LIBRA Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)

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This is your life.
No one else will do for you
the things you want/need to do.
Don’t give your power away.
Hold the energy of your life as sacred.
When you show up as yourself you can trust that
whoever and whatever meets you there
is actually there for you.


Hello Libra, this is your month ahead horoscope for Leo season, July 22 through August 22. Again, this is a horoscope for Libra sun and Libra rising. Alright, Libra as I'm tuning in with your solar charts, and this is a kind of basic energetic blueprint for Leo season, for the 30 day span of time that this season suggests, what I am feeling is that you are trying to figure out which direction you're going, which direction you're headed. And all Libras are traveling in different directions, I don't know what direction you're traveling in or how this is going to resonate for you. So it might have to do with relationships, it might have to do with family, it might have to do with work, it might have to do with your style, it might have to do with some projects you're working on, I don't know. But there's something that you are trying to figure out right now about your direction. Where are you headed? What's going on? What's coming up in the future? How do you want to orient with it? And there's probably going to be an orientation throughout this month on some kind of need to get the pieces in place so that you can move into the direction that you're headed. And again, I don't know what you're working on so I don't know what the pieces are. You'll know, hopefully this is resonating for you and so you'll know what they are. But this month is a month of sorting. It's a month of discerning.


As we head into Leo season, the first couple of days are marked by the first of two full moons in Aquarius. And the first one perfects on July 23. We start Leo season on the 22. And there are a couple of planetary aspects around that full moon that heighten this feeling for me that you are trying to move into the direction of your future. You're trying to understand where you're coming from so that you can orient to where you are going. And there may be conversations that you're having with yourself or with others around this time that are dealing with some kind of massive issues. You might be trying to sort out a whole lot of things, there could be a lot of feelings or like complexities within whatever it is that you're trying to sort out. If the full moon does indeed bring a lot of relationship content or conversations, big conversations into your field, these are conversations that need to happen. If you are having a whole lot of feelings and thoughts and those feelings and thoughts are totally saturated by like a massive feeling of overwhelm, you need to feel that overwhelm right now, like this stuff needs to surface. This could be a doozy of a full moon, just because it's bringing so much forward, and the full moon can often do that, it can have a kind of ripening quality or revealing quality and illuminating quality to it. And it feels like a lot is getting stirred up right now and a lot is on the table. And there isn't a whole, you know, ton of clear answers available. And that's okay, you know, this is life, we're here, we're here to process it. So anyway, it's a powerful full moon. I think that this would be a full moon when you might be particularly served by making lists for yourself, by getting as much information into tangible practical form as you possibly can in whatever ways that you can. And so if you're trying to sort out a complicated relationship situation, then you might make a list of pros and cons, you might make a list of, you know, boundaries that you need and actions that you need or something like that. If you're trying to sort out a work situation, you might make a list of what you need to do in order of most important to least important. You get the gist here. Around the full moon, anything you can give yourself to help you clarify the abundance of information that you're trying to grapple with would be helpful.


