuse to verify my account for reasons that they won't explain.


So for this reason, and others that I won't get into right now, I also want to let you know that I will be transitioning in the next few months from using Instagram as a primary space for releasing astrology updates and live videos, and I'll be starting to post the content that I create directly to my website. And I'll be hosting live and free events in my virtual community space instead of on Instagram Live. So if you want access to this content, if you want to join me in these live events, that's another reason to head over to and make sure that you are signed up.


I have varying levels of membership, beginning with a free or by donation tier that will get you access to horoscopes and my regular astrology content and writing. I also host monthly workshops where I offer embodied, creative explorations of current astrology and support for working with your own chart. And finally, there is a beautiful and growing community space and monthly astro teatime meetups where you can learn with others, with us about chart reading, working with transits, and how astrology manifests for all of us differently. All of my levels of membership are offered by sliding scale.


Last but not least, I just want to thank you again. Whether you're new to this space, or if you've been tuning in with me for a while now, thank you so much. It feels really risky and vulnerable to be pulling back from social media since it's been such an important space of connection for me, and also a space where this practice has grown a lot. But it's clear to me that I'm not aligned with the priorities of these platforms and their owners, and the space that I want to hold with you is ultimately a lot more relational and interactive than these platforms can support. So thank you so much for listening. Thank you for signing up. Thank you for sharing with your friends and networks. And thank you so much for your support. I hope to see you in the near future at one of the Embodied Astrology virtual events.


Okay, on to your horoscope. Please remember as you listen that my intention as an astrologer is always to see and support your greatest well-being and potential. Sun sign horoscopes are general readings. If as you listen, something doesn't land for you, it's not for you. Please feel free to always take what works, leave the rest. Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. I also want to remind you that you can find written transcripts of these horoscopes at in the horoscopes section.


Alright, Libra. So for several months, and definitely throughout the last year in 2021, I talked a lot about this idea that Libra is getting serious about having fun. And that's somewhat of a flippant way to describe the energy that I feel moving through your chart, which is a very serious energy. But it's also an energy that needs to take responsibility and be accountable to life force and to life energy. And it feels like you are being asked right now to look at the ways that you have control, that you have agency in your own life around your perception, your energetic output, your vibe, and then your choices around how you spend your time, and really, how you set yourself up to be in the world. And this means in your relationships, as well as in your own activities and your behaviors and your work, etc. It feels to me like you are working through a lot of really deep issues right now and you have been for a while.


And the days leading up to Pisces Season, beginning on February 14th, bring a lot of shift into the charts. And it feels like you're having some new ideas about your own energy, maybe some new consciousness around how you exude and express. And the thing is about your energy is that it's palpable, right? And there's some kind of awareness that I feel like is deepening for you around the difference between what you're presenting and what you're leading with superficially, and what your real truth is, your honesty that's underneath the more superficial affect. It feels to me like there may have been, and maybe still is, incongruency between your inner and your outer. And certainly this is something that Libra as a zodiacal energy can speak to, especially when it comes to people pleasing tendencies and the desire for things to be pleasant, things to be copacetic, a kind of conflict avoidance that can come up sometimes with Libran energy. And the sense that I get is that what is happening for you internally is a shift. And this is a shift into more integration. It's a shift into more recognition on your part of how what's going on for you in your inner world affects what's going on for you in your outer world. And even if the people around you don't have language to express what they're feeling from you, because you might be presenting yourself in certain ways, if what they're feeling isn't matching up with what they're presenting, then you have some relational dissonance. And my sense is that in the days leading up to Pisces Season, there's some kind of awareness that you are building in these spaces. And it feels like integration, it feels like both a challenge and an opportunity for you to claim yourself, for you to be honest with yourself and with others around you about who you are and what you want and what you need. And it also feels like activation of your own energy to move into different ways of being that are more practiced and more regular.


So then as we move into Pisces Season, we actually move into the season with the Moon in your sign. And there is a lot of self-awareness that brings you into the season. I want to encourage you to check out the Pisces Season workshop that I'm offering on February 21st. If you can't make the live event, you can always catch the recording. But this offering is an exploration of the endocrine system, you might be familiar with your endocrine system or the certain glands within your endocrine system. Basically, these are your chemical messengers and endocrine has so much to do with your mood and with your energy, and also with how you perceive "reality." And you know, as a human being living on Earth in 2022, that people have all different kinds of realities. And the way that we perceive reality has so much to do with whether we're feeling triggered or frightened or excited or in love or activated in some way. So in this workshop, I'm going to be exploring how we can work with our own endocrine systems to bring more consciousness into the ways that we exude energy and also into the ways that we can actively shape our realities to some extent. I feel like this work will be helpful for you because this is what I feel you doing.


