LIBRA Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)

The amount of information you can perceive
is extremely limited.
What you pay attention to and how you orient
your perception will further contract or expand
your potential for awareness.
There are new ideas and ways of being
that are trying to make themselves known to you.
Make sure you are available and not distracted
by habitual mindsets and obsessions.


Hello, Libra. Thanks for listening. You're tuning in to Embodied Astrology Horoscopes for Sagittarius Season. This is November 21st through December 21st in 2021. You are listening to the horoscope for Libra Sun and Libra rising. My name is Renee, I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer and this reading is a channeled and intuitive reading of your chart for Sagittarius Season. Remember as you listen that I am a person and my experiences and language are limited. So if I'm using language that doesn't fully resonate for you, notice what you are associating to. Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Feel free to take what works and leave the rest. I always suggest that folks tune in with horoscopes for their Sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you'd prefer to read rather than listen.


Okay, my friends. Welcome to Sagittarius Season. It feels like big themes this season have to do with communication, with your mind, with letting go of old programming about how you're thinking about things and kind of like your guiding philosophies. It feels like you are recognizing that certain ways of thinking are just not serving you anymore. And so you may have been prioritizing certain things, deprioritizing other things, thinking such and such is true and this other thing is not true, or you should be this way in order to get that thing. And I feel like right now, you're having this experience where you're like, wow, you know, like, my mind controls my reality. And that's true for all of us to some extent. And we're all born into conditions, the conditions of our worlds are the reality in many ways, but how we perceive those conditions and what we do with them and what we focus on and what we orient towards, we have a fair amount of control here, there is some kind of agency here. And as we enter into Sagittarius Season, it feels to me like you are being asked to look at what you have been avoiding. And Libra, I'm just going to put this out there, not all Libras many, many Libras out there are super deep and not at all fearful to look within. And there is an orientation in the Libran spirit to be relational and to look out at the surface and to kind of orient in some ways to presentation or you know how you want to be. And it's like, oh, like, if I'm pleasant, if I'm cheerful, then you know, such and such a thing will happen and that'll be good. And I shouldn't pay attention to this nagging insecurity that's like eating up at my guts, because if I pay attention to it, then I'm going to be negative. And then that's not going to be good, right? Like for people, for me, for what it is that I want.


The message that I'm getting for you is pay attention to that stuff that is inside. And it feels like you really want to look at shadowy kinds of spaces right now. And look at them in a way that is like a scientist, like, examine them. And notice what happens when you are not caring for these places in yourself. And by caring for them, I do not mean that you are letting yourself become absorbed and wrapped up in them and it's like, oh, all the things you know, that make me sad and upset are true and the world is a dark and gloomy place and other people suck or anything like that. But if you have stuff that's going on internally, and it's like there's resentment there, or there's fear, or you know, something is making you uncomfortable and you're kind of bypassing it a little bit, and then what's happening is that it's coming out in weird ways. It's expressing itself through passive aggression, through sarcasm, through weird manipulation or something like this. That's where you want to be a scientist. And so my invitation here is, notice what your mind does with sensation. When any of us, like, when we get uncomfortable sensations in our bodies, our minds are going to start telling some story about that. So if I feel insecure in my relationship, and I, you know, what's happening to me is that my guts are closing in, my heart feels dropped, and I'm having something going on where it's like, oh no, like, you know, my person is going to leave me or something like that. If I'm not caring for that sensation, if I'm not doing the work of relaxing my body and breathing and affirming to myself that I have my own anchor and root and stability in the world, then what's going to happen is that I'll start to act out with that person or within my life from a place of tension. And I might be sharp, I might be crabby, I might be clingy, you know. So, what do you do? What do you do with the stuff that is harder to feel? What do — where do you turn away? And what causes you to turn away? Study it, you know, what makes you feel uncomfortable? This is not thrilling to go look at, you know, but what makes you feel uncomfortable? Go look at it.


And my feeling for you here is that — and this, by the way, is a huge theme for you last month in Scorpio Season, it continues to be through Sagittarius Season, through the end of the year. But my feeling is as we get into Sagittarius Season, that you are like, burning through old ways of thinking. And that this work of like, oh, look, you know, this is how I was orienting, this was the story I had told myself. You're letting go of a lot of it. Now, this is old stuff, it feels like, karmic, it feels familial, it feels ancestral. At the very least, it feels like ways of being you've been practicing since elementary school or something like that. And the image that I'm getting is like you want to bathe your mind, like you want to bathe your nervous system and relax your brain and pay attention to where do you get stressed out and anxious and what causes your inner wiring to short circuit and throw you into some loop where you're not acting or reacting in ways that are getting you to the place you want to get to in your life? So pay attention. What does your mind do with sensation? You want to change your mind right now, to change your life.