On July 27, mercury moves into Leo and this gives me a sense of, you are able to start to work with your future plans a little more tangibly and kind of like with a little more enthusiasm or optimism. You've been going through a lot, the cardinal signs have really been going through a lot. And I don't know who out there really feels that able to make plans right now, I think it's a really confusing time for a lot of people and it feels hard to make plans for like more than a week or two away. And for you, I would say that I definitely have this feeling in the Libra charts. But you're getting a little bit of a boost as we move into Leo season, it feels like you might have some more energy to be thinking about what you want and what you're prioritizing and what you're needing. And this is important, because there are also other themes this month that for me, the way that I'm reading them, have to do with you discerning the difference between you and other people or you in situations that you're involved with. And you probably know this about your sign that Libra has a real people pleasing tendency to it and it can harmonize, and sometimes to its own detriment. It can please others or harmonize on the surface while internally there's distress, there are needs that are not being met, there are truths that are not being spoken, there's resentment that's brewing. And it feels to me like you, in your need to clarify around some kind of direction, are also needing to clarify for yourself what you want and what you will do or something like this. So here's a question just to sit with throughout this month, because I think that this is kind of getting at one of the major themes for Libra during Leo season and this has to do with your energy, and what are you making space for with your energy? What are you saying yes to? We often can say yes or no without ever consciously saying yes or no, without having a very involved consent process, by, you know, being agreeable harmonizing. Okay. Yeah. Sounds okay. You know, or maybe we don't want to do something and it's like, oh, I don't know, you know, but we never really say no and so then we're just protesting it silently or something like that. So I have a question for you, Libras. Are you being clear, you know, with your life, with yourself, and with the people around you about your yeses and your noes? Do you have a clear sense for yourself of what kind of energy you want to be running? I've said this in many of your horoscopes, if not all of them this year, that Libra is getting serious about having fun in 2021. And I think that might be a trite way to say that. Maybe a better way is Libra is learning to take responsibility for its own energy in 2021. And that means that if you want to have fun, it's not up to anybody else to have fun for you or to make your life fun, right? Like you have to find some fun inside of yourself and figure out how to access that fun and then maybe to share it and invite other people into it. If you are vague in your energy or in your expression, you'll get vagueness back. If you're negative and moody, you'll attract negativity and moodiness. How are you expressing yourself right now? And my question for you is what needs to be expressed that isn't getting expressed and is really influencing your experience? Because this is the sense that I'm getting, is that you're trying to figure out what direction you want to go in some area of your life, and in order for you to figure out what that direction is, you need to know where you're coming from. And you need to be clear about what your direction is and what you want, what your yes and what your no is about so that you can clearly communicate with other people, what you want from them and what you need from them. And this is going to help you be more functional, it's going to help you be more effective. This could be in the realm of your jobs and your work for sure. This could be with your kids, for sure. This could be with your spouses or your partners or your domestic cohabitants for sure. This could be with your lovers and your intimates definitely. And what I'm seeing in the Libra's charts right now is a lot of emphasis on home and family. A lot of emphasis on children. A lot of emphasis on romantic partners, and a lot of emphasis on professional relationships. And so any of those realms might be the site for some of this need for clarification that I'm speaking to. You need to get clear with yourself about who you are and what you're doing and what it is that you want. And I feel like you are starting to get clear this month and that you might be getting pushed into clarity. And a push can arise internally, you know, of you getting to a place where it's like, okay, I got to figure this out, or it can get presented to you from an external aggravation, like, you've got to figure this out, because something's happening out there and it's not the thing that you were choosing. Between now and the end of the year, you're doing so much when it comes to this theme. What is your energy doing? What are you expressing? What are you not expressing? Where you are not expressing is something there that needs to be expressed. That in the not expressing it, there's a mess that's happening. It's like, if you're not expressing what it is that you want and nobody knows how to give you what you want and you can't speak it out loud, what we get is a whole lot of people feeling confused and frustrated and unsatisfied. How can you get into it with yourself? And it feels uncomfortable a little bit, it feels like you're working some new edges with yourself. And for some of you, it's probably going to feel uncomfortable, good. And for some of you it's gonna feel uncomfortable, bad. But this discomfort of putting yourself out there, expressing yourself with clarity with commitment, saying yes I like this, no I don't like this, feels really important for you at this moment. And as I said, it's going to be a theme throughout the rest of the year. And in Leo season, things really start to come to a head I think and push you to clarify for yourself, to clarify something for yourself. This is an internal process. It's not a fast or rapid process. And like I said, it's for the rest of the year but Leo season is bringing a lot of stuff to the surface. So I want to prepare you that some Libras are really going to feel this season pretty intensely as like an internal kind of pressure cooker, I think, like a lot is happening for you inside of yourself. And try and stay present with it as much as you can. Talk to a therapist if you have a therapist, journal about it. If you have friends that can really listen to you where you can say things and be yourself, go talk to them. I would discourage you from putting in a lot of effort or energy to maintain harmony where harmony isn't happening without you maintaining it. I don't know if that makes sense but it feels like something that's coming up maybe for some of you or for all of you in different ways, is that if you're not upholding some piece of something, or you might have a fear that if you're not upholding something, if you're not pretending like everything is okay, and you're fine, and you're dadada, yeah, okay. Like, if you're not going to do that, then there's going to be a conflict and then there's going to be like suffering for you—that's the feeling that I'm getting as I'm tuning into your chart—I want to say that that's inaccurate. It may be that in the short term, there is suffering and there's displeasure and a lot of discomfort in stating something and putting it forward and not harmonizing. But in the long term, you're going to be able to get in balance better, you're going to be able to get what you want more easily. If it's peace and harmony that you want Libra, you're going to be able to get it but you might have to go through some disharmony on the way and trying to maintain a surface kind of harmony while inside there's a lot of tension brewing is not good. It's not working for you, it's not working for the people around you, it's not working for whatever the situation is. So if there's something that needs to be expressed that's not getting expressed, that's creating like a source of inflammation, this is a time to process it. This is a time to look at it. This is a time to practice speaking to yourself, practice speaking to your therapist, to your friends. And then by the end of the month, you're probably going to be ready to start to let some of it come out.


