Embodied Astrology

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PISCES Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

To grow into the person
you came here to be,
you must also be willing to let go
of the person you came here to be.
Check in.
What elements of your identity and expression
are asking for an upgrade?


Hello Pisces, welcome to your Cancer Season horoscope, June 20 through July 22, 2021. This is Embodied Astrology. My name is Renee, I'm the astrologer here. Happy to be with you today, wherever you are in time and space. I always recommend that people listen or read horoscopes for their sun and their rising signs. If you don't know all of your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section. As you listen to this horoscope, please take in whatever works for you. Whatever doesn't work for you, please feel free to leave it behind. Always listen through the lens of your own intuition and make the meaning that's most meaningful for you.


Alright friends. Well, Cancer as an archetypal energy is complementary with your energy, with Pisces energy, because it is also a water sign, water energy. So this season, as the sun moves into Cancer, it gives you a boost. It brings vitality and energy and illumination into a part of your chart that is very fun. This is the most fun part of the chart. This is the place where we find you playing, getting in touch with your inner child, hanging out with actual kids or people who are childlike in their expression. This is the place where we find you engaged in your favorite pastimes or your hobbies. We find you connecting with pleasure energy, with erotic energy, and with your creative energy. And as a creative person, you're a human being, therefore you are a creative being, what is your joy? What do you want to create? What do you want to express in this world? And what you have come here to create and express is unique to you. And just like a snowflake, right, like no two are the same. You have a unique offering, you have come here to bring that unique offering, and that is your creation. And your creation will take a multitude of different forms, you will create through your basic energy, through your interactions, through projects that you initiate, through anything that you birth into the world, anything that you form into the world, including children, if you have them, but also including creative projects, and other kinds of things, you know, that you can give form to. So this is a really good time for you to be connecting with your creative energy. And the kind of location in the body for this energy is your heart and your spine. So if you tune in with your centrality, your central axis, and throughout the season, just try and touch in, you know, with your core, with your center, and I mean that from a physical, locational sensory awareness. Go into the center of your body, into your heart, into your spine. Try and tune in with the energy that is central to you. And ask yourself what wants to be expressed? What wants to come through from this space? And that would be a good Cancer Season meditation because this is definitely a time when you are asking yourself, who are you and what are you bringing into the world?


So throughout this season, this 30 day span of time there is a—or there are a couple of interesting themes that have to do with planetary retrogrades. And the first one has to do with Jupiter and Jupiter has recently made an entry into your sign and it stations retrograde and so that means that it is moving back and out of your sign. But it stations retrograde the first day of Cancer Season and the entirety of this season, Jupiter is in your sign but retrograding. So if you're an astrologer, great you can take those words, you know what to do with them. For anybody else, I want to offer that you are beginning a phase of expansion in your life and this phase has to do with personal learning, personal growth, and you coming into the next chapter of your life here in your embodiment, in terms of what it is that you really want to bring into the world. So before when I was talking about your unique self expression, there is the feeling that I get for you that this expression is changing, and that it's wanting to grow into some new forms and you have some new ideas about who you are and who you could be. And the sense that I get is that you are growing. And you might be in a growth phase right now that feels a little bit like goo like a caterpillar in a chrysalis and you feel yourself becoming something new. And you might have some clear ideas about where it is that you want to go. But my sense is, is that especially over the course of Cancer Season, you're working something out about how you get to this next new chapter. You might have been filled over the last month or so with some exciting new ideas and with some feelings, some vibes of like, this is what I want, or this is what I want to feel, or you may have been quite inspired. Some people might have been feeling what can sometimes seem like the opposite of inspiration, which is like depression or apathy. And I just want to say that for those of you, if you have been feeling that, it might be worth just asking the question of whether the depression and apathy is coming from an old energy ready to be released. And sometimes I find this, I find this with myself, and I certainly talk to clients about this, that when we're finishing up old phases of our lives, the continuation or enactment of those ways of being, as we're ready to let go of them but before we figured out what the next thing is can sometimes feel like so burdensome and quite depressing. They can have a kind of inertia to them. And sometimes that's actually really useful, because it stimulates distaste, you know, it stimulates a kind of frustration or even repulsion. Sometimes it makes us push away from the old ways of being and really ask ourselves, like, how do I get into this new space that I want to be in. And my sense for you through a lot of Cancer Season is that this is kind of the feeling, that this is the energy, is that you're going, “I'm ready to change, I'm ready to become this, you know, this new upgraded version of myself.” If again, it feels like there's some kind of expression, some qualities of being, there may be specific themes around creative projects or family, or, you know, again, what you're birthing into the world that feel really important for you to make space around. And you're going to have to restructure some things. And this is a time for you that feels like there's some letting go and reworking that needs to happen to make space for this newness that wants to come in. So again, this is all of Cancer Season. So this is a really good time, during this 30 day span of time for you to be doing this work of checking in with your inner self, really listening to how your sense of your higher self, you know, your intuitive self wants to move and wants to grow and looking for opportunities. Where can you grow in these ways that you want to grow? Any kind of creative practice or time spent with your inner child or with childlike beings, people who will get you to play and lose track of psychological time and enjoy, you know, imagination or fantasy, silliness, like that energy is super helpful for you right now. So if you could make time and space for that, that would be a really good thing.


