VIRGO Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)

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Get quiet and make space
to travel deep and in.
Your soul is speaking,
your purpose is calling.


Hello Virgo, this is your horoscope for Leo season, July 22 through August 22, 2021. Well, Leo as an energy is often an energy of a party and a really good time. But this year, Leo season is definitely tempered by some significant aspects with the planet saturn and uranus all through the month and some of the more happy-go-lucky, buoyant, jubilant energy that Leo season can sometimes bring, I think might be, yeah, might be dampened a little bit or might just take another form. It's 2021. People are going through a lot and it's a stressful time to be alive. What can I say? So there's a lot that's going on and definitely Leo season is a time in the year when I think a lot of people are really sitting with the changes that are happening for them. I've talked a lot in all the horoscopes throughout the year about this being a year when a lot is up in the air and a lot of things are changing and for a good portion of our year, we don't even know what choices we're going to be able to make because we're waiting for things to become more tangible. A lot of people are feeling like it's impossible to make plans, you know, beyond a week or two or something like that. So as I'm tuning in with the Virgo solar chart for Leo season, I'm definitely getting the feeling that there are some things that are up in the air and there are also some things that are landing for you. And that Leo season is actually a really deep time for you. And it's a time when I think you're doing a lot of important integrating and resolving and clarifying and processing. But much of this work might be in some very quiet and very personal spaces for you—for you just in your interior, you with yourself, with your psyche, with your own process, and for you in your close relationships. And that though there's a lot that's happening and has been happening for Virgo when it comes to the feeling of, you know, what you're here for and your path and your purpose and for a lot of y'all your work, Leo season feels like a time to come in and do some inner work some inner tending.


So we start off this month on July 22, or this phase, this season of Leo season on July 22. And the first couple of days are—they're definitely kind of a feeling of a lot surfacing. I was mentioning a lot of things up in the air, and it feels like some pieces are landing for you or you might be getting important pieces of information or coming into some kind of new clarity for yourself. Around July 22, there could be some experience that you have with other people or with yourself that helps you recognize something that you've been trying to identify or work on or live into and embody within your relationships. Sometimes we recognize things through conflict and discomfort. Sometimes we recognize things through agreement and affirmation. So pay attention to your relationships as we begin Leo season because it feels like you are understanding something about what you want, what you need, what your value is, what you are here trying to attract and magnetize in your life when it comes to relationships, and there is something really important that's clarifying for you or being brought to the surface around the beginning of the season.


On July 23, there's a full moon and this is the first of two full moons that we'll have in Leo season. Because the sun is in Leo, the full moons are always going to be in the opposite sign and this season, that means Aquarius. This is a full moon that bookends one part of this month, one part of the season, and we'll have a second full moon the day that the sun travels into your sign, into Virgo. And these two full moons, I feel them as a container for this process that you're in right now. And it feels like the process is kindred to Virgo. It's a discernment process. It's a refinement process. It's a clarification process. And there's something really important that you're doing right now that has to do with releasing or cutting away. And this is a very important part of what Virgo's function is within the zodiacal body and remember that everyone has every sign in their chart. And we can think of the entire zodiac as a body and Virgo would rule the function of absorption and assimilation and elimination. It is part of our bodily process that determines what we need and what we don't need, what is useful and what is not useful. When we retain what's useful, how do we put it to use? And when we let go of what's not useful, how can we let go with clarity? And this is a full moon that, to me, feels like it's bringing these questions right into your vision. And it is giving you tasks, it's giving you homework, it's giving you opportunities to apply your Virgo intelligence. And you are trying to make something happen for yourself in your life in terms of your well being, your basic functionality on this planet. And this is a full moon, I think that's helping you see how you can do that work. It's helping you understand what needs to be restructured, what needs to be let go of or cut away? Where does something need fortification? Where does something need tending? There may be a particular need for many Virgos right now to let their bodies and their health and sense of wellbeing guide them in this question of what is useful and what is not useful. Whether or not you have health conditions arising at this moment, I would encourage you to tune in with your body and try and listen to any symptoms that it's presenting you with. And symptoms are sensations as well as clearly identifiable symptoms like a runny nose or a stomach ache or something like that. If you have circumstances in your life, and that includes relationships, jobs that you do, habits that you have, ways that you're spending your time and energy, if there are circumstances in your life that are producing symptoms for you that feel unharmonious, that feel like a problem—and this could be like, every time you do this thing you feel drained afterwards, every time you hang out with that person you feel confused, when you eat this food you get a runny nose or a tummy ache or something like that—pay attention to those symptoms. And again, symptoms can be sensations. And so right now is a time to really check in with your body, with your energy, with your state of well being, and to discern for yourself what you are engaging in that serves your energy and where you are engaging in ways that do not serve your energy. And over the course of Leo season, you're probably going to want to be cutting away and letting go and creating boundaries so that you can open up and say yes and affirm.