Now Leo season is intense, it's bringing us a lot, okay, I'm not gonna lie, but so is this whole year. And honestly, if we're realistic about what's happening on earth for everybody right now, I think the rest of our lives are going to be intense. And so if we're constantly looking for like inactivity and balance and harmony and peace, we might be really disappointed and frustrated a lot. I think, right now for many people, and I would say especially folks with Libra placements, we're looking to find peace in states of conflict, we're looking to find balance in states of imbalance. And that means that we all have to be responsible for ourselves, right? We can't balance the whole world, certainly we can't bring peace to every conflict, we have to do that work inside of ourselves. And if there's something that's happening for you that is creating states of disharmony, internal conflict, resentment brewing, lots of frustration if you're not feeling good about stuff, you have to attend to it. And this is a big message for you this month, you have got to attend to you.


The first several days of August, the first week or so of August, I think that there is a lot of energy kind of circulating for you around this internal space and the recognition that you have to take care of you. If you want to go in a certain direction in your life, certainly you can ask other people to join you but ultimately you can't wait for them. If you want to go in a certain direction in your life, you need to start to take that direction and if you don't do it, you have no one to blame but yourself. And if you're caught up in any kind of back and forth seesaw, like, people aren't doing what I want them to do so therefore I can't do what I want to do. That's the place where you want to do some unpacking for yourself. How can you be empowered right now? This is really a time for you to feel into your power.


On August 8, there is a new moon in Leo and this is a powerful new moon and it's really powerful for you when it comes to these themes of sovereignty and power. And your personal power and your sovereignty allow you to be in healthy, harmonious, peaceful relationships with others, not the lack of your power, not the lack of your sovereignty. If you let other people walk on you, that's not a harmonious relationship. If you're trying to control them, it's not a harmonious relationship. This is a new moon for you to really give some time and space and thought to what do you want for yourself? What is coming—what do you want in your future? What do you want to build? What do you want for your children and their future if you're a parent? And how can you orient towards building that now? What can you do inside of you to move towards what you want? And if you find places where you are hooked into power dynamics and you're—and you have some kind of narrative going where you're like, I can't do what I want unless so and so does such and such. That's a place for you to get some therapy around, you know, to do some work and some unpacking and differentiating around. Because you can't be here trying to control other people. You have to be here really, you know, in your own truth, in your own heart, and not getting caught up in a lot of conflict or struggle. Same goes for the world. You know, like I would do this if the world wasn't such a, you know, dumpster fire. Sorry, but it is, right? Everybody's in the same boat. So how do you live in to your truth right now? How do you live your best life even as the world is falling apart around you? And I don't mean bypassing or overriding what's happening in the world, I mean actually showing up for the truth of your soul, for the truth of your spirit.