And as we move into Pisces Season, there is so much emphasis on the part of your chart that has to do with wellness and well-being and your general health. With Pisces ruling this part of your chart — it's also called the solar 6th house, you can look up the 6th house if you want more information — this suggests that you are a person who is very sensitive to the world around you, and your wellness. And when I say the word wellness, I am talking about a multi-dimensional experience, not just your physical health. Definitely including your physical health, but also including your mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual well-being. And your personal well-being, of course, is not separate from the environment and from relationships to people who you may or may not know, because we are connected, and we are interconnected. And so when I'm speaking to wellness, I'm really speaking to a holistic experience. And for you with Pisces here, this suggests that you are very relationally affected and you are environmentally affected. And this is going to be a season when I think that you feel the influences of the collective experience, of your environment, of your relationships really strongly. I've mentioned this in other horoscopes, and I certainly talked about it in your year ahead reading, but this is a time for you to attend to your inner body and to the parts of your wellness and well-being that I would say have more to do with subtle energy than they do with explicit or specific locations or actions.


Moving into Pisces Season, there is more and more emphasis on how you feel. And again, I want to say that this is on every level of your being. How you feel has so much to do with what then happens around you. If you're feeling grouchy and cranky, what do you think happens when you let that energy out into the space around you and onto the people around you? When you're feeling well, when you're feeling balanced, centered, happy with yourself, how do you think that affects your relationships? And so again, I want to say, Libra, that this is not about acting. This is not about putting out a friendly facade or acting nice or keeping things pleasant. This is about integration. It's about doing deep work with yourself so that there's coherence between your inner reality and your external reality. Because my sense is, is that things that have been going on for you and your inner realm have been manifesting externally in relationship dynamics particularly, but also in general, perhaps in your health and wellness, perhaps in your work or your jobs or other areas of your life.


And what is being manifested as reflection and in collaboration with your deep and inner experience, my sense is, is that it doesn't always match maybe where you consciously are wanting to build and, and wanting to develop and cultivate. And I think you know this, and you've been working on this for a while and you've been working to form more clear pathways of integrity, more honesty, more vulnerability, and this is a process and Pisces Season is here to help you along with that process.


Alright, the last couple of days of February into the first couple of days of March, highlight some experiences that have been going on for a long time in the realm of home and family. In this realm, we want to consider the big picture of what home and family can mean. It can include the literal translations of those words, but it can also refer to the more subtle experiences of belonging, of being at home in one's body, of recognizing one's place on Earth, as a child of the Earth, feeling family in many different dimensions. My feeling is that the last couple of days of February are, hmm... it's almost like you're getting an acupuncture treatment, like you're getting some stimulation into particular lines of energy that you've been working for a while or that have been working for a while. There may be important conversations that you're having around this time with people who you consider to be part of your home and family or who have access to you in your inner-most reality. They are people who you might feel vulnerable with or there's some kind of conversation that you're having with around vulnerability and trust. My advice for you during this time is to be responsible about your inner reality. And if you are feeling feelings, if you are having stuff come up that feels like fear patterning or insecurity or deep desires that feel hard to talk about, my advice would be to take time with yourself to really try and hold and process your own feelings, and with others to do your absolute best to be transparent. And I honor that we need safe relationships in order to be transparent. And many of us do not feel entirely safe with people who we associate with our home and family. Unfortunately, that's the truth for a lot of people. So I would also say that this is definitely a time for you to reach out and to resource yourself, to support yourself by talking to friends, by talking with a therapist or reading books or using practices of some kind that can help you affirm your own experiences so that your engagements with others, your relationships with others don't have strong features of misuse of your own power. And misuse of your own power would happen when there is disintegration between your inner world and your outer presentation, when you're not saying the thing that you are actually feeling, or when you're coming from a place that is maybe more fractured or fragmented or triggered, and you're not necessarily checking in with how is this affecting or impacting the environment around you, because that can happen as well.


