VIRGO Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

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Clear the space, set the stage.
Craft the ambiance and mood.
You know what kinds of energy
you’re interested in engaging, and how.
Be patient, attend to the pause,
invite the chosen ones in.
And then, be open to what unfolds.


Hello Virgo, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope from Embodied Astrology. This is a horoscope for Cancer Season, June 20 through July 22, 2021. My name is Renee, I'm an embodied intuitive and astrologer. And when I give readings for my horoscopes, I am tuning in with my body through my intuition and also through the messages coming through your chart. I'm going to do my best to give a description of what I'm sensing here and it's up to you to make the meaning that's meaningful for you. So please listen through your own intuition. Take what works, and leave the rest and freely associate what I'm saying so that it lands in the parts of your life that are relevant. I always recommend that people tune in with horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section.


Okay, Virgo, as I'm tuning in with your chart, I am feeling relationships, I am feeling a new idea of what relationships can be, a desire for community, for network, for friendship, and within all realms of relationship a question: what could this be? The world is a big wide place, there are so many people in it. There are so many partners, lovers, friends, colleagues, frenemies, enemies, you know, so many connections that we're going to make, that we could make. And my sense is, is that this season is kind of opening your eyes a little bit, opening your sense field and you're going, "Who's out there?" And you want to know what's going on. And this is coming at a time when you are in some kind of place of deep reflection around what you want your relationships to be and to be about. And this isn't new, this is for sure, the last couple of months, that there's been an additional focus in a part of your life that I think has been both active and maybe very confusing for a long time, this realm of relationships, like, I think you've got a lot of stuff going on there and it doesn't feel like... I don't know, I mean, it feels like maybe for the last decade, you've been in some kind of process with relationships and you're trying to figure something out. And for the last month to two months, I think you have been figuring something out. And there's been a feeling of growth, potential, expansion, new awareness. And Cancer Season is a time when you, it feels to me, are wanting to move in some new directions around how you feel yourself growing and changing in the relational realm. It is also probable that some structural shifts need to be made. And I don't know if this has to do with your schedule. With, you know, how much time you actually have to be available to relationships. Or maybe you have too much time, you know, when you need to be more available to yourself, right and like, give a little more container to your relationships. There may be something that has to do with your capacity, your own energy, your attention. There might be something that has to do with kind of like the structure of your social arenas. This could include your workspace environments, you know, where you're connecting with people, where you're communing, coming together, etc. But it feels like there's something that you're aware that needs to change a little bit structurally in your life, so that you can have this new quality of relationship that I think it is that you've been recognizing that you want. And so over the course of Cancer Season, I just want to say this feels like a meditation. How do you make space in your life for the community, the relationships, the friendships, the loverships, the partnerships, the collaborations, etc. that you really want and I want to encourage you to—the feeling that I'm getting is like you know what you want emotionally, energetically, and spiritually, and you might not totally have the language, you might not fully like understand how it happens, but you know, the feeling. And so over the next 30 days, this season depending on when you're listening, let your energetic knowing guide you. Let that embodied intuition and wisdom guide you. And you don't need to know ahead of time, like what it is that you want with someone or how it's gonna look or something like that. But you want to be letting your subtle awareness be your teacher right now. And so if you're relating with somebody, and I'm saying include all levels of relationship here. So if you're relating with somebody and you're feeling like in your body that energetically something is off, slow down if you can. Like, tune in with yourself, if you can, and ask yourself, what's off? You know, what is misaligned in what's happening here? And if it's something inside of you, that you can shift, experiment with shifting it. So for example, this is my personal example, I can be very socially awkward and shy, and sometimes in social settings, I can, you know, get really uptight, and then interactions feel uncomfortable for me. If you share this experience with me, maybe you're a person, you know, that might need to go, take a bathroom break, right and like, go be by yourself for a couple of minutes and tune in with yourself and give yourself some reassurance and comfort yourself and ground yourself and encourage yourself to open. You know, and like you might with, you know, like a little shy kid be like, "You know, people—can't take anybody personally, people are all going through their own things, you got to like, put, you know, put your best effort forwards and try and be yourself, right? Like you could, you could do that for yourself and try and shift yourself. If you feel that something is misaligned and it's coming at you from another person, this is an incredible time for you to be working on your communication with people and your communication in general with the world, with yourself, to clearly identify what it is that you are feeling and what it is that you would like to request. And so if another person is feeling a little awkward, or whatever, you know, you got to read the room, it's going to depend on the person, the circumstance, etc. But is there some way that you can communicate to them and invite them into more of the kind of presence that you're asking for. And I'm certainly not telling you to try and control people, don't do that, you know, but you can reflect your relational experience, you can ask for particular kinds of engagement or communication, you can ask for a timeout, you can invite someone to notice something about themselves, and you can do that for yourself. So over the course of this time, tune in with your subtle body and try and orient towards the energetic of relationship that you know that you want.


