SCORPIO Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)

Feel where your body connects with gravity and Earth.
Root into the support that is your birthright.
You can take up space here.
Your needs are valid.
Your voice is valuable.
Transmute belief patterns that keep you
hidden and holding yourself alone.
Call in connections that see and support you.


Hello, Scorpio. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thanks for tuning in. You're listening to your horoscope for Sagittarius Season, November 21st through December 21st, 2021. My name is Renee, I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. This horoscope is a channeled reading and an intuitive download as to what I'm perceiving to be the main themes, challenges and opportunities of the upcoming cycle for you. Please listen through the lens of your own intuition. My words, my vocabulary and experience is limited. And I invite you to make the meaning that is meaningful for you. So please associate with anything that I'm saying if it's not landing exactly, and trust whatever it is that's coming up for you. Take what works, leave the rest. I always recommend that folks tune in with horoscopes for their Sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you prefer to read rather than listen.


Alright, my friend. We enter into Sagittarius Season with a lot of energy, and it feels to me like you have kind of like, I don't know, a blast. I don't know if it feels like you're blasting off into space or you are blasting back onto Earth or something like that. But after Scorpio Season and what it kind of brought up or brought to the surface for you, my sense is that you've done like a lot of clearing, and you may have been dealing with some fairly intense energy some of you, or you may have been intense in yourself as you've been shifting ways of being. And moving into Sagittarius Season, there is a lot of energy for a new program, new ideas about especially how you want to be showing up in the world and showing up in relationships. And I'm talking about relationships in general here. What are you wanting to give? What are you wanting to get? How are you wanting to be with people? I mean, Scorpio is real, like, y'all don't fuck around. You want depth, right? Like, you want what is real. And it feels to me like in Scorpio Season, you did some uncovering as to what is not real for you potentially, like ways of being that had you acting, performing, making assumptions about what other people want and need, somehow deviating from yourself, it was like you recognized these patterns and you were like, no, not wanting to do that anymore.


And as we move into Sagittarius Season, a process that you have been in, I would say for about the last year and a half, that has had you coming closer and closer to — it feels like the nugget, the core of your inner depth is coming to a close. And the first couple of weeks of Sagittarius Season are full of energy. And this energy is, in many ways, about releasing what's old and welcoming in what is new. And on the way out for you are outdated ideas about your value, first of all, and so here's where you get to these old programs like, you are valuable if you wear sexy clothes. You know, that's one example. Like, you are valuable if you take care of people in this particular way. Over the last year and a half, you've been recognizing these ideas about what makes you worthwhile, what makes you valuable, and you are confronting them. I think you're dealing with the discomfort and the fear that comes up when you try and change them. Right. Because if you think that you're valuable when you wear sexy clothes, and then it's a pandemic and all you want to do is wear sweatpants and it doesn't matter anyway because you're not going out, that might create a whole crisis. You know, and it's this kind of silly example, but it's also not because a lot of the ways that we're programmed are kind of silly. Like, they have to do with superficiality. They have to do with a kind of social performance or really funky societal constructs that are really basic, that are rooted in just like, basic, uncreative, oppressive thought systems. And if over the last year and a half, you've been learning that you have value as a human being, even when you're wearing sweatpants, and you don't need to be sexy in order to be worth loving, this is huge, right? Like this would be a huge melting in your being. And so think about what have you been unwinding in your own psyche that has to do with what makes you worth it or what makes something worth it, where the value is of something.


Now, obviously, value and sustenance, sustainability, resources have a lot to do with each other. And so you may have also been working very closely with financial realities or resource realities, and needing to untie and untether yourself from outdated ways of thinking about resources. What you need, what you don't need, what you're entitled to, etc. And my hope for you is that what you're moving into is a more full, luscious, embodied way of being that trusts that you are worth pleasure in like this — I mean, I saw this post on Instagram the other day where someone was talking about, you know, what is really self care? Like, is taking a bath and taking a nap actually self care? Or is it just surviving? Like, is this just something that we need to do in order to be healthy and well in the world? On the comment thread, someone was talking about they had chronic illness, and that they need to get regular massage so that they feel like they can function. And there's this gaslighting that will happen for them, you know, where people are like, oh, you're getting a massage every week, like, wow, so extravagant. And they're going no, this is like, for me to be basically functional in the world, I need to care for myself. And it's like, I feel you like moving towards this, where ideas that you may have used to have had about, oh, I mean, you're a Scorpio, right? So you're like, I can withstand that pain, and I don't need to give myself that thing, and, you know, whatever. It's like, I'm gonna walk a mile with this rock in my shoe and like, this is like, life, you know, life is painful. Like, I feel like you're having this kind of awakening and you're going, you know, it's okay to stop and take the rock out of my shoe. Like, it's better for me to walk with comfort in my feet. It's okay for me to take a nap. It is okay for me to care for myself in these ways, to spend money on myself in these ways, whatever it is. Especially when it comes to relationships, and again, relationships in general in the world, it is okay for you to take up space, it is okay for you to have a voice, it is okay for you to have needs, it is okay for you to be a human being. And human beings are animals. And we are soft and fluid on the inside. And we need sleep and we need regular food and all kinds of things that are basic, and then all kinds of things that go beyond what's going to be labeled basic but will feel fundamental to each of us. And so it feels to me like you're having these recognitions right now of, wow, like when I allow myself this, fill in the blank, that I used to think was a luxury or whatever, I'm actually so much more well. And it's landing for you that it is okay for you to have what you need and to be who you are.


