SCORPIO Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)

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Slow down. Pause. Give it a rest.
You don’t need the answer
or the plan.
You just need to
Feel your center,
listen to your body.
You’ll know when
the time is right.


Hello, Scorpio! Welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Libra season, September 22nd through October 22nd, 2021. Libra season begins just a couple of days after a full moon. And the full moon on September 20th, opens up a lot of energy that we're bringing into this Libra season. And throughout the 30 days of Libra season, there are a couple of really key themes. And these key themes continue the whole time. And they kind of come through, or start to come through, into a place that feels like they're tangible—there's some weight to them, there's some clarity to them, on the full moon. So depending on when you're listening, you might want to remember back to around September 20th, the full moon in Pisces. 


And around this time, it feels like something is starting to emerge for you. That feels to me like a sense of self, like a sense of true self and true self-knowing. And of course, this isn't emerging for the first time—you've lived your life as long as you have; you've known yourself for the entire time that you've been alive, to some extent. And as long as you're alive, you're going to continue to get to know yourself. And you'll also continue to go through different phases of growth. You might experience moments in your life where you feel more like a child or more like an adolescent, and moments in your life when you really feel like an adult or an elder. And those phases in your life don't correspond to the actual number of years that you've lived. You had moments when you were a tiny baby, when you were exuding deep eldership wisdom. And you have moments now, however old you are, I'm sure, when there are kind of feelings where you feel like a tiny baby. So this full moon, to me, feels like it's bringing something clear and kind of young to the surface of your awareness. And this young feeling feels like your child wisdom, your inner child wisdom. And the inner child is the place in ourselves that knows something about our true spirit, our true, spontaneous, unselfconscious expression. When we can respond to the world around us with a fair amount of honesty, we're in kind of a childlike space, which is not the same as childish. Not at all the same—childlike and childish. So there's something that feels like it's coming forward around this full moon, that is reminding you about a very deep and important part of your essence and a very important part of your love nature, and your heart. 


And then as we move into Libra season, I think that you are trying to hold on to this feeling and that you're also working with it, you're refining it. You may be struggling with it, you may be grasping to hold on and are really battling it in some ways. But it feels like this Libra season is bringing a lot of kind of impetus for you to examine parts of yourself that you have forgotten, or parts of yourself that feel very far away. And these are a lot of parts of you. But there's something about these parts that are coming forward that have a particular kind of honesty to them. And this honesty is unpolluted by the conditioning of life on Earth in the sense of, you've been taught a whole lot of stuff about yourself and about relationships and about what makes you a valuable, successful—all those words in quotes, air quotes—person in the world. And underneath all of that is something that is more honest, that is more basic, that is more pure—if I can use that word—when it comes to who you are, who you are as an essence and who you are as a being. 


The first half of Libra season, as I'm identifying it through astrology, is between this full moon on September 20th and the Libra new moon on October 6th. So Libra season, as the Zodiac season that we recognize, again begins on September 22nd. And so from the 22nd through the sixth, the themes here really have a feeling, a vibration, of a kind of introspection or circumspect experience that I feel you having in this chart. Some offerings here: You have an incredible guide in your body and you can turn towards biofeedback as your guide. It feels, to me, like you are trying to bring something to the surface—to a place of conscious thought and clarity, so that you might be able to articulate it with skill and wisdom. 


You know something about your communication and you've been learning a lot about your communication. And you've been learning a lot about the mental, emotional, and psychological foundations for your communication. What happens before you communicate includes everything that has ever happened to you and a fair amount that happened to your ancestors, to the other people and influences that raised you, right? There's so much conditioning that goes into our perception. And I think you've been learning a lot about this for a while now. I think that you have been looking at some deeper patterns around communication. You may have been experimenting with different ways to communicate, or you may have been recognizing the need to communicate differently. And for sure, if you find yourself getting caught up in conflict, or messy, murky communication, or triangulation, or weird power dynamics that arise in the space between you and others, then these experiences are calling you to look at communication. 