Okay. Also, during this period of time, it feels like you are in some kind of reflection around work, career, how you're putting yourself out in the world, and what it is that you're building for yourself in your life. This definitely could have something to do with your relationships, they definitely could be organizing around each other and there could be confluence, right, like you're recognizing you want a different kind of relationality. This is going to influence how you are in the world with your job, with your audience, clients, employers, you know, like whoever. And it feels like you are rearranging, readjusting, revisioning something about what you're doing in the world and how you're putting yourself out into the world. This definitely, like I said, could have a lot to do with career for a lot of folks and how you are moving towards what it is that you want in your life, your goals, your aspirations. Over the last couple of weeks and months, you've been in some kind of again, revisioning, restructuring, remembering place: what is important to me? And as we move into Cancer Season, you're moving forward with some new ideas. They might not all have landed yet, you might not be totally clear on exactly how you're going to implement them. But it feels like you have more and more energy to be moving in some kind of new direction. 


Now between June 24 and July 9, we have a couple of weeks of some pretty powerful aspects that the personal planets are making to the transpersonal planets. So July 24, there's a full moon in Capricorn. Now, Virgo. Capricorn holds a really important place in your chart. This is the place of pleasure, enjoyment, your favorite pastimes, your erotic energy, your creative energy, your childlike essence and spirit, and if you are a parent, your kids, what you create, what you birth into the world. You've been going through some kind of something in this part of your chart for a while now, and I've talked about this in so many of your horoscopes for so many years now. You are taking control of your creative, erotic, vital energy. You are figuring out how you want to express yourself, you are figuring out how to come forward with courage. You may be supporting your children to express themselves, to be themselves, you might be in some kind of process with them as they're trying to be themselves and you're like Aah! You know, wrestling with whatever that is. But this is a full moon that brings a lot of highlight to this part of your life and I think a lot of charge and energy. There's definitely the potential for relational focus here. That might be very specific with specific people, it might be more general in terms of you feeling yourself as a relational person and kind of in relationship with the concepts of other people. This is a full moon that feels to me like it has a lot of revelatory potential in it. And the potential here is to teach you something about your self expression, and to open up some kind of awareness for you around your creative, vital, erotic, personal expressive energy, how you use your energy, how you express yourself, especially with other people. This is a full moon to definitely kind of just notice how you're being, right? If you notice that you're being extra, like you've got like a lot of energy to express yourself, or a lot of strong feelings or something like that, you might want to give yourself a venue to express with yourself before getting into it with other people. This is a great full moon for creative energy. And so if you've got a lot of stuff coming up around this time, journal, draw, dance it out, talk to a neutral friend and be as flamboyant, and hyperbolic, and bitchy or whatever you need to be. Find a venue for expression that is going to be generative—if you can, right, like if you have a lot of feelings come up, give them an outlet, they need an outlet. If they are coming up around specific relationships, I would definitely encourage you to find that outlet and express yourself in some kind of more neutral way that's for you first, and then with the other people. Like clear your energy, clarify your energy, and then connect with other people. If you go into this full moon and you're like, I feel like I'm about to explode, that's your cue, you know, go carve out two hours for yourself, put on your favorite music, dance your yamas out, you know, journal about it, I don't know. But move your energy a little bit at this full moon.