As we move out of this new moon and kind of into the end of Leo season, from mid to late August, there continue to be a lot of themes for you that have to do with efficiency, with functionality, with wellness, and I feel like you're just sorting through a lot. You might be sorting through a lot of details in your head, and your mind, and your emotions. You might be sorting through stuff in your house, trying to declutter, unclutter. You might be sorting through all kinds of different things, but a big theme for you right now is what is needed and what is not needed? Where are you maintaining structures or energetic output that aren't what you need to be maintaining? Were you holding up platitudes and niceties and they're not helping anybody, you know? Just be real for a second, let's have the argument and then get on with it. There's this kind of feeling of, you have to sort it out for yourself. And be in integrity with the clarity that's coming to you. So if you get a message, if your higher self is giving you a message and it's going this job isn't working for you anymore, then it's up to you to quit the job. And if you move forward with the knowledge that something isn't working for you and you don't move into making a change for yourself, again, that's on you. Nobody else can do it for you, you have to do it for you.


On August 15, venus moves into your sign. Venus will transit Libra until September 11. This is helpful for you to do this work with what I'm talking about to really honor your own process, to prioritize yourself in this way, and to do it in a way that doesn't jeopardize your relationships ideally, I mean, I'm speaking to kind of a cliche with Libra right now. But to take care of yourself, you know, and to honor your own needs so that you can be functional, be efficient in whatever it is that you're trying to do in your life in any realm of your life.


From August 18 until the 22, we have, again, another full moon building with several planetary aspects kind of evolving and revolving around this full moon. So I mentioned that there are two full moons during Leo season, two full moons in Aquarius, and they bookend the entire season for us. And for you, again, this is a season that is really concentrated on you, on your energy, on your vibe, what are you emanating out into the world? How are you taking responsibility for your own life, for your own choices, for your own power? As we get into the second full moon, it may be that there have been themes that are brewing the whole month, because you're discerning, you're working things out, you're going okay, this is what I want is what I don't want. And then as we get into the end of Leo season, you're going alright, it's time. Like I need to have that conversation, I need to cut that cord, I need to quit that job, I need to throw away this box of sentimental stuff that's just taking up space in my closet. You know, whatever it is for you. It's like okay, now we're ready to start doing some of the clarification. And there may be some important decisions or places of clarity that you are coming to in yourself when it comes to who you are, what you want and need, your own energy, your own energetic output in relationship with, especially with family, with home, with intimates, your intimate others, partners, etc. that help you understand what it is that you want and need and how you can be in integrity with your energy.


Alright, so I'm going to leave it there. That's a lot. Just in summary what I would say is, this is your life. This is your life. You are your own person and this is your life. Feel into that. Feel into that truth for yourself, let it land in your body, affirm it to yourself, and then see where you want to go from there. If you want more astrology, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading where I go through the major themes, opportunity windows, and challenges with suggestions for working with them for Libra in 2021. Those readings are discounted to 50% now as we're halfway through the year and you can find them in the horoscope section on my website. You can also follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology where I post regular astro updates and little tidbits about astrology day to day. If you want more and/or if you really just want to support this work, please consider becoming an extended content subscriber. You can subscribe by donation and you'll get access to my month ahead calendars as well as twice a month Zoom meetups, one of which is a workshop where I give you an embodiment practice and tools for working with your chart with this month's astrology and the second of which is a community gathering space, q&a conversational space. Becoming a subscriber is a great way to support Embodied Astrology and the free offerings that I put out. Other great ways to support this work are to share it with your friends and family, subscribe, rate and review on iTunes, and of course you can leave a tip and the tips are so greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for listening. I'm wishing you all the best in Leo season and beyond. Bye for now.


VIRGO Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)


SCORPIO Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)