What is clear, what is being made clear in the space between you and others. You bring half of the equation into any one-on-one dynamic or whatever your respective percentages, depending on how many people are involved—but you're part of it. And so if you're coming into relational dynamics, with unclarity, with secrecy, with things that are hidden, with kind of back-handed or unrealized motivations, then that energy is going to find its way into the dynamics of your relationships. And it feels to me like you are really trying to figure out, right now, how to speak to some kind of experience or share some kind of experience. And it is necessary for you to draw upon your intuition. And it is necessary to tune into more subtle layers of awareness in order for you to communicate clearly. 


And I will say because we're headed towards a Mercury Retrograde and Mercury stations retrograde on September 26th, that I would strongly advise you to not speak—over the next couple of weeks—when things feel unclear. So if you're trying to work something out, if you feel agitated, if you feel anxious, if you feel triggered, maybe it's not, "don't speak," but be in choice about who you're speaking to. Speak to your therapist. Speak to friends who can hold spaces of objectivity and neutrality and can give you good feedback. Don't bring your unclarity into the relationship that feels unclear if you're bringing it in with decisive statements. So this is the difference between coming to a friend that you might be having some kind of dispute with, and really offering from a place of tenderness and saying like, "Hey, I don't understand what's happening. Can we talk it out? Let's explore this together," versus you showing up with your friend and being like, "Hey, you really pissed me off, this is what you did blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." So I would strongly advise you to take some time working things out for yourself right now. And give yourself the whole Mercury Retrograde cycle. 


That cycle will take you into early November. And especially in this first half of Libra season, until the new moon on October 6th. I don't have the words to strongly advise you enough. Be conscious of your communication. There's a lot of energy in your chart that right now is moving a little unconsciously. And it could come out in communications that you later really regret, that could have a significant impact to them that you do not intend. Now, that said, a lot of what can surface at Mercury Retrograde that feels like a mistake actually clears the space for something that does need to get addressed, but the rule of thumb around retrogrades is if you're not sure, then wait. And if it is not necessary to attend to it in the exact moment, put it on pause. Take your time, all the end of September until the new moon on October 6th, take your time. You are feeling some things out, you really need to tune in with your intuitive sense. It will serve you so much right now to listen to your body, to your biofeedback, when you're trying to communicate or make a decision or get clear in yourself about any number of things you might be trying to get clear about right now. Notice what's happening in your body. 


If you feel tense, or aggravated, or urgent, even if you feel an incredible amount of excitement—if you have sensation that is taking you out of a place where you feel centered and calm and able to be more neutral or objective—wait, just wait. Even if you feel really excited. And this is important, because you might feel really excited. There's stuff that's happening in the Scorpio charts right now that feels exciting for some of you when it comes to relationships, to decisions you might want to be making in relationships, to the ways that you're putting yourself out in the world and how you're presenting yourself, etc. There's a lot for you to attend to, and the opportunities will not be lost if you wait. And so like I said, unless something is absolutely critical, put it on pause. Use this period of time as a period for reflection and meditation, and tune in with yourself. 


This Mercury Retrograde is taking place in Libra, this is the sign before yours, and therefore it holds a very important place in your chart, which is the place of your intuition. It's also the place of what's bigger than you and what's far beyond you. And your intuitive body and your psychic sense can extend far outside of your ego and far outside of your physical body. You actually have a lot of access to knowledge—maybe that's not totally the right word—you have a lot of access to knowing that is really a different kind of knowing than what happens in your frontal cortex, than what happens in language or a decision that you can clearly articulate to someone else. If you take this time, then the possibility, the potential, I think what you will be glad about, is that you give yourself the time to work something out, to work something through. 


Alright, so there's a new moon coming up on September 6th, and the new moon is followed by some really important aspects over the course of the next three days—four days actually. So between September 6th and September 10th, a lot of pieces click into place. It feels like you do come into some kind of knowing. You do orient yourself in a new direction. It feels like you understand what you are trying to invest in, or value, or what you're trying to care for and create space around, or something like that. And so between the sixth and the 10th, I think that you could have some significant moments of readjustment, realignment—maybe not fully new pieces of information coming in, but new perspectives or even new pieces of information that come into some kind of larger story for you. 