As we move into March, we're moving into a New Moon. The New Moon is exact on March 2nd. And this is a powerful New Moon that, for you, invites, again, emphasis into the experience of wellness in its totality, in its holistic totality. And I think it activates longing for you. That's what it feels like in my body. And this longing is, I think an awareness of the holistic necessity of wellness. It's an awareness that you need support. You need tenderness, you need fun, you need access to your own energy. And how you make space and time to give yourself the things that you can give yourself, but also how you work with yourself to come to others with offers and invitations to support you in the ways that you need to be supported are big themes for this New Moon.


On March 2nd, there will be another Embodied Astrology event. This is taking place in the evening, and unfortunately there won't be a recording of it, so you have to attend live and that is the fortunate part of it because live events really build a particular kind of energy. So if your timezone would allow it, definitely check it out. 5:30pm on March 2nd, that's a Wednesday. Dr. g (Claudelle Glasgow), who is a therapist, somatic experiencing practitioner, a death doula and a guide in many ways will be offering a Yoga Nidra, writing, art, and sacred conversation with guides, with guardians, with ancestors, with spiritual supports. And again, it feels like this could really support you. Because I think that as you move into more integrated well-being and as you explore these different aspects in your own wellness, there is a strong need for you to have spiritual support, subtle body support, for you to feel that you can ask for and receive love and care from other dimensions. And I don't know about you, but for me sometimes that feels more challenging than other times. And it certainly helps me to have other people hold space for me because in my daily life, moving through my own practices, sometimes I can forget. So if you're interested, again, with either of those events, the Pisces Season workshop or Dr. g's Yoga Nidra workshop which is called Ancestral Whisperings, you can find information at in the workshop section.


So, Libra, this New Moon opens up a lot of space in the astrology of March. And after the New Moon, there is an incredible amount of energy that feels like a galvanizing, fortifying field for you. And my sense is, is that you want to feel yourself aligned and in your center, and I think that you are really starting to and this New Moon is, in my sense, very supportive for you in this way. And then as we move into March, you have an incredible opportunity window, throughout the entire month of March, that is an opportunity for more creative, life-affirming, vitalizing, generative energy. And you can invite this in in many different ways. One way that you can invite it in is through being creative, being playful, indulging spontaneity, indulging silliness. How old are you? That's, that's going to be a question for you. How old are you? And when is the last time that you felt like you were in contact with your inner child? And when I say your inner child, who arises in your consciousness? What age are they? What are they doing? When you feel into the spirit of you that is in its most playful, authentic, courageous, self-loving expression, who is that person? Spend some time with that person in the month of March. There is a lot that they can teach you, a lot that they can remind you of. And at the beginning of the horoscope when I said, "Get serious about having fun," it feels like March is a time for you to really do this.


So as I said, after that New Moon on March 2nd, it feels to me like a lot of energy opens up for you. And you can access that energy by being spontaneous, by pursuing pleasure that is obviously consensual and doesn't harm others but really supports what you find pleasurable, what you find entertaining, what you find thrilling and exciting. This is a time for some Libras of high romance. Okay, people coming into your life at this time are definitely people to pay attention to. If you feel a vibe with somebody, roll with it. This is a really exciting time for some of you romantically. This is also a really exciting time for friendships, and new opportunities for friendships and communities that could be opening up to you. This is a great time for hanging out with children and young people or other people of any age who really embody childlike spontaneity and playfulness. And this is also a time that really supports creative expression. And in whatever ways you feel your artistic or creative or performative nature, you might want to give time and energy to those practices and pastimes.


Around the second week or so of March, there is an increased emphasis on your health and well-being. I do want to say that around this time, some of you might be experiencing depletion. And with what's going on in your charts throughout 2022, although I will say that this has been a longer movement since 2011, my sense is that some of you are experiencing health and wellness situations — situations is a big word for I don't know what's going on for you specifically — but these situations in their nature, they feel depleting. And they may include weird, mysterious, reactive symptoms that you don't understand. Your energy could be in flux a lot. And again, I want to say that you are really sensitive, you're really sensitive to your environment on all levels. That means the air you breathe, the water you drink, the emotions that are in the collective vibe, etc. And especially around mid-March, it's really important for you to be paying attention to your sensitivity and caring for your sensitivity. This is a good time for many of you to be working with some kind of cleansing or regenerative practices, nourishing practices. It's a great time for you to be calling upon the healing powers of water. It's also a really good time for you to be drawing upon your spiritual practices. So again, I mentioned this before when it comes to your sense of relational well-being, but I'll say that definitely when It comes to your wellness, a sense of connection with your subtle body and with spiritual forces or subtle forces, I think could be really helpful and it could help you discern what you need, how and when.