Between the full moon and the new moon as we are in the disseminating cycle, it feels like you are full of awareness and insight around how you are going to orient internally or something like that. So it's like this full moon opens up your emotional body somehow. It triggers some energy, it triggers some kind of self expressive, creative, vital flow. And then over the next two weeks, my sense is that your intuition is like you got rocket fuel in your intuitive organ. And it feels like you're very guided during this time. And you have a directional guidance and you're being like filled with ideas or something. And you might not know how to act on these ideas. And so I want to say that this is a period of time when you might have a lot of downloads like a lot of inspiration, a lot of energy moving through you that has to do with: How do you express yourself? How do you want to show up here? What is it that you're living for? What are your goals, da da da? During this time, don't do that thing that so many of us do where we're like, oh my god, this is what I want, but it's not where I am and so everything sucks, you know, and I feel frustrated. If you're being filled with inspiration, write it down. Trust the process. It might not be the finished form that's coming in for you right now. And you just want to take the guidance, right, let it marinate inside of you and trust that you're going to be moving this energy forwards probably in a couple of months. But at this time, you may or may not have an easy outlet to manifest what it is that you are intuiting. If you do have that easy outlet, by all means go for it. So if opportunities happen for you and you're like yes, this is what I want, let's go, or you're intuiting something and you're like, this is the direction, you get on the internet, you're like, "Where's the possibility?", boom, boom, boom, everything is aligning, go. Do it. Right, this is a great time to take action when the doors are open. If the doors are not open, don't force, okay? If the doors are not open, do not force them. Do not waste your energy trying to force something to happen if it is not happening easily right now. And I'm saying waste your energy because if something is not happening easily right now, it is because it is not ready. And there are steps to this process that need to happen before. And once you take those steps, the right door will open at the right time. But if you get really concerned right now about something happening in the way that you can imagine it in your head, and you're trying to force it through, and it's not happening very easily, if you feel restriction, if you feel a lot of doubt, if people are blocking you, if you, if things are delayed, chill the fuck out. Write down your good ideas. They're not going anywhere. There is also a very good potential that they will continue to evolve and refine over the next several weeks and months. And by October, November, December, then you're ready. You know, then you know what you want to do with these insights, then you have the pieces in place, then you've clarified the vision, and you can move forward. Okay, so those couple of weeks, July 20, or excuse me, June 24 through July 9, whew, you got a lot of energy moving through your chart. And that energy could ricochet into a million directions of your life. And it feels very energized. It feels very sparky, it feels very exciting, it feels like also maybe a lot, you know, so I want to encourage you also to like work with your nervous system during this time. If you do feel on edge, if you do, if you're like sleepless, if you're like, "Oh my god, there's so much right now!" Um, you know, meditate, do your yoga, take the hikes, like drink a lot of water. Make sure you're like, grounding yourself, like take care of a plant, you know, do something slow. And just remind yourself, life happens organically. Things emerge when they are ready. Tend to whatever is arising for you, like cultivate what's coming up, it feels like you are, you know, ready to birth something, or like, offer something in some new way, be in some new way, relate in some new way, love in some new way. Cool. You know, you just have to know where you're headed, keep checking in with it, and let it unfold for you.


Okay, I'm gonna leave it there for now, and I'll check in with you in a month or so and at that time, I've got definitely more news for you with what's happening in Virgo. But until then, if you want more from me, more astrology, then check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign where I go through the major opportunities and challenges of 2021, give suggestions for working with them. We are halfway through the year now and so those readings are discounted to 50%. If you want to learn more about working with your own chart, sign up for my extended content subscription. In that subscription you get access to my month ahead calendars, to worksheets and other tools to help you work with astrology, as well as access to my twice a month subscriber only Zoom meetups. One of those is a workshop that I offer with embodiment practice and astrology and help working with your chart and the second is a community space q&a conversational space, would love to have you there. You can find more information at on both of those offerings. You can also follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology for regular Astro updates and posts. If you enjoy this work, please support it. Share it with your friends and networks. Subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes. And of course your donations are super helpful and they support the production of this work. I'm wishing you all the best in Cancer Season and beyond. Much love and bye for now.


LEO Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)


LIBRA Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)