Moving into December, there is a Total Solar Eclipse the first week of December. Eclipse season, which we're in from the 20th of November through the 3rd of December, spread that out a week longer, give yourself till December 10th. Eclipse season is definitely a time when things can get wobbly, wonky, weird. Things can happen that seem out of the blue. Opportunities can arise and fall away just as suddenly. Directions that we've been moving with all the conviction in the world can suddenly lead to a dead end. There can be blow ups or something like that. And this particular eclipse is the last in a series that began in June of 2020. So if you think back to June of 2020, what was starting for you then? And whatever situations are coming up for you, consider them. And what I want you to consider is your communication and your mental habits in regards to those situations. I think that you are trying to figure out how to communicate your needs in really different ways. And moving into the future, you need to be more oriented towards your needs and less oriented towards the idea of what's possible. And it feels to me like part of what is happening for you right now is a better understanding of boundaries and possibility and probability and like, reality. And when you move into some kind of — into any circumstances from a place where you're like, this is how it could be. And you're up in your head and you're in your possibilities and you're like, it's gonna look like this, this or that. But you're not paying attention to your body. You're not paying attention to your emotional needs. You're not recognizing if you're feeling fearful, feeling insecure, whatever, because you're trying to be nice, trying to like, put a grin on your face and go like yeah, no, for sure, it's great. This isn't gonna work for you. So this is a time to really like, pay attention to the last year and a half. What have you learned about the need to communicate with clarity, and as you move into the future, what do you want? What are you trying to cultivate? What are you bringing in for yourself? And a lot of us are deathly afraid of what we want, actually. You know, and that the possibility and the premise of getting the thing that we want is absolutely terrifying, because that means that we're going to have to show up for it, it means that we're going to have to be responsible to our own power, it might mean that certain things that we're very attached to have to end. And so again, this is a time to be opening that closet door and looking in it and going like, what have I been scared of seeing? What have I been scared of seeing about myself? What have I been scared of seeing about my relationships, about my desires? A lot of you are having stuff come up around worth and self esteem. And do you, you know, have a right to be here and take up space and have any needs? There might be scarcity issues coming up, insecurity and anxiety shit coming up. And we all have this kind of stuff. And we all have to work with it at various points. And right now it feels like a moment when you're — when you really need to work with it. And this is a moment of transformation, it feels like, from an idea of something into the actual embodied reality of something.


Okay, so during this whole eclipse phase, I do want to say, this is not a time to be hasty, urgent, or aggressive or assert yourself in ways that feel forceful. This is a time to chill as much as you possibly can, to notice what is happening and trying to happen in your life. Notice the messages that are coming in. Again, if there are reversals, sudden changes or things like that, take a big step back and go like, what needed to change? You know, what about that previous direction wasn't actually going to be sustainable? And even if there's heartbreak in it, be honest with yourself because something wasn't working and it did need to change.


As we move into the middle of December, this is a period of time when you need to be courageous, when you need to have determination. It feels like this is a period of time when something might be going on with family, with partners, with people that you live with, or something might be happening again, kind of more internally, in your internal family system that is needing a grieving process, is the feeling that I'm getting. It's like, I feel like you're trying to transform ways of being and let them go. And so this is again, pointing back at that kind of shadow content and material. And in this period of time, please feel your feelings, like feel your fucking feelings. And if you need help to feel your feelings, because I know how air signs get, you know, I have a lot of air in my chart, and sometimes it's like, oh yeah, I know, I have a feeling, and like, you're just thinking about it. Watch a sad movie, you know, like, just give yourself some provocation to get those tears flowing. It feels to me like you need some emotional cleansing right now. If you're open to ritual work, if there are relationships in your life right now that are transforming or ending or if there are ways of being that you are transforming or ending, do some ritual around it. Bury things, burn things, offer, you know, offer them into the atmosphere with your best intentions and go like, may you transform into abundant new life and be in, you know, be expansive about what it is that you're thinking this abundant new life could look like.


It does feel like middle of December is a period of time when something is landing in a different way and you may have a different kind of clarity at this point, or other people that you are relating with may have a different kind of clarity about what it is that they need. And conversations from the middle of December, at least through the end of the year, have some intensity to them. They definitely have some weight to them. And feel your feelings, be present with yourself. This is like, my number one piece of advice for you for Sagittarius Season. Be present with yourself and really try and be responsible for what's happening internally for you so that it doesn't come out externally and unconsciously.