As we come out of that full moon, there are a couple of days that I feel like are bringing more information to you about relationships, about your communication, about what you're asking for, about what you're needing. There might be some confusion or some big energy that enters your relationships around this time, around the full moon. And then basically between July 27 and mid August or so, you're in a very deep place. And this chunk of time wants to bring you into your inner experience, into your intuition, into your spiritual practice if you have one, into your embodiment practice, into any space where you can resource yourself from a wellspring of spirit. And that means that you have to open and you also have to seek and you have to have faith. And this isn't a time I think when you're getting information from linear, logical, straightforward spaces. It's not a time when it feels like you need to be having a ton of conversations or sorting things out. This is a time when it feels to me like you are really coming into yourself. And you really want to pay attention to yourself and to what is happening for you. Over the course of this period of time—again, from the end of July until mid August, I'm going to be kind of flexible with the dates exactly because I don't really know the dates exactly, but last few days of July into the middle of the month of August—during this time, you're getting some kind of information about this restructuring that I'm talking about, what needs to get cleared away so that you can have the energy that you want and need to attend to your life and to your relationships in the way that you want to. There's a big relational focus this month I think that brings the onus more on you than it does the other people. What do you need in your relationships? How do you want to hold yourself here? What kinds of conversations are you interested in having? What are your boundaries? And there's a feeling here that you are really wanting to empower yourself to be sovereign in your relationships and that doesn't mean isolated or functioning in solitude but it means not confused about who's who and what's what and enmeshed and entangled and weird codependencies and stuff like that.


Mars moves into your sign on July 29 and it will transit there until mid-September. And this is a boost for you to be doing this kind of work around your own sovereignty around your own empowerment. It's also a little bit of a caution for you to notice your energy. Sometimes when we have mars in our home signs, it can increase our, you know, sense of power and sense of directedness. And we just want to be careful with ourselves that we're not like blowing past other people's boundaries, or asserting ourselves in ways that later we would regret. So just a little bit of a heads up there that from July 29 until September 15, you have mars working with you, and mars in Virgo can be really a badass when it comes to discernment, clarification, cutting out what isn't needed, etc. It can also be very cutting and kind of harsh in relationships and so you might want to watch that tendency if it's something that you know that you have anyway. But I think that this period of time is really important for you because it is helping you do this work of clarification. I keep coming back to this but I feel like you want to sort out your own energy. And you might be holding things for people or holding situations in certain ways that are clouding you, clouding your energy, you might be doing emotional labor where you don't need to, you might be involved in entanglements or confusion or something like that. And you have work that you want to be doing, you have a purpose that you are here to be fulfilling, you have your own energy that you want to be aligning with. And I think that you're really gonna feel this a lot this month, that when there are relationships that are diverting your attention and your energy in ways that don't actually support you being in service to what you're here to be in service to, they're not sustainable, you can't sustain them, and you don't want to. And the last couple of days of July, and then as we get into the first week of August, as we move into a new moon, there's so much energy around this and I feel like you're having downloads or something, you know, that you're clicking with your own clarity and you're going okay, this works for me, that doesn't work for me, this is okay, that's not okay, this is what I want, this is what I don't want. And I do want to say that during this time, though, I feel that there's a lot of clarity coming in for you. I also feel you being in a very deep and internal space. And so I just want to be clear here, that this isn't really a time when I feel you needing to go out of yourself and like make big definitions and boundaries in the outer world with other people, that this is a time for you to sit with what is arising for you, what's becoming clear, what your intuiting, what you're noticing, and let it land and let it filter, and let it get really simple. And come into the essence of what it is that you know and then you're ready to communicate about it. And I think as we get into the end of the season and into Virgo season, then you're really ready to communicate about it. But this period of time, like late July through mid-August, whew, you are really working some kind of process and it feels very deep and it feels really important and really powerful and I just want to encourage you to give yourself time and space for that and to not rush anything.


August 1 through August 8, we are moving into a new moon. And on August 1 there are a couple of aspects that are happening between the personal planets that suggest to me that this is a time, again, when you're getting downloads, things are landing, new insight is happening for you. But in order for you to really access this insight and listen to it and have it land, you need to make space for it. So I definitely want to encourage you to make that space for yourself, especially July 31 through August 8 or 9, if you can carve out some time for yourself everyday to just tune in to you. Your sign, Virgo, rules the guts, the intestines, and Leo, the sign before yours, rules the heart. And what I would suggest is finding some place quiet, lying down and putting one hand over your belly and one hand over your heart, and literally just asking your mind to listen to your inner body. Asking your mind to be quiet with its language and just tune in to your inner body. And that's all, that's all you need to do is create some space for yourself where you can really tune in with your body's messages. And if you're trying to sort things out for yourself at this time, if you're trying to understand what direction you want to go with something or what, you know, what's happening in a particular area of your life, I think you can get so much information from your own body by tuning in with yourself but you really have to give yourself that time so you can hear it so you can listen.


