Winter Ritual - An audio workshop with Renee Sills


This recording was made on December 22, 2018 at North Portland Yoga. This was the day of Winter Solstice and also happened to be a full moon in the sign Cancer. There were about 30 people in attendance who held the ritual space with me, so as you listen and practice with this recording you’ll hear all of our movements, breath, and voices, as well as the sounds of the space. The first hour and 20 minutes or so is a time to attune to your breath and body sensations, and to explore your relationship to space, movement, and possibly other people or objects. You’ll hear my cues for the space we were in then, and for our group. Please adapt and modify your own movements and practices to be in the space you’re in now, with who and what you happen to be sharing space with. At an hour and 17 minutes into the workshop, we’ll shift gears and move into a writing practice. You’re welcome to continue to follow along for that portion with my voice, but you can also find the writing prompts I offered on the link for this recording, or at in the Work With Me section, under resources. The last 20 minutes of the workshop was a time for our group to share some words and light candles together. If you’d like to follow along for that portion, then listen to the words we each offered, and take them in for your own intentions. Light a candle at the end and imagine that your flame is burning with ours, and that your intention is also held with our group here.

Thank you so much for your interest and participation with this ritual. I truly hope that it brings you benefit. If you’d like to donate to support more offerings such as this one, please visit and click the donate button. You can also visit the website to find more information about me and any other upcoming events. Finally, if you’re interested in the astrology that inspired this workshop and the movements and questions we worked with, listen to the Embodied Astrology podcast for December 22, 2018, entitled “All the ways we keep coming together.” I always welcome your feedback and responses, so please don’t hesitate to share through email or commenting on the links where you find this recording. I wish you all the best, deep peace, healing and happiness in 2019 and beyond. Enjoy the ritual.

- How/what are you feeling right now? (5 minute free-write)
- Where am I coming from? (10 minute free-write)
- What are my orbits and turning points? What do I center or circle around? What/who keeps me in its/their gravitational pull? (10 minute free-write)
- Write 5 lines (bullet points or simple statements) about what the future looks like - this can for you or for the planet - what do you want to see, what are your intentions, what is your vision.


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