On December 18, there is a Full Moon. This is a Full Moon that is asking you to open your mind to new possibilities. This is a Full Moon that is asking you to think back on the last year and a half or so. What have you been learning about communications? What have you been learning about your needs? And what is ending so that new possibilities can open? For some of you, I think this is going to be a time when you have insight around some kind of creative project or when you feel your energy for expression coming out in a new way or new ways. This is an incredible time for any of you who have any kind of platform to really be like, channeling something. Like, it feels like you're very intuitive at this time when you're offering wisdom to others. And you want to be listening to what you're saying so that you can offer it to yourself too.


From the Full Moon through the end of January of next year, of 2022, a ton of release is happening for you. And so here I'm kind of going back to home, family, family members, domestic partners, housemates, and then inner family work, your inner mother, inner father, the hauntings, right, that we all carry around of our childhood experience. A friend of mine who's a therapist at one point said something to me that I'll never forget, which is that the deepest wounds are always the wounds of origin like, that have to do with family, with home. Oftentimes, they can also be ancestral, right, that have to do with family and home. Like, many of us, our — our ancestors were migrants, many who were forced into migration or who fled or something like that. There's so many attachment traumas in most of our biographies, in our lives and in our family histories. And it feels to me like this is a time when you want to be remembering those stories so that you can clear them. You can tell the stories, it's a good time for you to be working with a therapist, practicing journaling or something like that, remembering, making art, meditating with them. But then also doing the healing. And storytelling is really powerful for this, right, where it's like, tell the story of the attachment trauma. And then this bad thing happened and then I lost this person, and then this person left or something like that. Remember the feeling in yourself and in your body. And then as an adult, as the person that you are now, imagine going back to that time and place and giving yourself or giving your ancestors what was needed. And this is an imagination, so you can give yourself all kinds of things, you can give a completely different outcome to the entire world. You can, you know, justify their feelings, you can listen, you can hold space for grief, you can affirm, you know, oh my gosh, like, this is so painful, you did not deserve this, I'm so sorry. You are a whole, well person, your spirit is magnificent, you know, like you can do work to affirm the parts of you that are wounded.


And the couple of days leading up to the solstice and then as we finish out the year and get into the new year are really profound days for this. And I can't remember if I said this before, but as we move towards the solstice there is this intensification, right, of energy. And let whatever feels intense in your world bring you deeper at this time. If you feel like you don't want to leave your house and all you want to do is lie in bed and sleep, to whatever extent you can, do that. Give that to yourself. I think you're going to need a lot of internal space. I think you need rest. And again, there's this big feeling of shedding. Things need to let go. In order for them to let go, they need to be seen and felt and acknowledged and spoken. And then they need to be put to rest. And this is a very powerful time for you to do any kind of ritual or ceremony that can support and assist you with that. Ritual and ceremony can be very simple. Listen to your own intuition around how you want to create it.


I hope any or all of that is helpful for you, Libra. It does feel like a deep time for you right now. It feels like a time when you are being asked to grapple with intensity. That said, I think this whole year has been a year that's been asking you to grapple with some things. And my sense is here is that the more that you can do that, you know, cleansing of your mind, cleansing of old mental patterns where you're holding on to things and stories and ways of being that keep you circling around the same thing, the better off you are. And so this is a really good time to encounter new ideas. And if there's any way that you can fill your mind with new ideas around whatever the situations are that you're struggling with, there's always other options than the thing that we think that we have to do. There's always something else. It could be really surprising to you. It could be surprisingly pleasurable. Stay open to new situations like this, because it also feels like for a lot of you, there's a lot of breakthrough energy right now and you're recognizing where you've been held back and what old narratives have been holding you back. And as you shed those ways of thinking, you are moving into more of a grounded sense of who you are and what it is that you need and the value that you have in the world and how you want to manifest in your life. So I'm wishing you all the best.


If you want more support, tune in with me throughout the month by subscribing to my extended content, and you'll get access to my Sagittarius Season workshop that includes a deep somatic practice and guided meditation and journey with writing prompts, with New Moon and Full Moon suggestions. You'll also get access to my month ahead calendar. You can pre-order your 2022 Year Ahead Report now, that's an hour and a half long reading that's special for your sign where I give my interpretation and overview of 2022, its opportunities and challenges and suggestions for working with them. You can find all of that at where you can also find my tip jar, and if you've enjoyed this horoscope and if it brings benefit into your life, please consider offering a tip. Your financial donations support this work to continue. Thank you so much. The number one way to support this work is to share it with your friends and your networks and to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite listening platforms. I'm wishing you all the best in Sagittarius Season and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.


VIRGO Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)


SCORPIO Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)