LIBRA Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

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This season is a threshold, a porthole, a vortex.
You are being asked to move through
spaces of unknown and trust
your intuition and guidance.
Your life is yours to create.
Create space in it for you
as you are emerging now.


Hello Libra, welcome to your month ahead Embodied Astrology reading for Cancer Season. Cancer Season is the span of days between June 20 and July 22. My name is Renee, I'm the astrologer here at Embodied Astrology. I am an embodied intuitive as well as an astrologer. And as I read your chart, I'm going to do my best to blend these two practices and just describe to you what's coming through for me for the Libra archetype. So as you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Make the meaning that's meaningful for you, feel free to associate with the words that I offer for you. And just take what works and leave the rest. I always recommend that people check in with horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at


Alright, my Libra friends. Well, as I'm tuning in with the chart for Cancer Season, I am feeling that you are wanting, ready, moving on making some changes in your life, especially when it comes to what you do in the world. For some people, this is going to mean their job or their career. For others, this might have something more to do with what feels like a calling or life purpose. Sometimes they're the same, sometimes they are quite different. And I think for anyone, regardless of you know, the job, the career, the life calling, there is a feeling here that just has to do with who you are in the world and what you're making out of your life, what direction you want to be traveling towards and what you're seeking to manifest. You know this, right, we create our lives as we live them and intentionality really sets the course for us. When we have goals and aspirations, we tend to move towards those goals and aspirations. And of course, they can change over time. And I don't know about you, but I imagine that you do, like I, have experienced having a goal or aspiration and moving towards it and then as you move along your course, things change, your goals shift. And, you know, maybe things don't work out the way that you thought that they would, different opportunities might come and become more compelling or something like that. So as I'm tuning in with your chart, I'm feeling this question of what are you doing with your life and what's it going to look like and where are you headed from here? Throughout this season, from you know, mid-June, basically until the end of July, it feels like there's a reflective quality that isn't very straightforward, you know, you're reflecting inwards, you're feeling things out, you're trying to suss out how you might move into some new way of being. And this new way of being, again, could be a new occupation, a new avenue for you to be and do who and what you are. For some folks, this might have a significant component that has to do with wellness, and with kind of your, your general state of, you know, vitality and sense of yourself. And it feels like you're trying to figure out how to live your life in a way that cares for you. And you are a holistic multi dimensional being. And when all of your parts aren't cared for, then all of your parts suffer. And so the feeling that I'm getting is that you're looking for synthesis, you're looking to include yourself in some different ways. You're trying to find the "right" ways to move towards the future. I'm using air quotes when I'm saying "right", right, like the right ways for you the right next steps. And also throughout this season, it feels like you are also integrating some important new realizations that you've been having, fairly recently, in the last couple of weeks or months, that have something to do with—it feels like yourself knowing, you know, it feels like your sense of—when I say at the beginning of the horoscope, you know, make the meaning that's meaningful for you, that's an offering to you where it's like, truth is subjective. Anybody who's going to advise you on something is only coming from their lens, from their bias. And so as you take it in, you have to figure out what's meaningful for you here. And my sense is as I look at your chart is that you have been figuring out something about what's meaningful for you in your life, what's important for you and it feels like this is a component of your life philosophy. And it may have something very specifically to do with how you are using your time and energy, what you are engaged with when it comes to responsibilities, when it comes to your labor, and again, what you're crafting in the world, the intentionality that you have for your future. It feels to me like you are figuring some things out, and these last couple of weeks and months, there may have been conversations you've been having with important people, there may have been an inner conversation that you've been having with yourself. There may have been, you know, pieces of advice or teaching or wisdom that's been passed on to you that's kind of helped you orient to some kind of new framework. And I feel like you have an—you have somewhat of a new idea about this, you know, this sense of direction, where it is that you are going. And so the intentionality of your goals, of your aspiration, something is shifting here. And for some folks, this may feel like a very dramatic shift. For other folks, this may feel subtle, you know, like a subtle micro adjustment in terms of the direction you've already been going and you're like, Okay, I need a little bit of a refinement. But either way, over the course of the season, you have the opportunity to continue to feel into these directions. And I want to encourage you at, you know, at this time in the middle of 2021, when everything for everybody feels pretty damn chaotic, I want to encourage you to move slowly. And to be patient as you try and, you know, move into these new directions and orient to your new and or refined goals and aspirations. I'm taking a breath, I'm encouraging you to take a breath. And the feeling here is don't force anything. Don't force something that isn't quite ready to happen yet. But also, don't be shy. Don't be timid, don't baby yourself, you know, and hold back from the movement that you need to make. But feel yourself as a steady flow, right. And so if you have your goals or the sense of where you want to be moving towards, if the circumstances aren't there right now, then orient towards them. And energetically try and open to them and talk about these goals, these ideas with the people who are close to you, with the people who might somehow influence the decisions you're making or you might need to be considering them or something like that.