There is a full moon on the 24th of June that is a sweet full moon is what it feels like to me, especially in your chart. It's bringing a lot of support for the sense of personal expansion, for the future, for how you want to grow into this next iteration and new phase of your life. So if you would like to work with lunar phases, then you may want to carve out some time for yourself around the 23rd, 24th, 25th. The full moon is exact on the 24th. Again to just check in with this kind of expansive, growing, growth oriented energy.


Mercury's also finishing up its retrograde, it's stationing direct on June 22. It has a little bit of time left in that shadow phase. So the shadow phase revisits some of the themes of the retrograde and that'll take us all the way to the new moon on July 9. So this span of time between June 22 and July 9 is an interesting span of time, in that it might bring some clarity for you about particular themes that have been coming up over this retrograde. Mercury has been retrograde since the end of May, it started its shadow on May 15. So if you think back to May 15 or so and what's been happening for you, especially in the realms of home and family. This is where Mercury retrograde is kind of moving for you. Now, I do want to say that home and family have deep psychological roots. And so while some folks, some Pisces identified folks, might not have very explicit or obvious situations going on in home and family, I would encourage you then to feel into your psyche, into your sense of self, into the way that you orient around a sense of belonging, a sense of place, a sense of personal power, and how you work with your own experience of being family or familial or familiar with yourself, with others, etc., and also a sense of home. And with Mercury retrograde over the last month or so, there's been some important, I don't know what they are for you, renegotiations, decisions, spaces of confusion perhaps that you're working out that have to do with your life direction, who you are as a person, who you know yourself to be in who you know yourself to become—to be becoming, right, like this sense of growth in who you are right now. It's forcing some kind of change or changes are happening and it's forcing some change for you to shift your self concept. So as we move through, again, these two weeks from June 22 through July 9, this is a good time again for you to just be noticing, like what is ready to shift? If relationships, agreements around, you know, ways of being, situations in your domestic sphere, agreements that you've made with work, with partners, with family, like if things are coming up and you're going, ah, wow, I don't have the energy for this. Notice that. And when we get to the new moon, which is exact on July 9, this is a powerful new moon for you to really be meditating with: What do you have energy for? And what do you want to bring into the world through your own energy? And again, this part of your chart that Cancer represents is very much a place of you giving form to something in your life, to many things, what do you birth into the world? What is your unique expression? What is your creative offering? What is your joy? What is your passion? What are you here for? What are you here to do with your energy? And the two weeks between June 22 and July 9 are two weeks that are probably going to bring some clarity to you about how you want to use your energy and how you don't want to. And when we get to that new moon, wonderful time for you to be working lunar magic and releasing. Doing the work of the new moon to let go of old ways of being and then calling in new ways of being. So what are you calling in? You're calling in creative energy, you're calling in passion, you're calling in joy, you're calling in integrity with yourself, authenticity with yourself. You're not here to perform for other people's approval, you're here for some reason of your own. So what is that reason?


There is a lot of Leo energy coming in, in Cancer Season. And so the vibes this month, while they really have you focusing on kind of this creative space, this passion space, what do you want to be doing with your energy, etc? There's also an emphasis on how does this become your day to day? What do you want to be doing with your job? What do you—how do you want to be handling your responsibilities? How do you want to be orienting around your schedule? And I think that you have the sense that your creative energy needs to be supported by some kind of new creativity in your schedule. And so as Venus moves into Leo and meets up with Mars there, there are several aspects, big aspects occurring between Venus and Mars and Leo from June 26 all the way until mid-July. And that span of time, my friends, I think is going to bring a lot of action into our lives. And for you, some of the big action feels like it's happening, when it comes to the structure of your life, and how you're setting yourself up to do the things that you want to do. Work is really important right now. And I do want to kind of draw a line of distinction between a job and a career. I get the sense that some folks out there, some Pisces identified folks might be drawing that distinction for themselves, and might be making important decisions right now around—you know, some people might be saying, "Okay, I'm going to take this job that is not at all about my life path or what I want to birth into the world or something like that, but this job gives me some financial stability, it gives me a routine and it gives me a schedule, and then that opens up space for my creative energy." Some of the other Pisces out there might be going, "I gotta quit my job, you know, I need a new situation so that I can actually be more in touch with my life energy as it wants to come through." No preference on my part. I do want to just encourage all of you who are listening to do a little bit of an energy audit for yourself and notice how you're using your time and energy and especially when it comes to your daily tasks and your daily rhythms, which will include your labor and jobs that you work as well as, you know, your sense of organization, your functionality and how you're holding your life up and together. And especially for this span of time from mid—excuse me, from late June through mid-July, it feels to me like you've a lot of energy to move towards change and restructuring and getting your life organized in such a way that it does allow you more space for time, for pleasure, for creativity, and flow.


So I hope that that is true for you, my friend, and I also hope that any or all of this horoscope is interesting and helpful and will support you over the course of Cancer Season. If you want more astrology, check out your Year Ahead Embodied Astrology Reading, I have readings for all 12 signs, they're an hour and a half long. And they go through the major themes of 2021 for your sign with suggestions for working with the opportunities and challenges. And now that we're halfway through the year, those readings are discounted 50% so check them out. If you want more astrology with me because you want to learn astrology, please sign up to become an extended content subscriber. You'll get access to my month ahead calendars as well as my subscriber only Zoom meetups where we work with astrology every month, where we apply it to our charts and are building a pretty sweet little community space. You can also follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology. And if you appreciate this work, please subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes. Share it with your friends and family and of course, your tips are always so appreciated. You can find out more info on everything at embodiedastrology.com. I'm wishing you all the best in Cancer Season. Much love. Bye for now.