The last week of Pisces Season, from mid-March until the vernal equinox and the beginning of Aries Season, there is a lot of stimulation in the air element. And this could bring, again, a heightened sense of creativity for you, a lot of ideas, a lot of new conversations, this could be a fairly exciting time. This can also be a depleting time. So I do want to ask you, again, to pay attention to your subtle body, pay attention to your environmental sensitivities, and try and care for yourself by not overdoing it. And some of you might need to pacify yourself or stabilize yourself during this time. And what could be really helpful are self-soothing practices, holding your body, rocking yourself, humming and singing can be really calming to the nervous system. And also laying down on the ground with some kind of weight on you. People love weighted blankets. If you have a big stack of books or something like that, sometimes it can be nice to put weight over your pelvis and your hip bones if you're lying on your back. So some suggestions there.


As we move towards the Full Moon, and the Full Moon is exact on March 18th, these feelings of environmental sensitivity and the need for you to care for your energy body get amplified. This is a Full Moon that highlights the part of your chart that is engaged with your dreaming body, with your need for rest, with your need for integration through sleep and through activities that allow you to really space out and take a break and dissolve a little bit or disperse a little bit. So I definitely recommend along with these grounding practices and self-soothing practices that you try to get a lot of sleep around this Full Moon and really listen to your body if that's what it needs.


The vernal equinox and beginning of Aries Season happens on March 20th, and the energies that I've been talking about really take you right into the next season. So in summary, Libra, this season of Pisces is definitely a time for you to pay attention to your subtle body, pay attention to the ways that your energy is affected environmentally, and pay attention to the ways that you affect the energy around you and the environment around you. You are looking for integration now, you are looking for coherence. And you are looking to connect with the part of yourself or the parts of yourself that really hold your deep inner wisdom and your authentic self. And when you are able to do this, I want to say that you have a lot of opportunities. And these opportunities are definitely relational. As I said, there might be some exciting new connections that are coming into your life. Some of you also have new work opportunities that are coming up. And these feel like opportunities to engage more creatively, more spiritually on a more subtle realm, and for you to feel that you get to work in what feels to me like a more organic and maybe intuitive way. So keep your eyes out and notice what is being offered to you. You definitely want to pay attention, again, to the ways that your inner experience can affect your outer experience when it comes to perception. And so for those of you who are looking for new opportunities, I would just love to suggest that throughout this time of Pisces Season, especially because there's so much emphasis for you on inner awareness and rest, that when you're taking time for yourself, you take time in some kind of meditation and imagination, and visualize what it is that you're wanting to feel, what it is that you're wanting to experience in your life. And as you visualize these experiences, relationships, etc., notice what happens to your body. Where in your body do you have sensation? What are the qualities of fulfillment or satisfaction in these areas for you? And when you can get a sense of the subtle, somatic awareness of what it is that you're trying to cultivate, continue to come back to those sensations. Continue to cultivate the imaginative process so that your inner body, your inner experience becomes more coherent with the world around you that you want to be building, that you want to be crafting.


​​Alright, I am going to leave it there. I always recommend tuning in with horoscopes for your Sun and your rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscope section, where you can also find your 2022 year ahead reading, which goes over the major themes of this year with suggestions for creative, embodied and practical support to make the most of your opportunities and work skillfully with your challengers. For support throughout Pisces Season, tune in with the Embodied Astrology workshops and member spaces. And definitely make sure you've signed up for at least my free level of membership to make sure that you get next month's horoscopes delivered directly to your inbox. For those of you who want to learn how to read your own chart and work with astrology, you might be interested in my class series Your Chart is a Body, an introduction to chart reading, where you'll learn to identify, interpret and synthesize the main components of an astrology chart — signs, planets aspects and houses — all through an embodied, somatic lens. These horoscopes and transcripts are offered for free. If this work benefits you, please consider making a one time or recurring donation. Other great ways to support this work include sharing it with your friends and networks, and of course, signing up for one of my membership levels. Until next time, I am wishing you all the best in Pisces Season and beyond.


VIRGO Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)


SCORPIO Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)