LIBRA Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)

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Your sign represents a symbol for relationships
and relationships are hard.
Your sign represents a symbol for balance
and balance is a constant oscillating negotiation.
Your sign represents a symbol for harmony
and harmony must be practiced and
identified in contrast with dissonance.
Your work is mighty and can only be sustained
by truly loving and having compassion for yourself.


Hello, Libra! Welcome to your month ahead horoscope for Libra season. Happy birthday to you Libra suns. Happy new solar year for Libra risings. This horoscope is for your time, September 22 to October 22, 2021. As I'm tuning in with the horoscopes this season, I am tuning in with the full moon that happened just a couple of days before the equinox before Libra season begins on September 20. If you're a person who keeps track with the moon, or if you keep track of time in some way, you might want to just reflect back on that full moon and consider if there's anything notable to consider there. That was a full moon that occurred simultaneously with a couple of planetary aspects that are major themes throughout the entirety of Libra season. These aspects repeat in various configurations with different planets and some with the same, because Mercury Retrograde is coming up in your sign. 


And with Mercury Retrograde, what we have is the planet kind of appearing to move forward for a while and then stop and slow down in the sky and then move backward for a while, and then stop and slow down in the sky and then move forward again. And over the course of that time, it's going to make a couple of aspects. Again, and again, and again—three times total. And so the first of some of these aspects occurs on this full moon. So that's why I'm starting there. And it feels like this is a full moon that brings some kind of bodily sensation into consciousness, it could be that it was a time that you were very tired, that there was some kind of overwhelm or stuff going on in your physical body and your mental, emotional, or psychic bodies that was kind of getting your attention. There may have also been issues coming up on the job or with certain kinds of responsibilities that you have. It feels like there may have been a little bit of overwhelm. And for some of you, on a kind of completely different note, you may be involving yourself in some new projects, and this full moon could have brought in some new vision around those projects. And these two different experiences don't have to be mutually exclusive. And so I'm well aware that working on new things can also coincide with feeling very fatigued or emotionally overwhelmed. And yeah, just, you know, make your associations like I said in the intro, and think about whatever my words are bringing up for you. 


So as we move into Libra season, starting at the equinox on September 22, there are a couple of aspects occurring that as I'm interpreting them, kind of feel like they are calling you to task a little bit. It feels like you are working to be in yourself in some new ways. And it may be that you are working through some old issues and in some kind of process of development in relationship to these issues. These issues definitely might be happening at home with family, with significant or important others. And the first couple of days of Libra season feel like there is an ask for you to—I don't know if it's shift something or confront something or open to a new idea or take a risk or you might be pulled in to some kind of situation—but it feels like a time of self development, potentially for you. Significant self development. And of course, if it is your birthday season, then this makes a lot of sense. Just even on that level. I think a lot of people on their birthday season, have a feeling of time passing and take it as an opportunity to self develop. But especially for you since Mercury Retrograde is coming up and Mercury stations retrograde on the 26th of September in your sign. This is a very important season for you to be focusing on yourself and seeking to understand yourself better and in your self understanding, there is also a need for you to communicate and to check in with your communications, and I want to say that communication is not just you talking. It's also you listening. And it's also what happens before listening. And before talking, which is perceiving. And perceiving is a complex situation, you take in information through so many different channels, through all of your major sense organs. There are lots of other senses that science is naming. I think at one point, I read an article that scientists had named like 54 different senses in the body, ways that we perceive information, whether that's through our organs, or through speed, or through parts of our nervous system that actually extend away from our bodies or things like that. 


So it feels like as we enter into your season, there is a remarkable kind of shift in tone that is asking you to do some major self reflection. Think back to the beginning of September, because with every retrograde there's also what's called the retro shade, or the retrograde shadow. And this is when the planet is traveling direct over the same area of sky that it will retrograde back on. And the retrograde shadow for Mercury's retrograde in Libra began on September 7. So you might think about any themes that have been present throughout September, that are drawing your attention now—not sure when you're listening—and particularly themes that create a necessity for you to do self reflection, for you to consider your identity. In your identity, there are lots of different factors. So first, we're just going to start with your body. You are a human being, if you're listening to this, or reading this, you are living in a body. And in your body, you have a social locational identity, you have lots of different experiences that have created a very complex identity and ego structure. And of course, there is the you that's underneath your ego, and underneath the different layers of identity that you might be able to name, which is your energy, and your spirit. And that substance is ineffable. It's not something that we can calculate or write out in a list or something like that. But it's worth spending time feeling into or thinking into this question: Who are you? Or what are you? What kind of idea are you? What kind of energy are you, what is your spirit?