Then over the next two weeks or so, certainly the next 10 days until the next full moon, this clarity just gets support in your chart. There's just more and more support and it feels like you might have some answers about decisions that you've been holding, pieces of business that you're trying to attend to. For some of you there may be clear answers coming forward in regards to work or finances or money or some kind of job situation. For many of you there will be a better sense of direction and desire when it comes to important relationships. For a lot of you there is going to be some kind of feeling of settling when it comes to deeper questions about who you are and what you're holding in yourself and maybe how you are holding space—holding space for yourself, holding space for your family. There may be important points of clarity coming through that have to do with your home, or arrangements around home, which is something I talked a lot about, I think in some of your recent horoscopes. 


Then on October 18th, Mercury stations Direct. Now I told you a while ago at the beginning of the horoscope, that I think you should wait until the end of Mercury's shadow period, which isn't until the first week of November. And the reason why is because this entire period of time is giving you the opportunity to go back and forth over some really important pieces that it feels like you are chewing on, you're trying to make sense of. And so Mercury stations Direct on the 18th. There's a full moon in Aries on October 20th. And then a couple of planetary aspects, in the couple of days around that full moon that feels to me like they're going to fortify the understanding that you are gaining. They will give you courage. They will give you strength. They'll give you more direct knowing of any particular actions that you want to take. Then we get into Scorpio season—into your season—on the 22nd. And I'll be back then with your horoscope for that season. I will say I always think it's a good idea to hold on to what isn't absolutely critical if you're in some kind of decision making space over a Mercury Retrograde, just to give it the entirety of the shadow. Now if you do need to move forward, if you can at least wait until Mercury stations Direct and we get past that full moon on the 20th. 


Just to summarize, Scorpio, it does feel like you are working some things out in your inner self right now. Where you're working it out is beyond and deeper than your conscious mind. Things are getting filtered through your body, through your psychic sense, through your intuition. Maybe through your dreams. This is a great time for you to meditate. It's a really good time for you to create a lot of spaciousness in your communications. It's a really good time for you to just observe your thoughts. Try not to judge yourself. Try to suspend judgment in general. Be curious, be open minded and again, be patient. When we get into Scorpio season, there will be action that you're ready to take. But Libra season feels like a time to do the thing that Libra does, which is to deliberate—to go back and forth, to feel into the extremes as they present themselves. And then to find a place of balance and equanimity. A place where you and your internal body feel peaceful. And neutrality might be a goal that's beyond a lot of us these days, but a place where you feel peaceful, where you don't feel triggered, where you don't feel urgent. Where you feel that you have all of the perspective that you need in that moment to make the best decision for yourself that you possibly can and you're not acting from a place of hastiness. 


Alright, so I'm going to leave it there. I hope any or all of that is helpful for you this Libra season. If you want more astrology from me, then check out your Year Ahead Report for 2021. There's just a couple of months left in this year, those reports have been discounted to 50%. You can find them on my website, they're hour and a half long readings where I detail the major themes of this year, which I have to say also extend into 2022 and I give suggestions for working with the opportunities and challenges of 2021. You can also follow me on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology where I post regular Astro updates and musings. If you want more astrology and want to learn astrology with me through an embodied lens, check out my extended content subscription. When you subscribe by donation you'll get access to my month ahead calendars, to worksheets and tools for learning astrology, and my twice a month subscriber only meetups where we workshop the current astrology through embodiment, through creative practice, and through community and conversation. All that information and more is available on my website If you enjoyed this work, please help support it by sharing it with your friends and networks. Subscribe, rate, and review on your listening platforms. And of course, your financial donations are super appreciated and so helpful. I'm wishing you all the best in this Libra season and beyond my friends. Bye for now.


LIBRA Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)


SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)