Now, there's a whole lot of reason to have scarcity issues coming up in 2021. Almost, what is it now like, almost two years into a pandemic? Things feel very chaotic for a lot of people and there are a lot of fears for sure. I really want to encourage you to reach out to friends. And in this new way of being that you're trying to open to in the world, to try and fathom, you know, for yourself, like as a practice that it's not always possible for us to give each other, you know, what people want. But a lot of the time, it feels good, right, like to be able to give what you have. And it feels good to share, and especially when friendship and intimacy is the reward. And in that reward, there's a greater resource, which is called community. I think that more and more people are kind of like clicking out of just full on materialism, and clicking more into relationality as a lifestyle goal. And it feels to me like this might be happening for you, and that this might be happening for the people around you. And as we move into December, appreciate what comes through your community, appreciate what comes through your connections, your friendships, your networks. And if what is coming through is not aligned for you, especially in these new ways of being where I'm saying, it's okay for you to take up space, it's okay for you to ask for what you need — if you're getting feedback from people and they're like, oh my God, no, those are probably not relationships that you want to continue.


And we're working with eclipse season, end of November, beginning of December, and a lot of stuff is changing, a lot of things are shifting. And for you, there may be a necessary kind of rearrangement and readjustment with certain relationships that like, can't meet you in this new space that you're in. You're looking to cultivate abundance right now. And this is abundance in your body and in your being. And definitely abundance in your networks and abundance in your relationships. That doesn't mean you can only be friends with people who have resources, it means that you're recognizing the resource of the relationship. And that when you're connecting with people who are actually hearing you, feeling you, seeing you, echoing you, right, like affirming you as a human being, that they're showing up for you like friends do. Like really good friends hold each other accountable. It's like, wow, you know, when you said this, this is how I felt, and it's not to blast you or make you wrong, it's so that we can have a repair process, so that we can get to know each other better, so that there can be trust on the other side. This is the kind of thing that I feel like you really want to be inviting into your sphere. Some of you, like I said, are going through some kind of process around relationships, and I'm getting particularly with friendships, maybe somewhat with colleagues. Some of you maybe with siblings. Potentially with romantic partners, although I'm feeling that less. But definitely from middle of December all the way until the end of January, if the relationships are not meeting you in the way that you want to be met, it is time to move on, or it is time to have a clarifying conversation and see if you can, you know, create some new agreements in the relationship. And if they — if you can't create them, then it is time to move on. So consider for yourself as you move into Sagittarius Season, again, like, this question of value, you know, what is really nourishing for you? What feels like it's going to support the kind of growth that you want to tend and cultivate in your life and in the world? In which ways are you expending energy to cultivate what is counter to that? When you identify those places, start to work to shift them.


There may need to be important conversations, especially in middle and late December and January. You might need to have like, you know, come to Jesus conversations with yourself, with others, with important relationships. This is also a time when some of you are rethinking projects and you want to make sure, again, that it is worth your time and energy, that what you are investing in your time, attention, brain power, emotional power, right, your labor, your money. These are circumstances that you want to grow, that you want to see grow. If you're investing your energy in circumstances that feel like a burden, you want to change them, you need to shift them somehow. And that might mean that you need to ask for help, it might mean that you need to break up, it might mean that you need to break down, just end something, I don't know. But you have to consider your energy right now as your most precious resource, and be very conscious with yourself around how you're utilizing it and how you are engaging with yourself and engaging with others.