And my sense is, is that Mercury Retrograde in your sign is kind of pulling focus on to the parts of you that you both want to promote, that you think are valuable and worthy, and you want to uplift and center. And also the parts of you that you might feel insecure about, that it might be hard to confront, and that you may actually turn away from. And because a retrograde is a time when the re- prefix is something to play with, you might really consider what it would take for you to reflect on your shadow. And there's tons of information out there on the shadow. This is a component of your psyche that many people talk about and they talk about it in different ways. For my purposes here in this horoscope, I'll say that your shadow is comprised of parts of you that are unrealized, or unwanted, or hidden, or closeted in some way, or maybe associated with things like secrets, or taboos, or shame. And shadow is a really rich, potent substance. And it's also really slippery. Especially if you're a person who has any kind of psychological training, especially if you have verbiage around the shadow I think sometimes those of us—and I definitely put myself in this camp—those of us who have a lot of awareness about terminology or concepts in psychology, sometimes it's like we can avoid the work because we have the language because we have the concepts or the theory. And it feels to me like there are some things you want to be looking at in yourself right now that you need to be looking at that you maybe don't want to be looking at. 


And so I'm just going to circle back to that full moon on September 20. And I'm going to say that as you reflect back on that full moon, if there are themes arising around that full moon, that have to do with a feeling of turning away from something, or resisting something, or feeling like, you don't have the energy for it, like you can't do it, like, "Oh, God, I'm at my max," or something like that. I don't know. But I think that there might be something there that is, it's like, it kind of feels to me, like there's a little bit of like a psychological uphill, that you're needing to climb right now. And it could be creating a fair amount of fatigue, or it could be creating some confusion for you. Because nobody really wants to go uphill, unless you're a masochist, right, like, most of us, you know, prefer to, to coast, right, like we want to, we want to do what feels good and easy. And it can be really challenging to turn towards the stuff that doesn't feel good. And that feels hard. And it kind of feels like you are being asked to turn towards some stuff that's hard right now. There could be stuff that is coming up in this Mercury Retrograde that really requires you to work some things out. And the couple of days after Mercury stations retrograde the last few days in September, the first few days of October, it feels like these themes could be very present for you. They could be very present, again, with your family, with close in people, with parents, but also with children, with friends, with lovers. 


It feels like relationships are a place of immense growth, and you're a Libra—so they're always a place of immense growth—but right now, Libra wants to feel like things are chill, you know, that things are harmonious and peaceful and pleasant and pretty. And when I'm tuning in with your chart, I'm not really getting that feeling. And that's not to say that things aren't great, in some ways, I think probably they are and it does look like you might be growing a lot and could have some really exciting opportunities in collaboration. But it's also a challenge. I think it's a challenge for you to move through some relational issues so that you can get to the place that you want to be in them. 


On October 6th, there's a new moon in your sign. Check your natal chart, if you happen to have access to it. If your sun or your rising sign is close to 13 degrees Libra, then this new moon is especially important for you. But as a Libra identified person, it's your new moon this year. And the new moon is always a time that marks some kind of ending and beginning. And this particular new moon coincides with a solar conjunction to Mercury and to Mars. That means both the sun and the moon will be conjoined with Mercury and Mars, Mars and Mercury will be conjunct with each other. This is significant, it doesn't happen all the time, that the luminaries and two of the personal planets are coming together in the same place at the same time. And this is an ending and beginning of three different cycles, the solar lunar cycle, the solar Mercury cycle and the solar Mars cycle. And then maybe we'll say two more if we're going to count the moon that moves through its cycles once per month. 