Now on August 8, there is a full moon in Leo and this is a full moon that is creating some powerful aspects which for you feel very purposeful. It feels like—I said full moon and I meant to say new moon, so this is a new moon in Leo—it feels like this is a time when you're coming towards a seed of your centrality, a seed of your essence. And I'm imagining here like a glowing seed, a glowing light right at the center of your body that feels like, this is who you are. This is the energy you've come here to live into. This is the energy you've come to spread and to give. It feels so purposeful, it feels aligned, it feels passionate, and directive, and deeply intuitive and quite quiet in some ways. And it feels like a very quiet, steady strength that can come for you with this new moon. And again, I would say you want to give yourself time and space to listen. I think that there's so much that's coming up for you that's arising in your interior right now. That you have to give space to. During this new moon, you might also be really open to the liminal spaces, to your ancestors, to your guides, to your angels, to your animal kin, to the nonhuman realms. And this would be a wonderful time to speak to them, to access them, to work with them, etc., to celebrate them.


On August 11, mercury moves into your sign, it will transit Virgo until the end of August. And now is when it feels like you are ready to start to share what it is that has been surfacing for you. A couple of days later on August 15, venus moves out of your sign and into Libra. And I think this also really helps you as a process to discern for yourself what it is that you are wanting to cultivate and build and magnetize and what it is that is getting in your way that you don't want to be giving time and space to. Then on August 18, there's a conjunction between mercury and mars in your sign. And this conjunction kind of sets up a couple of days where different planets are talking to each other as we lead into the last full moon of Leo season, which is the day that Virgo season begins. So we have a full moon that morning and that afternoon the sun ingresses Virgo. So between the 18 and the 22 Virgo, wow. Okay, so this is a time when I feel like all this inner work that you've been doing throughout the month really starts to land for you, it starts to clarify, you start to get language, you see the structure, you see the pattern, you know what you need to do and you start to mobilize with it.


And I'll leave you there because I'm going to be back next month and talking to you about what's coming with that full moon and as we move into Virgo season, but this is what I want to leave you with. Leo season is an incredible time for you to tune in with your inner intelligence and your intuition. I think that you are navigating some complexities within your relationships right now that are really important for you. And whether these complexities feel very subtle or feel very extreme, you're learning something right now about how you want to hold space for yourself in company with others, in relationship with others, and what kind of space you need held for you if you are here to do and be the person that you have come to be and do the work that you have come to do. And it feels like you are getting some pretty clear messages right now, I think again, from your inner self from your higher self or your soul, however you want to think about it, when it comes to your purpose. And purpose is not an easily definable thing, it certainly isn't a job title or something that you can write on your bio or something like that. It feels to me like it is much more subtle and complex than that, that there's a feeling tone to it, there's a quality to it that needs to get matched. And so you feel the essence of your purpose. This has a feeling tone or a quality and energy to it. And now you want your life to match that sense of purpose. And so in your relationships, you need to feel a resonance. You need to feel that yes, like my energy is combining with yours in a way that supports and serves this purpose that I am here for. It doesn't mean you get along with everybody all the time, conflict arises all the time, but on some basic level, you know that you're not holding space for bullshit, right? Like you're not giving your energy to what isn't actually helping you move on the path that you are here to move on. And by the end of the month, if you give yourself time and space for this inner work, for this inner process, by the end of Leo season, it feels like you get rewarded with a lot of clarity, with a lot of energy, and with some good insight and tools to move forward.


So I'll be back at you next month with your Virgo season horoscope and more information there. In the meantime, check out your Year Ahead Report if you want more astrology and an overarching view on what 2021 is bringing Virgos. That's an hour and a half long reading where I go over all of the major themes, transits, opportunity windows, etc. Those readings are half off now that we're halfway through the year and you can find them on my website. You can also get more astro information from me on instagram by following me @embodiedastrology. And for those of you who either really want to support this work—thank you!—and/or who want more regular astrology content, please consider becoming an extended content subscriber with me and you can subscribe by donation and you get access to my extended monthly calendar as well as twice monthly meetups, one of which is a workshop where I give you practices and tools for working with astrology and this month's influences in your chart, and the second of which is a community space where we all get to learn together and converse and share stories and how we're working with astrology. You can find all that information and more at Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoy these horoscopes, please consider leaving a tip and definitely share them with your friends and family, subscribe, rate and review on iTunes, and listen again, enjoy them. Thank you so much. Happy Leo season. Bye for now.


LEO Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)


LIBRA Horoscope for Leo Season (July 22-August 22, 2021)