There is a lot of energy for you to be welcoming in support and abundance for yourself right now. It 100% relies on you communicating what you need and taking up space. So you cannot get the support and the abundance that you want by doing it all yourself right now, by spinning yourself around trying to like manage all this stuff for yourself. You need support, you need relationships, you need to be connecting with people who hear you, who see you, who understand your vision, who will give you solid feedback, who will help you figure out how to get to where you want to go. Talk — I'm getting it's like, friends and colleagues, it's people who are in your network. Who do you admire? Whose opinion do you value? Who do you trust? You know, cultivate relationships with those people, this will help you.


There are some of you out there who are working on communication projects, writing projects, speaking projects, things like that. There is some kind of necessary period of assessment, research, more inner work, again, through the end of January next year. Take your time, don't be hasty.


In general, I just want to say all of Sagittarius Season, we're coming in with eclipses, we're moving towards the solstice. This is a period of intensification and atmospheric energy as we move towards the solstice. The solstice is a point when the Earth in its relationship to the Sun gets to a critical turning point, and this is then embodied for all of us as points of change, intensification of change. And what I'm getting for you is that you are kind of at the end of a significant cycle. And at the end of a cycle, this is like — we have to look at what have we been carrying throughout this cycle? Maybe tools that have helped us earlier on, but where — what are we carrying that we don't need anymore? I'm getting this so strongly for you, that it's like, out with the old, in with the new. This is definitely time to let things go that are not serving you.


This is a big theme for the Full Moon on December 18th. Out with the old. This is a great time to release family patterns, ancestral patterns, ways of being that are rooted in early childhood, again, in your early consciousness and memories. This is an incredible Full Moon to be thinking about alchemizing old patterns and transforming them into new growth for yourself. Especially again, with relationships. Like these themes, just over and over. You gotta take up space, do not hide yourself. If you're relating with people that can't — you know, that like, you're going to be too much for them or something and it's like, you feel yourself shrinking or you feel like, oh, they can't handle it. It's like, why are you relating with them? What are you trying to get there? Plenty of people in the world can handle your Scorpionic intensity and they're going to love it. Plenty of people can handle your emotion, they can handle your truth. They're not going to take it on themselves to like, fix it or, you know, feel freaked out or something like that. You have to find quality relationships right now. And by no means am I saying like, rush out and try and fill your time with relationships. I'm also getting that this is definitely a period of time when focusing on yourself is a good thing to be doing. But in the ways that you're focusing on yourself, notice like, are there avoidance patterns? Are there reasons that you're choosing to be with yourself because you think that other people suck, like they can't meet you with what you need? What are those stories, you know, that you're spinning that like, you know, other people aren't to be trusted or you can't have what you want and need, that they can't give it to you. The more you tell yourself those stories, the more they're true.


Use Sagittarius Season to tell yourself stories of abundance, and to tell yourself stories of your needs being met. Your needs might not be met by every single person on Earth, but if they are met by a precious few, that will be enough. Wake up every single morning and envision for yourself what kind of feeling you want to predominate in your life. What feeling do you want for yourself? What feeling do you want in relationships, in friendships, in intimacy, in partnership, with children, with old people? Like, what feeling do you want with your work in the world? What feeling do you want for the world, for the environment, for the shitshow, you know, of 2021 or 2022 as we head into it? Focus on what you want to cultivate. Turn your mind in that direction. Really work skillfully with your mind. Notice what your narratives are, what the stories are that you are telling, and invite in abundance, invite in satisfaction, invite in "yes." Don't expect it all to come at once. It won't. But the more that you get clear for yourself on the sensations that resonate for you as "yes," then the more you can recognize them when they do show up, and the more you can discern when the other stuff is there that you don't want. And that's where you are out with the old.


Alright, so I hope any or all of that is helpful for you. If you want support throughout the month, become an extended subscriber with me. You'll get access to my Sagittarius Season workshop. This is an embodied exploration and somatic practice, a guided visualization and journey that helps you work with the influences that I'm talking about. You will also get access to my month ahead calendar, which is a nice guide for the upcoming astrology. My 2022 Year Ahead Reports are available for pre-order now. Those readings are an hour and a half long, special for your sign, where I give you a forecast of what I'm reading as the most influential benefits, opportunities and challenges coming up and suggestions for how to work with them. You can also find the 2021 reports now discounted to 50% at On my website, you'll also find my tip jar in the upper right hand corner, and if you enjoy these horoscopes and they bring benefit to your life, please consider leaving a tip. Your financial donations sustain this work and the team that makes it happen. We are so grateful to you. Thank you. The number one way to support this work is to share it with your friends and networks, to post it on your social media, to subscribe, rate and leave affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms. So thank you so much for your support. It is so appreciated. I am wishing you all the best in Sagittarius Season and beyond. Bye for now.


LIBRA Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)


SCORPIO Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)