Now around the new moon, there are also a couple of other things happening that create a definitive feeling of some kind of shift. So I'd love to invite you to take some time around the 6th of October and concentrate on what it is that you are wanting to develop for yourself. Especially when it comes to areas of growth in relationship to your identity, to your body, to your social location, to the accountability that you need or want to have, to your identity, to your body, to the conditions you know that your body performs and enacts because of what your body is made of. Does that make sense? Am I speaking too opaquely? Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to talk to anybody who's listening. And so I'm not quite sure what words to use. So let me be more blunt. All of our bodies carry the weight of history. And we are arriving in our bodies in incredibly fraught time on the planet, when the weight of history is immense, and there is so much violence and inequity, and there's so much harm that has happened that is unaccounted for, and certainly has not been repaired, if repair is even something that can happen at this point. So all of us are arriving in our bodies that have all kinds of different conditions imbedded, you know, in our tissues, and surrounded in our early experiences, and race, class, gender, sex, sexuality, all kinds of social locations, right can place us in the midst of conditions that are so much bigger than any of us individually that none of us caused, but all of us have some kind of part to play in. And for the most part, a lot of this is unconscious, right? It's not something that we're choosing. So for me, as the narrator of this horoscope, being born into a white body that was assigned female at birth, that means that I've had a particular set of experiences in my life that have given me access in certain ways, that have given me ignorance in other ways, that have given me certain kinds of biases that lend weight to my words, if I'm speaking to a person who is not white, because whiteness has become a dominant and violent force in the world. And I benefit just because of my body, right? So when I'm saying, like, be accountable to your identity, it feels like something is getting asked of you right now in your relationships, which is to be accountable to your identity. And in the context of your relationships, that means that you have to listen, right? Like you have to listen to what's coming up with who you're relating, you also have to listen to your own body, and to your own experience, and to enquire, to investigate and to go, okay, like, "Who's talking inside of me right now, like, what voice is this?" It may mean that you need to advocate for the people that you're in relationship with to see you. And to understand your experience. It may mean that you need to take a step back and listen, and really trying to open empathy, and educate yourself or something so that you can more deeply understand another person's experience. But it feels like this is a new moon, and season in general, that has a huge amount of potential for you to grow in leaps and bounds. And that growth is absolutely—what's word I'm looking for—it necessitates you being accountable to your own growth. It's not going to happen on its own, it's going to happen because you're willing to do the work. But you might be pushed into the work because of what's coming towards you, in your relationships. And the need that you have to come to some kind of deeper understanding with the people who you are relating with. And it feels like these, you know, spaces in relationships where you're encountering difference or distance have the potential to open a huge amount of intimacy, to give you a much deeper experiences of trust, and also to give the people who you are in relationship with much deeper experiences of trust with you, as well. But there is—there's some growth that wants to happen in your chart right now. So I'm not aware of who you are as you're listening. And I just want to say that right now. These horoscopes reach a couple 1000 people, each one of them, and so I know that there are all kinds of folks who are listening in with this right now. And, this is just one perspective, right coming through the mouth of a person, who is a person, and I have a very limited view.


And so this interpretation of astrology, you know, make the meaning that It is meaningful for you, as I'm saying this and consider, consider what I'm saying and let it like penetrate your consciousness, and then play with it for a while and think about what could this mean, for the various aspects of your identity. And it might not be the obvious ones, you know. It might not be like, oh, my gosh, you know, we have a racial difference and it's just apparent, and it's right here. And, you know, it's, it's immense. And let's try and deal with this. There are so many subtle spaces, where we miss each other in relationships, because we've had just different experiences. And you might be in relationship with people where you meet a lot of the same kind of descriptions. But you know, one person had this experience in their early life with their caregivers, and another person had that experience. And so there are different assumptions built in around what it means to be family, or something like that. So in what I'm saying, it feels like the message that I'm trying to convey is that your chart is doing some deep work around relationship and intimacy right now, or it's asking for some deep work. And this work requires accountability to your experience. And that means that you have to have compassion, you know, for yourself, you have to love yourself for all the things that you are, and all the things that you aren't, and hold that self that you are in the complex container of everything that is and, you know, it's like, we're each just one drop in the ocean. We can't possibly know what someone else's experience is. And if we really want intimacy, if we really want connection, if we really want relationship, we have to get curious. And we have to let down defensiveness, and we have to let other people move us. And it feels like this is what is wanting to happen in your chart right now, that there's a wanting to be moved in relationship and a wanting to connect deeply and maybe to do some healing. Particularly healing, you know, within your kind of deeper makeup, your foundational structures, it could be parental experiences, or your own lineage or things like that. Hmm, okay, that was a lot. 