Okay, so there is a full moon on the 24th of June and a new moon on the 9th of July. Full moon is in Capricorn, new moon is in Cancer, two opposite signs. Cancer and Capricorn are part of what is called the Cardinal axis. And as a Libra, you are also part of this Cardinal axis. If you live towards one of the poles on Earth, if you experience four seasons, the Cardinal signs are the signs that start the new seasons. So in the Northern Hemisphere, Libras are the beginning—Libra season is the beginning of autumn. A little piece of Astro tidbit there for you. So in your chart, the Cardinal axis or the Cardinal Cross really influences you. So Cancer and Capricorn, they are energies in your chart, you may or may not have natal placements in those signs, but because of their relationship to Libra, they're very important signs for you. So this full moon and new moon are—they're big ones in your chart, and they have a lot to do with this sense of: Who am I, what am I here for, and where am I going with my life?


On the 24th of June, the full moon in Capricorn feels to me like it has a lot of revelation kind of potential for you. And this revelation is very directional is my sense in terms of this question of where am I going and what am I doing with my life. There is a need for you to take care of yourself holistically here, and I referenced that before when I was talking about, you know, trying to feel into some kind of new way of being, new way of living. As a holistic being. You want to be taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, psychically, spiritually, and relationally. Those are a lot of realms to be juggling all at once and my sense is, is that you are looking for some kind of synthesis. And so this full moon has a potential to reveal to you where things are out of alignment, as well as how they could come into better alignment. And sometimes revelations are not particularly enjoyable and full moon energy can be intense. So I just want to put it out there that if in the course of time between full moon and new moon, if things are feeling intense for you, if you reach places where you feel like, Oh my God, this really sucks and it needs to change, or you feel like you've hit a wall or something like that, if it's possible in the moment, greet that experience with appreciation. Because those might be really important boundaries for you to be recognizing. And I think that there is some kind of need here for you to understand your boundaries. And in the way that you want to be taking care of yourself holistically, it feels to me like maybe part of the problem—I don't want to use the word problem—maybe part of the answer, maybe part of the process right now is understanding for yourself where you're caring for what you don't want to care for. And so if you're caring—if you're trying to care for yourself holistically, and you're putting a ton of energy into situations, relationships, areas of obsession, addictions, particular habits, things like that, and they are taking up a lot of time and space for you and distracting you or sucking your energy and you feel like it's not, you know, these activities, these ways of being, these relationships, etc, are not leading in the direction of your aspirations and goals, then this full moon might give you, give you that reflection. And then you're going to have to decide what to do with that reflection. And the space between the full moon and the new moon is an interesting space because it is—it feels to me like there's some intensity that comes in pretty strongly in those two weeks. And the need to shift, to transform, to end, and also to reckon with desire, "This is what I want", that can be so terrifying, sometimes. You know, to really go like, yes, this is what I want. A lot of times recognizing what we want also means recognizing that we're caught up in a lot of stuff that we don't want. And so there is a need to change or end. And my sense is, is that there's something going on for you right now, that is asking you to make some decisions. And so a while ago when I was like, take it slow, you know, like, don't try and force anything, specifically between these two weeks of June 24 and July 9, there is a lot of energy moving in your chart that is happy to carry you through some changes. And it also has the potential to be quite intense, and maybe even explosive feeling. And you might have the feeling of like, you know, like, wow, like, I gotta change and you know, I get this sense of like a lot of energy coming up in your chart. Now all of that energy can be super helpful, it can be super useful to you, and it can really assist you in orienting towards your future directions. And it can really assist you in clarifying for yourself, where there are needs for better boundaries, where there are needs for new openings, right? Like, yes, that is what I want, therefore, I need to make space for it. And there is a caution here of trying to force anything to happen before it is ready yet.