So after the new moon, there are a bunch of things that are happening for the rest of Libra season and the potential here that I see are a lot of new experiences for you. And it feels like things that are clicking, things that are starting to make sense in new and different ways. And I think that if you're open, and if you're willing to do this kind of work and process that I've been talking about, you might have some incredible conversations around this time, and you might be able to move through some stuck points, some points that haven't budged for a while where there may have been misunderstanding where there may have been kind of closure or like a vast distance between you and other people, or between you and aspects of yourself. I mentioned a little while ago that there is incredible opportunity for collaboration in your chart and definitely towards the end of Libra season, this feels more and more apparent and palpable, it feels like you are understanding something about how you want to work in the world with others. And this work could be the work of friendship, it could be the work of, you know, passion projects, it's like, oh, you're interested in that I'm interested in this, let's do it together. You know, let's join a club. It could also be projects that are taking you out into different arenas of life that are engaging you with new and different kinds of people or experiences. But it feels like you are trying to expand and make new friends maybe, or broaden your network, or work with people in new and different ways. And so this kind of deep dive that I'm saying I think you might be doing is helping you get to these new levels of relationship and these new possibilities within your conversations. 


Now Mercury stations Direct on October 18. And, again, just take note of your natal placements, if your Libra placements are between 10 and 25 degrees of Libra, then Mercury Retrograde is going to be working with them. And so you might want to get on the internet and just do a Google search and search whatever the planets are and what their meanings are. Two days after Mercury stations direct, there is a full moon in your opposite sign, Aries, and your opposite sign is always representing the other person. This could be other people in general, the way that you meet the one-on-one connections, and it could be another person very specifically. This part of your chart often pertains to partners, and partners can include spouses or other kinds of romantic partners, as well as business partners. And even people that you are antagonistic with, if you feel like you're enemies. I mean, that's such an intense word, like I don't know, how many people like actually feel like they have an enemy. But certainly, like there are antagonists, right? Like people that like you just don't get along with, but for some reason, they're around and you have to deal with them or things like that. So one-on-one connections, where there's some kind of weight and energy are places to pay attention to. And this is a full moon that is illuminating your place of partnerships and your place of relationship. And it's also eliminating the place in your chart that has to do with agreements. And what you are agreeing to are coming into contract with in your relationships. So all of these themes that I've been talking about throughout your month of Libra season, are bringing you to this full moon. 


And this is a powerful full moon that wants to help you get more free and feel more fun and playful and enlivened, and erotic, full of life, you know, full of potentiality. And it's also a full moon that might be, again, like illuminating the shadow places and the work that needs to happen. And it could be both at the same time. Because that's often how it is with profound transformation, is that, you know, it's like we're going through really dense stuff, and then, wow, okay, here's the potential and oh my god, I'm really waking up and wow, there's like, new experiences. And fuck this is so hard, you know, it's like it can be both. It can definitely be both. I really hope that by the time you get to that full moon that you are feeling renewed in a certain way, and that you have moved through something that helps you get closer to the core of who you are, and all that you have to give in this life into the people who are around you. As always, Libra is a sign that definitely speaks to relationships and your gift in this life is to show up in relationships in ways that are truly accountable. And the work of accountability is not easy. And it takes hard work to be in relationships for the long haul and to be in relationships that really matter and that move you and change you and move and change the people who you love and are relating with and most of the Libras I know are so dedicated to that work. And I bow to you. I bow to you for your courage because it takes immense courage to show up again and again at the altar of relationship. 


So I'm gonna leave it there for now, I hope any or all of that is helpful or interesting to you. If you would like more astrology for me, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading, special for your sign, where I go through the major themes, opportunities, and challenges for Libra season—excuse me, for Libra—in 2021. And we're almost done with 2021 and can you believe it? So those readings are now discounted to 50%. You can find them at, where you can also find information on my extended content subscription. When you sign up, you'll get access to my month ahead calendars, to worksheets and tools that help you learn astrology. You also get invitations to my twice a month subscriber only meetups where we have a great time. We work with astrology through creative embodied self reflection and exploration and community space and it would be great to have you there. If you still want more Astro, follow me on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology. And if you enjoy this work and find benefit in it, please help support and sustain it. The number one way you can do that is by sharing it with your friends and networks. Subscribe, rate, and review on your favorite listening platforms. And of course, your financial contributions and tips are so appreciated and so helpful. I am wishing you all the best in Libra season and beyond. Bye for now.


LIBRA Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)


SCORPIO Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)