And so my best advice that I can offer you for this period of time, between again June 24 and July 9, is to try and be as present as you possibly can, to try and stay grounded in your body, and as you're going through whatever it is that you're going through, and I—it's easy for astrologers to be a kind of hyperbolic and for people who are listening to take it in that direction so I do want to say that, you know, this could be two weeks of time where internally you're like, Oh my god, I need to clean out my closet, right? Like I need to have a new style and I'm gonna throw away a lot of clothes and like the intensity that I'm feeling might be channeled into various different aspects of your life. So, you know, I don't, I don't know what it is for you don't take it into the extreme right away. But I do want to say that during these two weeks, it's really helpful for you to connect with your body as much as possible. And I'm saying that knowing that so many people have such distance from their bodies due to so many different things. And the body can be an incredibly uncomfortable place to reside sometimes. And I'm going to encourage you to really try and get grounded and stay grounded, or you won't be you won't, I don't think you're gonna stay grounded during these two weeks, but you can visit that place often. And if you make some kind of practice for yourself, and again, two weeks, it's not a, it's not a super long time. For those two weeks, you know, can you commit to five minutes a day, taking time for yourself, using your senses, your eyes, your touch, your smell, your hearing, to just tune into your physical experience, and try to be present with your physical experience. And what I mean by that is, if you tune into your body, and you're like, "Holy shit, I feel so anxious, I feel really freaked out," where in your body is that anxiousness? A lot of people, you know, anxiety lives somewhere in the central body, in the belly and the chest and the head and the throat. And so if you can identify the location of a feeling that you're having, or if you feel really disembodied, you know, and you're like, I don't even feel like I have a body, you know, like, lie under a weighted blanket or scratch your own skin, you know, give yourself some kind of contact, that can help you come into the immediacy of an experience. And the experience doesn't have to be pleasurable, you don't have to judge it, you know, if it's not. But just taking deep breaths, and really trying to land in the present moment with the physical experience and not in the story. So if you're feeling anxious, it's not about why you're feeling anxious or the feelings that are in the anxiety, oh, my God, you know, you want to just go into what's the physical expression of this anxiety. Oh, I feel my heart racing, I feel my breath is short or something like that. And then bring your love and attention into your body, and be with your body as you would be with a child. You know, like, I'm gonna give you some containment right now, I'm mirroring to you, I'm reflecting to you, right? Like, you are here, held, in relationship, you have to do that for yourself. And the potential of this is that you are actually carrying yourself through what feels to me, like a very powerful transformative experience that you're going through right now. It feels to me like you are in a space of your life where there's some kind of birthing and dying process. Again, that might be very subtle, you might be like, I am dying to these pants, and I am being born to this dress, right? Like, it doesn't have to be a big thing. But some Libras out there, some Libra identified people are going through huge things right now. You might be going through major changes in your relationships, there might be family members who are coming or going from this Earth realm, there may be really significant changes in your occupation or your career. And so if you're hearing this, again, tune in with your own intuition and move towards what's meaningful for you. This is a threshold, this period of time is my sense, it's an important threshold that is giving you a lot of power and provocation and motivation to make some important changes and shifts and motions in some kind of direction that feels important for you and for what you are building with your life.


I'm going to stop there, I hope any or all of that is helpful for you. Again, I really want to encourage you to try and be loving with yourself and present with your body throughout this span of time. If you want more information, check out my Year Ahead Reading for Libra. That's an hour and a half long reading for your sign, it goes through all of the major influences of 2021, and I'm certainly going to be talking about what I'm seeing this month because it's kicking up some stuff that are big themes of your year. Those readings are available on my website. We're halfway through the year so they are discounted now to 50%. If you want to learn more about astrology from me and learn how to read your own chart, sign up for my extended content subscription. With that you'll get access to my month ahead calendars to worksheets and tools to help you learn astrology and work with your own chart as well as two subscriber only meetups every month where we workshop together and where I give a month ahead offering to tune in with the monthly astrology. You can find more information on both of those offerings at You can also follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology for regular Astro updates. If you enjoy this work, please help support it. Share it with your friends and networks. Subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes podcasts. And of course, your donations are super helpful and they sustain the production of this work. I'm wishing you all the best in this Cancer Season and beyond. Bye for now.


VIRGO Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)


SCORPIO Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)